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1、key to cet4Key to CET4Writing What Jobs Do College Graduates Want to Take? It goes without saying that college students have a clear idea about their future occupation. Boys are to some extent different from girls in their choices as is seen from the table. According to the table, the most striking

2、contrast is in the occupation of teaching: 45% of girl students would like to become teachers after graduation whereas only 5% of boys would. What boys like to do most is to become managers (40%) and the second largest group is to be businessmen (30%). Girls also like to pursue these two professions

3、, with a percentage of 15% and 25% respectively choosing these two jobs. 15% of boys want to become lawyers while 10% of girls prefer this profession. It can be easily proved that teaching is preferred by females as it provides a more steady life. Womens patience also fits the job well. Boys conside

4、r working as managers, businessmen and lawyers more demanding and exciting. It is true that more boys want to show their talents in these fields. One thing noteworthy is that the number of girls who want to do business is not small. This shows that girls want to take challenging and exciting jobs, t

5、oo. Nevertheless, no matter what job you choose, it could be a challenge. As for me, I like science and technology. With the economic growth and social progress, professionals of science and technology will become more and more important. Therefore I will choose doing scientific research as my caree

6、r.Part Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning) 文章精要 本文介绍了谷歌公司,同时指出谷歌的主要收入来源于广告。 1B信息明示题。根据题干claim victory定位到第二段前两句But Google cant claim victory yetThe European Unions antitrust commission still needs to sign off on the merger before Google Can begin incorporating Double Click into its business,

7、即:在Google与Double Click合并之前,欧盟的反托拉斯委员会需要在合并上签字放弃,故选B。 2C信息明示题。根据题干The EU has raised concerns about定位到第二段第四句Already,the EU has raised concerns about its impact on consumer privacy,即:欧盟对其对消费者隐私的影响的关注已经提高,故选C。 3B信息明示题。根据题干master the market定位到第一个小标题下的第三句话Ads placed beside Web search results account for m

8、ore than 40of the dollars spent onlineand Google controls more than twothirds of that market,according to eMarketer,即:依照eMarketer,Google控制那一市场的三分之二,故选B。 4A信息明示题。根据题干Consumer groups定位到第一个小标题下的第三段首句But consumer groups see the issue another way:the more data collected、the higher the risk of violating s

9、omeones privacy,即:消费者的看法是,数据收集得愈多,侵犯隐私的危险也愈高,故选A。 5A信息明示题。根据题干solidified multiyear advertising agreements定位到第二个小标题第二段首句Microsoft also recently solidified multiyear advertising agreements with Face book,即:微软最近巩固了与 Face book的多年广告协议,故选A。 6B信息明示题。根据题干信息词the CDDs Chester定位到第二个小标题第二段的末句“When Microsoft com

10、es into a room and talks about anticompetitive behavior and threats to privacy,no one can take them seriously,”says the CDDs Chester,故选B。A、C两项与原文表述相反,故排除。 7B信息明示题。根据题干信息词independent player定位到第二个小标题第三段末句Meanwhile,independent players。such as Specific Media文中仅给出一个例子,即Specific Media,故选B。 8complicated。信息

11、明示题。根据题干定位到第三个小标题首段第三句In November the commission delayed a decision on the deal,saying it was more complicated than many competition cases and demanded further review,即:在11月,委员会延迟了交易的决定,因为这个决定比任何一个案例都要复杂,有待于进一步考虑,故得答案。 9what they do there。信息明示题。根据题干定位到第三个小标题第三段首句Google counters that Double Clickclie

12、nts own information about who visits their sites and what they do there,即:Double Click的客户拥有的信息有谁来访问以及访问者都做了什么,故得答案。 10privacy advocates。信息明示题。根据题干定位到第三个小标题第四段首句The FTC did offer a ray of hope for privacy advocates,即:联邦贸易委员会确实给隐私倡导者提供了一线希望,故得答案。Part Listening Comprehension Section A11A综合推断题。通过对话中提到的O

