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1、中考英语词汇知识精讲doc中考英语词汇知识粘讲重点、难点、考点一、重点是:(1)常见的构词法1) 合成词:合成词是由两个或两个以上的词构成一个新的词。如:blackboard (黑 板),newspaper (报纸),afternoon(下午),pencilbox(铅笔盒)。2) 派生词:派生词是由词根加派生词缀构成的词,词根是派生词的基础,同一 词根加不同的派生词缀可以表示不同的意义,还可以表示不同的词的词性。动词变名词:+后缀erdrive (驾驶) driver (驾驶员) teach (教) teacher (教师)read (阅读) reader (读者)+后缀orinvent (发

2、明) inventor (发明家)visit (访问) visitor (访问者)+后缀tioninvent (发明) invention(发明)operate(手术) operation (手术)名词变形容词:+后缀ywind(风) windy (刮风的)sun (太阳) sunny (晴朗的)+后缀fulhelp (帮助) helpful (有帮助的)care (小心) careful (小心的)+后缀 ly friend(朋友) friendly (友好的)形容词变名词:+后缀nessgood (好的) goodness (善良,美德) kind(和善的) kindness (和善)形容

3、词变副词:+后缀lybad(坏的) badly(糟糕地)quick (快的) quickly(迅速地)改变词义:+前缀unhappy (高兴的) unhappy (不高兴的)usual (平常的) unusual (不平常的)3)转化词:转化词是指由一种词类转用作另一种词类的词。例如:hand (n .)手,hand (v .)传递,dry (adj .)干燥的,dry (v .)烘干说明初中总复习中,词汇的复习十分重要。掌握单词和词组的用法是学好语言的 前提之一。没有一定的词汇量,不掌握词语的基本用法,就失去了英语知识复习的 基础,也就更谈不上灵活运用和综合分析能力了。(2)词形变化英道词汇

4、的词形变化除了前面讲的词根+派生词缀构成的派生词的变化外,还存 在有一些单词词尾的屈折变化,它们是:1) 表示名词复数的词形变化。例如:hand一hands (手)picture一pictures (图片) knife一knives (小刀)citycities (城市)2) 表示形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的词形变化。例如:cheapcheapercheapest (便宜的)late一latei、一latest (迟来的,迟来地)earlyearliei、一earliest(早的、早地)3) 表示动词一般现在时第三人称单数的词形变化。例如:cleancleans (打扫)catchcatch

5、es (按住)carrycarries(携带)4) 表示动词过去时和-园分词的词形变化。例如:catch一catched(捉住)carrycarried(搬运)closeclosea(关闭)stopstopped(阻止)5) 表示动词-ing分词的词形变化。例如:walk一walking(走)make一making(做)sit一sitting(坐)二、难点是:如何运用词或词组。三、考点是:(1)单词拼写。(2)词形变化。(3)对词语的理解运用和相似词语的辨析。有关词汇的考题在庄嗖中有10分左右。【经典范例引路】例1按要求写出下列单词的适当形式。1.Well (最高级) 2begin(现在分词)

6、3. busy (反义词) 4. he(反身代词)(2001年甘肃省中考题)简析:此题是对词形变化和单词的正确拼写的考查。要正确解答,应熟练掌握 规律性的变化形式,并牢固记忆一些特殊的词形变化。第1小题是考查副词的最高 级。形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成分为规则变化和不规则变化。well的最 高级属于不规则变化,为best。第2小题是考查现在分词的构成。现在分词的构成 为:(1)直接在动词原形后加-ingo (2)以不发音的e结尾的动词,先去c ,再加-ing。 (3)以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写这一辅音字母,再加-ing。 此题符合第三条。故答案为beginning。第

7、3小题是考查词义及单词拼写。busy意 为“繁忙的,忙的”它的反义词应为“空闲的,闲的free。故答案为free。第4 小题是考查人称代词对应的反身代词。答案为himselfo例2选择与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的词或短语。()1 . Mary called him three times yesterday , but nobody answered .A .visited B gave a message to C .told D .phoned()2 . Jim comes to visit us sometimes That is always the happiest time fo

8、r the whole family .A . on time B . all the time C . at times D . many times()3 Jimmy tried hard , and in the end he did it well .A . at first B . at the beginning C . at the end D . at last()4 .Oh , sorry . John . I forgot to post your letter .That s all right . I 11 post it myself.A . Never think

