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CATTI 09年口译笔译真题解析翻译内部Word格式.docx

1、In order to develop an ecologically oriented culture and civilization, China will strive to change its current pattern of economic development in line with its environment protection objectives and further improve and implement its ecological protection policies and statutes.Part B Optional Translat

2、ion (二选一题) (20 points)Topic 1 (选择题一)大力发展林业是缓解全球的重要途径。Developing forestry is an important way to alleviate global warming. 1978年11月, 中国政府决定在西北、华北和东北实施三北“防护林体系建设工程。In November 1978, the Chinese government decided to launch a program to build shelterbelts in northwest, north and northeast China.中国政府采取了

3、一系列措施加快植树造林步伐、提高森林质量。In addition, it has taken a series of measures to speed up afforestation and enhance the quality of forests.中国政府决定到2010年将全国的森林覆盖率提高到20%。The government has decided to increase the countrys forest coverage rate to 20% by 2010.据联合国粮农组织发布的全球森林资源状况报告,从2000年到2005年,在全球森林资源继续减少了约5万平方英里的

4、情况下,亚洲反而新增了大约4000平方英里的森林资源,这主要归功于中国森林的增长。According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organizations report on global forest resources, about 50,000 square miles of forest resources were lost worldwide between 2000 and 2005. Asia, however, gained some 4,000 square miles of forests during this period, wit

5、h the growth mainly attributed to Chinas efforts. Topic 2 (选择题二) (20 points) 产品质量和食品安全问题密切关系人民生活、产品信誉和一个国家的形象。The issue of product quality and food safety is closely linked with peoples livelihood, the trustworthiness of products and the image of a nation. 尽管在出口不合格食品方面,中国并不是问题最严重的国家,但近年来,在出口产品的质量和安全

6、方面,受到世界越来越多的关注。Although China is not the country with the worst record for exporting substandard food, it has been attracting growing global concern over the quality and safety of its export products in recent years. 为改进食品安全和提高产品质量,中国决定建立一个严格的产品加工、包装、运输和销售过程的有效监督机制,并加快建立一个与国际标准接轨的国家标准体系。To improve i

7、ts food safety and product quality, China has decided to establish rigorous and effective supervision mechanisms to oversee the processing, packaging, delivery and marketing of products and accelerate the establishment of a national system of standards compatible with international levels.同时,中国在此方面加

8、强了国际合作,并在产品质量问题方面提高了执法力度。The Chinese government has been issuing periodic reports on product information and recalling inferior products in a timely manner. It has also strengthened international cooperation in this field and tightened law enforcement concerning product quality. 这部法律将为系统有序地解决当前食品安全问

9、题提供法律制度保障,开启中国食品安全监管的一个新阶段。The law will provide a legal guarantee for systematic and orderly solutions to the countrys current problems related to food safety and usher in a new stage of Chinas food safety supervision. 2009年11月三级笔译实务汉译英真题Section 2 Chinese-English Translation (汉译英) (40 points)Transla

10、te the following passage into English. The time for this section is 80 minutes.国际金融危机给中国带来前所未有的困难和挑战。主要表现在:经济增长压力明显加大,进出口继续下滑,工业生产明显放缓,部分企业生产经营困难,就业难度加大。The world financial crisis has brought unprecedented difficulties and challenges to China, which are mainly manifested in the following aspects: ec

11、onomic growth is facing greater pressure; imports and exports have been on the decline; industrial production has notably slowed down; some enterprises are having a hard time in their production and business operation; and employment is becoming more and more difficult.这场国际金融危机与中国发展方式转变、经济结构调整的关键时期不

12、期而遇。This crisis coincides with a crucial junction in Chinas efforts to transform the growth pattern and adjust the economic structure.为应对国际金融危机的冲击,保持经济平稳较快的发展,中国及时调整了宏观经济政策,果断实施积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,制定了进一步扩大内需,促进经济增长的一揽子计划。To counter the impact of the world financial crisis and maintain steady and relat

13、ively fast economic growth, China has promptly adjusted its macroeconomic policies, resolutely adopted a proactive fiscal policy and a moderately easy monetary policy, and formulated a package plan to expand domestic demand and boost economic growth.中国政府实行实施产业调整振兴规划,积极推进科技创新和技术改造,大力加强国内市场特别是农村市场,大幅度

14、提高社会保障水平。The Chinese government has implemented industrial restructuring and rejuvenation plans, vigorously promoted scientific innovation and technological upgrading, and intensified efforts on energy conservation, emission reduction and environment protection. It has further endeavored to adjust t

15、he distribution of national income, energetically expand domestic markets, especially rural markets, and significantly raise the level of social security. 这些措施已初见成效。目前,国内消费需求比较旺盛,投资需求稳步提高,社会大局保持稳定。These measures have already produced initial results, as shown by the current fairly strong domestic co

16、nsumption, a steady rise in investment demand and overall social stability. 2009年5月二级笔译实务汉译英真题Compulsory Translation在一些外国人的眼里,“中国制造”似乎更接近于质量低下的代名词。Some foreigners claim that the term “Made in China” is approximately synonymous with poor/inferior quality.不可否认,有的中国产品的确存在质量问题,正是这些少数质量低劣的产品使大量廉价质优的产品代其受

