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1、西安外国语大学英语考试试题命制形式说明与模板doc西安外国语大学英语考试试题命制形式说明与模板(2016-08-01)命制形式说明一、试题页面各科试题统一采用A4页面。页边距统一采用系统默认的“普通边距”:上下页边距均为2.54厘米,左右页边距均为3.18厘米。二、试题题头 西安外国语大学考试试题(A) 编号:01310020388 2015-2016学年 第 1 学期 院(部): 英文学院 专业: 英 语 课程:基础英语 年级:2015级1-5班 命题时间:2016.06.12 命题教师:基础英语(I)教研室 以上栏目由命题教师填写,下栏由考生填写姓名: 学号: 班级: 使用统一的考试试题题

2、头,模板如下所示。请勿修改题头模板中的字体、字号与基本格式。其中:1. 每门课程考试试卷分为A卷与B卷,应在试题题头做明确标示。“西安外国语大学考试试题(A)”字样采用三号黑体。2. 其他汉字内容用五号宋体,阿拉伯数字内容用五号Times New Roman字体。 3. 注意填写内容的完整性,“院(部)”、“专业”、“课程”填写正式书面全称,不使用简称或缩略语,“专业”名称须按照教育部普通高等学校本科专业目录(2012版)填写,例如英语专业为“英语”(而不是“英语语言文学”);“学年”按“2015- 2016学年 第 2 学期 ”、 “班级”按“2015级1班”、 “命题时间”按“2016.0

3、6.12”式样填写。4.“命题教师”为1人以上的,用一个空格将前后教师姓名进行分隔。5. 可根据需要对各填写项所在行内的位置进行调整,但不要改变原题头模板的基本形制。6. 如果题头“课程: 年级: 命题时间:命题教师:”一栏确实不能在一行排列,请按照以下方式调整:课程: 年级:2015级1班 命题时间:2016.06.12 命题教师: 三、试题格式1. 字号字体格式除特别要求之外,试题内容的字号统一为5号字。英文字体统一为 Times New Roman字体,其中的汉语内容字体统一为宋体。2. 行间距格式试题内容的行间距统一为单倍行距。 3. 试题各级序号格式(1)试题一级序号用小四号Time

4、s New Roman大写粗体加罗马数字(如 I,II)表示,其后双击 Tab 键隔开,后接考察部分名称(如 Vocabulary, Grammar 等字样)。示例:“Part I Word-formation”(2)二级序号为阿拉伯数字,如 1,2,3 等,序号后用实心点(“.”即英文句号)分开。示例:“1. Reference books may not be removed from the library.”(3)各大题部分的小题(二级)序号可以连续排列,也可以根据各大题部分对小题(二级)序号重新排序罗列。(4)阅读部分,各片段统一用 Passage 区分,如 Passage One

5、/ Passage Two 等,首字母大写,用小四号粗体表达。4. 试题指令与分值格式(1)试题一级标题后的试题指令要为考生提供足够信息,语言简练、清晰。指令部分(Directions)用五号Times New Roman字体斜体(无须用粗体)。(2)试题指令中的强调词,如“ANSWER SHEET” , “EXCEPT” 用五号Times New Roman大写斜体格式(无须用粗体)。(3)各大题所占分值用 points 表达,要求明确提供该题总分值与每小题所占分值,分值要求用五号字(无须用斜体)。示例:“Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentenc

6、es in this part. For each sentence there are four options marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence, and mark the corresponding letter on your ANSWER SHEET. (20 points, 1 for each) ”5. 图表格式(1)图表名称均用五号Times New Roman粗体。(2)图名在图件下方居中,表名在表格上方居中。(3)图表名前应有明确的图表序号,并在试题相应内

7、容后明确标注。例如:“financial sources of college students(Fig 1).”。图表序号应分别按图或表系列编制,根据在试题中出现先后顺序编排序号。表序号命名为Fig 1,Fig 2,;图序号命名为Tab 1,Tab 2,。缩略词“Fig”(或“Tab”)和后面的数字“1”中间空一格。(4)试题中的表格采用三线表。表格中的文字与阿拉伯数字均用小五号或五号Times New Roman字体。(5)试题中的图件要清晰,易辨识。图中文字注记与阿拉伯数字均用小五号或五号Times New Roman字体。6. 空行格式(1)试题题头横线下空两行(五号Times New

