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1、initdata) : data(initdata), next(NULL) Node(const T &initdata, Node& *p) : data(initdata), next(p) ; class SList public: SList(); SList(const T &initdata); SList(const SList& other); SList& operator=(const SList& SList(); public: void Invert(); int IsEmpty() const; int GetCount() const; int InsertBe

2、fore(const int pos, const T data); int InsertAfter(const int pos, const T data); int AddHead(const T data); int AddTail(const T data); void RemoveAt(const int pos); void RemoveHead(); void RemoveTail(); void RemoveAll(); T& GetTail(); T GetTail() const; GetHead(); T GetHead() const; GetAt(const int

3、pos); T GetAt(const int pos) const; void SetAt(const int pos, T data); int Find(const T data) const; int FindCircle() const; int FindCross(SList& testlist); protected: int m_nCount; *m_pNodeHead; ; inline SList&:SList() : m_nCount(0), m_pNodeHead(NULL) template&SList(const T & m_nCount(0), m_pNodeHe

4、ad(NULL) AddHead(initdata); template&SList(const SList& other) : m_nCount(0), m_pNodeHead(NULL) if(other.m_nCount&0) for(int i=1;i&=other.m_nCount;i+) AddTail(other.GetAt(i); template&operator=(const SList& other) if(this=&other) return *this; if(m_nCount&0) RemoveAll(); if(other.m_nCount& return *t

5、his;SList() RemoveAll(); /reverse the list template& inline void SList&Invert() if(m_nCount&=1) return; *curNod,*preNod,*nextNod; curNod=m_pNodeHead; preNod=NULL; for(int i=1;=m_nCount;i+) nextNod=curNod-&next; curNod-&next=preNod; preNod=curNod; curNod=nextNod; m_pNodeHead=preNod; return; inline in

6、t SList&IsEmpty() const return 0 = m_nCount;AddHead(const T data) /*Node& *pNewNode; try pNewNode = new Node&; catch (std:bad_alloc&) return 0; pNewNode-&data = data; pNewNode-&next = m_pNodeHead; m_pNodeHead = pNewNode; +m_nCount; return 1;*/ return InsertBefore(1,data);AddTail(const T data) return

7、 InsertAfter(GetCount(), data); / if success, return the position of the new node. / if fail, return 0. template&InsertBefore(const int pos, const T data) int i; int nRetPos; *pTmpNode1; *pTmpNode2;) nRetPos = 0; return nRetPos; / if the list is empty, replace the head node with the new node. if (NU

8、LL = m_pNodeHead) pNewNode-&next = NULL; nRetPos = 1; / is pos range valid? ASSERT(1 &= pos & pos &= m_nCount); / insert before head node? if (1 = pos) pNewNode-& / if the list is not empty and is not inserted before head node, / seek to the pos of the list and insert the new node before it. pTmpNod

9、e1 = m_pNodeHead; for (i = 1; i & pos; +i) pTmpNode2 = pTmpNode1; pTmpNode1 = pTmpNode1-&next = pTmpNode1; pTmpNode2-&next = pNewNode; nRetPos = pos;InsertAfter(const int pos, const T data) int i; *pTmpNode; / if the list is not empty, / seek to the pos of the list and insert the new node after it.

10、pTmpNode = m_pNodeHead; +i) pTmpNode = pTmpNode-&next = pTmpNode-& pTmpNode-& nRetPos = pos + 1;GetCount() const return m_nCount;RemoveAt(const int pos) ASSERT(1 & int i; pTmpNode1 = m_pNodeHead; / head node? if (1 = pos) m_pNodeHead = m_pNodeHead-& delete pTmpNode1; -m_nCount; for (i = 1; +i) / we

11、will get the previous node of the target node after / the for loop finished, and it would be stored into pTmpNode2 pTmpNode2 = pTmpNode1; pTmpNode2-&next = pTmpNode1-&RemoveHead() ASSERT(0 ! RemoveAt(1);RemoveTail() ASSERT(0 ! RemoveAt(m_nCount);RemoveAll() int i; int nCount; nCount = m_nCount; if(n

12、Count=0) return; for (i = 0; nCount; +i) pTmpNode = m_pNodeHead-& delete m_pNodeHead; m_pNodeHead = pTmpNode; m_pNodeHead=NULL; m_nCount = 0; inline T&GetTail() ASSERT(0 ! *pTmpNode = m_pNodeHead; return pTmpNode-&data; inline T SList&GetTail() const ASSERT(0 !GetHead() ASSERT(0 ! return m_pNodeHead

13、-&GetHead() const ASSERT(0 !GetAt(const int pos) ASSERT(1 &GetAt(const int pos) const ASSERT(1 &SetAt(const int pos, T data) ASSERT(1 & pTmpNode-&Find(const T data) const int i; for (i = 0; +i) if (data = pTmpNode-&data) return i + 1; pTmpNode = pTmpNode-& return 0; /*判断链表是否有环,如果有环则返回环的首结点位置,否则返回0*/

14、 template&FindCircle() const if(0=m_nCount) return 0; Node&* p1=m_pNodeHead;* p2=m_pNodeHead; /*判断链表是否有环,当p1=p2时说明链表有环,程序跳出循环。如果p2一直走到链表尽头则说明没有环。*/ do if(p1!=NULL&p2!p2-&next!=NULL) p1=p1-& p2=p2-&next-& else return 0; while(p1!=p2); /*求出环的起点节点,并将其返回*/ p2=m_pNodeHead; while(p1!=p2) p1=p1-& int i; p2

15、=m_pNodeHead; for(i=1;i+) if(p1=p2) break; return i; /*判断两个链表是否交叉,如果交叉返回首个交叉节点位置(在本链表中的位置,而不是testlist中的位置),否则返回0。 假定:这两个链表本身均无环*/ template&FindCross(SList& testlist) if(0=m_nCount|0=testlist.m_nCount) return 0; if(FindCircle()|testlist.FindCircle() return 0; /*将第二个链表接在第一个链表后面*/ Node&* pTail=m_pNodeHead;m_nCount;i+) pTail=pTail-& pTail=testlist.m_pNodeHead; m_nCount+=testlist.m_nCount; int i=FindCircle(); pTail=NULL; m_nCount-=testlist.m_nCount; return i; #endif

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