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1、精编三维设计届高考英语一轮复习提能力创新演练必修一三维设计2021届高考英语一轮复习提能力创新演练:必修一 Unit2 HeroesA卷.单项填空1(2021芜湖一中月考)What you say _ this: you shall never trust him in future.Agets toBcomes toCdepends on Dthinks of解析:句意:你说的话的实际意思就是:你今后再也不信任他了。get to“到达;depend on“依据;think of“想到;come to在此意为“归结于,实际意思是。答案:B2The National Day Parade for

2、 the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PRC is so grand that it certainly doesnt _ the whole nation.Alet down Bcalm downCbreak down Dset down解析:考查短语辨析。句意:国庆六十周年阅兵式规模宏大,没有使全国人民失望。let down“使失望;calm down“使镇静;break down “崩溃,发生故障,垮掉;set down“写下,放下,使降落。答案:A3This printer is of good _. If it should bre

3、ak down within the first year,we would repair it at our expense.Apresentation BconfidenceCopinion Dquality解析:句意:这种印刷机质量好,如果在第一年内损坏,我们将保修。be of good quality“质量好,符合句意。 答案:D4Facing the emergency, we were at a loss and none of us could _ a solution to the problem.Acome about Bcome outCcome up against Dc

4、ome up with解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:面对这紧急情况,我们都不知所措,谁也拿不出解决问题的方法。come up with“提出;拿出,符合句意。come about “发生;come out“显露;出版;come up against“碰到;遭到。答案:D5(2021泉州模拟)Yesterday there wasnt time for breakfast, so she had to _ without.Acome BgoCstruggle Dmanage解析:考查动词短语。句意:昨天早晨没有时间吃早餐,她不得不没吃东西应付过去。go without .“没有也将就,句中wit

5、hout后承前省略了breakfast。答案:B6No matter what difficulty he faces, he never loses_ in life.Aconfidence Bhis heartCthought Dchance解析:句意:无论面对什么样的困难,他都从不丧失信心。lose confidence“丧失信心( lose heart); lose ones heart“倾心于。答案:A7Fitness is important in sport, but of at least _ importance are skills.Afair BreasonableCeq

6、ual Dproper解析:考查词语辨析。句意:体育中体格是重要的,但技能也同样重要。fair“公平的;reasonable“合理的;equal“公平的,同等的;proper“适当的。句中at least意思是“无论如何;至少。答案:C8What is Tom doing recent years?He runs a factory _.Aon his own Bof himselfCon his way Dby his own解析:on ones own意为“单独地,独立地,符合句意。答案:A9(2021焦作统考)When shall I leave the hospital,doctor?

7、In a few days,I think.You _ quickly.Aare pulling through Bpulled throughChave pulled through Dare pulled through解析:句意:“医生,我什么时候能出院?“我想几天之后你就可以出院了。你现在康复得很快。结合语境可知此处强调目前正在康复的状态,故应用现在进行时,pull through在此作不及物动词短语。答案:A10Olympic athletes can win gold, silver or bronze _.Aprizes BmodelsCmedals Daward解析:奖牌用me

8、dal,金牌gold medal,银牌silver medal,铜牌bronze medal。答案:C11She had said little so far, responding only briefly when_.Aspeaking Bspoken to Cspoken Dspeaking to解析:when spoken to是when she was spoken to的省略形式。答案:B12Professor Li has undertaken _ heavy a task; she wasted away.Atoo far Bfar tooCtoo much Dfairly t

9、oo解析:句意:李教授担负的任务过于繁重,她消瘦了。far too修饰形容词heavy。答案:B13This is a new problem _ in the popularity of private cars _ road conditions need to be improved.Ainvolving; that Binvolved; thatCinvolved; where Dinvolving; which解析:be involved in意为“牵涉到;与有关联,第一个空应用过去分词形式作定语,相当于which is involved in the popularity of p

10、rivate cars;第二个空应用that引导同位语从句,说明problem的具体内容。答案:B14Dolly wants to cycle round the world and she is really keen _ the idea.Aon BforCat Dwith 解析:句意:多莉想环游世界,她十分热衷于此想法。be keen on“热衷于。答案:A15It seems that you _ this report or you can see what I questioned just now.Ahavent read Bdont readCdidnt read Dhadnt

11、 read解析:考查谓语动词的时态。句意:看来你没有读这个报告,否那么你能够理解我刚刚的质疑。显然,对方没有读报告造成的后果是(现在)不明白“我刚刚的质疑。表示一个动作已经发生并对现在造成了影响,应该用现在完成时。因此最正确答案为A。答案:A.阅读理解A(2021福州五校模拟)It was shortly after her daughter was born in 2021 that Deng Zhixin gave birth to an idea to help children who had been abandoned by their parents.While exchangi

12、ng ideas online with a group of new moms on how to take care of children, Deng came across stories of children born with diseases being left by their parents on the street or in hospitals.“My original intention was to find medical aid for those kids, and give them the love they deserve as much as ot

13、her children, said Deng, 41.With a group of mothers in Beijing in 2021 , Deng cofounded (共同创立) Angel Mom, an organization that helps poor orphans who might die without receiving timely medical treatment.Angel Mom collects funds from wealthy people to provide medical help to the disabled children and

14、 finds adoptive parents for them.“We concentrated on seeking financial support for their operations and finding them a family capable of and truly willing to adopt them, she said.Weeks ago, Deng quit her job for the third time in three years. Before she quit, she was the chief financial operator in

