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1、生活大爆炸第三季剧本DOCS3E19喘不过气了吗Having a little trouble catching your breath there?不 不 我没事儿No,no,Im good.要是体育老师早告诉我刻苦训练是为了这个If my P.E. teachers had told me this is what I was training for,我就会试着再努力点I would have tried a lot harder.要么去做 要么放手 没有尝试一说Do or do not. There is no try.你刚引用了星战的台词吗Did you just quote sta

2、r wars?星战第五部我引用的应该是帝国反击战的台词I believe I quoted Empire Strikes Back.老天爷Oh,my God.尤达:星战人物我居然和一个能引用尤达大师的话的美女躺在一起Im lying in bed with a beautiful woman who can quote 佩妮I love you,Penny.谢谢Thank you.不客气Youre welcome.我只是不吐不快而已I just wanted to put that out there.不 我很高兴Oh,yeah,no,I-Im-Im glad.那就好Good

3、.-高兴就好 -嗯- Glad is good. - Yeah.没手表No,no.呃.已经很晚了So,its getting pretty late.-我们差不多该睡觉吧 -对- We should probably go to sleep. - Yeah.-对 -该睡了- Okay. - Yeah,probably.-晚安 亲爱的 -晚安- Okay,good night,sweetie. - Good night.莱纳德 你对巨型蚂蚁这个问题持什么立场Hey,Leonard,where do you come down on giant ants?谢尔顿说不可能有Sheldon says

4、impossible.霍华德和我都觉得不仅可能Howard and I say not only possible,蝙蝠战车:蝙蝠侠的座驾而且作为一种交通工具 比蝙蝠战车酷多了but as a mode of transportation,way cooler than a Batmobile.你忽视了平方/立方定律You are ignoring the square-cube law.巨型蚂蚁会被The giant ant would be crushed自身的骨骼重量压垮under the weight of its own exoskeleton.而且准确来说And for the r

5、ecord,真正酷的交通工具排名应该是the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is:悬滑板引自回到未来2 传送器引自星际迷航喷射背包 悬滑板 传送器 蝙蝠战车jet pack,hoverboard,transporter,Batmobile,然后才是巨型蚂蚁and then giant ant.有没有搞错Seriously?你们就没别的事干You have nothing better to do只能坐在这里聊巨型蚂蚁存在的可能性吗than sit around and discuss the possibility of

6、 giant ants?他怎么了Whats with him?估计他到了每月一次的敏感期了Perhaps hes at a sensitive point in his monthly cycle.你是说他来大姨夫了与Menstruating同音Are you saying hes man-strating?不是字面意义上的Not literally.但早在十七世纪But as far back as the 17th century,科学家就发现男性荷尔蒙水平scientists observed a 33-day fluctuation有个33天的波动周期in mens hormone l

7、evels.有意思Interesting.难怪我每月中旬都会两眼泪汪汪That might explain my weepy days in the middle of the month.你知道我在说什么You know what Im talking about.潜台词: 别说得这么暧昧.算了 不说巨型蚂蚁Okay,forget giant ants.巨型兔子呢How about giant rabbits?不管大小 我都不喜欢兔子Big or small,I dont like rabbits.兔子总是看似很想说话They always look like theyre about to

8、 say something,但从来不开口but they never do.兔子倒是有呼吸系统Rabbits do have a respiratory system支撑巨大的体型that would support great size.并且 兔子是少数哺乳动物中And on a side note,they are one of the few mammals阴囊长在阴茎前的whose scrotum is in front of the penis.也许这才是他们想谈论的Maybe thats what they want to talk about.莱纳德 你对巨型兔子和阴囊位置Le

9、onard,where do you stand on giant rabbits持啥态度and scrotal position?我一点都不在乎I honestly dont care.是吗Really?每次我们谈到不寻常的动物生殖器Because every time weve talked about unusual animal genitals,你总会有些有力且富争议性的观点youve always had some pretty strong and controversial opinions.你想让我说什么What do you want from me?我就是不鸟这个I ju

10、st dont give a rats ass.有没有巨型老鼠屁屁Would that be a giant rats ass?准确来说 巨型老鼠是有可能存在的For the record,giant rats are possible.我们能不能说点别的Can we please talk about something else?比如稍微跟我们生活有关Maybe something vaguely related而且是地球上的东西to life as we know it on this planet?这个话题怎么样Okay,how about this for a topic:为什么莱纳

