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1、英文说说英文说说2018导读: 1、影子在下雨天也会缺席,可是,无条件会陪你的人,狂风暴雨都一直会在。Shadows are also absent on rainy days, but the people who will accompany you unconditionally will always be there.2、其实小时代里,最让我羡慕的不是他们的爱情故事,而是他们的友谊地久天长。What I admire most in a small age is not their love story, but their lasting friendship.3、看见你不幸福,我

2、很难过。看见你幸福,我更难过。Im sorry to see you unhappy. I am sadder to see you happy.4、双生花。双生花。任何一方死亡的时候,另一方也悄然腐烂。Twin flowers. Twin flowers. When either party dies, the other is quietly rotting.5、今生今世,我注定只是一个戏子,永远在别人的故事里留着自己的眼泪。This life, I was destined to be a drama, always in other peoples stories to keep my

3、 tears.6、生命里最重要的事情是要有个远大的目标,并借才能与坚毅来达成它。The most important thing in life is to have a big goal and to achieve it with perseverance.7、真正的牛逼不是你认识多少人,而是你患难的时候还有多少人认识你。The real cow is not how many people you know, but how many people know you when you are in trouble.8、考完了,总有人问你考了多少分,去哪上,却没有人问你这几年累不累。Aft

4、er the exam, someone asked you how many points you took, where you went, but no one asked you if you were tired for a few years.9、一个人的一生大概是这样的:年轻的时候用命换钱,老了用钱换命。A persons life may be like this: when you are young, you will change your money and change your life.10、你懂那种与你对视却装作毫不在意面无表情转头的心酸吗?Do you kno

5、w the kind of acid that looks at you and doesnt seem to turn your head?11、人的眼是黑的,心是红的。一旦眼红了,心就黑了。The eye of man is black, and the heart is red. Once the eye is red, the heart is black.12、怪我没有长成你爱的样子,不能讨你欢心伴你左右。Blame me for not being what you love, and I cant make you happy with you.13、爱,是别人在看到你的缺点后,

6、却仍会守在你的身边。Love is someone who will stay with you when they see your flaws.14、如果,于你来说我可以什么都不是,那请你放我走。If I can do nothing for you, please let me go.15、或许你不会懂我的挣扎与纠结,我知道我们不会那么幸运。Maybe you wont understand my struggles and struggles, and I know we wont be so lucky.16、我爱过一个人,一心想要和他在一起,他说他爱我,我相信了。I loved a

7、 man who wanted to be with him. He said he loved me and I believed it.17、我喝酒是想把痛苦溺死,但这该死的痛苦却学会了游泳。I drink to drown my pain, but the damn pain learns to swim.18、人大概到最后才会懂得,重要的不是要什么,而是不要什么。It is only in the end that people will understand that it is not what is important but what is important.19、如果你的心

8、分成两个,我想,两个新的世界,一定很累很累。If your heart is divided into two, I think, two new world, must be very tired very tired.20、看着别人穿上嫁衣,才发现是时候该放下再找找了。Look at other people put on the dowry, only to find out its time to put down and look again.21、其实蛮想和你聊天,不过你不找我,我也不想总是去打扰。I really want to chat with you, but you do

9、nt want me, and I dont want to always bother.22、老鼠从不浪费晚上的时间,而我们人类却浪费了每天的三分之一。Mice never waste their evenings, while we humans waste a third of our daily life.23、对于女人来说背叛可能只是会哭泣,对于男人来说背叛也许会出人命!For women, betrayal may just cry, and for men, betrayal may kill you!24、有些歌、只适合在大众广场听有些人,只适合当大众情人玩玩而已。There

10、are some songs that are only suitable for people in the public square.25、曾经的苦涩,只要撑过去,有一天,娓娓道来,都可以化作笑谈。The bitterness of the past, as long as the past, one day, told the story, can be turned into a joke.26、多希望我们就这样到永远,结婚,生子,再教宝宝怎么泡女孩。I wish we could get married, have children and teach babies how to

