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1、Know different customs and culture in the world 方便了解世界上不同的风俗和文化negative impact on 消极的影响spread harmful information 传播不良信息Excessive dependence on computer,Practice ability is not strong 过度依赖电脑,实践能力不强Addict to the computer games and indulging in unreal world沉迷网络游戏和虚幻的世界中Do harm to the normal life and s

2、tudy 影响正常的学习和生活三、Personal Quality of a University Student:Experiment 阅历Professional skills 专业技能Communication沟通Cooperation 合作Expression ability表达能力四、Plagiarism(剽窃) in Academic Field:Moral 道德 Legal 法律System 体制Control monitor监控Punishment 惩罚self-discipline 自律supervision 监督五、Due Attention Should Be Given

3、 To the Study of Chineseintercultural communication foreign language acquisition get a good jobtreasure Chinese language stimulate Chinese languageeffective measures the importance of Chinese culture and Chinese race. contribute our own efforts and protection 六、Effects of Financial Crisis on College

4、 Studentssunk into a severe recession. go bankrupt laid off high-returninvestment bubbles burst loans can never be retrieved victim internships and job vacancies keep shrinking hard-pressed part-time jobs help cover their expenses submit high quality resumes quick returns Stay alert and protect ours

5、elves七、Drug Abuse1. drug abuse is inadvisable2.(1)drug abuse does harm to our health take medicine against medical advice do harm to our mental and physical system(2) social harm abuse of medicine given cause serious social harm(3) a wasteful use of resources the waste of medical resources waste of

6、time and money3. the government should enact relevant lawsagainst drug abuse and do more exercises to improve the physique八、Keeping a Good Mood1. keeping a good mood is benefit to people2.(1)do us a lot good in our physical and mental makes for good physical health help us release stress(2) promote

7、our work and stduy efficiencyrelieve pressure on workimprove academic achivement(3)get real happiness triumph over pain indifferent to fame and wealth3.keep a good mood in all circumstances have confidence maintain a common heartbe open-minded一、On Knowledge and Ability Knowledge is more important th

8、an ability 知识比能力更重要Ability is more important than knowledge 能力比知识更重要Knowledge and ability are equally important 知识和能力同样重要Knowledge can bring people to wider world 知识能把人们引向更广阔的世界Knowledge can expand mans thinking知识能拓展人的思维Knowledge can also improve peoples ability to innovate 知识还可以提过人的创新能力Ability can

9、help us to better adapt to the society能力可以帮助我们更好适应社会Ability to expand our communication range能力可以扩大我们的交际范围Ability can make us better master knowledge 能力能使我们更好掌握知识Knowledge and ability are both necessary 既要有知识又要有能力二、Sport Spirits and Virtues of Our Nation The spirit of sports is more important than t

10、he virtues of our nation in sports competitions在体育竞赛中体育精神比民族精神重要the virtues of our nation is more important than the spirit of sports 民族精神比体育精神重要The sports of spirit guide people to strive constantly for self-improvement territory体育精神引导人们向自强不息的境界发展The spirit of sports can strengthen the unity cooper

11、ation 体育精神能加强团结协作The spirit of sports can achieve ultimate challenge and transcend oneself体育精神实现挑战极限,超越自我the virtues of our nation can give individual, collective and national pride 民族精神能给个人、集体和国家带来荣誉the virtues of our nation can inspire patriotic spirit 激发人们的爱国精神Enhance national identity 增强民族认同感Bot

12、h the spirit of sports and the national spirit are necessary 两者都是必须的三、Advantage and Disadvantage of Advertising:优点;1. Provide us with a good collection of goods and service给我们提供大批量的商品和服务2.Project the characters of their products展示其商品的特点缺点;1. To many ads do spoil our daily life and waste our time.太多的

13、广告会搞乱我们的生活并浪费我们宝贵的时间2. Some of the ads are illegal, spreading false information有些广告是非法的,传递错误信息四、Will Phones Kill Letter Writing?有人认为可以取代:Calling not only convenient but also fast打电话不仅方便而且快捷Feel writing is trouble(boring)认为写信麻烦有的人持反对观点:Without time limit.认为写信不受时间限制It can be said something in the lett

14、er what is not convenient to say in phone.有些话不方便在电话说但可以写进信里五、Competition or co-operationCompetition co-operation important a common phenomenonselfish or greedy individual Be accomplished effectively supportive earn a good life. achieve more success goes hand in hand teammates work harder diligently

15、compete to earn a better environment make progress continuouslyrealize our goals and satisfy our needs 六、Should University Students Go in for Business? is benifical for the former are obvioushelp achieve complicated improve your oral English help develop our social ability leadership skillful manage

16、ment employees efficient treasurecherish valuable is full of risk knowlege and wisdom七、Overseas Study at an Early Age or Adult1 the phenomena of overseas studyat an early ageat adulboth - and- are not correctexpress my opinions2.(1)can bring us to the background of the country、 learn the language ea

17、silyusually easy to make us feel lonelybe short of the skill of communication(2)we can control us to study more betterIndependent abilitySelective acceptance of foreign cultural3 overseas study at early age is as important as overseas study at adultmore and more prominent八、Is the Rise of Shanzhai Cu

18、lture benefit?1. knockoff, a similar skin but a different heart, creativity and trendiness2. advantages: In my opinion, the rise of shanzhai culture can bring DIY spirit open-mindedness and convenience to our society. For one thing, the shanzhai products more functional and much cheaper than the ori

19、ginal. Besides they respond to the market more swiftly and they are more considerate in design. Thanks to them more people at the grassroots level can enjoy the benefit of modern technology.disadvantages:Firstly, shanzhai culture products not only steals ture merchat profits but also upsets market competition. Secondly, shanzhai products thrive on the current legal loopholes. Under the disguise of anti-dominance slogans they make illegal profits by violating intellectual property rights and evading taxes. Thirdly, the so-called innovation is only senseless talk .will failed in the end.

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