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春八年级英语下册 Module 9 Friendship Unit 2 I belieWord文档格式.docx

1、渐渐地 _7.turn back _8smile at sb. _9stick together _10right now _11hold the line _12be full of _连词成句1.I, anyone, was, make friends, and, lonely, with, very, to, afraid(我很孤独,害怕和任何人交朋友。)_2students, I, every time, even, the other, and, more lonely, felt, laughing, I, heard, talking(每次我听到其他同学有说有笑,我觉得自己更孤单

2、了。, to, day by day, I, people, learnt(一天天过去了,我学会了信任他人。4that, is, what, now, is, you, believe, I, think, it, the world(现在,我相信世界就是你想象的那个样子。课文初探根据课文内容判断正误,正确的填A,错误的填B。()1.Zhang Bei felt lonely because she didnt know anyone.()2.Zhang Bei told her parents about her problem.()3.One day, a girl pass

3、ed Zhang Bei and talked with her.()4.The other students started to talk with Zhang Bei.()5.Smile at the world and it will smile back.1silence n. 寂静;无声观察 but I sat in silence. 但是我静静地坐着。探究 silence是不可数名词。in silence意为“_”;keep in silence意为“_”。拓展 silence的形容词形式是silent。keep silentkeep in silence,意为“保持沉默”。活学

4、活用1(1)用silence的适当形式填空I dont think you should keep _She always sat in _ and didnt say a word.(2)单项填空None of them talked. They finished their meal in _AsilenceBorderCplace Dpublic2passv. 经过;通过观察 She passed me and then turned back.她从我身边经过,然后转过身来。Alice was reading a book and a rabbit was walking past me

5、.爱丽丝在读书,而一只兔子在走过我身边。辨析 pass 与past 词条词性用法例句passv.相当于walk/go past,常作谓语。pastprep.意为“通过,经过”,常与walk/go连用。Pass (Go/Walk past) the bookstore and you will see the bank on your right.经过书店,在你的右边你将看见银行。拓展 pass 意为“递;给”。固定搭配:pass sb. sth.pass sth. to sb.递给某人某物。Pass the ball to Tom. 把球传给汤姆。2(1)单项填空Would you pleas

6、e tell me the way to the Pacific Hotel?Go _ the post office, and youll find it on the left.ApassBpastCto pass Dpassed (2)改为同义句Im thirsty. Please pass me a glass of water.m thirsty. Please _ a glass of water _ me.3 include v. 包括;把列为一部分观察 they included me in their circle of friends.他们在他们的朋友圈里加上了我。 探究

7、include 的宾语经常是构成主语的一部分,有时也可以指构成主语的全部。拓展 including作介词,意为“_”,用于所列举的事物前。There are many kinds of fruits, including apples, bananas, oranges and peaches. 有许多种水果,包括苹果、香蕉、橙子和桃子。3(1)单项填空Most of the kids in our school enjoy pop songs, _ some hit songs on the Internet.AbesidesBincludingCexcept Dwithout(2)用inc

8、lude的适当形式填空The price _ bed and breakfast. You neednt pay for extra money. They have many pets, _ three cats. 4suggestion n. 提议;建议观察 My suggestion is: smile at the world and it will smile back. 我的建议是:你向世界微笑,它会向你回以微笑。 辨析 suggestion与advice拓展 suggestion的动词形式是suggest。其常见用法:suggest doing sth.建议做某事;suggest

9、 that sb.(should) do sth. 建议某人做某事。Our teachers always suggest studying hard.我们的老师总是建议我们努力学习。His English teacher suggests that he (should) practise speaking English every day.他的英语老师建议他每天练习说英语。4(1)单项填空She suggested _ early so that we could catch the first bus.Ato get upBgetting upCget up Dto getting u

10、pMy teacher gave me many _ on how to study English well when I had some trouble.Aadvice BquestionsCsuggestions Dproblems(2)用所给词的适当形式填空Her father suggested that she _(get) up early every day to do more exercise.1I was very lonely, and afraid to make friends with anyone. 我很孤独,害怕和任何人交朋友。探究 be afraid to

11、 do sth.意为“_”。拓展 (1)be afraid of意为“害怕”,后接名词、代词或动名词。He was afraid of speaking in public.他害怕在公共场合讲话。(2)“be afraidthat从句”意为“恐怕”。m afraid that you will miss the train if you dont hurry up.如果你不快点儿的话,恐怕你会错过火车。(3)Im afraid so. 恐怕如此。m afraid not. 恐怕不行。I think we have to put off the sports meeting because of

12、 the bad weather.我认为因为恶劣的天气我们不得不推迟这次运动会。Im afraid so.恐怕是这样。Can I go out to play football now?我现在能出去踢足球吗?m afraid not. 恐怕不行。1(1)Some girls are afraid _ dogs.AtoBinCwith Dof (2)Excuse me. Is the museum open every day?_. Its only open from Monday to Friday.AYes, of course BThats rightCIm not sure DIm a

