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1、6.Everyone has a legal法律 obligation义务 to provide提供 the tax officer税务机关 with details细节 of his or her earnings收入.7.The two concepts概念 are quite distinct截然不同 from each other, so its incredible令人难以置信的 that you have mixed them up混淆.8.After carefully thinking about all the evidence证据 and clues线索, the dete

2、ctive侦探 reached a logical符合逻辑的 conclusion结论 about the robbery case抢劫案.9.Its absolutely绝对地 vital极其重要的 that you get your application申请书 form sent off寄出去 by the end of this month.10.The discovery发现 of penicillin(青霉素) in 1928 produced引发 a revolution改革 in medicine药物界.11.Jane is in low spirits情绪低落 and loo

3、ks worried; she feels an urge to unburden吐露心事 her heart to her boyfriend.12.School education should be a universal right义务教育; it should not be a privilege特权.句子翻译:1.在我国大力推进社会主义市场经济的情况下,加强会计信息质量(accounting information quality)管理尤为必要。(under the circumstances of)Under the circumstances of在这种情况下 promotin

4、g推进 a socialist社会主义 market市场 economy经济 in China, it is essential必要的 to strengthen加强 the management管理 of accounting information quality会计信息质量.2.林教授用华盛顿及林肯的故事做例子,向学生们说明诚实的重要性。(in respect to)Professor Lin told students stories about Washington and Lincoln in respect to关于 the importance of being honest诚

5、实.3.生活在沙漠地区的人连喝的水都不够,更不用说用水浇地了。(let alone)People living in the desert沙漠 area地区 dont have enough water to drink, let alone更不用说 using water to irrigate the land浇地.4.王博士读书时习惯在页边空白处(the margin)作注释。(have the habit of)Dr. Wang has the habit of making notes做笔记 in the margins空白处 while reading a book.5.有趣的是,

6、随着时间的推移,一些废而不用的词有时会有新意而再被用(revived)起来。(fall into)It is interesting有趣的 that with the passage of time随时间推移, some words which have fallen into陷入 disuse废弃 may sometimes be revived with重新 a new meaning.6.看样子已经没有达成协议的可能了,因此双方决定中止谈判。(break off)There seemed no chance of reaching达成 an agreement协议, therefore因

7、此 both sidesdecided to break off中止 negotiations谈判.7.大学生应该勇敢地面对生活中的各种困境,并信心十足地度过这些困境。(with confidence)College students should be brave enough to face and overcome with confidence有信心 all the obstacles阻碍 and difficulties困境 they meet面对 with in their lives生活.8.那个地区的卫生条件(sanitary conditions)恶化(deteriorate

8、)到了如此程度,随时都有发生疾病的危险。(to an extent)The sanitary conditions卫生条件 in this area地区 have deteriorated恶化 to such an extent到如此程度 that there is widespread蔓延的 danger危险 of diseases疾病.9.广泛的调查和采访让史密斯小姐接触到了那个国家的人民,了解到了他们各种各样的生活方式。(put in touch with)Extensive广泛的 investigations调查 and interviews访谈 put Miss Smith in t

9、ouch with接触 a whole range of 一系列the people of that country and their life styles方式.10.没错,我们的工作是取得了一些进步,不过我们必须注意不要被自己的成绩冲昏了头脑。(be carried away)It is true没错that weve made some progress进步 in our work but we must take care小心 not to be carried away得意忘形 by our achievements成果.Close: Lin Yutang believes tha

10、t reading is among the charms of a cultured life and is respected and envied by those who dont read. 林语堂认为,读书或书籍的享受素来被视为有修养的生活上的一种雅事,而在一些不大有机会享受这种权利的人们看来,这是一种值得尊重和妒忌的事。When we compare比较 the life of a man who does no reading with that of a man who does, we can understand明白 why he thinks so. 当我们把一个不读书

11、者和一个读书者的生活上的差异比较一下,这一点便很容易明白。Generally, one who does not have the habit of reading is limited有限的 to contact and conversation with a few friends and acquaintances相识者, and he sees only what happens in his immediate neighborhood, 一般来说,那个没有养成读书习惯的人,他只跟有限的几个朋友和相识者接触谈话,他只看见他周遭所发生的事情。But the moment he take

12、s up a book, he immediately enters进入 a different world. If it happens to be a good book, he is immediately put in touch接触 with one of the best talkers of the world. 可是当他拿起一本书的时候,他便立刻走进一个不同的世界;如果那是一本好书,他便立刻接触到世界上一个最健谈的人。This talker leads him into a different country or a different age, even discusses

13、 with him some special私人的line or aspect of life that the reader knows nothing about. 这个谈话者引导他前进,带他到一个不同的国度或不同的时代,或者对他发泄一些私人的悔恨,或者跟他讨论一些他从来不知道的学问或生活问题。Lin agrees with Huang Shanku, a Sung poet诗人, in that reading gives a man a certain charm and flavor, which is the entire object of reading, and only r

14、eading with this object目的 can be called an art. 林语堂同意宋代的诗人黄山谷所说的话,读书使人得到一种优雅和风味,这就是读书的整个目的,而只有抱着这种目的的读书才可以叫做艺术。One does not understand the art of reading if he forces强行 himself to read. 一个人如果抱着义务的意识去读书,便不了解读书的艺术。According to Huang Shanku, the key to reading is to cultivate修养 peoples personal charm o

15、f appearance and flavor in speech. 依黄山谷氏的所说的话,读书的关键是以修养个人外表的优雅和谈吐的风味。Whether one has “flavor” or not in his talk depends依赖 on his method of reading. 一个人的谈吐有没有“味”,完全要看他的读书方法。If a reader gets the flavor of books, he will show that flavor in his conversations, and if he has flavor in his conversations,

