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1、Age学历及专业Degree & Major职 位Position任现职年限Career Ages(now)工作年限Career Ages(total)职业发展目标Career Development Goal1年后 One year later5年后Five years later10年后Ten years later二、 接受培训的经历 Training experience 参加过的培训包括:The training courses you joined before: 三、我的直接下属有 位?My underling member number is _; 直属上司是:My boss

2、is 我的工作职责是:(请简要描述)My job responsibility is: (Brief description) 四、 在工作中,我遇到的问题主要包括(请在该选项前打勾 ): The main problems I suffered in my job(Please mark “” in bracket)( )制定工作计划 working planning ( )有效沟通 efficient communication ( )团队协作 Team building( )人员管理 People of management ( )专业知识 Speciality knowledge( )

3、人际关系 People Relationship( )上司的支持 Boss Support ( )销售指标方面 Sales Sills ( )工作目标 Job target ( )时间管理 Time management ( )表达技巧 Presentation Skills ( )部门间配合 Department cooperation( )顾客关系 Customer relationship ( )工作效率 work efficiency ( )创新 innovation( )解决问题 Problem Solving( )其它 others 五、 你期望参加哪些培训课程,以帮助你更好地开展

4、工作。请标出紧迫程度,从1到5,1为不紧迫,5为非常紧迫。 What kinds of training courses would like to learn, and to develop your working abilities? Please mark 1 to 5. ( 1 is not urgent, 5 is very urgent)第一类:职业素质训练类Type one: occupation training( )有效沟通技巧 efficient communication ( )时间管理 Time management ( )表达技巧 Presentation Skil

5、ls ( )商务礼仪 Business etiquette ( )谈判技巧 negotiation Skills ( )压力管理 Pressure Management ( )问题解决技巧 Problem Solving ( )会议管理 Conference Management ( )成本与预算 Cost and budget( )决策制定 decision-making ( )教练指导 Coaching ( )电话接听技巧 Telephone skills( )其它 others 第二类:管理技能开发课程Type Two: Management skills()部门经理管理实务 Manag

6、ement skills of Department Manager()主管实务 Supervisor management skills()领导艺术 leadership skills ()企业文化 enterprise Culture()战略管理 Tactic Management ()目标管理 Target Management ()项目管理 Project management()创新思维 innovation thinking()团队建设 team building ()变革管理 innovation management ()人力资源管理 Human resource manage

7、ment()绩效管理 performance management()培训培训师 Train the trainer()培训管理 Training management()市场营销 Marketing()市场营销方案制定 Marketing & Sales project making ()经销商管理 franchiser management ()供应链管理 supply chain management()现代企业管理(综合)corporation management skills ()非财务人员财务管理 finance management of non-finance people

8、()非人力主管的人力资源训练 Human recourse training of non-hr supervisor()现场管理 Locale Management()其它 others第三类:销售类课程Type Three: Sales training course:()电话销售技巧 Telephone sales skills ()专业销售技巧 professional sales skills ()销售队伍管理 sales team management()重点客户销售技巧 key client sales skills ()柜台销售技巧 counter sales skills()

9、顾问式销售技巧 consulting sales skills()客户中心销售技巧 Customer center sales skills ()销售人员专业形象设计 image-building of sales people()区域销售经理 region sales manager ()客户满意服务技巧 customer satisfaction service skills()市场营销 marketing ()市场战略 marketing tactic六、 通过培训,您希望达到什么样的目的? Whats your purpose you want to achieve by the tr

10、aining?七、 除了上述培训课程,您还需要哪些培训? What kinds of other training courses you want beside the up courses?八、 您希望您所参加的培训采取什么样的形式?以及您希望参加多长时间的课程? What types of the course you want? What is the length of the course you want? 九、 您对公司未来的个人见解,如长、中、短期应达到的目标等。What is your view on our company, the recent goal, Medium and long-term goal?

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