9、about it B . It doesn t matterC .Don t be sorry D . I don t care()5 .Hello !May I speak to the headmaster ?Hold on , please .A Speak louder B . Wait a momentC .Call again D .Speak out(2001年河北省中考题)简析:选出能替换划线部分的选项,这是一种常见题型。做此类题时应注意以 下儿点:(1)弄懂句意,特别是划线部分意思,以及各选项的意思。(2)能替换划线 部分的选项与划线部分意思要相同。(3)选项与划线部分在句法

10、功能上保持一致。第 1小题划线部分called后接him(sb),首先要知道它在句中的意思,为“给打 电话”。入选项意为“访问”,B选项意为“给捎口信” ,C选项意为“告诉”, 只有选项D . phoned意人“给 打电话”,与划线部分意思相同。且phoned与called的句法功能也相同。故答案为D。第2小题划线部分sometimes意为“有时, 某时” o A选项意为“准时,按时”,B选项意为“一直总是”,C选项意为“有时, 某时” ,D选项意为“许多次”。故答案为C。第3小题划线部分in the end意为 “最后,终于” o A选项意为“起初,开始”,B选项意为“在开始时”,C选项意

11、为“在末尾”,D选项为“最后,终于”。故答案为D。第4小题划线部分That s all right在此处意为“不要紧,没关系”,用来回答别人道歉的用语。A、B、C、D四个选项中只有It doesn, t matter与That s all right意义相同。故答案为Bo第5小题划线部分Hold on在此处意为“等一会儿”,是打电话时的交际用语。只有wait a moment与Hold on意义相同,故答案为B。例3单项选择。()1 . Students are usually interested in sports . Some like running ;some like swimmi

12、ng ;like ball games . (2001 年上海市中考 题)A .the others B others C . the other D .other()2 .Can you speak Chinese , Peter ? (2001 年北京市海淀区中考题)一Yes , but only .A .little B few C . a little D . a few()3 .Don t worry ,T 11 take good care Polly . (2001 年天津市中考题)A . for B . of C. with D . to简析:此题是考查词语意义和用法上的区别,

13、以及词语的固定搭配。在做此类 题时,我们应注意:先读憧题意,找出考查点。观察分析空格与它的前后部 分的联系及空格在句中的句法功能。(3)根据题意及分析结果,对比所有选项,选择 最恰当的选项。(4)对于难度较大、很难直接从正面找到答案,就可采用排除法 根据题意和所学知识排除错误答案。剩下的便是正确答案。第1小题是考查the others , others , the other , other这四者在意义和用法上的区别:the others 特指某一范围内的“其余的人(物)”而others泛指“其余的人(物)”它常和some 对比使用,即“someothers . . . ”,the other

14、特指(两个中的)另一个”, other泛指“另一个” o故答案为B。第2小题是考查little , few , a little , a few 的用法:某一语言不可数,因此B、D两选项不成立。而little是表示否定意义,a little表示肯定意义。根据题干的意思应为肯定,故答案为Co第3小题是考查take care of这一固定词组。故答案为B。【综合能力训练】I.从下列A、B、C、D四个选项中找出恰当的字母或字母组合使单词完整正确。()1 .q ter A . ar B . or C . wor D . uar()2 . know go A . led B . lid C . lad

15、D . le()3 . Sat day A . er B . ir C . ur D . or()4 . po ble A . si B . ssi C . se D . sse()5 lang ge A . wi B . wa C . ue D . ua()6 gr nd A . ou B . au C . oa D . ua()7 .d ghter A . on B . au C . or D . ua()8 . b t ful A . u ;e B . eu ;i C . eau ;e D . eau ;i()9 p c A .e ;cher B . i ;ture C . i ;che

16、r D . e ;ture()10 . d ction ry A . e ;e B . i ;e C . e ;a D i ;aII.下列每组单词中,有一个单词有拼写错误,请指出。()1 . A . caught B . braught C . taught D . bought()2 A .has B having C had D .haved()3 A .reech B . sweater C street D teacher()4 . A . Japanese B . machine C .polece D .writer()5 .A .care B . wear C .their D

17、. pare()6 A . afraid B . radio C almist D Canadian()7 A .foreign B . friend C quietly D piece()8 . A . Icidder B . bottler C . danger D . farther()9 .A .dirty B . piano C . Wenesday D . twelfth()10 . A . suddenly B . subject C . sunshine D . studentlU .根据所给英语 释义写出单词(首字母已给出)。1. become a member of j2.

