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1、托福考试新托福写作满分作文范例11个If you could ask a famous person one question, what v/ould you ask? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your ansv/er.If I had the opportunity to sit down and meet one of my idols or heroes, I could come up v/ith hundreds of questions to find out what they did to get wh

2、ere they are, but in particular I like to have asked Helen Keller, what v/ould she have made of the technology available today to blind and deafblind individuals?When HgIgn Keller was nineteen months old, a serious illness almost took her life. She survived the disease had left her both blind and de

3、af Her education contributed to her first teacher, Anne Sullivan. Anne taught Hele n to fin ger spell, and manage to let her un dersta nd the mea ning of v/ords I magine hov/ hard it is for a person both blind and deaf to relate words with real world objects, although she never had a chanee to see t

4、hose objects!Ano ther teacher Mary Swift Lams on v/ho over the comi ng year was to try and teach Helen to speak This was something that Helen desperately wanted and although she tearned to understand what somebody else was saying by touching their lips and throat, her efforts to speak herself proved

5、 to be unsuccessful. However, Helen moved on to the Cambridge School for Young Ladies and later entered Radcliff College, becoming the first deaf blind person to have ever enrolled at an institution of higher learni ng.After World War Two, Helen spent years traveling the world fundraising for the Am

6、erican Foundation for the Overseas Blind. They visited Japan, Australia, South America, Europe and Africa Her hard v/ork and achievements was widely recognized throughout the world, and she was acknowledged as the Miracle Worker.If Helen Keller were born today her life would undoubtedly have been co

7、mpletely different. Her life long dream was to be able to talk, something that she was never really able to master. Today the teaching methods exist that v/ould have helped Helen to realize this dream. What would Helen have made of the technology available today to blind and deaf blind individuals?

8、Technology of today has enabled blind and deaf blind people, like Helen, to communicate directly, and independently, with anybody in the world.Some people prefer to live in places that have the same v/eather or climate all year long Others like to live in areas v/here the v/eather changes several ti

9、mes a year Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choiceThere is no denying the fact that whether to choose a place that have the same weather all year long, or a place where the v/eather changes several times a year is a popular topic which is much talked about Altho

10、ugh it seems that normally we cannot tell which one outweigh the other between these two kinds of places, they deserve some close examination.If three criteria were taken into account, I would prefer living in areas v/here the v/eather changes several times a year to living in places that have the s

11、ame v/eather or climate all year Iong There are no less than three advantages in this as rendered belowFirst, varied weather or climate broadens the icnge of our pastimes. For example, we can go swimmi ng in summer “nd go skiing in win ter If the place we live in has only hot weather all year long,

12、like Singapore, most of us can never go skiing in our livesSecondly, the change of climate gives us opportunities to wear many kinds of clothes Some say it is a waste of money to buy clothes depending on seasons However, vvearing various clothes, looking at others* fashion, and feeling the change of

13、 seasons is very interesting for me. Thirdly, changing of seasons is good for our health When winter comes our body s metabolism slows down, and when summer comes it speeds up, so that our body can main tain a good rhythm.Also snows in the v/inter can kill a lot of bacteria and bad in sects, so that

14、 in the spri ng our cha nee of being infected to a disease is decreased and we can enjoy nice atmosphere and sceneriesFor these reasons, I prefer to live in areas that have several changes of weather. Only these three reasons con make a person draw the conclusion that living in areas that have seaso

15、n changes is better, not to mention there are moreMany students have to live v/ith roommates while going to school or university. What are some of the imports nt qualities of a good roommate? Use specific reasons and examples to explain v/hy these qualities are important.The important qualities of a

16、 good roomateWe become more independent and tearn more life experience while live v/ithout families, but your roommates. However, to live with other people is neither easy nor difficult. You should tearn how to be a good roommate, basically.Believe or not, dormitory life is a extremly happy thing. Y

