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1、高职国际英语book1unit6高职国际英语book1unit6Unit 6 Hobbies Lesson1: 1.This unit is about. Topics Kinds of hobbies The 10 most popular hobbies What is a hobby? Extreme sports Two swimmersstories The French Open, an important tennis tournament Skills Joining words and their meanings Reading between the lines Spea

2、king: Discussing the pros and cons of extreme sports Discussing a problem Role play Writing: An informal letter Project: Researching the life of a sports person Grammar Prefixes and suffixes 2.Focus: 2.1 Warming up 1. Sports: give the names of the sports shown in the picture. 2. Useful Expressions h

3、ockey; football; basketball; cricket; soccer; baseball; volleyball; tennis . 3. What else sports can you think of? table tennis; billiards; archery; boxing 4.Think about your hobbies and try to find them in the following picture as fast as you can. Describe them to your partners. playing football pl

4、aying hockey playing chess playing the piano Skiing working in the garden dancing Cooking repairing an old car riding a bicycle sky diving jogging - 1 - Directions1: Copy the table and write the hobbies in the first column. (You can add more as you wish e.g. dancing or singing). Now tick the columns

5、 as you think fit. Ifyoudontknowthenames of any of the hobbies, look them up in a dictionary. Directions2.Work with a partner. Discuss your table. Examples: Idontlike(playing football) because I think it is (boring). Yes, but it is betterthan You are right, butistoo(expensive/dangerous). Directions3

6、.Useful Expressions traditional dance; working in a garden; mountain climbing; bungee jumping; yoga . interesting; entertaining; tedious; time-consuming . 3.A People and issues Passage A The 10 most popular hobbies 3.1 Key words: 1.Free running A style of urban acrobatics that incorporates jumps, fl

7、ips, wall climbing, and other activities to traverse a cityscape. It started in 2003 and was developed as a more inclusive form of the discipline of Parkour. him/herself in his/her environment without limitations numerous kinds of obstacles multiple directional capabilities 3.Abseiling Fro

8、m the Germanwordabseilenmeaningtoropedown, it is the process of sliding down a rope under controlled conditions. Also known as rappelling in the United States. 4.canyoneering , rock climbing, caving, mountaineering descend slopes, cliffs steep - 2 - 3.2 Words and expressions bowling n. 保龄球 stuff n.

9、事情,东西 windsurfing n. 风帆冲浪 well-earned adj. earned through hard work 完全应得的 extreme adj. very dangerous 极限的 bungee jumping 蹦极跳 free running 跑酷 abseiling n. 绳降 category n. group 分类 air pollution 空气污染 equipment n. 装备 3.3Text When I meet someone for the first time, one of the first questions Iaskis:Whats

10、yourfavorite hobby?Mostpeople just look at me andarenttoosureiftheyevenhaveahobby. Some people even say they have no time for hobbies. They quickly return the question back to me. This is when I give them a list of the hobbies I enjoy. However, if most people took the time to think about it they wou

11、ld realize they have several hobbies, most of which you can find on the 10 most popular hobbies list. 10 MOST POPULAR HOBBIES 1. Cooking 2. Exercising 3. Bowling 4. Doing team sports 5. Shopping 6. Traveling 7. Playing cards or board games 8. Swimming 9. Going dancing 10. Playing tennis So there we

12、have it! The 10 most popular hobbies. Unfortunately hobbies take time. The majority of people spend 40 hours a week at work or doing stuff for or in school. That does not leave much time - 3 - for a hobby. So it is important that you choose hobbies you can do at the same time. For example, you could

13、 meet your friends at the beach. At the beach you could swim, relax, read, listen to music, play cards and watch other people play beach volleyball. You could, of course join in a game of volleyball or go windsurfing. After that you could have a well-earned sleep. If I have counted correctly you hav

14、e now done half of the 10 most popular hobbies all in one afternoon! Of course there are many other hobbies which are considered to be a little bit more extreme, such as bungee jumping, sky diving, free running or abseiling. These extreme sports can only be done if you are very fit and some of them,

15、 e.g. sky diving, are expensive. They do not belong in the category of popular hobbies. However, one of the most popular sports is jogging which can be done at any time anywhere (except perhaps where there is a lot of traffic and therefore a lot of air pollution!) and does not even need any special

16、equipment. The only thing necessary is a good pair of shoes. So there is no reason to say you have no time for hobbies. 3.4参考译文: 十大热门业余爱好 初次与人相识时,我肯定会问人家这样一个问题:“你最喜欢的业余爱好是什么,”大多数人会就那么看着我,他们也吃不准自己是否有什么业余爱好。有的人甚至说他们根本没有业余活动的时间。他们会很快反问我同样的问题。这时我就会给他们列出一长串我喜欢的业余活动。而大多数人如果认真想一下的话,会发现其实他们有不少业余活动,而且其中多数还名列

