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1、他什么时候决定选修这一课程的?Why is it that he doesnt like the book?他为什么不喜欢这本书?Was it in 1939 that the Second World War broke out?第二次世界大战是在1939年爆发的吗?Who was it that broke the window?打破窗户的是谁?When was it that you called me yesterday?你昨天给我打电话是什么时候?What is it that you want me to do?你要我干什么?(6)强调句型与It is/was时间when从句:在上

2、述句型中it指时间,when引导的是时间状语从句。注意两种句型“时间”表达方式的不同。It was at midnight that I got back home yesterday.昨天晚上我半夜才回到家。It was midnight when I got here yesterday.昨天当我到达这儿时,已是半夜了。省略(1)状语从句的省略有些时间、条件、方式、让步状语从句中,如果从句的主语和主句主语一致或从句的主语为it,而且从句的谓语动词又包含be,就可以省略从句中的“主语be”部分。While (I was) in Beijing,I paid a visit to the Gr

3、eat Wall.在北京时,我去游览了长城。If (you are) asked,you may come in.如果被叫到,你可以进来。She stood at the gate as if (she was) waiting for someone.她站在门口好像在等人。Though cold,he still wore a shirt.尽管冷,他仍穿着件衬衫。还有诸如:if so(如果如此);if any(如果有);if in need(如果需要);if necessary(如果有必要)。Errors,if (there are) any,should be corrected.如果有什

4、么错误,就应当改正。Come tomorrow if (it is) possible.有可能的话明天来。Get up early tomorrow,if not (you dont get up early),you will miss the first bus.明天早点起床,如果不的话,你会错过早班车。He may not be at home then,if so (he is not at home),leave him a note.那时他可能不在家,如果这样给他留个字条吧。(2)Im afraid,I think,I believe,I hope,I guess等作答句,后面跟s

5、o与not分别等于肯定或否定,宾语从句可省去。Do you think it will rain?I hope not (that it will not rain)Do you believe our team will win?I guess so.(3)不定式省略,单独使用不定式符号to用来代替动词不定式后被省略的动词,常在be afraid,expect,forget,hope,intend,like,love,mean,prefer,refuse,seem,try,want,wish等的后边。I asked him to see the film,but he didnt want

6、to.我请他去看电影,但他不想去。在have,need,ought,be going,used等后面。I didnt want to go there,but I had to.我不想去那儿,但我不得不去。在某些形容词glad,happy,pleased,delighted等后面。Will you join in the game?你愿意加入做游戏吗?Id be glad to.我很高兴。如果不定式中含有be,have,have been,通常保留be,have或have been。Are you a sailor?你是海员吗?No,but I used to be.不,但我过去是。反意疑问句

7、(1)陈述部分含有must的反意疑问句must作“一定,准是”讲,可首先将句子改为“I am sure that从句,反意疑问部分的动词形式根据be sure后的宾语从句的谓语动词形式确定。You must be hungry now,_?I am sure that you are hungry,arent you?You must be hungry now,arent you?你一定/可能饿了,是吗?You must have heard about it,_?I am sure that you have heard about it,havent you?You must have

8、heard about it ,havent you?你一定/可能听说过这事了,是吗?You must have watched that football match last night,_?I am sure that you watched that football match last night,didnt you?You must have watched that football match last night,didnt you?你昨晚一定看足球赛了,是吗?(陈述部分有表示过去的时间状语last night)(2)主句谓语动词think,believe,suppose,

9、guess,expect,imagine的主语为第一人称时,疑问部分的主语和谓语动词与宾语从句的主语和谓语保持一致;若他们的主语为第二、三人称时,后面的反问部分由主句来决定。I dont believe he will succeed,will he?我认为他不会成功,是吗?Tom doesnt believe Jack will succeed,does he?汤姆不相信杰克能成功,对吗?(3)祈使句的反意疑问句祈使句中的后半部分附加问句,不表示反意,而表示一种语气。其结构为:否定祈使句,will you?肯定祈使句,will/wont you?Lets.,shall we?Let us.,

10、will you?Let第三人称.,will you?Open the door,will/wont you?打开门,好吗?Lets go out for a walk,shall we?我们出去散步,好吗?Let us go home now,will/wont you?现在,(您)让我们回家,好吗?练习题:1Ive read another book this week.Well,maybe_is not how much you read but what you read that counts.AthisBthatCthere Dit2It was_he came back from

11、 Africa that year_he met the girl he would like to marry.Awhen;then Bnot;untilCnot until;that Donly;when3Some of you may have finished unit one._,you can go on to unit two.AIf you may BIf you doCIf not DIf so4Every evening after dinner,if not_from work,I will spend some time walking my dog.Abeing ti

12、red BtiringCtired Dto be tired5Whats the matter with Della?Well,her parents wouldnt allow her to go to the party,but she still_.Ahopes to Bhopes soChopes not Dhopes for6Please do me a favor _my friend Mr Smith to Youth Theater at 730 tonight.Ato invite BinvitingCinvite Dinvited7You and I could hardl

13、y work together,_?Acould you Bcouldnt ICcouldnt we Dcould we8Its the first time that he has been to Australia,_?Aisnt he Bhasnt heCisnt it Dhasnt it9_a certain doubt among the people as to the practical value of the project.AIt has BThey haveCIt remains DThere remains10He must be helping the old man

14、 to water the flowers,_?Ais he Bisnt heCmust he Dmustnt he11What were you trying to prove to the police?_I was last night.AThat BWhenCWhere DWhat12The patient looks much better._is it that has made him_he is today?Perhaps the special medicine and his familys patient care.AWhat;that BThat;thatCWhat;w