15、a company with an annual salary of more than 500,000 yuan.“I couldnt handle the heavy work while taking care of the children at the same time, Deng said.Angel Mom now maintains cooperation with more than 15 hospitals across the country.As soon as a child arrives, Deng and her partners immediately st

16、art seeking financial help from wealthy people through personal relationships or accept assistance from certain charities, such as Smile Angel Foundation, founded in 2021 by Chinese singer Faye Wong and her husband Li Yapeng to help children with cleft lips.“It usually takes days or even weeks to fi

17、nd someone who would like to donate a sufficient amount if the childs illness doesnt meet the charity funds requirements,Deng said, adding that six children have passed away, some due to lack of timely medication.“For me, those children mean responsibility. Sometimes I wish I could let them go but t

18、hey are already part of my life,Deng continued, “I chose a special life, but I dont think Im special.语篇解读:一次偶然的时机让邓志新作出重大的人生决定,放弃高薪工作而从事社会公益事业,为那些遭受父母抛弃的儿童提供各方面的帮助。1Which of the following can best describe Deng Zhixin?AKindhearted, stubborn, changeable.BResponsible, kindhearted, helpful.CHelpful, lo

19、vable, intelligent.DSpecial, wealthy, diligent.解析:推理判断题。结合文章内容可知邓志新有社会责任感、心地善良并乐于助人。答案:B2The reason why Deng quit her job was that _.Ait was too demanding a job for her to do wellBshe was fed up with itCshe was not content with the salary offeredDshe found it hard to cope with the two at the same ti

20、me解析:细节理解题。根据“I couldnt handle the heavy work while taking care of the children at the same time,可知邓志新辞职的原因是D项。答案:D3Which of the following does Deng ususlly do according to the passage?AFind parents to adopt children.BPerform operations for the disabled children.CSeek financial help for the children

21、 from the government.DHelp to find the parents who abandoned the children.解析:细节理解题。根据第五段中的and finds adoptive parents for them可知选A项。答案:A4What Deng said in the last but one paragraph mainly suggests_.Athe charity funds requirements are too highBtimely medication can prevent sick children from dyingCth

22、ey sometimes have difficulty in finding people willing to donateDwhen it comes to donation, people should be generous解析:推理判断题。根据该段中邓志新所说的话可推知他们有时候很难筹到善款。答案:CB(2021阜阳调研)The morning after Japan was struck by the most powerful earthquake in recorded history, the disasters huge impact (影响) was only begi

23、nning to be felt.The 9.0magnitude earthquake, which was centered near the east coast of Japan, killed hundreds of people. It caused 30foot walls of water that swept across rice fields, destroyed entire towns, dragged houses onto highways, and threw cars and boats about like toys. Some waves reached

24、six miles inland in Miyagi Prefecture on Japans east coast. Rescue efforts began with the first light as military helicopters pulled survivors from roofs and carried them to safety.Hundreds of more people were missing, Japanese media reported. Tens of thousands of people were displaced, according to

25、 Japans Kyodo News Agency. Prime Minister Naoto Kan said the earthquake had caused “huge damage over a wide areaAndy Clark said he had got used to earthquakes during his 20 years in Japan but never experienced what he felt on Friday at the airport outside Tokyo. “Buildings shook and fell apart, and

26、a lot of fires started. I thought things were coming to an end, he said.The quake, which struck at 2:46 pm, caused the US National Weather Service to issue tsunami (海啸) warnings for at least 50 countries and territories. The epicenter of Fridays main quake was located off Miyagi Prefecture, about 23

27、0 miles northeast of Tokyo, the US Geological Survey said.Also in Miyagi, officials reported that a train had left its rail and authorities had lost contact with four trains in coastal areas, Kyodo reported. Six million households, more than 10% of the total in Japan, were without electricity. In To

28、kyo, there was no rail service overnight, highways were shut early on Saturday and streets were filled with people.语篇解读:2021年3月,日本发生9级大地震,这次地震对日本产生了很大的影响。5What is this passage mainly about?AThe cause of Japans 9.0magnitude earthquake.BThe rescue work after Japans 9.0magnitude earthquake.CThe huge im

29、pact of Japans 9.0magnitude earthquake.DPeoples experiences after Japans 9.0magnitude earthquake.解析:主旨大意题。第一段为全文的主旨句。因此可知,本文主要是关于这次地震所产生的影响。答案:C6What do we know about the 9.0magnitude earthquake in Japan?AIt directly destroyed tens of thousands of houses.BIt was centered on the northeast coast of Ja

30、pan.CIt caused the most deaths in recorded history.DIt caused 30foothigh waves.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第二句可知,这次地震引发了30英尺高的海浪。答案:D7From what Andy Clark said, we can learn he was _.Aexcited BcalmCangry Dscared解析:推理判断题。根据Andy Clark所说的I thought things were coming to an end可推断,他当时很害怕。答案:D8According to the US Natio

31、nal Weather Service, we know _.Amore countries were in danger of being hit by a tsunamiBweather would greatly change after the earthquakeCother countries would not be directly hit by a tsunamiDMiyagi Prefecture would be most seriously hit by the tsunami解析:细节理解题。根据第五段第一句可知,还有很多别的国家面临着海啸所带来的危险。答案:AB卷.完形填空(2021山西省运城

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