8、 Roman)。试题每大题部分的标题(即:试题一级序号)要求与试题指令之间空一行(五号Times New Roman)。(2)试题指令与第一道小题之间空一行(五号Times New Roman)。最后一道小题结束后须空一行(五号Times New Roman)。 (3)选择题中,如果是包含问题与选项内容的小题,各小题之间要求空一行(五号Times New Roman)。如果是仅有选项内容的小题,各小题之间不空行。(4)阅读部分的Passage One ,Passage Two等标题,其上与试题指令之间空一行(五号Times New Roman),其下与阅读材料内容之间空一行(五号Times N

9、ew Roman)。阅读材料与其下的第一个小题之间空一行(五号Times New Roman)。一篇阅读材料内的段落间不空行。(5)图表名与图表内容作为一个整体,与上下连接内容间各空一行(五号Times New Roman)。(6)若页面的第一行出现空行,则将该空行删除。7. 对齐格式(1)一级标题居中对齐。二级及其以下序号标题均左对齐。(2)采用操作系统的“编号”工具,按照“1.”的格式对二级序号进行自动编号,编号完成后对其进行“悬挂缩进”2字符操作,以实现前后各小题首字母对齐。(3)选择题的选项必须排列整齐。选择题的选项用英文大写字母罗列,如:A. B. C. D.,选项 ABCD 后用实

10、心点“.”断开,实心点“.”后空一格再接选项内容。如果选项为单词,ABCD等选项列为一行,要注意空间间隔均匀。如果选项为词组,选项可按照两行排列,例如,第一行排列 AB,第二行排列 CD。要注意空间间隔均匀,同时兼顾与单行排列的选项位置对齐(可用Tab键)。如果选择项较长,各选项可分别占一行。选择项中的首字母要与题干的首字母对齐。对选择项所在行采用“首行缩进”2字符的方式即可实现对齐。示例如下:1. George went on at great length about his various illnesses. A. for a long time B. in details C. at

11、 last D. in the end 2. Young people should understand the old peoples worries and cares. And the old people in turn should take the young peoples wishes and desire into consideration. A. on the other hand B. on the contrary C. so far as I am concerned D. as a result (4)阅读部分的材料,需要采用“首行缩进2字符”的格式。(5)试题

12、内容全文采用两端对齐。8. 其他 (1)试题空白处的下划线要统一长度。在英文输入状态下可用shift+“-”(即“减号”)实现下划线操作,下划线长度为7个“-”,下划线与前后字母间均要保留一个空格。示例:“These fields have been under _ (cultivate) for years.”(2)填空题型的下划线上内容若为空白,则该下划线长度为7个 “-”。若下划线中出现数字序号,则该下划线长度为“一个空格+数字+一个空格”,下划线与前后字母间均要保留一个空格。示例:“begins with a catalog of possible items, 6 an item,

13、arranges a form of payment”(3)试题应标注页码。页码标注格式为:在页脚中心位置标明具体页码和总页数。示例:如共 12 页,该页为第4页,则应标注为:“Page 4 of 12” (在WORD系统中,“插入”-“页码”;然后对出现的页码数字做修改,例如“4”:在“4”前输入“Page”,在“4”后输入“of 12”,即可)。 (4)如果试题一级题目(序号)出现在当前页最后一行,则需要将其调整到下一个页面第一行。(5)如果试题“指令”、“题干”、“选项”等内容的第一行或最后一行出现在试卷另页第一行,可空一行或适当压缩行间距,以保证试题“指令”、“题干”、“选项”内容相对

14、完整地保留在一页中。(6)各课程试题中相同类型的试题指令内容应尽可能统一。 (7)不同语种的试题模块请参照本模板的相应内容,根据试题需要确定。英语试题模板 西安外国语大学考试试题(A) 编号:01310020388 2015-2016学年 第 1 学期 院(部): 英文学院 专业: 英 语 课程:基础英语 年级:2015级1-5班 命题时间:2016.06.12 命题教师:基础英语(I)教研室 以上栏目由命题教师填写,下栏由考生填写姓名: 学号: 班级: PART I WORD-FORMATIONDirections: There are ten incomplete statements i

15、n the part of the test. You are to complete each of the statements by using the proper form of the word provided in the brackets, and write your answers on your ANSWER SHEET. (20 points, 2 points for each) 1. These fields have been under _ (cultivate) for years. 2. Einsteins theory of relativity too

16、k years to gain _ (accept). 3. Hes _ (passion) about nature, from small creatures to big spectacular landscapes. 4. He is not a clever student, but he shows great _ (persevere). 5. She is full of _ (hate) for the men who killed her husband. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. He is kind and _ (consider) to his friends.