15、hat DThat;what13_he dropped out of school?His family had run into financial difficulties.AWhy was it that BWhy was thatCWhy was that it DWhy was it14It was the skills_he had acquired at his training period_enabled him to get such a high post in that worldfamous company.Athat;what Bwhat;Cthat;that Dt

16、hat;which15_that made Mrs White so upset?Her sons making trouble in the school.AWhere was it BWhy was itCHow was it DWhat was it16_is it that you bought the new car?Last Monday.AWhich BWhyCWho DWhen17Where did you meet the famous actress?It was in the supermarket_we went shopping last Sunday.Awhich

17、BthatCwhere Dthere18The police were seeking more information to find out_the rich merchant.Awho it was that killed Bwho was it that killedCit was who killed Dwho was it killed19He is rather difficult to make friends with,but his friendship,_,is more true than any other.Aonce gained Bwhen to gainCaft

18、er gaining Dwhile gaining20Girls used to take fewer advanced math courses than boys but now they are taking just_.Aas much Btoo muchCas many Dtoo many21_we move the picture over there?Do you think it will look better?AIf only BWhat ifCAs if DEven if22_Chinese which city is famous for ice and snow,an

19、d the answer is sure to be Harbin.AIf you ask a BAsked someCAsk any DHaving asked ever23I hear Alice was badly injured in the accident and sent to hospital._,we should go and see her immediately.AIf so BWhen necessaryCOn condition that DBelieve it or not24How are you getting on with your English?Oh,

20、great.Things are going as well as_.Aplans BplanningCplanned Dto plan25Will you go home tomorrow evening?No,I am going to a lecture,or at least I am planning_.Aso BtoCit Dthat答案解析1 句意为:这星期我又读了一本书。嗯,也许重要的不是你看了多少,而是看了什么。考查强调句:It is/was被强调部分that从句,故选D。【答案】D2 句意为:直到那年从非洲回来他才遇到那个他想与之结婚的女孩。本题考查强调句型It be no

21、t until时间状语that.,被强调的部分是时间状语,且含有“直到才”的意思,故选C。【答案】C3句意为:你们中的一些人可能已经完成了第一单元,如果这样的话,你们可以继续进行第二单元。本题主要考查so和not的用法。4句意为:每天晚饭后,如果不是很累,我会花一些时间遛狗。主句主语I与从句中的tire(使劳累)为被动关系,所以要用过去分词,又因该句的动作为经常发生,于是排除了选项A和D。5句意为:Della怎么了?哦,她父母不让她去参加晚会,但她仍然希望去参加。本句属省略句,完整形式应为:.,but she still hopes to go to the party.【答案】A6句意为:请

22、帮我个忙邀请我的朋友史密斯先生今晚7点半到青年剧院。破折号后是一个祈使句。7句意为:我和你几乎不能共事,对吗?反意疑问句与前句的主语要一致,而且意思要相反。8句意为:这是他第一次到澳大利亚,不是吗?Its the first time that.是固定句型,反意疑问句的构成需依据主句的主语和谓语而定。9句意为:关于那个工程的实用价值,人们还是心存某种疑虑。There remains.之后省略了to be,意为“仍然有”。10句意为:他一定正在帮助那位老人浇花,不是吗?本题考查反意疑问句,做题思路为:He must be helping the old man to water the flow

23、ers.Im sure he is helping the old man to water the flowers.从而得出反意部分用:isnt he?【答案】B11此处是一个省略回答。完整的句子是I was trying to prove to the police where I was last night。即我极力想要向警方证明我昨天晚上在什么地方。其他选项语意不通顺。12考查强调句型和名词性从句。解决本题的关键是将句子结构理清楚,还原成陈述句为“It is_that has made him_he is today”。再结合语意“病人好多了,是什么使他成为现在这个样子”可知,选C。

24、13考查强调句的特殊疑问句。从语意和选项看,本题考查强调句的特殊疑问句。根据强调句的特殊疑问句的基本句型:特殊疑问词is/wasitthat句子其他成分可知,A项正确。14考查定语从句和强调句。第一空的that引导定语从句,并在从句中作acquired的宾语;第二空的that与句首的It was构成强调句的基本结构。15考查强调句型。语境:是什么让怀特夫人这么难过?她儿子老在学校惹事。判断强调句型的要点是:当去掉“It is.that/who”时,剩下的句子结构仍然完整。这里是强调句的疑问形式,由答语可知,这里句子的主语应该用What,而不是Where,Why或How。16此题考查强调句型的特

25、殊疑问句形式。通过对答语的分析不难看出这里所填的应是充当时间状语的疑问副词(when)。17该题考查句式。该题实际考查的是定语从句,修饰先行词supermarket。很多考生可能会误以为是强调句。18考查强调句型。强调句型的疑问句结构为:疑问词is itthat.而这里是强调句的疑问句结构作宾语,故用正常的陈述语序,所以答案为A。19这里“once gained”是once the friendship is gained的省略,由此可知,the friendship与gain之间存在“被动关系”,所以这里选A。20考查形容词的比较等级和省略。本句补充完整为“Girls used to take fewer advanced math courses than boys but now they are taking just as many advanced math courses as boys”,故答案为C。21what if “要是怎么样?”if only常引导虚拟条件句或感叹句。根据语意可知应选B项。22考查“祈使句and/or结果分句”句型。该句型中祈使句用动词原形,祈使句相当于一个条件状语从句,本句可改为If you ask any Chinese which city is famous for ice and snow,the an

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