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1、大学英语泛读2答案大学英语泛读2答案大学英语泛读第二册答案 Key to Lesson1 Comprehension of the text 1. 1) T 2) F 3) F 4) F 5) T 6) T 7)T 8)F 9)F 10) F 2. 1) C 2) D 3) C 4) A 5) D 3. 1)带硬币去银行存钱总是一件大事,父亲会把这些硬币整齐地放进一个小硬纸盒,然后放在他的旧货车里我们俩之间的座位上。 2)每次存款,我们都要停下来买份冰淇淋蛋卷进行庆祝。 3)当那些硬币撞击着发出叮叮当当悦耳的响声时,我们会开心地相对而笑。 4)我凝视着梳妆台旁边那个泡菜坛子曾长期占据的地主,喉

2、咙忍不住一阵哽咽。 5)不管家里的日子过得多么艰辛,父亲都继续坚持往坛子扔硬币。 6)奇怪的是,当苏珊回起到居室时,她的眼睛湿润了。 Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text. 1. 1) merrier 2) cashier 3)copper 4) textile 5)counter 6) lump 7) squatted 8) virtue 9) stacked 10)grinned 2. 1) The poverty of the family didnt frustrate him; to the contrary, h

3、e became more determined to work hard and decide his own fate. 2) While Mr. Wang was in hospital, his two daughters took turns looking after him. However, to my amazement, his beloved son never turned up. 3) You could become a good musician, but your lack of practice is holding you back. 4) A recent

4、 study shows that parents in almost all the families studied make great efforts to control their children and keep them out of trouble and danger, but many of them fail to see to the ways in which they talk to their children. 5) Half a year after being laid off from the textile mill, she found a way

5、 out of her difficulties by opening a day nursery. Key to Lesson 2 Comprehension of the text. 1. 1) F 2) T 3) T 4)F 5) F 6) T 7) F 8) T 2. 1) B 2) D 3) A 4)C 5) B 3. 1)而且,最好不要伸手到餐桌的另一端,而是让别人把盐瓶等递给你。 2)甚至在无法用语言交流的情况下,大家也期望彬彬有礼。 3)这些书籍提示人们在十分正式的场合应该怎样做才符合礼仪,对普通生活行为没有太在的帮助。 4)遵守正式场合的礼节是英国人具有的典型特征。 5)当今

6、,很少有人拘泥于礼节,即便在正式场合,多数人都显得和蔼,轻松随和,注意不让对方感到拘束。 Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text. 1. 1) lessthan 2)in front of 3) Now that 4) look round 5) to putat ease 6) without 7) has attracted 8) rather than 9) considerate 10) tolerant 2. 1) asked 2)ask 3) askfor 4) were asked for 5) asked fo

7、r 6) stay 7) to stay 8) stay with 9) to show 10) showed 3. 1) He promised to give back the keys tomorrow morning. 2) Homeowners are asked to clear away the rubbish near their houses to prevent fire. 3) Nowadays people prefer to invite friends to dine out rather than invite them to a meal at home. 4)

8、 The newly tested computer system has already proved its worth. 5) What the young man did won his fathers approval. 6) The frequent appearances of UFOs in that district may be proof of the existence of life on other planets. Key to lesson 3 Comprehension of the text. 1. 1) T 2) T 3)F 4) T 5) F 6) F

9、7) T 8) T 2. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) A 3. 1) 然后他朝一座白颜色的旧房子走去,那房子离大路不远,半隐半现在一片树丛后。 2)我穿过空地绕到房子的一侧。 3)他越说脸涨得越红。 4)不打得他求饶我誓不罢休,不然我就不是纽约城的霍华德?李?金了。 5)可能我有一双小耳朵,长得像你在报纸上看到的那个人,但我的支票是可靠的。 Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text. 1. 1) as early as 2) as good as 3) as slow as 4) as soon as 5) a

10、s well as 6) as much as 7) as fast as 8)as fewas 2. Dear Sir, I learned from your advertisement in yesterdays Daily Mirror that there is a vacancy for a salesman in your company. I would like to apply for this post and I would appreciate it if you could tell me about the salary and the conditions at

11、tached to the post. I enclose herewith a copy of my resume. If you think I am qualified for the job. I would be happy to come for an interview at any time. I look forward to your early reply Yours truly, John Pascal Key to Lesson 4 Comprehension of the text. 1. 1) F 2) T 3) T 4) F 5) T 6) F 7) F 8)