17、 Part II VocabularyDirections: There are ten sentences in this part of the test. For each sentence there are four options marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best explains the underlined part in each sentence and mark the corresponding letter on your ANSWER SHEET. (10 points, 1 point fo

18、r each) 1. Reference books may not be removed from the library. A. taken off B. dismissed C. taken away D. lent 2. George went on at great length about his various illnesses. A. for a long time B. in details C. at last D. in the end 3. Young people should understand the old peoples worries and cares

19、. And the old people in turn should take the young peoples wishes and desire into consideration. A. on the other hand B. on the contrary C. so far as I am concerned D. as a result 4. We must see to it that all people are equal before the law. A. make sure B. promise C. believe D. consider 5. Everyon

20、e in the office knows that Melinda takes infinite care over her work. A. limited B. unnecessary C. overdue D. much 6. Who do you think will take over now that the governor has been dismissed. A. sponsor B. take up C. be in charge D. control 7. 8. 9. 10. Shes a gutsy player; she never gives in. A. lo

21、ses B. wins C. misses D. admits defeat Part III GrammarDirections: There are ten incomplete sentences in this part of the test. For each sentence there are four options marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence, and mark the corresponding letter on your ANSWER SHEE

22、T. (10 points, 1 for each) 1. If it _ tomorrow, the match would be put off. A. was to rain B. were to rain C. was raining D. had rained 2. Just as there are occupations that require college or even higher degrees, so are there occupations _ technical training is necessary. A. for which B. in which C

23、. to which D. at which 3. After _ seemed an endless wait, it was his turn to enter the personnel managers office. A. that B. it C. what D. there 4. Time _, the celebration will be held as scheduled. A. permit B. permitting C. permitted D. permits 5. They gave me extra bananas to take along in case m

24、y radiator _ me trouble gain. A. gave B. should give C. should have given D. would give 6. A well-known philosopher once said, “I eat and drink _ I like, and sleep _ I cannot keep awake. I am in good health. A. however; whenever B. whatever; whenever C. whatever; whatever D. however; however 7. 8. 9

25、. 10. _, I didnt know what the trouble was, but then I realized it. A. For a time B. Sometimes C. Frequently D. More often than notPart IV ClozeDirections: there is a passage with 10 blanks in this part of the test. For each blank there are four options marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer f

26、or each blank and mark the corresponding letter on your ANSWER SHEET. (10 points, 1 for each) The term e-commerce refers to all commercial transactions conducted over the Internet, including transactions by consumers and business-to-business transactions. Conceptually, e-commerce does not 1 from wel

27、l-known commercial offerings such as banking by phone, “mail order” catalogs, or sending a purchase order to supplier 2 fax. E-commerce follows the same model 3 in other business transactions; the difference 4 in the details. To a consumer, the most visible form of e-commerce consists 5 online order

28、ing. A customer begins with a catalog of possible items, 6 an item, arranges a form of payment, and 7 an order. Instead of a physical catalog, e-commerce arranges for catalogs to be 8 on the Internet. Instead of sending an order on paper or by telephone, e-commerce arranges for orders to be sent 9 a

29、 computer network. Finally, instead of sending a paper representation of payment such as a check, e-commerce 10 one to send payment information electronically. 1. A. distract B. descend C. differ D. derive 2. A. with B. via C. from D. off 3. A. appeared B. resorted C. used D. served 4. A. situates B

30、. lies C. roots D. locates 5. A. on B. of C. for D. to 6. A. reflects B. detects C. protects D. selects 7. A. sends in B. puts out C. stands for D. carries away 8. A. visible B. responsible C. feasible D. sensible 9. A. beside B. over C. beyond D. up 10. A. appeals B. admits C. advocates D. allows Part V Reading ComprehensionDirections:There are four passages in this part. Each passage in followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You are to decide on the best ch

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