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1、 drav 驾驶;驾车 f prep.下(飞机、火车、公共汽车等)22.get off 下(飞机、火车、公共汽车等) dog 热狗(一种中间夹香肠的三明治) 24.leave liv 离开 restrnt 饭店;餐馆 26.moment mmnt (某事发生的)的时刻,时候 ples 地点 28.thing 事情、东西 29.most mst 大部分(的);大多数(的) 30.still stl 仍然;依旧 st 明星;星;星状物 rn 跑,奔跑 std 学

2、习;研究1. stand in line 排队 2. take a photo of. 给.照相 3. wait for a bus 等公共汽车4. walk on the Great Wall 在长城上走 walk to school/work 走着去学校/上班 walk home 走着回家 5. talk with sb on the phone 在电话里和.说话 6. right now =at the moment =now 现在 7. be with sb 和.在一起 8. be on sale 在出售 9. lie in the sun 躺在阳光下 10. send sth to

3、sb by email 通过电子邮件发送某东西给某人 11. enjoy the trip a lot 非常喜欢这次旅游 12. its time to do sth 该做.的时间了 Its time to do your homework. Its time for sth 该.的时间了 Its time for breakfast.13. go/be on a trip to +地点 参加到.的旅游 14. get off / on 下/上(车,船.) 15. leave work 下班 16. drive to school/work 开车去学校/上班 drive home 开车回家 1

4、7. have afternoon tea 喝下午茶 18. have a drink 喝酒,喝饮料 19. go to the theater 去剧院看戏 20. watch a film=see a film 看电影 21. go home from work 下班回家 22. start lessons 开始上课 23. see friends=visit friends 拜访某人,看望某人 24. call home 给家人打电话 25. a few+可数n.复数 一些. 26. enjoy doing sth 喜欢做. 27. go back to. 回. 28. hi from.

5、来自.的问候 29. thank sb for sth 因某事谢谢某人 thank sb for doing sth 因做某事谢谢某人 30. enjoy the sun 享受阳光 31. look at the homes of . 观赏.的房屋 32. a movie star 电影明星 33. a postcard from sb 来自于.的明信片 34. call sb 给.打电话 35. visit the Forbidden City 参观故宫36. look at maps 看地图 37. have a good time =have fun =enjoy oneself 玩的高

6、兴,过的愉快 38. play/do taijiquan 打太极拳 39. play/do yangge 扭秧歌 40. run for a bus = run for buses 向公共汽车跑去,去赶公共汽车二、重点句型: 1. Were enjoying the school trip a lot. 我们非常喜欢学校的这次旅游. 2. Im standing on the Great Wall and talking to you. 我正站在长城上和你打电话. 3. Were on a school trip to the Great Wall. 我们正参加学校到长城的旅游. 4. Are

7、 they with you? 他们和你在一起吗?5. They are on sale at the shop. 它们在商店里出售. 6. Please take some photos and send them to me. 请照一些像,并用电子邮件发送给我. 7. Its time to go back to school now. 该回校的时间了. 8. At this moment, in different places of the world, people are doing different things. 此刻,在世界上不同的地方,人们正做不同的事. 9. Hi fr

8、om Tony. 来自Tony的问候. 10. Thank you for your postcard. 谢谢你的明信片. Thank you for sending me a postcard. 谢谢你送明信片给我. 11. We are having a good time. 我们正玩的高兴. 三、基本语法点:现在进行时的基本用法1. 用法 表示说话时正在进行或发生的动作Look! They are playing football. 表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作 Im reading Harry Potter these days. 2. 构成:助动词be+v-ing(

9、现在分词)(助动词be用am, is还是are,由主语决定) 现在分词的变化规则(1)一般情况,直接加-ing work-working buy-buying (2)以不发音的字母e结尾,去掉e再加-ing take-taking have-having (3)以“辅音字母+元音字母+辅音字母”结尾的重读闭音节,双写末尾辅音字母,然后加-ing stop-stopping shop-shopping (4)以ie结尾的,改ie为y再加-ing Die-dying lie-lying, tie-tying 3. 现在进行时的句型变化肯定句 I am reading a book. They ar

10、e talking to each other.否定句 She isnt watching TV. 一般疑问句 Are you traveling in China?4. 常用于现在进行时的词与短语 Now, at the/this moment, look, listen等.四、课后习题:Module 9单元跟踪练习Unit 1 Were enjoying the school trip a lot. I. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词. 1. My father can d_ a car. He often takes me for a visit. 2. Here is a p_ fr

11、om your pen-pal. He is in Australia. 3. They are eating in a small r_ . 4. Do you like drinking c_ or tea?5. They are having a rest at the m_ . II. 短语翻译. 1. 拍照 _ 2. 等候 _ 3. 玩得高兴 _ 4. 学校旅行 _ 5. 在阳光下 _ 6. 对说话 _ III. 句型转换.(每空一词) 1. He is having a good time. (改为否定句) He _ _ having a good time. 2. They ar

12、e enjoying themselves now. (改为同义句) They are _ _ _ _ now. 3. Lucy is playing the piano at home now. (改为一般疑问句) _ Lucy _ the piano at home now?4. The girl is eating an ice cream now. (对划线部分提问) _ is the girl _ now?5. We are writing postcards. (对划线部分提问) _ are _ postcards?Unit 2 Theyre waiting for buses o

13、r trains.I. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词. 1. Do you like these t_?2. They are eating in a r_. 3. They are having a_ tea at home. 4. The man is getting d_ _ in his room now. 5. My father likes drinking c_ _ and Coke. II. 单句改错. 1. I enjoy to play football this afternoon. A B C D 2. The boy is lieing on the floor.