16、 he will also have a flavor in his writing. 如果读者获得书中的“味”,他便会在谈吐中把这种风味表现出来;如果他的谈吐中有风味,他在写作中也免不了会表现出风味来。Reading is an act consisting包括 of two sides, the author and the reader. 读书有二方面,一是作者,一是读者。 The net gain comes as much from the readers contribution贡献 through his own insight and experience as from th

17、e authors own. 对于所得的实益,读者由他自己的见识和经验所贡献的份量,是和作者自己一样多的。The most critical event in ones intellectual知识 development is to find his favorite author. 我认为一个人发现他最爱好的作家,乃是他的知识发展上最重要的事情。If one cannot find one, he will fail to get any real good out of reading. 如果不能从中找到一个最爱的作家,他将不能获得读书真正的益处。UNIT8 Text A ensure确

18、保 exclude排斥于之外 inherent固有的 margin边缘 potential极力主张 restore使恢复 sustain使继续 transparent透明的 urge极力主张 Text B domestic国内的 elastic灵活的 feature其重要作用 fundamental基础的 input投入 reverse推翻 subsidy补贴1. It was only after the plane crash飞机失事 that the airline航空公司 decided to make a further move to ensure确保 airport机场 secu

19、rity and passengers 乘客safety. 2. I dont think we can exclude排除 the possibility可能性 that the girl may have been murdered谋杀. 3. We do not have sufficient足够 resources资源 to sustain维持 our campaign比赛 for long, so we have to make it a quick victory速战速决. 4. Both international国际 and domestic国内 flights航班 were

20、disrupted混乱 by the pilots strike飞行员罢工, which caused人为的 great很多 inconvenience不便 to travelers旅客.5. The conclusion结果 of the peace treaty和平条约 serves符合 the interests利益 of the peoples of the two countries, and it is also of fundamental根本 importance重要性 to world peace and stability稳定. 6. I think we should t

21、ry to make the instructions指令 more transparent透明 so that nobody would misunderstand误解 them. 7. In this country where time is an elastic灵活 concept观念, there is no such thing as a timetable时间表. 8. She seems似乎 completely完全 unaware未察觉的 of the contradictions矛盾 inherent内在的 in the arguments论据 she presents现在

22、 in her paper论文.9. I appreciate感激 very much your personal亲自 input投入 on helping children attend献身于 school in the remote遥远 regions地区 in China. 10. On the margin边缘 of the woodlands森林 was a small pond池塘 and by the side边上 of it stood坐落 an isolated孤立的 cottage小屋, where we lived most of the time.11. The com

23、pany has been losing money亏损, so his priority首要 is to reverse扭转 this trend趋势 and turn losses损失 into profits赢利. 12. The region地区 has enormous巨大的 potential潜力 for economic经济 development发展, but a lot of大量的 investment投资 is needed to achieve实现 this. 13. Students with special特殊 financial财政 difficulties困难 a

24、re entitled有权力 to government subsidies补贴. 14. After years of hard work, the badly严重地 neglected被忽视 furniture家具 and paintings绘画 in the castle城堡 have all been carefully仔细地 restored修复. 15. Fish features特征 largely主要的 in the diet饮食 of these islanders岛民. Who find it difficult困难 to have access获取 to other ki

25、nds of food. 16. The teacher urged强调 on us the importance重要性 of hard work and introduced介绍 a few role人物 models榜样 for us to learn from.ClozeIn his speech “A Plea for an Inclusive Globalization”,Annan suggests one way to address the new division between those who benefit from globalization and those w

26、ho simply see it as one more manifestation表现 of the inequity of the world,在安南的演讲“呼吁推行包容性全球化”中,安南提出了一个办法,来解决那些从全球化中受益的人和那些认为全球化只是世界不平等的又一表现的人之间存在的新的分歧。namely, to pursue an inclusive globalization. 即,追求一种包容性的全球化。He contends that the purpose of an inclusive globalization lies在于 not only in opening mark

27、ets but in expanding opportunity and promoting促进 cooperation.他认为,一个包容性的全球化,其目的不仅仅在于开放市场,而且在于增加机会和促进合作。Annan appeals to us to tear down the walls in our own minds想法 so that we are able to recognize找到 the untold ways in which we can all benefit受益 from cooperation and solidarity across lines of nationa

28、lity, race or economic经济 development.安南呼吁我们推倒我们心中的围墙,只有这样,我们才能找到前所未闻的诸多方法,让我们从跨越国界、种族和经济发展的合作与团结中获益。He holds that the poor, he disenfranchised or those who are denied拒绝 basic right to liberty and self-determination cannot continue to be excluded排除. 他支持穷人,他认为那些被剥夺了公民权利的人或那些被剥夺了最基本自由和自由权利的人不能继续被排斥在外。O

29、therwise, no country can hope to secure lasting peace and prosperity繁荣.否则,没有国家可以期望永久的和平与繁荣。Annan believes that nations can act on this imperative必须做的事 by opening markets for the products of developing countries; 安南认为国际可以做的事有:通过向发展中国家的产品开放市场;by increasing development assistance援助;通过增加发展援助;by promotin

30、g good and transparent governance;通过提升良好和透明度的管理;by tackling diseases and environmental problems;关注疾病以及环境问题;by recognizing obligations to provide asylum;通过履行庇护的义务;by fostering鼓励 a more orderly process of integrating migrants;通过鼓励更有序的方式吸收移民;and by valuing pluralism as a top priority for every state. 以及通过将多元化作为每个国家的首要任务。

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