17、过。There is no denying that a minority of products do have quality problems, consequently, the majority of better-value-for-money products have suffered on their behalf. 一个旨在提高产品质量和向消费者提供优良服务的“运动”正在兴起。 A campaign is now launched, which is aimed at raising the quality of products and offering consumer

18、s the best services.在新兴的信息技术领域,中国企业以先进技术为师,增强和国外企业的交流与合作,不断提高产品质量。In the newly emerging IT sector, they have learned about advanced technology and expanded exchange and cooperation programs with foreign enterprises, enabling them to constantly raise the quality of their products.近年来,中国政府努力通过立法和社会监督确

19、保企业产品质量,形成全社会都重视产品质量的环境。In recent years, the Chinese government has endeavored to guarantee the quality of products by legislation and public supervision and created an atmosphere that all sectors of society give top priority to product quality.Optional TranslationTopic 1 直到2003年,人们才再次在该自然区又发现了白熊的踪迹

20、。 It was not until 2003 that traces of the white bear were found again in the depths of the nature reserve.可是,这个庞然大物是如何离开它生活的寒带极地,来到这个寒温带的地方呢?But how did this giant creature wander away from its habitat in the frigid polar region and come to this more temperate area?2006年,一个科学考察队在白熊出没的地区发现了熊冬眠的冬窝儿,还

21、发现了一小团白色的动物毛发。In 2006, a scientific expedition discovered an animal lair, a place where a bear hibernates for winter, within the white bears normal haunt and found in it a ball of white animal hair.Topic 2 当蓝藻细胞达到一定程度时,蓝藻的“密集孽生”会使水体变色、引起泡沫、散发臭气、影响贝类和鱼类的生存,还会使水质大幅度下降。When the number of algae cells in

22、creases to a certain level, the bloom of the plant can discolor river and lake water, form scum, produce unpleasant odors, make shellfish and fish unable to survive and seriously lower the water quality.2007年夏天,富氧化物和其他污染导致蓝藻在太湖、巢湖、滇池发生了蓝藻“密集孽生”现象,威胁了城市供水及水生产品生长。In the summer of 2007, nutrient runoff

23、 and other pollutants caused blue-algae to bloom in Taihua Lake, Chaohu Lake and Dianchi Lake, endangering water supplies for nearby cities and threatening aquatic life in these lakes.“密集孽生”最严重的是太湖东部。太湖是我国第三大淡水湖。Taihu Lake, the countrys third largest freshwater lake, saw the worst algae outbreak in

24、its eastern part. 2008年夏天,长期的温暖、干燥气候导致蓝藻在部分地区发生。9月,一艘可以快速、有效地清除蓝藻的船在江苏省投入使用。In the summer of 2008, due to a long spell of warm, dry weather, blue-algae broke out again in some lakes. In September, a blue-algae-clearing vessel was put to use in Jiangsu Province. It can effectively eliminate the plant

25、 in a short period of time.2009年5月三级笔译实务汉译英真题上海作为国际金融中心,拥有繁忙的港口,亚洲最重要的证券市场之一,以及连世界500强都不能忽视的巨大市场。As a world-famous business center and one of the most important securities markets in Asia, Shanghai boasts the best-known seaport and a huge market that the world top 500 enterprises/entities cannot ign

26、ore.作为国际化大都市,上海将承办2010年世博会。在世博会长达153年的历史中,有着1700万人口的上海将成为发展中国家城市的首个东道主。本届世博会的主题-城市,使生活 更美好。上海将于2010年5月至10月举行的世博会,预期将有创纪录的7000万人次参观。Shanghai, as an international metropolis, will host the 2010 World Expo, thus becoming the first host city among those in developing countries. The theme of the World Ex

27、poCity Makes a Better Life/A Better City, A Better Life. Shanghai, with a population of 17 million people, will be hosting the World Expo from May to October, 2010, which is expected to have the world record of 70 million visitors.上海计划投资30亿美元,用于城市改造。在世博会期间,为了保证交通顺畅,将投入更多的资金用于城市道路和地铁的建设。按照世博会的相关要求,将建

28、设一批会展展馆,建在黄浦江两岸,包括众多高科技展亭和一个会议中心。Shanghai has planned a 30-billion US dollar investment in the construction of its all-round infrastructure. In order to ensure the smooth flow of its traffic during the World Expo, Shanghai will put more investment in the construction of its urban roads and subway sy

29、stem. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the World Expo, a lot of exhibition halls and convention centers will be constructed all along the Huangpu River banks, including high-tech exhibition halls and convention centers.上海市政府决心通过世博会不断改善城市生活。许多重要基础设施将在2010年前竣工。世博会后,大部分将被改造成生活、办公、休闲设施。The

30、Shanghai municipal government is determined to avail itself of this opportunity to constantly improve the city life. Many important infrastructure will be completed in 2010. After the expo, most of the buildings will be transformed into living, office or recreational facilities.2009年5月二笔笔译实务英译汉真题E-C Translation Compulsory Tran

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