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Unit 12 The Internet.docx

1、Unit 12 The InternetUnit 12 The InternetPart AListening Strategy Finding the Main IdeaFinding the main idea of a conversation is a very important skill in listening comprehension. To acquire this skill, we must cultivate our ability to distinguish between major and minor information. We should learn

2、 how to listen for the general sense rather than for the meaning of every word. In fact, it is impossible for us to understand and remember every word uttered by the speaker and it is not necessary to do so. The first step to look for the main idea is to identify the topic the speaker is talking abo

3、ut. The topic is the subject or focus of what is being said and is usually conveyed through the words or phrases the speaker mentions or refers to the most. Then you have to focus your attention on the sentence or sentences that extend the topic to the message the speaker wants to get across to the

4、listener. You are going to hear three passages about computers and IT education. Listen carefully and complete the answers.1. The main idea of the passage: Establishing computer labs for the schools in Chinas poor rural areas.2. The main idea of the passage: China is cooperating with India in traini

5、ng software professionals.3. The main idea of the massage: The computer virus, Code Red II, is about to attack again.Script: 1. Students and teachers at 20 schools in Chinas poor rural areas had their own computer labs at the end of 2001. The labs were jointly funded by the China Youth Development F

6、oundation and Coca-Cola (China) Beverages Ltd., which planned to establish more computer labs in 1,200 rural schools.2. China is now using Indias rich resources and expertise in IT education to meet its great demand for software professionals. An Indian company has recently signed a deal with China

7、to establish a joint venture company in Beijing. It is the first Indian company to invest in the education of software professionals in China. 3. Code Red II, the worlds most vicious cyber worm, is about to start another attack. Unlike its former peer, “I love you” bug, this time the Code Red series

8、 will target Internet servers and the network. Anti-bug experts are calling for greater online security. Part BPre-listening TaskQuestions for DiscussionYou are going to talk about the Internet. Read the following questions and discuss them with your partner.1. Do you often use a computer?2. What do

9、 you use the computer for?3. What problems have you encountered when using a computer?4. What is the Internet?5. What can you do on the Internet? 6. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet? Demo:6. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet? The Inter

10、net has contributed a lot to the social development. It has brought great convenience for communication across large distances. It offers a huge amount of information of various kinds. People can find plenty of entertainment online and get services like online banking and shopping, etc. However, it

11、also has some disadvantages. There are many cases of theft of personal information which cause losses of money and privacy. Another threat is viruses which may disrupt the normal functioning of your computer systems. There are also some unhealthy websites on the Internet and could do great harm to t

12、he children. Additional Question for DiscussionWhat security measures should we take when we use the Internet?Demo:There are several measures we can take when we use the Internet. First, it is important that we use a secure server when transferring personal information like credit card numbers over

13、the Internet because any stop along the way could log our credit card number. When we use a secure server, the number is encrypted (coded) and looks like gibberish (乱码的) to every computer except the one we are sending the number to. Look for a “secure server” option before entering the credit card n

14、umber online and the PIN numbers. Second, use anti-virus software to guard your computer from being hacked. Third, when your computer crashes down, ask help from the official maintenance service department. Dont give the computer to the person that cannot be trusted.Language FocusHere are some sente

15、nces and structures that you might find useful in discussing the above questions. I have a computer at home / in my dorm.I can use the computers at the school library / at an Internet bar.I type my papers / coursework / use spreadsheets to solve problems / make tables and graphs / access the Interne

16、t on my computer. The computer will suddenly crash / freeze / catch a virus.The mouse sometimes doesnt work properly. The cursor on the screen doesnt move. I cant start / shut down my computer / download documents from web sites / copy / paste tables to my document.I have set up my Internet account

17、/ have a computer with Internet access / can access the Internet on school computers. I spend every single moment of my spare time on the Internet.I sometimes spend hours a day surfing the Internet / chatting with people on the Internet. You can reach others within seconds by e-mail / send e-mail to