11、make girls.27、明年的夏天,我们曾经的教室里坐着的不再是我们。Next summer, we will not be sitting in the classroom.28、我也想做一个优雅的淑女,是生活把老娘逼成了泼妇。I also want to be an elegant lady, is life to force the old niang to be a shrew.29、如果爱要说出来,那哑巴不会说话,是不是一辈子都爱不了。If love is to say, the mute cant speak, cant love forever.30、对你所有的心思都变成了嘲

12、讽,爱过的人已离我远去。All your thoughts turn to sarcasm, and those who have loved are gone.31、真正的快乐是内在的,它只有在人类的心灵里才能发现。True happiness is intrinsic, and it can only be found in the human mind.32、温暖伴随着记忆残留,剩下的温存我将用我的一生去感受。The warmth is accompanied by memory, and I will feel the rest in my life.33、高中时,羡慕大学生考试及格就

13、行。大学了,怀念高中不及格都行。In high school, I envied college students to pass the exam. College, miss high school is all right.34、我的人生虽然需要有人指点,但绝对不需要有人来指指点点。My life needs someone to give advice, but it definitely doesnt need someone to point it out.35、成功与不成功之间有时距离很短只要后者再向前几步。Sometimes the distance between succe

14、ss and failure is very short - as long as the latter takes a few more steps forward.36、假装,你的视而不见,原来一直是我的一厢情愿。Pretend, you turn a blind eye, it used to be my wishful thinking.37、我存在着巨大的嫉妒心。我不愿看见任何你对别人的好。I have great jealousy. I dont want to see any good of you.38、我用心与你握别,愿生活给你带来无数希望的翠绿,把你引向理想的天地。I he

15、art with you clench, may life give you endless hope of green, lead you to the ideal world.39、小女人,我爱你,下辈子我们都要一起。致最挚的闺蜜致好姐妹。Little woman, I love you, well all be together for the rest of our lives. To my best friend the best sister.40、有希望就会有动力,只要坚持不懈,黑暗过去,迎接的就是无限光明。There is hope and motivation, so lon

16、g as you persevere, the dark past, you will be greeted with infinite brightness.41、一样的离开,一样的遗憾,一样的混混沌沌,一样的哭了又笑。The same regret, the same confusion, the same cry and laugh.42、生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄,至今思项羽,不肯过江东。Life as a person, dead as a ghost, so far, si xiang yu, refused to cross the river.43、总是在要去学校的前一天夜晚,自己

17、偷偷的在被窝里哭。I always cry in bed the night before I go to school.44、有的人总是安静如一朵在朦胧月色下的曼陀罗,开得是悄无声息。Some people are always quiet like a mandala in the misty moonlight, but quietly.45、原来我一直努力寻找的自由之城,早已是一片沉沦的废墟。The free city I have been trying to find is already a ruin.46、青春,每个人,都有,即使是伤害,但是也有人,盼望在来一次。Youth,

18、everyone, there are, even hurt, but there are people, looking forward to it.47、你的孤独是因为你既希望有人关心,又不想被谁过分打扰。You are lonely because you want to be cared for and not bothered by anyone.48、莫怨时间够不够,莫叹机会有没有,自古成功靠努力,何必坐着等白头。Dont complain about the time enough, do not sigh the opportunity, since ancient succe

19、ss depends on effort, why sit to wait for the white head.49、我觉得爱情让人变得残忍,原本相爱的人变成心头的针。I feel that love makes people cruel, and the people who love each other become the needles.50、大家都不是小孩子了,怎么可能喜欢了就要在一起。Everyone is not a kid, how can you like to be together.51、有那么一个号码,你永远不会打,却也永远不会删。Theres a number t

20、hat you can never play, but never delete.52、过去的就过去了,一直回头看只会毁掉现在,阻碍未来。The past is gone, and looking back will only destroy the present and hinder the future.53、我一个人又不是不行,我从来强悍的不用人担心。Im not a bad person, Ive never been tough enough to worry about.54、你想忘记他,你用了很久的时间,可是你依旧天天想念他。You want to forget him, yo

