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1、完整版初中七年级首字母填空练习含的答案doc根据首字母填空专项练习(含答案)Can animals be made to work for us ? Some scientists think that one day animalsmay be t_ to do a number of simple jobs .They s_ that in a film or on TV wemay see elephants , monkeys ,dogs ,bears ,or other animals doing a lot of things .If you w_ carefully , you

2、may find that those animals are given something to eat inreturn for d_ them . The scientists say that many d_ animals may be taught todo a number of simple jobs if they will get something to eat .Of course, as we know , dogs can be used to guard a house ,and elephants can beused to do some heavy j_

3、. And we can also teach animals to work in f_ .Apes ,for example have b_ used in America to help make cars andscientists b_ that these monkeys may one day get in crops and e_ drivetrains . want to study to be animal doctors.They are often c“ vets ”. Many ofthem work in animal

4、 h_. Others may work on farms or at a z_. Some studyanimal diseasesand try to findw_ to keep the animals from getting i_.They do studies in m_ for animals.Vets listen to an animals s h_. Theycheck its ears, eyes, mouth and blood. They o_ on animals when they need to.They may give the animals shots(注

5、射 ) and tell the pets o_ what food is best. mother love is true love. It gives e_ everything all his life.When you are still a baby, mother takes good care of you as much as possible. In your waking hours she always holds you in her arms. When you are ill,she stops her work

6、right now to look after you day and n_ and forgetsabout herself. When you are growing up day by day, she feels very happy.When you are old e_ to go to school, mother still looks after you allthe t_ . On cold winter days, she always tells you to p_ on more clothes.She always stands in the wind waitin

7、g for you back from school every day. When youhurry to leave home for school with little b_ . She always feels worriedabout you at home. She u_ knows about you study and spend much moneyon your school things. When you do well at school , you will see the brightest s_ on her face. Mother can do every

8、thing for you day after day.Mother is always ready to give everything she has to her children, not to receive.What true love that is in the w_ ! We will r_ Mother Love forever! I was walking down the street one day , I s_ a small bag on theground . I picked it up and opened

9、it to see w_ I could find out the ownername . There was n_ inside it except some dollars and a picture of a womanand a young girl about twelve years old . I put the photo back and took the bag to the police station . Before I left , the policeman wrote down my name and my a_ . He thought the owner m

10、ight want to thank me .That evening I went to have dinner with my aunt and uncle . They had also asked a young woman to have dinner with us . Her face was famil iar , but I couldn t r_ where I had seen her . D_ our talk , the young woman happened tosay that she had l_ her bag that afternoon . All at

11、 once I rememberedw_ I had seen her . She was the young girl in the photo . though she lookednow much o_ than the girl in the picture . She was very s_ , of course ,when I told her about the bag . After dinner we went to the police station and got backher bag . The policeman said to me , “ It s a wo

12、nderful thing . Youy foundthe not onlbag , but also the owner of the bag .” Mcsporran is a very b_ man. He is 60 years old and he has thirteenjobs. He is a postman , a policeman ,a fireman , a taxi driver , a school-bus driver , a boatman ,an ambulance man , an accountant

13、, a petrol attendant , a barman , and an undertaker .Also , he and his wife , Margaret , have a shop and a small hotel.Seumasl_ and works on the island of Gigha in the west of Scotland. Only 120 people live on Gigha but in s_ 150 tourists come by b_ every day.Everyweekday Seumas gets up at six and m

14、akes b_ for the hotel guests. At eight hedrives the island s children to s At nine. he collects the post from the boat and delivers it to all the houses on the island. He also delivers the beer to the islandpub. Then he helps Margaret in the s_ .He says:“ Margaret likes beingbusy,too.We n_ have holi

15、days and we donliket w_ television. In theevening Margaret makes supper and I do the accounts. At ten we have a glass of wineand then we go to bed. P_ our life isn t very exciting, but we ”like it.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.Tim spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable . If you go to a good s_ , noassi

16、stant will come near to you and say , “ CanI h_ you ?”You neednbuyta_ you don t want . You may try to find out where the book you want is . Butif you w_ , the assistant will lead you there and then he will go away . It seemsthat he is not interested i_ selling any books at all .There is a story whic

17、h t_ us about a good shop . A medical student founda very useful book in a shop , but it is too expensive for him to b_ . He couldn tget it from the library , e_ . So every afternoon he went there to r_ alittle at a time . One day , however , he couldn t find the book from its usual place anwas leav

18、ing when he saw an assistant signing to him . To his s_ , the assistantpointed to the book in a corner , “ Iput itthere so as not to be sold out . ” saidtheassistant . Then he let the student go on with his reading . S=salesgirl ; H=Han mei )S: Good morning. Can I help you ?H:

19、Yes. I _ this blouse last week, but theres something wrong with it. When I_ it, the colours ran. I cant _ it now. I want you to _ this blouse orgive me my _ back.S:Let me see. Did you wash it in _ water ?H:Of course not.S:It _ as if it hasnt been washed following the _ .Did you leave it in water _ y

20、ou washed it ?H:No, I didnt do that, _. I didnt put it cold water until I washed it. you go to England you may find the traffic there is different from ours. As a f_ you must be c_ in the streets, because the traffic d_ on the left. You must look to the right and then the le

21、ft before you cross a street.In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come back from work,the streets are very b_. traffic is most d_ then.When you go by bus in England, you have to take care, too. Always r_the traffic m _ on the left. You have to t_ a look first or you will go tothe w

22、_ way.In many English cities there are big buses with two f_ . You can sit on thesecond one. From there you can see the city very well. animal do we need m ? Dogs? Horses? No! The a to thequestion is cows.Why cows? Cows give us milk. And milk is one of our mostimportant k o

23、f food.Suppose(假设 ) that all the milk cows make in one year were put i bottles.And suppose these bottles were put side by side. The line of bottles would go allaround the world 400 t .That is a lot of milk, less than half of it is used ford and cooking. Most of it is u to make butter cheese, ice cre

24、am andmany other things. It takes many cows to give us that m milk. But not as manyas it used to. A cow used to give only about 1,500 quarts(夸脱 )of milk a year. Now afine cow may g9 more than 3,000 quarts in a year.Why do cows give more milk today? Now farmers have better cows. The cowsget better c

25、10and better food. part of an e-mail answer from Joe giving some advice to his son incollege .“ When I was young , I often met t_about what to do and whatnot to do . My grandmother told me not to worry about those things . I o_ didthem once a year or once a lifetime . I_ ,

26、 I should try to do well those things ,and I do them every day . For example , I need to eat every day , so I should learnhow to c_ . I need to talk to o_every day , so I should learn howto work with d _people and know how to s _well . I walk everyday , so my s _ should be all right and comfortable

27、. Every night I sleep , somy bed should let me have a good rest . Taking care of the e_thingsm_that you do a better job of the one in a lifetime things as well .” 7. 8. 9. 10.11Let me tell you a story . A good friend of mine lives with six hundred animals onan island . Ever s_ he left sc

28、hool , he has travelled all over the world l_foranimals for his own zoo .He writes books about his travels , and about hiswonderful a_ . The money for his books helps him to p_for all theanimal food . My friend told me that when he was looking for water last week (Thereis not enough water on the isl

29、and , though there is a lot all around it ) , he f_oil. He n_ money for his travels and for his zoo , and a little oil would buye_ water for a long time , but he knows that if he tells anybody else about it , itwill be the e_ of his zoo and his life s work . So I think he will not tell anybodye _ you and me about what he found because oil and water can t be p_together . Oil may bring greater trouble to his animals than not having

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