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1、前厅接待技能比赛规则程序评分表更新前厅接待技能比赛规则、程序、内容一、比赛规则:1、仪容仪表( 8 分)详见标准。2、笔试 40分。回答问题 5个问题,共 20分;中英文翻译 20 分3、接待服务、入住登记 32分(要求 3 分钟完成)。4、情景模拟( 1 个情景模拟,情景模拟 20 分)。二、比赛程序1比赛按照“笔试(回答问题、中英文翻译)一接待服务、入住登记f情景模拟”的顺序进行。2、项目在规定的时间内完成,裁判员分别宣布“比赛开始”后选手再进行操作, 选手应分别举手示意“比赛完毕”。三、比赛要求 :1、 报到:所有参赛选手须提前 15 分钟报到,迟到做弃权处理;2、 顺序采取抽签的形式,

2、由计分员安排好选手按顺序号排好纵队;3、 参赛选手须依次到“评判台”前接受仪容仪表检查,评委进行仪容仪表打分; 选手统一按以下仪容仪检查程序:首先,当评委说:“X号选手请就位“时,选手用正确走姿走到评委台前,面向评 委,右手搭在左手上, 30度鞠躬,面带微笑向评委介绍自己:“尊敬的各位评委,我 是X号选手XX(姓名),今天我要展示的是前厅接待,请先接受我的仪容仪表检 查!然后向前方伸出双手,先掌心向上,再掌心向下,轻轻放下;再身右转,左耳鬓 发让评委可以仔细看到,再向后转,再转右转。最后向评委再次鞠躬,说声“谢 谢”,然后回到等候区。待评委宣传下一位选手再继续。4、 按顺序号准备就位,自行检查

3、所需物品,无问题时举手向裁判示意。5、 请选手准备,评委、计时员准备,裁判宣布“开始”,参赛选手开始比赛操作, 计时员开始计时;6、 选手完成操作后请举手示意,计时员停止计时宣布结束; 附仪容仪表评分表和前台接待技能比赛评分表中英文互译题1早上好/中午好/晚上好,欢迎光临酒店。Good mornin g/after noon /eve ning, welcome to Zhon gbao Intern ati onalHotel .2、 好久不见,您还好吗? Long time no see, how are you?3、 我们有套房、行政房和豪华房。We have suite, execut

4、ive room, and deluxe room.4、 我们可以给您打五折。 We can give you 50% discou nt.5、 房价是298元净价,已经包含服务费和一份免费早餐。The room rate is 298Net, i nclud ing service charge and one complime ntary breakfast.6、 我们有中餐、西餐。请问您喜欢哪一种风格的呢?We have Chin ese food, Wester n food. Which style would you like?7、 我们酒店设施比较齐全,比如桑拿、沐足、游泳、健身

5、等都有。We have complete facilities, such as Sauna Center, Foot massage, swimming pool & Gym.&我们接待处的分机是 2。如果您有任何事需要帮忙的,请随时与我们联系。The extension of R eception is 2 . If you have anything for help, please con tact with us.9、 请问您有预定吗? Excuse me, do you have any reservatio n?10、 先生,方便告诉我你的名字吗? May I have your

6、 name please?11请问您打算住几晚呢?How many nights would you like to stay in our hotel?12、请告诉我您的入住和退房时间好吗?May I have your arrival date and departure date?13请问您的公司与我们有签约吗?Did your compa ny sig n a con tract with us?14、请问您还有其它特殊要求吗?Do you have ano ther special offers? Or Do you have any thi ng else I cando for

7、you?15、您想要无烟的楼层的房间对吗? You want a non-smoking room, is it right?16、请出示下您的证件好吗? May I have your passport?17、请问您需要叫醒服务吗?Excuse me , do you need morning call service?18、希望能再次见到您。 Hope to see you again.19、祝您旅途愉快。 Have a pleasant/good journey/trip !20、不好意思,打扰您了。 I am sorry to disturb you?21、非常抱歉,这是我的错。 I

8、am very sorry, it s my fault.22、对本酒店给您造成的不便之处我们深感歉意!We are awfully sorry for the inconvenient.23、谢谢,让您久等了。 Thanks for your waiting.24、谢谢您的意见 / 建议。 Thanks for your opinion/suggestion.25、祝您居停愉快。 Wish you enjoy your stay with us.26、请问您今天早晨是否用过酒店内的服务设施?Have you used any hotel services this morning ?27、我

9、可以用信用卡支付吗? Can I pay by credit card ?28、劳驾。我们今天要离去了。我希望现在就把账结清。Excuse me Were leaving today Id like to pay our bills now 29、服务指南在桌面上 . The service guide is on the desk.30、如果没有音乐 , 这世界将会变得很沉闷 .Without music,the world would be dull.31、我可以为你拿你的手提包吗?May I take your ba for you?32、你需要我为你叫一辆出租车吗?Would you