21、u took a long time, but you still miss him every day.55、暗恋一个人既怕她知道又怕她不知道,还怕她知道却装作不知道。A person is afraid of her knowing and afraid of her not knowing, but she does not know.56、生活总有好多出乎意料的事,比如,你以为我在举例子。There are so many unexpected things in life, for example, you think Im giving examples.57、这辈子,最让我觉得幸

22、福的,就是看着自己的闺蜜,一个个的幸福。In this life, the most I feel happy is to look at my best friend, one after another.58、明知道,你的心,已不再属于我,但我却还是傻傻的,等着你回来。You know, your heart is no longer mine, but I am still silly, waiting for you to come back.59、人在拥有的时候。从不察觉手中握着的东西有多珍贵。When people have it. Never notice how preciou

23、s things are in their hands.60、总是在我不再去坚持的时候,你又给了我希望。Always when I no longer insist, you give me hope again.61、慢慢的你会相信没有什么事不可原谅,没有什么人会永驻身旁。Slowly you will believe that nothing is unforgivable and that no one will be there forever.62、心中百般酸楚千般感受,也抵不过你在睡梦中一个无意的拥抱。The feeling of feeling in the heart of a

24、 thousand people can not be reached but you in your sleep an unintentional hug.63、我们所谓的天长地久和细水常流,都只不过是安徒生遗留的童话!What we call the long earth and the constant stream of water are just the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen!64、爱的方式有很多,伤害、占有、争吵、刺探、从一开始我便选择了远观。There are many ways of loving, hurting, p

25、ossessive, quarreling, probing, and from the beginning I have chosen the remote view.65、真心爱上一个人,就像吸了毒上了瘾,戒不了,改不了,忘不了。I really love a person, just like a drug addiction, I cant quit, I cant change it, I cant forget it.66、暗恋是最悲伤的事情,你永远不知道我为你笑为你哭为你难过。Secret love is the saddest thing, you never know tha

26、t I smile for you and you cry for you sad.67、爱过才知道什么是痛,什么是不舍,这种滋味很难受。Love knows what pain is, and what is not, it is very uncomfortable.68、如果有一天,海水不再是咸的了,那就是我不再哭了。If one day, the sea is no longer salty, I wont cry anymore.69、既然知道会有离开的那一天,那为什么还要许我承诺,给我温暖。Knowing that there will be a time to leave, wh

27、y should I promise to give me warmth.70、时过境迁,我们终究陌路,成不变的故事,何时是个尽头。When times change, we become strangers, the same story, when the end.71、假如有一天,我变得旁若无人。请记得,曾经也没有人把我安心里。If one day, I become a person. Remember, there was no one who reassured me.72、真的,我并不需要什么轰烈的爱情,不要欺骗我就好了。Really, I dont need any love,

28、 dont deceive me.73、我理所当然的把你规划在我的未来里。不要逃好吗?我们的未来很温暖很幸福很美好。I take you for granted in my future. Dont run away, will you? Our future is warm and happy.74、什么都不怕,就怕晴川不愿嫁,八哥听了到地又散架。Afraid of nothing, she was afraid that qingchuan would not marry.75、坚持了这么久,真的忘了当时的感觉,不知道什么是爱了。After such a long time, I real

29、ly forgot how I felt at the time, and I didnt know what love was.76、你给我捉一百只萤火虫,我就涂上正红色的口红嫁给你。You give me a hundred fireflies, and Ill marry you with a red lipstick.77、我允许你走进我的世界,但不允许你在我的世界里走来走去。I will allow you to come into my world, but I will not allow you to walk around in my world.78、别浪费时间去取悦无关紧

30、要的人,做你所爱的,爱你所做的。Dont waste your time pleasing people who dont matter, doing what you love, and loving what you do.79、希望有一天,我可以不用对着手机屏幕和你说晚安,你就在我身边。I hope one day I can say good night to you without having to say goodnight to my mobile phone, and youre right next to me.80、伤心有时是一种动力,失望有时是一种解脱,执迷不悟有时是一种磨练。Sadness is sometimes a motivator, disappointment is sometimes a relief, obsession is sometimes a discipline.

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