13、pen your mouth及injection,我们可推知对话的场景应该是在牙医诊所。*考点牙医与病人常用的词汇:toothache,decayed tooth,needle,cavity,appetite,dentist,painkiller,give an injection等。12B综合推断题。女士说所有的配料都能在超市里买到,并索要笔和纸。由此可知,女士打算把配料的名称写出来,选项B中的recipe有“食谱,配方”之意,所以B正确。13D综合推断题。女士说她有一张票,但是身体不适不想去,男士可以用她买票的价钱得到这张票,言外之意,女士打算把这张票卖给男士,选项D与之相符。14D综合推

14、断题。女士说那个实验应该难不倒男士,男士回答说的确是不难,但没想到做那个实验花了自己那么长的时间,言外之意是实验完成得还可以。选项A和B与之意义相反,选项C并未提及,故选D。*考点expect的常见用法:“预料,预计”,如:I expect I will be back on Sunday(我预计星期日回来。)“盼望,期望”,如:I expect to take the linguistics course(我希望学语言学课程。)“认为,猜想”,如:I expect it was Tom who has eaten all the cake(我猜想是汤姆把蛋糕都吃完了。)15A综合推断题。女士

15、问男士为什么不高兴,男士说他家昨晚停电了,他错过了大半场足球比赛,由此可知,男士是位足球迷,所以A正确。*考点smart是口语中常用到的一个小词,词性及意思较多,常用作形容词,其常见的用法有:“漂亮的,潇洒的”,如:Tina always swears smart clothes(蒂娜总穿漂亮的衣服。)“精明的,聪明的”,如:Tom is a smart businessman(汤姆是个精明的商人。)16C综合推断题。女士一开始就说非常喜欢这个校园,然后说喜欢里面的大树、草坪和老建筑,男士解释说这些建筑是希腊风格的,在18世纪特别流行,由此可知,他们在谈论大学校园,所以C正确。17D综合推断题

16、。女士问迈克什么时候到,男士说迈克说自己6点半到,但是如果你了解他,就会知道他至少8点才能到,由此可知,迈克不守时,所以D正确。18D信息明示题。由对话中的pick up和if the traffic isnt too heavy可知,他们应该是开车去纽约,正确答案为D。*考点与“交通工具”相关的词汇:car,bus,train,plane,subway,taxi,coach,bicycle,flight,airway,airport,board,fly,take off, land,park,check in,gate number等。Conversation One 19D主旨题。男士先提

17、到每年有大量的女性由于吸烟而死亡,然后又指出女性选择的低焦油含量的烟草和普通烟草一样有害,接下来又提到烟草商为了吸引人们购买而采用的广告策略,由此可知,对话是关于女性吸烟的内容,所以D正确。20C信息明示题。男士提到,每年有超过140,000的女性因为吸烟而死亡,所以C正确。21D信息明示题。男士指出,那些烟草商宣传的低焦油含量的香烟只是一种广告策略,模糊了吸烟的危害,其实那些香烟的危害和其他普通香烟的危害是一样的,所以D正确。22D信息明示题。男士提到,烟草商非常聪明,针对男性的烟草广告强调男人味和劲酷感,而针对女性的烟草广告则侧重社交和政治方面,所以D正确。Conversation Two

18、 23C信息明示题。男士说他哥哥把他送到火车站,最后他又乘坐公共汽车,由此可知,男士是乘坐火车和公共汽车到达这里的,所以C正确。24B综合推断题。女士说男士和照片上相比变化很大,胡子的样子发生了变化,而且也没有戴眼镜,由此可知,男士过去不戴眼镜,故选B。25B信息明示题。对话最后女士提到,5点半在一层走廊另一端的Common Room开会,选项中的Room 501和the room on the fight都是指男士的宿舍,所以B正确。Section B Passage One文章精要文章指出,体育运动和比赛能使我们的身体更加强壮,使我们保持健康,不会发胖。但是,体育运动的作用不仅在于此,它还


20、那么以后他就会自然而然地为自己的国家而不是仅仅为了自己的利益而工作,由此可知,这里讲的是团队协作精神,也就是说对于足球队来说最重要的就是团队协作,所以B正确。Passage Two文章精要文章指出,热带雨林生长在赤道南北纬20度之间,地球上超过一半的物种生活在那里。然而,目前已经有一半的热带雨林遭到了破坏,科学家估计,每年有大约五千万亩热带雨林被破坏,由此造成的恶果就是,雨水不断侵蚀土地。地表土层越来越薄,植物无法生长,地区的生态遭到永久性的破坏。29C综合推断题。文章第一段指出,热带雨林生长在赤道南北纬20度之间,是地球上超过一半物种的栖息地。所以C项“地球上超过一半的物种生活在40度的纬度