17、十大热门业余爱好排行榜。 十大热门业余爱好 1. 烹饪 2. 健身 3. 保龄球 4. 团队运动 5. 购物 6. 旅行 7. 纸牌或棋类游戏 - 4 - 8. 游泳 9. 跳舞 10. 网球 好啦这就是最受欢迎的十大业余爱好。不幸的是,业余爱好是要花时间的。大多数人每周要工作或者学习40个小时。剩下来留给业余爱好的时间就不多了。因此最好选择那些能同时进行的业余爱好。比如说,你可以同朋友们在海边见面。在海边,你可以游泳、放松、读书、听音乐、玩牌、观看沙滩排球。当然,你也可以加入打排球的队伍,或者去冲浪。然后,你理应再好好睡一觉。 如果我没算错的话,你一个下午就完成了十大业余爱好中的一半当然还有

18、许多其他稍稍有些极限的业余爱好,例如蹦极、高空跳伞、跑酷或者绳降。这些极限运动只要你身体健康就可以完成,而有一些,比如高空跳伞,花费可能会比较大,并不属于大众业余爱好。 但是,最流行的运动项目之一是慢跑,可以随时随地进行(除非交通特别拥挤因而空气污染严重的时候),完全不需要任何专门的装备。唯一必需的是一双好鞋。 所以别再找理由说自己没有时间搞业余爱好了。 3.5 Important words and structures unfortunately adv.itsapitybut不幸的是;遗憾的是;令人失望的是 e.g. I like cats but unfortunatelyImalle

19、rgic to them. 我喜欢猫,但遗憾的是我对猫过敏。 Unfortunately, Iwontbeabletoattend the meeting. 真可惜我不能参加这次会议。 stuff n. work etc. 事情,东西 e.g. The problem: How do you effectively manage all this stuff? 问题是:你如何才能有效地管理所有这些事情, Whatsallthatsticky stuff on the carpet? 地毯上那黏糊糊的都是什么玩意儿, well-earned adj. earned through hard wo

20、rk 理应得到的;当之无愧的 e.g. Shewontbeatworknextweek sheshaving a well- - 5 - earned rest. 她下周不上班,理应休息一下了。 Her legendary name is well-earned. 她的传奇美名当之无愧。 extreme adj. very dangerous 过激的,极限的 e.g. His views are rather extreme. 他的见解相当偏激。 The first extreme sport might have been mountaineering, or mountain climbi

21、ng. 最早的极限运动可能就是登山,或者叫做登山运动。 category n. group 种类;范畴 e.g. Williamsstyle does not fit easily into the category of jazz. 威廉姆斯的风格不完全属于爵士乐的范畴。 These questions may be included in the same category. 以归入一类。 这些问题可equipment n. things you need 设备,装备 e.g. Despite the crudity of their methods and equipment, the

22、experiment was a considerable success. 尽管他们的方法和设备较为粗陋,那次实验却相当成功。 They have all the equipment and advice you will need. 他们有你需要的所有设备和建议。 equip v. 装备;配备 e.g. Theycantafford to equip their army. 他们无力装备自己的军队。 You should equip yourself with the knowledge you can acquire. 你应该用你能学习到的知识来装备自己。 They quickly re

23、turn the question back to me.: Immediately they ask me the same question I just asked them. return: If you return someonesaction, you do the same thing to them as they have just done to you. e.g. Back at the station the chief inspector returned the call. - 6 - 回到警察局后,督察长回了电话。 Assignments: P84 Exerci

24、se 1.2.3 - 7 - Unit 6 Hobbies Lesson2: Have a Review for Exercises in Lesson 1 1.Looking at the text: Directions1: Read the statements and tick the correct box. Directions2: Choose the best answer. 1. I always ask about somebodyshobby _. a) when I first meet them b) when I know them Directions3: Nam

25、e the sports. Write the names under these four extreme sports without looking at the text. Directions3:Additional practice More questions on the text: 1)Why do some people think theydonthaveahobby? _ 2)When do they then realise that they DO have a hobby? _ 3) Why is it difficult to find time for hob

26、bies? _ 4) Since wedonthavemuchtimeforhobbies, what is important to do? _ 5) What could you do after you have been very active? _ 6) What must you be to do extreme sports? _ 7) What makes some of these sports difficult for the normal person to do? _ - 8 - 8) Which hobby can you do almost anywhere an

27、d costs nothing? _ 2.Working with words: Directions1.Opposites Find the words in the text which mean the opposite of these words. Directions2. Use the words in Task 1 to fill in the gaps in these statements. 1) The Olympic Games is a very _ event. 2) Some people _ sports but other people _ any form

28、of exercise and would rather just read a book. 3) It is better to choose a hobby which is not _. 4) _ a lot of popular hobbies do not cost too much money. 5) _ hobbies need special equipment but others do not, e.g. jogging. 6) The _ of people have a hobby. It is only the _ who do not. 3.Listening 1:

29、What is a hobby? Interviewer: Our first guest tonight is Paul. Paul, tell us about your hobbies. Paul: Yes, well, I have several hobbies. I like painting and visiting art galleries and museums. But my very favourite hobby is playing the guitar (I play in a band) and going to concerts. Interviewer: N

30、ext we have Robert. Robert, what do you do in your free time? Robert: Thatseasyformetoanswer because I just love sport! For example, running, playing basketball, swimming. But I also like playing chess. Interviewer: And you, Zoe? Zoe: Most people my age do some kind of sport but, to be honest, sport doesntinterest me very much. My hobbies are playing the guit

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