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1、 A. Her parents are waiting for her. B. She has to finish her work. C. It is too late.5. What does the woman ask Joe to do? A. Help her with the work. B. Turn off the radio. C. Turn down the radio. 第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第六段材料

2、,回答第6至8题6. What is the woman going to do this summer? A. Go back to her home. B. Spend days at the seaside. C. Do a different job.7. Why does the woman think this summer special? A. She will stay with her family. B. Her parents will have a two-week holiday. C. She will spend a great summer with the

3、man.8. What do we know about the womans uncle?A. He has a large family in Florida. B. He will come to sivit her from Florida. C. He has a house at the seaside in Florida.听第七段材料,回答9至11题。9. When should the woman start to work? A. At 7:45. B. At 8:00. C. At 8:15.10. Why is the woman late for work? A. S

4、he forgot to set the alarm last night. B. Her clock is stolen. C. Her clock broke down.11. Which of the following is true about the new boss? A. He hates his people being late for work. B. He likes making appointments. C. He hates being reminded.12. How long did it take the man to do the job? A. 2 d

5、ays. B. 2 weeks. C. 2 months.13. How is the feeling at the moment? A. Excited and anger. B. Tired and worried. C. Happy but nervous.14. What is the womans attitude towards the man? A. She is worried about him. B. She is angry with him. C. She is proud of him.听第九段材料,回答15至17题。15. What kind of flowers

6、does the man want? A. Red carnations. B. Water lilies. C. Red roses.16. When should the flowers arrive? A. On the afternoon of June 17th. B. On the morning of June 17th. C. On the afternoon of June 17th.17. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The man asks the flowers to be sent to his office

7、. B. The mans card number is JH 327-2645. C. The man saks nothing to be wrriten with the flowers.听第十段材料,回答18至20题,18. What happened to the train to Kunming? A. It was three quarters of an hour late. B. It was forty minutes late. C. It was half an hour late.19. When was it when the speaker stopped out

8、side the station? A. Almost 11:35. B. Almost 11:50. C. Almost 12:00.20. How did the speaker feel when seeing the train to Dali pulling dou of the station? A. Pleased. B. Annoyed. C. Disappointed.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21. Will you stay for lunch?Sorry, _

9、. My brother is coming to see me.A. I mustnt B. I cant C. I maynt D. I wont22. Dont bother to look for my umbrella; it will _ some day.A. turn down B. turn out C. turn up D. turn over23. If one keeps what he wants in mind and tries to live it, he will succeed _.A. on time B. in time C. for one time

10、D. by the time24. The reason why he got fewest apples from the tree is _he is the shortest of all the boys.A. that B. because C. why D. what25. I wonder if you mind me _a few questions about the earthquake.A. ask B. to ask C. asking D. asked26. May I smoke here?If you _ , choose a seat in the smokin

11、g section.A. must B. should C. may D. can27. As her mother entered the room, she was scared by a _of disorder what a mess!A. sight B. scenery C. view D. scene28. Did you visit the famous cultural relics last month?No, we _it, but we spent too much time shopping.A. could have visited B. must have vis

12、itedC. cant have visited D. shouldnt have visited29. Why does she always ask you for help?There is no one else _, is there?A. who to turn to B. she can turn to C. for whom to turn D. for her to turn30. I always feel _ when Ive finished a piece of work.A. pleasing B. pleased C. pleasant D. pleasure31

13、. Great changes have taken place in that school. Its no longer _it was 20 years ago, _it was so poorly equipped.A. what; when B. what; which C. which; what D. which; that32. Im sorry, sir. Im late again.Tom, how did it _? A. happen B. come about C. take place D. occur33. Having said farewell to thei

14、r friends, they _ for home.A. set in B. set on C. set down D. set off34. In many countries in the world, breakfast is a snack _ a meal, but the traditional English breakfast is a full meal.A. rather than B. more than C. other than D. less than35. Theyve _ us 150,000 for the house. Shall we take it?A

15、. provided B. supplied C. shown D. offered第二节:完型填空(共20题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。It was the afternoon of December 24, the day before Christmas, but I had to stay to tidy the office. The only thing that 36 my day was the beautifully decorated 37 in our waiting room