21、带”是正确的。30C信息明示题。文章第二段提到,每60秒就有100亩热带雨林被破坏,所以C正确。31D信息明示题。文章第二段提到,持续的降雨会侵蚀土地,所以排除A;第二段还提到,成千上万个物种会灭绝,所以排除B;第二段最后提到,地区的生态会遭到永久性的破坏,可见,作者认为人类的未来也可能会因受到影响而改变,所以排除C;只有D项文章中没有提到,所以选D。Passage Three文章精要文章指出,决定好购买的车型和预算后,要多跑几个商家。在美国,买汽车是可以讲价的。为了节省更多的钱,首先,在谈妥价格之前不要让商家知道你已经有了一辆车并打算折价购物;其次,买商家已有的车,而不要订购;再次,在年底的


23、好也要等到月末;最后,交易结束前不要提是打算现金支付还是银行转账,但是文中并没有提到为买新车而筹款,故选C。35A综合推断题。文章第一段指出,在美国,买汽车是少数几个可以议价的买卖之一,由此可知,在美国买东西讲价是很少见的,所以A正确。其他选项文章中并没有提及。Section C文章精要本文主要讲的是英国职员正饱受“电子邮件之苦”,因为他们经常有大量邮件需要快速回复,他们需要不时地检查邮箱,因而无法专心工作。对于这一现象,计算机科学家表示,电子邮件是种不可思议的工作工具,但现在却给人们的工作带来了巨大问题,它已经无法控制。36frustrated37struggle38fitted39volu

24、me40respond 41relaxed 42invaded 43concentrate44They felt pressured to switch applications to see whether the emails were urgent45However, there is evidence that e-mail can exert a powerful hold over its users46E-mail is the thing that now causes US the most problems in our working livesIts an amazin

25、g tool, but its got out of hand.Section A11W:Come along nowOpen your mouthI cant give you the injection with your mouth closed, can I?M:III dont want an injectionI hate needlesQ:Where is the conversation most probably taking place?12M:This stew is deliciousId love to be able to make it myselfW:Why n

26、ot? You can get all the ingredients at any supermarketHere, let me get a pencil and paperQ:What will the woman probably do next?13M:The basketball team is in the play-offs and I dont have a ticketI guess Ill just watch it on TVDo you want to come over?W:Actually I have a ticketbut Im not feeling wel

27、tYou can have it for what it cost meQ:What does the woman mean?14W:Have you finished the assignment given by Professor Smith? I dont think you have much difficulty doing that experiment?M:NObut I didnt expect it would take me most of the dayQ:What does the man mean?15W:You dont look smart this morni

28、ngI can see youre not happyCome onwhat happened?M:I had never expected this would have happened to meWe had a power failure at home last night and I missed most of the football matchQ:What can we infer from the conversation?16W:Well,I do like this campus,all the big trees,the green lawns,and the old

29、 buildings with tall columnsIts really beautifulM:It sure isThe architecture of these buildings is in the Greek styleIt was popular in the 18th century hereQ:What are the speakers talking about?17W:When is Mike coming?M:Well,he said hed be here at half past six,but if you know him,it will be at leas

30、t eight OclockQ:What do we know about Mike?18M:Can we travel to New York together?W:CertainlyIll pick you up at 2:00 and we should arrive in New York by 5:00 if the traffic isnt too heavyQ:What means of transportation are the man and the woman using?Now youll hear two long conversationsConversation

31、OneM:Yael, whats that in your hand?W:Come on, Don. Havent you seen a cigarette before? Every day in the United States,about 1,500 girls begin smoking, and I figured, why not do my share?M:But Yael, dont you know that tobacco kills more than 140,000 women each year, and that half of those women are between the ages of thirty-five and sixty-nine?W:Yeahbut thats why I smoke a brand with low nicotine and tar contentM:Altho

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