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学年新素养导学英语课件讲义 精练 237.docx

1、学年新素养导学英语课件 讲义 精练 237Period Four GrammarThe ed form & Past tense time expressions感知以下课文原句,完成方框下的小题1We ate great meals cooked by experts!2We saw abandoned farms which were built more than a hundred years ago.3For many years,trained camels carried food and other supplies,and returned with wool and oth

2、er products.4Recently I had my first ride on a longdistance train.5One night,at about midnight,I watched the night sky for about an hour.6A long time ago,Australians needed a way to travel to the middle of the country.7The Afghans and their camels did this until the 1920s.8In 1925,they passed a law

3、which allowed people to shoot the animals if they were a problem.1句1,2,3中的加黑部分为过去分词作定语。2句4,5,6,7,8的时态为一般过去时。一、过去分词作定语过去分词有两个显著的特点,即:从时间上讲,表示动作已经完成;从语态上讲,表示被动的概念。但是,如果是不及物动词的过去分词形式,则只表示时间上的过去,而没有被动意义。1过去分词作定语的位置(1)单个过去分词及由过去分词构成的复合形容词作定语时,通常置于被修饰词之前,如果被修饰的词是由every/some/any/nothing/body/one所构成的复合代词或指示

4、代词those等时,即使一个单一的分词作形容词用,也要放在被修饰词的后面。如:a retired worker一位退休的工人the given question给定的问题qualified teachers合格的教师everybody invited所有被邀请的人注意:leave的过去分词left表示“剩余的,剩下的”时,置于被修饰词之后。如:I have only one coin left.我只剩下一枚硬币了。(2)过去分词短语作定语要后置,放在被修饰词之后。如:the languages used in Germany在德国使用的语言the book written in simple

5、English用浅显的英语写成的书2过去分词短语作定语,相当于一个定语从句,但它比定语从句更简短。过去分词短语作后置定语时,如果和中心词之间有逗号,则可以将其转换成非限制性定语从句;若无逗号,则可以将其转换成限制性定语从句。I want to take away the book shown to me yesterday.I want to take away the book which was shown to me yesterday.我想带走(你)昨天给我看的那本书。The Olympic Games,first held in 776 BC,did not include wome

6、n competitors until 1912.The Olympic Games,which were first held in 776 BC,did not include women competitors until 1912.于公元前776年首次举办的奥运会直到1912年才允许女运动员参赛。3表示情感的动词的过去分词有些表示情感或心理状态的过去分词已经完全形容词化,常见的这类过去分词有:disappointed(失望的),moved(感动的),interested(感兴趣的),surprised(感到惊讶的),shocked(震惊的,震撼的),puzzled(迷惑不解的),fri

7、ghtened(受惊吓的)等。如:a frightened girl一个受惊吓的女孩。4不及物动词的过去分词一些不及物动词也有过去分词形式,由于不及物动词不可以直接跟宾语,所以不及物动词的过去分词作定语时只表示动作的完成,而没有被动意义。如:newlyarrived passengers刚到的旅客fallen leaves落叶5过去分词常和形容词、副词或名词构成复合形容词作定语The newlybuilt hotel was burnt in the fire.新建的宾馆在火灾中被烧掉了。二、用于一般过去时的时间状语1一般过去时表示在过去一段时间内,经常性或习惯性的动作时,常与always,u

8、sually,often,sometimes,never等时间状语连用。When I was a child,I often played football in the street.儿时,我经常在街上踢足球。I always got up late,and never had enough time for breakfast.我总是起床很晚,从来没有足够的时间吃早饭。2一般过去时表示在过去某一具体的时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态时,常用的时间状语有a moment ago,just now,yesterday,last week,an hour ago,the other day,in年

9、代,last year,in the朝代等。Where did you go yesterday?你昨天去哪里了?3一般过去时也可与today,this week,in the old days,during,when引导的时间状语从句,recently,until,“since时间点”等时间状语连用。I saw him today.我今天见过他。During his middle school years,he often went in for competitions.他在中学时代经常参加竞赛。They recently moved into a new house.最近他们搬进了新居。

10、单句语法填空1True to a gorillas unaggressive nature,the huge animal meant(mean) me no real harm.He was just saying:“Im king of this forest,and here is your reminder!”(2018全国)2The publication of Great Expectations,which was(be) both widely reviewed and highly praised,strengthened Dickens status as a leadin