16、and a 38 sent to me by a fellow I was datinga dozen long-stemmed red roses.Suddenly, our receptionist came and said there was a lady outside that urgently needed to speak with me. As I stepped out, I noticed a young 39_ woman with a baby in her arms standing there. 40 _, she explained that her husba

17、nda prisoner in a nearby prisonwas my next patient. She told me she wasnt 41_ to visit her husband in prison and 42_ he had never seen his son. So she 43 me to let her wait here ahead of time. I agreed. 44_ , it was Christmas Eve.A short time later, her husband arrivedwith chains on his feet, cuffs

18、on his hands, and two armed guards 45 him. The womans tired face46_ when her husband took a seat beside her. I watched them laugh, cry, and share their47_ . He seemed like a gentle and honest man. At the end of the 48_ , the man had to go back and I 49him a Merry Christmas. He smiled and thanked me

19、and said he felt saddened by the50 that he hadnt been able to get his wife 51 for Christmas. On hearing this, I was 52 with a wonderful idea. Ill never forget the 53 on both their faces as the prisoner gave his wife the beautiful, long-stemmed red roses. Im not sure who 54 the most joythe husband in

20、 giving, the wife in receiving, or myself in having the opportunity to share in this 55 moment.36. A. enjoyed B. brightened C. relaxed D. presented37. A. office B. Christmas Father C. Christmas tree D. furniture38. A. gift B. regards C. message D. package39. A. ordinary-looking B. good-looking C. ti

21、red-looking D. frightened-looking40. A. Happily B. Quietly C. Excitedly D. Nervously41. A. going B. determined C. expected D. allowed42. A. why B. how C. that D. when43. A. persuaded B. demanded C. begged D. pleased44. A. After all B. In all C. All in all D. Above all45. A. near B. around C. behind

22、D. before46. A. turned pale B. went red C. lit up D. turned away47. A. child B. tears C. joy D. sorrows48. A. meeting B. appointment C. discussion D. conversation49. A. said B. showed C. wished D. hoped50. A. words B. fact C. idea D. scene51. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything52. A. e

23、ncouraged B. struck C. provided D. inspired53. A. sadness B. happiness C. look D. smiles54. A. experienced B. received C. gave D. accepted55. A. unforgettable B. sad C. happy D. special第三部分;阅读理解(共20题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(A)SPECIAL EVENTS THIS WEEKENDCaptain GoodfellowDo your

24、 children enjoy interesting stories, funny games, and exciting dances? Captain Goodfellow will be ready to teach all these things to children of all ages at the City Theatre on Saturday morning at 10:00, free.Walking Tour of the TownForget your worries on Saturday morning. Take a beautiful walk and

25、learn about its history. Meet at the front entrance of City Hall at 9:30. Wear comfortable shoes!Films at the MuseumTwo European films will be shown Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theatre. See Broken Window at 1:30. The workers will be at 3:45. For further information, call 4987898.International P

26、icnicAre you tired of eating the same food every day? Come to Central Park on Saturday and enjoy food from all over the world. Delicious and not expensive. Noon to 5:00 pm. Do You Want to Hear “The Zoo”“The Zoo”, a popular rock group from Australia, will give their first US concert tomorrow night at

27、 8:00 at Rose Hall, City College.56. You can probably eat Chinese, Italian, and Arab food _.A. at the front entrance of City Hall B. at the gameC. at 5:00 pm D. at Central Park on Saturday57. You can see movies at _.A. the City College B. the Museum Theatre C. the City Theatre D. the Central Park58.

28、 Walking Tour of the Town will be taken _.A. in the City Hall B. outside C. at the gate D. at the zoo59. “The Zoo” is _.A. a park with lots of animals there B. a US concertC. a music group D. an interesting event(B)The Internet is becoming important in our life. How much do you know about it? What i

29、s the Internet? The Internet is a large, worldwide collection of computer networks. A network is small group of computers put together. The Internet is many different networks from all over the world. These networks are called the Internet. Once you have learned to use the Internet, you can do a lot of interesting things on the World Wide Web. What is the World Wide Web? The World Wide Web has been the most popular deve

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