10、like me to call a taxi for you ?33、你知道现在那里还有餐厅是营业的吗 ?Do you know of any restaurants open now?34、我很抱歉。今晚的客人相当多。Im sorry. We have so many guests this evening.35、我会晚一点到达,请保留所预订的房间。Ill arrive late, but please keep my reservation.情景模拟情景一 客人预订Park one Reservation(场景:一位先生致电酒店预订部订房间)( Scene: One gentleman c

11、all to Reservation to book a room)R:早上好,预订部,请问有什么可以帮到您吗?Good morning, Reservation department, May I help you?G:我想订一间房。I d like to reserve a room.R:请问订哪一天呢?Which date would you like to check in?G: 12月 2日。December 2nd.R:请问住几天?How many nights would you like to stay?G:住三个晚上。Three nights.R:你们一共有几位客人呢?How

12、 many persons are there in your party?G:只有我太太和我两个人。Just my wife and myself.R:您喜欢哪一种房间,双人房还是单人房呢?What kind of room do you prefer, twin room or single room?G: 一间单人房,床要大一点。Single room, please. And the bed should be big.R:请您不要挂线,我帮你查一下那天我们还有没有房间。 -谢谢您的等待,先生。我们有一间床较大的单人房,房价是一个晚上 513元。Could you hold the l

13、ine, please? Ill check our room availability.(After a while) Thank you for waiting. Sir . We have a single room with a big bed, the room rate is RMB513 per night. G:那可以。Ok, Ill take it.R:我可以知道您的姓名吗?May I have your name?G:可以,我叫Arthur P。Sure, My name is Arthur P.R:请问怎么拼写呢?How to spell it, please?G: A,

14、 R, T, H, U, R。A,R,T,H,U,R.R: Arthur 先生,我可以知道您的电话号码吗?Mr.Arthur, May I have your telephone number?G:可以,号码是 6321-2345oSure, My number is 6321-2345.R:是 6321-2345对吗?Is it 6321-2345?G:对。Thats right.R:先生,您预计什么时候到达我店呢?May I know your arrival time on December 2nd?G:我想大概在下午6: 00左右吧。I think it is around 6pm.R

15、:我复述一下您的预订,Arthur,你预订的是一间大床房,房价是房价是 RMB XX元每个晚上, 12 月 2 日入住,共住 3 个晚上。如果您还有疑问,请随时联系我们,我 们很乐意为您服务。Let me repeat your reservation, Mr. Arthur. You havebooked a single room with a big bed, and the room rate is RMB513 per night, your arrival date is December n2d, and will stay for three nights. If you ha

16、ve anyquestions, please dont hesitate to contact us, we will do our best to help you. Thank you!情景二 接待一位有预订的客人Park two the guest have a reservation.场景:一位先生从大堂走过来,准备在前台开房)( Scene: One gentleman is coming to the Reception, he is going to check in)G客人GuestR:接待员 ReceptionistR、下午好!欢迎光临中保国际酒店,能为你效劳吗?Good

17、after noon. Welcome toZho ngbao Intern atio nal Hotel. May I help you?G、我要登记住宿。Yes, Id like to check-i n, please.C、好的,先生,请问大名?Certa inly, sir. May I have your n ame, please?G、我叫劳伦.布朗。Im Lawre nee Brow n.C、布朗先生,您预定了房间吗?Do you have a reservatio n with us, Mr. Brow n?G、是的,预定了,从今晚开始。Yes, from toni ght.C

18、、请稍侯,我查一下预定记录。(过了一会儿)让你久等了,布朗先生。您预订了从 9 月5日到7日2个晚上的双人床,房价是 418元/晚,是这样吗?Just a moment, please, check our reservation record.(After a while) Thank you for wait ing, Mr. Brow n, Your reservati on is for a twin room from SEP 5h to 7th for two ni ghts and the room rate is RMB418 per night .Is that all ri

19、ght?G、对Yes, right.C、请填写这张登记表好吗?Could you fill out the registration form, please?G、好的。Ok.C、您打算如何付款呢?How would you like to make your payme nt?G、用美国运用信用卡。By America n Express Card.C、请让我划印一下您的信用卡好吗?May I take a print of the card , please?G、好的,给你。Sure here you are .C、谢谢您,布朗先生。您的房间是 12楼的1212房,行李生会带您过去,希望您

20、入住愉快。Thank you ,Mr. Brown. Your room number is 1212, thats on the l2 floor. The bellboy will show you to your room . Please enjoy your stay.情景三接待一位无预订的客人Park three the guest doesnthave a reservation.(场景:一位先生从大堂走过来,准备在前台开房)(Scene: One gentleman is coming to the Reception, he is going to check in)R:接待