12、F 2. 1) D 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) C 3. 1)这瓶打开的酒放在前面极其诱人,旁边还有一个酒怀。 2)只是这次他如果来了,定会后悔不已。 3)当我要保护我的财产时,我制定我自己的法律。 4)他突然踩着一块石头滑倒了。当他倒下去的时候,脑袋磕在那张大桌子上。 5) 你摔得不厉害。 Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text. 1. 1) consistsof 2) risked 3) dissolved 4) tookrisks 5) reachedfor 6) comes to 7) robbedof 8)

13、pressed 9) do damage to 10)by force 2. 1) broken 2) emptied 3) mess 4) burglars 5) to 6) called 7) make 8) returned 9) what 10) with 11) down 12) inside Key to Lesson 5 Comprehension of the text. 1. 1) T 2) F 3)T 4) F 5) F 6) T 7) F 8) F 2. 1) B 2) D 3) C 4) D 5) D 3. 1)我喜欢这个地主、尽管它离伦敦只有40分钟路程,但四周全是空

14、旷的乡村。 2) 讨厌是我怎么也想不起来在哪里见过他。 3) 我不知道下一笔生意和谁成交,说不定就是他们中的一个呢。 4)他似乎对我的吹牛感兴趣,但不动声色,所以我还是不知道他的底细。 Leaning to use phrases and expressions from the text. 1. 1) remind 2) annoyed 3) afford to do 4) stretched out 5)connected with 6) as if 7) came to 8)compare 9) neglecting 10) In general 2. 1) along 2) in 3)

15、 lift 4)late 5) answers 6) out 7) except 8) as 9) appeared 10)open 11) emptying 12)leaving Key to Lesson 6 Comprehension of the text. 1. 1) T 2) F 3) T 4) F 5)F 6) F 7) F 8) T 9) F 10) T 2. 1) C 2) C 3) D 4) C 5) D 6) C 3. 1) 他与上帝的交情很深,然而,在上帝的眼里其他人都是邪恶的,地球上到处充满暴力。 2)带上各种动物和飞禽,每种都是雌雄一对,和你一起上船,使它们能生存下

16、来。 3)在第二个月的第十七天,那时诺亚是六百岁,地下的大水一齐喷发出来,天穹洞开,大雨倾盆,不停地下了四十昼夜。 4)他又等了七天,然后再一次把鸽子放了出去,晚上,鸽子回来了,嘴巴衔着一片刚啄下来的橄榄叶。 5)供品的香味使天主很高兴,他自言自语道:“我再也不会因人类做了坏事而使大地遭到诅咒”。 Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text. 1. 1) destroyed 2) descendant 3) reproduced 4) commanded 5) deck 6) wicked 7)meanwhile 8)fellow

17、ship 9) odour 10)female 2. 1) A. 牺牲 B. 祭祀,献祭 2) A. 家里的,家务的 B. 国内的,本国的 C. 圈养的 3)A. 漂流 B. 变压器 换 4)A. 一系列 B.(山)脉 5)A. 发泄途径、方法 B.出口、排放孔 3. 1)At first hi didnt care much about those rumors, but later he was determined to put an eng to them. 2)Seeing the little toy bike which he father had made out of cla

18、y, Annie looked very excited and said that she preferred this one to a real bike. 3) They painted the house inside and outside before they moved in. 4) When the ship was halfway on its voyage toward America, both the captain and the sailors noticed suddenly that some icebergs were floating down from

19、 the Northern Atlantic. 5) I dont see why he complains all the time instead of trying to find a solution to the problem. Key to Lesson 7 Comprehension of the text. 1. 1) F 2) F 3)T 4) F 5) T 6) T 7) F 8) F 2. 1) C 2) B 3) C 4) B 5) C 3. 1)他老是戏弄他的朋友和邻居,由于这些玩笑令人难堪,往往最后大家动起手来。 2) 他的母亲讲话很幽默,逗得人们哄堂大笑,而自己

20、则一本正经,实属难得。 3)到了1853年,马克吐温对密苏里感到厌倦了,他迫切地想去看看世界,于是身无分文就出发了。 4)这个新的行当他干了15个月。他记熟了从圣路易斯到新奥尔良全长1,200英里的河道中所有的弯口、浅滩和险礁。 5)他的夫人奥莉维亚对他的写作有着强烈而深远的影响。 6)他承担起全部债务的责任,为了还债,他写了大量的故事。 7)然而,他一生中还有比经济困难更悲惨的遭遇。 Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text. 1. 1)made a fortune 2) at hand 3) haveinfluence on