11、g novelist.(2017江苏)3Did(do) you call that company to see how they think of our product yesterday?Yes.They are happy with it.(2017北京)4To return to the problem of water pollution,Id like you to look at a study conducted(conduct) in Australia in 2012.(2016浙江)5It was raining lightly when I arrived(arriv

12、e) in Yangshuo just before dawn.(2015全国)6Is Peter coming?No,he changed(change) his mind after a phone call at the last minute.(2015重庆)7I wasnt able to hide my eagerness when I asked(ask),“What do you wish me to do now?”(2015湖南).单句语法填空1Dont put the waste on the ground.Oh,Im very sorry.I didnt see(not

13、,see) the dustbin there.2Robert gave(give) me his address the other day,but Im afraid I have lost it.3Mr Smith came(come) to see you just now.4We often went(go) out for a walk after supper when we lived in the countryside.5The fire broke(break) out during the night.完成句子6The book referred to last tim

14、e has been sold out.上次提到的那本书已经卖出去了。7The results of the survey conducted last week are as follows.上周进行的调查结果如下。8America is a highlydeveloped country.美国是个高度发达的国家。9She listened with a puzzled expression on her face.她脸上带着困惑的表情在倾听。10The polluted air is bad for our health.污染的空气对我们的健康有害。基础巩固.单句语法填空1Most peo

15、ple invited (invite) to the party were famous scientists.2I saw (see) him yesterday in the street.3This famous novel written(write) by Mr Smith is worth reading.4The question discussed(discuss) yesterday is about pollution.5Island is a small piece of land surrounded (surround) by water.6When she hea

16、rd the good news,a satisfied(satisfy) smile appeared on her face.7I felt very tired when I got home,and I went(go) straight to bed.8We had(have) a good time last Sunday.9The boy followed (follow) by a dog was running along the street.10Did you enjoy the party?Yes,we were treated(treat) well by our h

17、osts.翻译句子11上周末,简吃了一顿她外婆做的美餐。Last weekend, Jane ate a nice meal (which was) cooked by her grandmother.12前天我们举行了一场篮球赛。We held a basketball match the day before yesterday.13前几天,罗伯特去北京出差了。Robert went to Beijing on business the other day.14玛丽过去常常一周来拜访我一次。Mary used to pay a visit to/visit me once a week.1

18、5当我还是个小男孩时,我常去那个公园玩。When I was a boy, I often went to play in that park.能力提升.完形填空As the oldest and my moms “grownup” girl,I was not supposed to be so excited when Christmas came.But when I was alone,I liked to 16 each present under the tree.I 17 every tag(标签) and felt every package so that I could e

19、ven 18 which present went to which person.It had been a tough year for my family.When Mom was 19 the gifts,she sighed and warned us,“There wont be much for Christmas this year.Try not to be 20 .” In the past,the presents would pile up and 21 cover the living room floor.On Christmas morning,we eagerl

20、y waited until Dad told us everything was 22 .We rushed into the living room and made the wrapping paper 23 .“Heres another one for you,” said Mom as she 24 me a package.I looked at it,confused.Having 25 so much time examining the present before Christmas,I 26 this one.But it should have been Moms.A

21、 new 27 had been put on it, 28 my name written in my mothers handwriting.“Mom,I cant.”I was 29 by my mothers joyful looka look I could not really understand.“Lets see 30 it is,honey.Hurry and open it.”It was a hair dryer. 31 this may be a simple gift for other people,to me it was so much more.Being

22、an elevenyearold girl,I was 32 .In my world,where 33 outweighed(比重要) giving,my mothers act was hard for me to understand.Tears 34 my eyes.How much my mother must love me to 35 her Christmas so that I could have a few more presents! I still remember that Christmas and Im sure I will never forget it.语

23、篇解读本文是记叙文,讲述了圣诞节来临时,妈妈把本属于她的礼物给了作者。作者由此感受到了妈妈浓浓的爱,并理解了有时候给予比接受更让人幸福。16A.keep BcheckCremove Dcarry答案B解析作为家里最大的女儿,当圣诞节来临的时候,我本不应该如此兴奋。但当我独自一人的时候,我喜欢去检查树下的每一份礼物。 check核对,检查。 BaddedCcopied Ddestroyed答案A解析我仔细看每一个标签并感觉每一个包装以便我能够辨别哪一个礼物送给哪一个人。本句中的read表示“仔细看”。故A正确。18A.see BnoticeCtell Dsmell答案C解析见上题