21、员 Receptionist G 客人 GuestR:下午好,先生,欢迎光临中保国际酒店,请问有什么可以帮到您?Good after noon, sir, welcome toZho ngbao Intern atio nal Hotel, may I help you?G:我刚刚从香港过来,我想今晚在这儿住一晚。I came from Hong kong , I want to stay here for one ni ght.R:请问有预订吗?Do you have a reservatio n?G:对不起,我没有订房No, I don have.R:你喜欢什么样的房间呢?What ki

22、nd of room would you like?G:这是我第一次来你们酒店,请问您酒店有什么类型的房间?This is my first time here, what kind of rooms do you have?R:我们酒店有套房、豪华房和标准房。We have suite room, deluxe room and sta ndard room.G:我想,我就要一间单人的行政客房吧!请问房费是多少?I think I would like a executive room, how much is the room rate?R:我们能给您五折优惠,折后价是Y 418/晚一个晚

23、上。We can give you 50% disco unt, after disco unt the rate is 800RMB per ni ght. G:没冋题。Ok, I ll take it.R:我能看一下您的证件吗?May I have your passport, please?G:给你(由接待员填写姓名、经扫描后客人办理完手续后再抄下)Here you are,(The receptionist register the guesst name, and scan the passport)R :请问李先生住几天呢?Mr. Li, how many nights would

24、 you like to stay?G: 天One night please.R:我想请问一下您准备怎样付押金呢?刷卡还是付现金?How would you like to pay your deposit, by credit card or in cash?G:刷卡,万事达可以吗?By credit card please, may I pay byMaster Card?R:当然可以。李先生,这是您的欢迎卡,你的房号是 1212,早餐凭早餐卷在九楼西餐厅用早餐,时间是 7: 00 到 10: 00。Certainly. Mr. Li, This is your welcome card,

25、 your room number is 1212, please showVolume Breakfast b efore you enjoy your breakfast at the western restaurant in the morning, the breakfast time is 7:00 to 10:00.G:谢谢!Thank you!R:希望您在我们酒店住得愉快(让我们的行李生送你上房间吗!)Our bellboy will show you to your room. Enjoy your stay!情景四 熟客入住Park four one frequent gu

26、est check in(场景:一位熟客到前台入住)( Scene: One frequent guest is checking in at Reception)R:接待员 Receptionist G 客人 GuestR:下午好,巴克先生!Good afternoon, Mr. Bark.G:下午好!Good afternoon.R:好久没见,一切还好吗?Long time no see, how are you doing?G:很好,谢谢!Im fine, thank you!R:(拿出巴克先生的登记表)请您在登记表上签个名好吗?(Take out Mr. Barks registrat

27、ion card) Sign here please!G:好的。Sure.R:这次住几天呢?How long are you going to stay this time?G: 个星期吧。(拿出信用卡)我想你还需要我的信用卡吧!One week, please. (Take out credit card), This is my credit card.R:当然,谢谢你。(用卡单将信用卡压印后,将卡还给客人),巴克先生,你的房间号码是 1212,您最喜欢的房间,入住愉快!Thank you. (Use the credit card to imprint, and than return

28、to the guest), Mr. Bark, your room number is 1212, which is your favorite , enjoy your stay!G:谢谢,Thank you!R:不用谢!You are welcome!情景五 换房Park five change to another room(场景:一位住客要求换房)( Scene : One guest want to change his room)R:接待员 Receptionist G 客人 GuestR:早上好,王先生,有什么为您效劳的吗?Good morning, Mr. Wang, May

29、 I help you?G:是的,我的房间号码是1212,我想换一间房。Yes, My room number is 1212, Id like to change another room.R:能告诉我您为什么要换房吗?Could you tell me why you want to change your room?G:我的几位同事今天下午要来探望我,我想换一间套房。I have several colleagues are going to see me this afternoon, so I want to change to a suite.R:我明白了,让我看看今天是不是还有空

30、的套房。(查询电脑)是的,王生,我们 今天还有空的套房, 在 13楼,你愿意搬上去吗?套房的房价是 RMB568 元/晚。I see, Let me check the room availability.(Checking the computer) Yes, Mr. Wang , we have suite today, Its on the 13th floor, and the room rate is RMB568per night, Would you like to change?G:没问题Sure.R: 那么您是否是现在马上就转房呢?Shall you change at on

31、ce?G:是的。Yes.R:王先生,你新的房间号码是1333,你需要叫一位行李生帮你搬运行李吗?Mr. Wang, your new room number is 1333, Do you need a bellboy to help you to take your luggage?G:是的。Sure.R:王先生,你可以在原来房间稍等几分钟吗?我会叫一个行李生过来帮你的,搬到 新的房间后麻烦您把原来的钥匙交给行李生好吗?Mr. Wang, Could you stay in your room to wait for a moment? Ill call a bellboy to your room, when you get to the new room, Could you give the key of the former room to the bellboy?G:好的,谢谢!Sure, Thank you very mu

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