21、 4) from head to foot 5) collapse 6)Rare 7) panic 8)reputation 9) at the outbreak of 10) come toend 2. 1)In spite of the Governments severe measures and very high fines, some factories still dump industrial waste into rivers. 2) Some American educators fear that the use of computers by middle school

22、 students may remove the human element from the teacher-student relationship. 3) Jenny insisted that doctor who operated on her husband should take full responsibility for this medical accident. 4) Modern tourists can only gaze at the local people from a distance, because the strict schedule made by

23、 the tourist organization makes it impossible for them to go around on their own and make friends with the natives. 5) Failing to get a job time after time, many job-hunters feel that they have nothing to look forward to. Key to Lesson 8 Comprehension of the text. 1. 1) F 2) T 3) F 4) T 5) T 6) F 7)

24、 T 8) T 9) F 2. 1) C 2) C 3) C 4) B 5) B 6) D 3. 1)他们(青年人)不安于现状,朝气蓬勃,从不满足;他们追求完美。 2)他们(上了年纪的人)宁可墨守成规,以确保成功,而不愿意冒失败的风险。他们功成名就,不愿另辟蹊径。 3)或者全是线条,方块,圆圈和色彩奇异的开状,可能根本不像人的样子。 4)毕加索可以同时展现一张脸的正面和侧面,他也可以画出穿着衣服的裸体,他往往还会把人画成平面,好像人不是立体的。 5)他说:“如果我想要表现的主题向我揭示了不同的表现手法,我都会加以采用,从不犹豫。” 6)他在头脑里看见的那张女人脸,比她在画室里坐在他面前时观察得

25、更为清楚。 7)“毫无办法,她的形象只能像这幅画的模样。” Key to Lesson 9 Comprehension of the text. 1. 1) T 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) F 6) T 2. 1) C 2) A 3) B 4) B 5) C 3.1)绘画界的一切新鲜而又轰动一时的事情似乎都发生在那里。 2)那个时期他的画作色调明快,很是悦目。 3)斗争意识开始反映在他对题材的新的选择上。 4)他开始以简单的开头的去待人和场景。 5)那些绘画能使我们自己对世界的观察力变得更尖锐。 6)有时他描绘事物的自然本色;有时他似乎把事物拆散,然后支离破碎的抛在人们面前。 7)“生

26、命的真实存在于头部、面部和形状之中。” Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text. 1. A 1) Our first priority is to maintain the customers confidence in our product. 2) The survey reveals a general lack of confidence in the police. 3) Opinion polls show that voters have lost confidence in the administration

27、. 4) The Bank immediately took action to restore confidence. 5) These miscarriages of justice have undermined confidence in our legal system. B 1) Each class will elect two students to represent them on the School Council. 2) Japan has refused to send a representative to the talks in Geneva. 3) A gr

28、oup of students made representations to the college about the poor accommodation. 4) These paintings are representative of the kind of work being done by young artists nowadays. C 1) We need a central bank that is independent of the government. 2) Algeria won independence from France more than thirt

29、y years ago. 3) Having a job gives you financial independence. 4) We need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. 5) Your pay is dependent on how much you produce. 2. Key for reference: 1) They deserve a holiday like everybody else. 2) Two sorts of applications deserve attention. 3) What they want

30、to do remains unclear. 4) It remains to be seen whether the operation is successful. 5) The three-year guarantee reflects the companys confidence in the quality of its products. 6) The report reflected a growing concern about the level of air pollution Key to lesson 10 1. 1) F 2)F 3) F 4) T 5) F 6)

31、T 7) T 8) F 9) F 10) T 2. 1) C 2) B 3) D 4) B 5) C 6) A 3. 1)我躺在破旧的沙发上,身子下面那硬邦邦的蓝色衬垫对我来说是一种莫大的安慰。 2)几小时前她就细心地为我塞紧了被子,并确信我早已睡着了,可我有太多的事情要想,根本睡不着。 3)爸爸躺在高高的一张床上,床的一头不知怎的还抬起来。 4)往日里爸爸的面颊满是胡子茬儿,总是刺得我发痒,好像刚长出的青草刺着我的脚尖一样。 5)妈妈走进昏暗的起居室,随即黄色的灯光从背后射了进来。 Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text. 1. 1)exaggerated 2)startled 3) web 4)giant 5) buzzed 6)prayer 7)ruin 8) aroused 9) stoop 10) scared 11) shiny 2. 1) A. occasional B. occasionally C. occasion 2) A. confidence B. confident C. confidently 3) A. instinct B. instinctively C. in

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