14、3. I am waiting my mother at the bus stop. 4. He is having the breakfast at home now. 5. I often look at my grandpa on Sundays. III. 根据汉语意思完成句子.(每空一词)1. 那个人能开车很好. The man _ _ a car very well. 2. 他们正在长城上拍照. They are _ _ on the Great Wall. 3. 今晚上他们将离开去上海. They are _ _ Shanghai this evening. 4. 他们正开始上课

15、. They are _ their _. 5. 我希望早日见到你. I hope to _ you _. Unit 3 Language in useI. 根据括号内的汉语提示,完成句子. 1. They are _ _ their _ (享受参观). 2. Who are you _ _ (等候)? My good friend. 3. They are _ _ _ (听) the guide. 4. They are having lunch _ (此时). 5. _ (看) the birds in the sky. II. 单项选择. 1. What does Jack do on

16、Sundays?He usually goes to _ his friends. A. watch B. look C. see D. with 2. Do you like watching ballets?No, I dont like watching ballets _ going to the opera. A. and B. or C. so D. for 3. Dont look _ your books. Please listen _ me. OK. Mrs. Liu. A. at, to B. for, at C. after, about D. for, for 4.

17、What do your friends do? One is a doctor. _are students. A. The two B. The others C. The other D. Others A. uses B. using C. is useing D. is using III. 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空. 1. He _ (watch) TV at home now. 2. What _ you _ (do) now?3. Listen! Who _ (sing) in the next room. 4. Look! What _ the girl _ (do)

18、over there?5. Dont go out. It _ (rain) outside (外面). . 根据汉语意思完成句子.(每空一词) 1. 他想离开家一周. He wants to _ _ from home for a week.2. 这个小孩能自己穿衣服了. The child can _ _. 3. 她有许多朋友. She has _ _ _ friends. 4. 我们现在正玩得很高兴. We are _ _ _ _ now. 5. 他们正在街上玩. They _ _ in the street. Module 9 People and places 模块达标检测试题一、语

19、音知识(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) (一) 根据音标写单词.(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 1. /pstk:d / 2. /restrnt / 3. / mmnt / 4. / n d / 5. / drav / 1 2 3 4 5 . (二)从A、B、C、D中选出划线部分读音与其他三项不同选项.(共5小题;6. A. take B. sale C. back D. place 7. A. postcard B. photo C. most D. off 8. A. trip B. line C. drive D. lie 9. A. postcard B. star C. p

20、arty D. keyboard 10. A. sun B. put C. run D. study 二、单项选择(共10小题;从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项. ( )11. Dont lie _ the sun. Its bad for your eyes. A. on B. under C. in D. at ( )12. -How do you usually go home from work? -I _ my car to go home. A. drives B. drive C. am driving D. by ( ) 13. _ your

21、 parents drinking tea?A. Do B. Can C. Are D. Is ( )14. What is the old man _?A. do B. does C. doing D. is doing ( ) 15. Listen! Someone _ in the next room. A. sing B. singing C. is singing D. are singing ( ) 16. -Are they writing postcards? -No, _. A. they are B. they arent C. they do D. they dont (

22、 ) 17. Please_ at the next bus stop. A. get in B. get up C. get off D.get ( ) 18. -Is Lily doing her homework? -No, she _. She is _ a letter. A. doesnt, write B. isnt, writing C. isnt, write D. doesnt , writing( )19. Look! Miss Li _ Bob. A. talk about B. is talking to C. talks to D. talking to ( ) 2

23、0. -Do you enjoy _ a train? -Yes,I do. A. take B. takes C. taking D. to take 三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) ABirds can fly and so can bats. But is a bat a kind of bird? No, a bat is not a kind of bird. They are different animals. A bat has four legs. A bird has only two. Bats have teeth and birds have no

24、. Bats have large ears but birds ears are small. All bats like to eat insects(昆虫). They eat at night and sleep in the daytime. In the evening bats are busy flying and catching insects. Its legs help it fly. The piece of skin(皮肤) joins(连接) them together. It is just like a wing. Some people think bats

25、 cant see. In fact it is wrong .Bats have eyes, but they cant see well. Bats have better ears than men have. They can hear things which people cant. They can feel where a thing is. Thats why the bats can fly about in the evening. ( ) 21. Birds ears are much _ than Bats. A. smaller B. longer C. wider

26、 D. larger ( ) 22. A bird has _ legs and has no_ . A. two, wings B. four, wings C. two, teeth D. four, teeth ( )23.Why can bats fly about in the evening? A. Because they have many teeth. B. Because they can hear where a thing is. C. Because they can feel where a thing is. D. Both B and C. ( )24.Whic

27、h of the following is true? A. A bat is a kind of bird. B.A bird has four legs and teeth C. All bats eat in the daytime and sleep at night. D. Bats can not see well.( ) 25. Bats have no _ . A. eyes B. ears C. wings D. feathers BMiss Yang is our English teacher, and she is standing in front of the blackboard and writing on it. Daming and Tony are wearing their new clothes today. Betty and Jim are cleaning their desks. They are all happy

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