24、解析。tell辨别。故C正确。19A.choosing BsendingCfinding Dpreparing答案D解析这一年对我家来说很艰难,当妈妈在准备礼物的时候,她叹着气说:“今年的圣诞节不会有太多的礼物了。” prepare准备。故D正确。20A.satisfied BdisappointedCworried Dexcited答案B解析根据前一句“今年的圣诞节不会有太多的礼物”可知,妈妈应是让我们不要太失望。disappointed失望的。故B正确。21A.nearly BhardlyCseriously Dslightly答案A解析过去,圣诞礼物堆成了山,几乎要堆满客厅地板。near

25、ly几乎,表示程度。故A正确。22A.correct BreadyCreturned Dchanged答案B解析根据下一句“We rushed into the living room.”可知,一切都准备好了。所以使用形容词ready“准备好的”。 BflowCmove Drace答案A解析我们冲进客厅去拆自己的礼物,让包装纸都飞了起来。fly表示拆礼物时高兴的程度。故A正确。24A.threw BdroppedCmade Dhanded答案D解析妈妈把一个礼物递给了我。hand递给。其余选项与语境不符。25A.spent BtakenCcost Dpaid答案A解析根据上文我独

26、自一人时检查礼物可知,我花了很多时间查看礼物。所以使用动词spend。26A.realized BrecognizedCresearched Drecovered答案B解析因为我花了很多时间来检查礼物,所以当妈妈把礼物给我的时候,我立刻就辨认出来了。recognize辨认出。故B正确。27A.present BsignCtag Dpage答案C解析这个礼物本来应该是给妈妈的,但是现在上面贴了一个新的标签,妈妈把她的礼物给了我。tag标签。故C正确。28A.of BwithCby Dabove答案B解析本句是with的复合结构“with宾语宾语补足语”。在新的标签上妈妈写上了我的名字。故B正确。

27、29A.stopped BlostCdecided Dreached答案A解析我刚说“Mom,I cant.”却因为妈妈快乐的表情而停止继续往下说。stop停止。故A正确。30A.which BwhereCwhat Dwhy答案C解析快点打开它,让我们来看看是什么(礼物)。此处是what引导的宾语从句。故选C。31A.Since BThoughCBecause DUnless答案B解析根据“to me it was so much more(这个礼物对我意义重大)”和“this may be a simple gift for other people(对其他人来说这是一个很简单的礼物)”构成

28、让步关系,所以使用though引导让步状语从句。32A.interested BannoyedCshocked Dfrightened答案C解析我被妈妈的行为震惊了,我没有想到妈妈竟然会把她的礼物送给我。shocked震惊的。故C正确。33A.refusing BofferingCborrowing Dreceiving答案D解析在我的世界里,接受要比给予更重要。所以妈妈的行为我很难理解,但是从中我能够感受到妈妈对我的爱。故D正确。34A.attended BfilledCdecorated Dcollected答案B解析我被妈妈的行为打动,眼泪充满了我的眼睛。fill充满。故B正确。35A.

29、put up Btake upCgive up Dpick up答案C解析根据上文可知,妈妈把本属于自己的礼物给了我,即妈妈放弃了自己的礼物。give up放弃。故C正确。.语法填空I am a boy who prefers 36. (travel) rather than stay at home.Ever since middle school,I 37. (make) up my mind to make a journey around China.However,I was too busy to organize 38. journey then.It was after gra

30、duating from university 39. I finally got the chance to make my dream come true.My mother cared 40. my safety so much that she tried to persuade me to go with my classmates.In her view,being too stubborn was one of my 41. (shortcoming)However,I insisted I 42. (travel) on my own.I was fond of 43. (cycle),so I was determined to travel by bicycle.44. I knew there would be many difficulties to go through,I would never give up.Nothing would be hard 45. (deal) with for a boy who is determined.语篇解读作者非常喜欢旅游,但上学期间,没有时间。

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