17、ou moke new friends, experience independece, difficulties and enjoy the freedom But all of these are base on your behaves as a good roommate Firstly, you should know how to respect people Not only your roommate, also people around you. It is the most impoiPant factor in our communications Whatever w

18、hat is your background, you are the same as your roommates, you guys are all equal. To respect your roommate, respect their religions and cultures Do not laugh at enthetic people or racism. That is rude and stupid We should respect what God created for us. Besides, you must respect your roommates pr

19、ivately, every one have right to have their secretsTake your duty and responsibility You can not in gore and think about those are n egligible Do not 2nd to ask your mates to do things what you have to do. Remember, no one will like a lazy and irresponsible roommate. In general, you should help to c

20、leaning, put titter bags to dustheap, put things back after you used .To be quite when others are studying, take care of your men is another factor amon gIn addition, You are one of members of your dormitory Do not hide yourself behind, you are buddy of your roommates Try to share your ideas, experi

21、enee of study and life, your happiness etc And you listen to your mates experience as well. Take care of your mates You dormitory will be lively thenAU in all, as long as you enjoy your dormitory life, get well with your friends, then you should be a good roommate. Whatever what you experiences, tho

22、se of them will be a beautiful memorial of your rest of life. TRY IT.Do you agree or disagree v/ith the follov/ing statement? Dancing plays an important role in a culture Use specific reasons and examples to support your ansv/erDancing is an important art form, and also plays an important role in a

23、culture Some dance spontaneously happens at celebrations as an expression of emotion or some happen in a more structured manner at ceremonies.Dancing plays an important role in ceremonial events in many cultures For example, during the Pukumani ceremony the dances performed reflect the relationship

24、to the deceased In Lebanon, the classical belly dancing still plays an important part at weddings, representing the transition from virgin bride to sensual woman, and is also popular in nightclubs On the other hand, residents of the Greenland believe that the dancing and drum con be used as a tool t

25、o dissolve conflicts between people As we may see from the above examples, dancing is an integral part of many cultures Of course, dancing does not have the some functions in our modern life, but many people in our society still find dancing on enjoyable form of entertainment and art. Young people g

26、o to disco with their friends to release their energies, and they find dancing a good way to relax and make friends.Older people dance together as a social event and a good means of exercise In addition, many people go to theatres to enjoy performances of ballet and modern dances Enjoying those beau

27、tiful dancing, music and costumes in a dance performanee, can give us a beautiful experienee, and help us develop appreciation of art, and enrich our after v/ork life.In conclusion, no one can deny that dancing plays an important role in a culture托福考试:新托福写作高分满分作文范例7Some people think governments shou

28、ld spend as much money as possible exploring outer space (for example, traveling to the Moon and to other planets). Other people disagree and think go ver nments should spe nd this money for our basic needs on Earth Which of these two opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to s

29、upport your answerWhen v/e see photographs of starving children, its hard to say that we should spend billions of dollars on space exploration But thats just what v/e should do. Children dont need to be starving, butwe do need to explore space Right now, we have enough money to feed every person on

30、Earth Children are starving because of mismanagement of resources and simple human greed Those are problems we con solve right here on earth That should nt stop our n eed to find out whats beyond our own solar system We may never make contact with whatever other species there may be out there in spa

31、ce Even so, there are still two very practical and positive con sequences of space explorati on. One is a certai nty and the other is a possibility. The certainty is medical research Yes, we can conduct research here on earth. But much of the research done in space, for example, on the effects of gr

32、avity on bone marrow, is making a difference in medicine here on Earth When v/e do research in space, we also learn more about space exploration Also, many of the inventions that were developed for space travel have been adapted to good use on Earth The possible con seque nee of space explorati on is fin ding ano ther planet human beings can colonize. Overpopulati on is a huge problem on our planet People are living long er, more healthful lives, and thats a good thing. But it means there are fewer people dying and more people being born Eventually wel

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