11、德是个大混蛋Why is Leonard being a giant douche?假设大混蛋有可能存在Assuming giant douches are possible.当然有Of course they are.莱纳德就是一个Leonards being one.说不定他和佩妮发生了爱爱口角Maybe hes having a lovers spat with Penny.才怪 我们没吵架No,there was no spat.但确实发生了点状况Oh,but something happened.我不想谈这个I dont want to talk about it.我觉得你想说 我不

12、想听But I sense youre going to and I dont want to hear about it.失陪Excuse me.你干啥了 罗密欧Whatd you do,Romeo?往身上倒枫蜜You pour maple syrup all over your body问她有没有性致玩3Pand ask her if she was in the mood for a short stack?你是不是穿她的内裤跳来跳去取悦她Did you think it would be funny to put on a pair of her panties结果把她吓着了and j

13、ump around,but it wound up just creeping her out?什么 没有What? No.我只是问问 老兄Im just asking,dude.没准儿呢Raj深受其害It happens.你们参加今晚的保龄球赛吗You guys still on for bowling tonight?当然参加Oh,yes.我还准备了几句垃圾话呢In fact,Ive prepared some trash talk for the occasion.你打得跟你妈一个水准You bowl like your mama.不过 如果她打得很好Unless,of course,

14、she bowls well.那就是 你打得跟你妈大相径庭In which case,you bowl nothing like her.哦 唉哟Oh. Ouch.这就是灼烈言辞的效果That is what is referred to as a burn on you.你要求她滴蜡吗Did you ask her to start waxing?没有No.你滴蜡了Did you start waxing?没有No.是不是做爱时While making love,你不小心拍了自己屁股did you accidentally spank your own ass然后大声哭喊妈咪and cry

15、out,Mommy?我懒得理你们Im walking away from you now.他没否定哎That wasnt a no.看来我们猜得越来越靠谱儿了Yeah,I think were getting close.你是在跟她上床的时候Did you take a Benadryl此药会造成昏昏欲睡吃了片苯海拉明然后睡着了么and fall asleep while pleasuring her?你可能会因此丢了小命儿哎Because you can die that way.牡丹花下死 做鬼也风流啊Oh,that would be a good way to go.-嗨 -嗨- Hi.

16、 - Oh,hey.太好了 佩妮Good,Penny.友情提示 今晚7点 保龄之夜Reminder: bowling tonight at 7:00.噢对 保龄Oh,right,bowling.你要是不想来也不用勉强You dont have to come if you dont want to.不会啊 没那回事儿No,no,its okay.说实话 没我的话你们指定输得巨惨I mean,lets face it,you guys would get creamed without me.确实We would indeed.就此特殊情况来看In this particular case,你纯

17、爷们儿的气质对我们十分有利your lack of femininity works to our advantage.跟你聊天总是这么开心 谢尔顿Its always nice chatting with you,Sheldon.是讽刺吗Sarcasm?是毫不掩饰的轻视你Thinly veiled contempt.-别忘了 7点 -知道啦- Remember: 7:00. - Got it.-是太平洋夏令时 -咋着吧- Pacific Daylight time! - Bite me!请把这纯爷们儿的气场发挥在赛场上吧Please reserve that butch spirit for

18、 the lanes.你不是要带自己的保龄球鞋来吗I thought you were bringing your own bowling shoes.这双就是我自己的啊These are my own bowling shoes.那你还消什么毒啊Then whats with the disinfectant?我脚踩过啥地方我知道I know where my feet have been.嗨 佩妮Hey,Penny!还有各位路人And you guys.阿尔比诺鲍勃不能来了Albino Bob couldnt make it,所以我带了个替补来so I brought a substitu

19、te.相信你们中有人认识他I believe some of you know威尔惠顿Wil Wheaton.威尔惠顿 星际迷航中的演员嗨 谢尔顿 近来如何啊Hi,Sheldon. Hows it going?哎哟哟Well,well,well.这不是威尔惠顿嘛If it isnt Wil Wheaton,我家蜘蛛侠的敌人 绿魔the Green Goblin to my Spider-Man.我家伽利略的对头 教皇保罗五世the Pope Paul V to my Galileo,我家火狐的对手 IE浏览器the Internet Explorer to my Firefox.我上次纸牌锦标

20、赛赢了你Youre not still carrying a grudge你不会还怀恨在心呢吧because I beat you at that card tournament,are you?我可是臭威尔惠顿Im the proud owner企业网站 互联网站和机构网站的所有人of ,.net,and .org.知道这说明什么吗What does that tell you?这说明你无时无刻都在想着我It tells me that I am living rent-free right here.准备好比赛了么You ready to bowl?当然准备好了Oh,Im ready.我不

21、知道斯图尔特有没有告诉你I dont know if Stuart told you今晚你的对手是谁what youre up against tonight,不过站在你面前的人就是but before you stands the co-captain of the东德克萨斯州青年基督徒圣保龄同盟会East Texas Christian Youth Holy Roller Bowling League冠军队的联盟队长championship team.7到12岁参赛组Seven- to 12-year-old division.佩妮打得也不错Also,Pennys pretty good.