18、 anyone if you know his or her e-mail addresses.You can chat / engage in active discussion with friends, relatives, or strangers on topics of shared interests.You can make friends / download software / do shopping / hunt for jobs on the Net.You can express your viewpoints in your blog. Life online i

19、s very informative / attractive / colorful.The Internet provides up-to-date information on a very wide range of subjects / covers almost every area of study / gives you a sense of connectedness to people across the world.Students can widen their knowledge of the world through the Internet.The Intern

20、et liberates teachers and students from the old constraints / offers high-quality teaching and study materials.The Internet provides extra fun for relaxation. People can play real-time computer games / listen to their favorite music / enjoy new Hollywood films over the Internet. The Internet does wo

21、nderful things but accessing it can be quite expensive for a student.Spending too much time on the Internet may keep students away from their schoolwork / cause some students to skip classes / hinder students from learning proper social skills.Playing games online for hours and hours is very harmful

22、 to ones health.You may lose all your data if your computer is attacked by a virus / suddenly crashes.You may find your privacy invaded if you do not set up a powerful firewall to protect your computer from hackers.Hackers can attack computers / change users passwords / deny users access / steal dat

23、a / commit economic crimes. Listening TasksNathen DeesWord Banksurf v. to search through a computer network for information or entertainment 在网上浏览screen n. the flat surface of a computer monitor on which pictures or words are displayed 屏幕desperate a. nearly hopeless 绝望的exclaim v. to cry out suddenly

24、 because of surprise 惊呼stare v. to gaze intently, esp. with wide open eyes 目不转睛地看ambulance n. a vehicle specially equipped to take injured or sick people to the hospital 救护车crew n. all the people who work together 一队工作人员 alarm call emergency call 求救呼叫be linked up with to be connected to 与接通ring up (

25、chiefly BrE) to telephone 打电话Nathen Dees (男子名)Steffi Marks (女子名)Heilbronn a town in southwest Germany 海尔布隆(德国西南部城市)Script:On a wet Sunday morning in Sydney last year, 13-year-old Nathen Dees switched on his computer. He was surfing the Net, looking for someone to talk to, when he saw a message on hi

26、s screen from a girl named Steffi who was online:“H-E-L-P”“Whats the matter?” Nathen typed.“I cant breathe. Help me!” came the desperate reply.“Is this a game?” asked Nathen, rather annoyed.“No, it isnt. Im having trouble breathing. I cant get out of my chair,” replied Steffi.The alarm call was not

27、a joke. Steffi Marks was a 20-year-old university student working on a history project alone in her house in Heilbronn, Germany. While surfing the Net for information, she felt a sudden pain in her legs. She tried to get out of her chair, but she couldnt move. As the pain moved to her chest and made

28、 breathing almost impossible, she typed her cry for help.“Can you call 000?” Nathan asked. He waited and got a shock when her reply came.“What is 000?”000 is the emergency service number in Australia, but Steffi didnt know she was linked up with an Australian, and Nathen hadnt realized till then tha

29、t he was talking to someone outside Australia.“Where are you?” he asked.There was a long pause and finally the letters appeared, “Heilbronn, Germany.” Nathen exclaimed in surprise. He stared at the screen. Someone in a country far away needed his help.“Dont worry. Ill get help for you.” Nathen typed

30、 back. “Whats your home address, Steffi?”Steffi sent back her address and added that the pain was getting worse.Nathen quickly rang up the international operator and asked to be put through to Germany. He explained the situation to the operator there and gave her Steffis address. Then he typed back,

31、 “Hold on, Steffi. Help is now on the way.” He waited anxiously for a reply.Meanwhile, in Heilbronn, an ambulance crew got the emergency call and sped towards the address with two police officers. Once at Steffis house, they broke down the door and found her in great pain over the keyboard. She was

32、able, however, to write one more thing to her Australian rescuer. The message Nathen had been waiting for finally flashed onto the screen.“They are here. Thanks. Bye.” Steffi was finally safe, thanks to a young boy on the other side of the world.Language and Culture Notes1. Sydneythe most populous city in Australia, situated in the southeast coast of the country. It is the state capital of New South Wales,

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