18、have (clothes) on the body w3. almost not h4.not any , no one n5. at last f6.the fourth day of a week W7.the opposite of cheap e8.father or mother p9. ice box f10. go in a car or on a horse or a bike rIV.根据句意和音标写单词。1. His sister is a li :g member.2.Our teacher often pleiz games with us.3.Bell in ven

19、tid the telephone.4.Do you bi7 li :v what he said ?5.What s the we like today ?6. They started climbing the f mauntin.7. u he was ill , he went to schooL8. It took 300 workers a year to bild the railway bridge.9.By the end of last month the writer had f ritn 250 pages.10. 1 will go shopping if 1 hav

20、e n 0 i to do this Sunday.V.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. Thank you , ” he said (polite).2.Children must be stopped from (skate) on thin ice .3.She spends one hour (watch) TV every day .4.Keep (quietly) !They are listening to the teacher .5. Would you please say it again more (loud) ?6.Keep on (work) hard , or

21、you 11 fall behind other students .7. I ve been on the Great Wall (two).8 Thank you for (lend) me the story book .9. I often write “Best (wish) for Teachers Day !” on the cards .10. Meimei did (badly) than Lucy in the high jump .11. After ten minutes rest ,they went on (walk).12. I saw a wallet (1ie

22、) on the ground on my way home .13 There is a fire (burn) in the fireplace .14. (pick) apples is better than (have) classes .15. They went to the park instead of (stay) at home last Saturday .16. See you” is another way of (say) “Goodbye” .17.They enjoy (take) a walk after supper .18. I don t feel l

23、ike (eat) anything now .19.The teachers are busy (get) ready for tomorrow s work.20.Don t forget to take the (shop) list with you.【创浙备考训练】(选ft 2001年各地中考题)VI根据句意,选择与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的解释。1. We are very glad to hear the good news .A sorry B sad C pleased2. I will go to see my grandma this evening .A .visit

24、 B . move C . watch3.They have a lot of apples and bananas in the basket .A some B . many C much4.Alice will go shopping with her aunt tomorrow .A . buy something B . borrow books C . wash clothes5.The little boy is good at drawing .A is poor at B . is slow at C .does well in6. What are the boys doi

25、ng ?They are at work .A . are workers B . work here C . are working7 We were busy last week , so we had a little rest .A . a small B a short C . a few8.Mrs Green usually goes for a walk after supper .A . has a walk B . walks around C . wants a walk9. Jim arrived at the farm early.A .got on B got up

26、C . got to10. My grandma bought a big birthdciy present for both of us.A .both us B we both C . us both11.一Hello , may T speak to Mr. White , please ?一Hold on for a moment ,please .A . Wait B . Sit C . Stop12.It s really difficult to learn maths well .A wrong B . easy C . hard13.Bob is very strong .

27、 He is able to carry the box.A . must B can C . need14. Han Meimei has a few American friends .A .many B .some C . no15. We are happy to see you again .A . worried B sad C pleasedVII .根据句意及汉语提示,在下列各句空缺处 写出各单词的正确形式。1. Can you answer my (三)question in English ?2. Mary did (差)in the exam than Lucy .3.L

28、ook !They are talking (高兴)in the room .4. I (驾驶)my car to Beijing last summer -5. My house is not far from my (叔叔).6. The sun is (照耀)brightly in the sky .7 They will bring some (土豆)for a picnic tomorrow .8. He gets on very well with his (父母)9. I like (浅)colours , for excimple , white .10. Mr Wang (搬

29、迁)here last week . He is a new comer .11- I usually go to work on (步行).12 There are ten (班级)in our grade .13. Lucy studies (努力地)than Lily14. Mr Smith will give us a talk at the (会议).15.一Excuse me , may I (借)your eraser ?一Certainly .here you are .16. It is an (容易的)question . I can answer it .17. He w

30、on t do it . 1 won t do it ,(也).18. Is there a (书桌)in your room ?19 Your hands are so (脏的)again . Go and wash them .20. They have planted more than two (千)young trees this spring .VIII .根据句子的意思和首字母提示,用适当的词填空,使句子的意思连贯与正 确。1. Whose is this T-shirt ?Tt isn t m . Tt s hers .2.This bag is big . Please gi

31、ve me a s one .3. My father works in a hospital . He is a d .4.April is the f month of the year .5. When the l ights are g , the traffic can go .6. Fifteen minutes is a q .7.September 10th is T Day .8. C is spoken by the largest number of people in the world .9. When s comes , everything begins to grow . It s my favourite season of the year .10.一Pardon ,doctor ?I said , uTake the m three times a day , and you 11 be well s

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