22、很好 那燃起战火吧Great. Then its on.愚蠢的威尔惠顿 战火就没灭过Oh,foolish Wil Wheaton,it was never off.好的Yes!常见的补中A common spare.保龄赛会上的特工佳丽The Miss Congeniality of the bowling pageant.在你登陆TwitterBefore you jump on Twitter然后吹嘘自己那可以无视的成就之前to tout your modest accomplishment,看看什么叫真正的高手watch how its really done.吾乃此球I am the

23、ball.吾念乃其念My thoughts are its thoughts.其洞乃吾洞Its holes are my holes.好的Yes.推特这个吧 推特鸟Tweet that,Tweety Bird.我只想跟你说Hey,I just wanted to tell you我是你的粉丝Im a big fan.谢了Oh,thanks.你肯定被星际迷航的问题问得想吐了Im sure youre probably sick of Star Trek questions,不过乌比戈德堡 你有没那个啊but Whoopi Goldberg- you ever hit that?啤酒啊Ah,bee

24、r.能让这个可怜害羞的印度男孩The magic elixir that can turn this poor,shy Indian boy成为耀眼人物的神奇药剂into the life of the party.好耶Oh,yeah.吃辣味奶酪薯条吗Chili cheese fry?好啊 我爱辣味奶酪薯条Yes. I love chili cheese fries.真的 你爱吃啊Really? You love them?是啊 怎么了Yeah,why?没事啊 只是很高兴听到No reason. Im just glad to hear你对表达爱意毫无障碍youre comfortable s

25、aying you love something.你真的想现在谈这事儿吗Do you really want to get into this right now?谈啥事儿Get into what?你怎么会不爱吃辣味奶酪薯条呢Why wouldnt you love the chili cheese fries?这么多年你一直都在吃Theyve been in your life a long time.它们让你心情大好They make you happy.它们应该知道你对它们的爱They deserve to know.昨晚我只是被你吓到了Look,you just caught me

26、by surprise last night.我不知道说什么好I didnt know what to say.好 到现在给你的思考时间够久了吧Okay,well,now youve had some time to think about it.那你想说什么So,what do you want to say?我不确定Im not sure.你怎么会不确定How can you not be sure?在这谈论这事儿不太合适Okay,this isnt the place to have this conversation.对啊 合适的地方是在床上No,the place to have t

27、he conversation was in bed在我说了我爱你after I said,I love you你说谢谢 晚安之后and you said,Thank you. Good night.别逼我 莱纳德Dont push it,Leonard.-我没逼你 -你逼我了- I am not pushing anything. - You are.你没权利决定我什么时候准备好说我爱你You dont get to decide when Im ready to say I love you!原来是过早的告白问题Ah,the premature I love you.我猜的是过早的问题 算

28、对吗I guessed premature. Does that count?佩妮Penny.佩妮Penny.佩妮Penny.干嘛What?给你的This is for you.冰淇淋Ice cream?我通过研读连环画凯西一部讲述女人生活的漫画Ive been familiarizing myself with female emotional crises.努力想要熟悉雌性生物的感情危机by studying the comic strip Cathy.她一沮丧就会说日 然后吃冰淇淋When shes upset,she says,Ack! and eats ice cream.日啊Ack

29、!你要是只猫 我就给你带千层面了If you were a cat,I would have brought you a lasagna.是莱纳德让你来的吗Did Leonard send you over here?不 自从你昨晚突然离开No,we havent spoken我们还没说过话since your abrupt departure last night害得我们昨天输给斯图尔特caused us to forfeit to Stuart和他那卑鄙邪恶的不法参赛者 威尔惠顿and his dastardly ringer Wil Wheaton.为此我很抱歉Yeah,Im sorry about that.我毫不自豪地承认昨天我是哭着睡着的Im not too proud to admit that I cried myself to sleep.再次说声抱歉Again,Im sorry.让我来告诉你吧And let me tell you,sleep did not有莱纳德在隔壁嘶吼摇滚歌手莫莉莎的歌come easily with Leonard in the next room你就很难睡着了si

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