13、fraid not2 Now I believe that the world is what you think it is. 现在,我相信世界就是你想象的那个样子。探究 “that the world is what you think it is”是一个宾语从句,作动词believe的宾语。在这个宾语从句中,“what you think it is”又是一个表语从句,意为“你想象的那个样子”。2The question is _ you are going to collect enough money.AthatBifChow Dwhether3It takes some time

14、before they include new students in their circle of friends. 在他们将新同学包括到他们的朋友圈里前需要花费一段时间。探究 before在句中是连词,意为“在之前”,引导时间状语从句。You should be a pupil before you become a teacher.要当老师,先做学生。辨析 sometime, some time, sometimes与some times含义sometime某个时候可指过去或将来的某个时候。some time一段时间常与介词for连用。sometimes有时,不时频度副词,常用how

15、often提问。some times几次为名词短语。We will meet again sometime.某个时间我们会再见面的。It will take me some time to read the book.读这本书将花费我一段时间。3(1)Youd better make a good plan _ you take a holiday.AbeforeBduringCuntil Dafter(2)He said he would come to see us _ the next afternoon.AsometimeBsome timeCsometimesDsome timesA

16、 beautiful smile I felt 1._ at the new school and Im afraid to 2._ with anyone.A girl 3._ me and this 4._ my life. I started to 5._ the others.The girl with the 6._ became my best friend.Now I believe that the world is 7._ you think it is. Smile at the world and it will 8._第18课时分层训练Unit 2 & Unit 3.根

17、据句意及汉语提示完成句子1The sky is blue and the sun is _(灿烂的). I feel very comfortable. 2Its silly of you to _(信任) that young man! He isnt an honest person.3Kate, please help me _(粘贴) the posters on the wall. 42017阜康At my first art show, a famous professor praised me and _ (鼓励) me to keep trying and make more

18、wonderful pictures.5Our team is stronger now because we have _(包括) the best playerJim!.用所给词的适当形式填空12017杭州She has _ (hide) her diary where nobody can find it.2When I entered the room, I heard him _ (talk) with his friend on the phone. 3Rose said she _ (remember) the address of the bookstore. 4Its too

19、 dark now. My sister is afraid _ (go) out on her own. 5How do you feel when you watch the national flag go up?It makes me _ (feel) very proud. .用方框中所给词的适当形式填空suggest, bright, include, silent, stick, hide, treasure, live1The girl is very _ and kind; we all like to play with her. 2For me, friendship i

20、s the best _ in the world. 3The sun is shining _. 4His _ sounds great. You can have a try. 5Have you got any glue? I want_ these pieces of paper together.6The children are doing their homework in _. 7To his health, smoking is a _ danger.8There are 40 students in the classroom, _ me.单项填空 ()1.China is

21、 becoming stronger and stronger _Aday and night Bday by dayCsome days Done day()2.2017达州Is it _ cheaper and _ enjoyable to travel by train than by plane?Yes, I think so.Avery; very more Beven; a littleCmore; much more Dmuch; far more()3.I want to know _ he will go climbing or not.Aif BwhenCwhether D

22、what ()4._ others is a good way to start ones friendship.ALaughing at BSmiling forCSmile at DSmiling at ()5.The old man walked to the end of the road and then _Aturned back Bturned offCturned on Dturned down()6.Id like to visit Kate tomorrow.Do you know _?Sorry, I dont know her address, either.Awhy

23、she lives there Bwho she lives withCwhere she lives Dhow she lives()7. I had trouble learning English. I asked the teacher for help and he gave me many useful _Aadvice BsuggestionsCinformation Dmessages()8.Is Jack in the next room?Well, its hard to say. But I heard him_ loudly when I passed by just

24、now.Aspeak Bto speakCspoken Dspeaking()9.2017咸宁Celia, join us in the Super Summer Camp if it _ this weekend.d love to. But nobody knows if it _ .Ais fine; rains Bis fine; will rainCwill be fine; will rain Dwill be fine; rains()10.2016潍坊Its difficult to imagine _ it is like in that village after the

25、earthquake.Awhen BwhatCwhere Dwhich.连词成句根据括号内的中文提示, 将所给的英文意群连接成正确的句子。1love, she, in the family, is, everyone, for, full of(她对家里的每一个人都充满爱。_2sat, at that moment, the, in silence, in, she, sofa (在那一刻, 她静静地坐在沙发上。3I, playing, they, dont, understand, football, are, at this moment, why (我不明白他们为什么在这个时候踢足球。4wide, she, circle, had, of, a, friends(她有广泛的朋友圈。_

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