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1、上海市中考英语英语阅读理解精选及答案上海市中考英语英语阅读理解精选及答案一、英语阅读理解专项练习试卷1阅读理解 At some point in life, many people develop a mental (精神) problem. While most people get over it, for others it doesnt go away easily. The WHO says that about 20 percent of teenagers worldwide suffer from mental illness. Its thought that the num

2、ber of teenagers with mental illness around the world will increase by half by 2020. It will become one of the main causes of illness, and even death. In China, the picture isnt bright, either. About one tenth of teenagers under the age of 17 have a mental health challenge. The world is changing fas

3、t. Study and relationships have always caused stress, but today the stress is much higher than before, the WHO said. A research centre in Oxford University says that young people today have big stresses at school. For example, they experience bullying (欺凌). In a 2017 report, the centre noted that th

4、e Internet was a special source (渠道) of stress. Online, young people often see messages about perfection and this causes the young great uncertainty about their futures, says the centre. Also, according to China Daily, Chinese people dont ask for help with their mental problems. They fear that other

5、s will think less of them if they say that they are in mental trouble. Elaine Peng, a US mental health educator, makes a similar point. And in the UK, over three quarters of young people believe their mental problems have a social stigma. It is reported in 2017 that a quarter of young UK people woul

6、dnt ask for help if they developed a mental problem. Young people who dont ask for help for their condition may be creating problems for themselves in the future. Elaine Peng warned that, If we hide our mental health, it may remain a problem forever. My message for young people is, if you feel somet

7、hing is wrong within youask for help, he told China Daily. (1)Which of the following is NOT the cause of stress according to the passage? A.Heavy schoolworkB.Being bullied at school.C.Some information from the Internet.D.Certainty about the future.(2)Why dont Chinese people ask for help with their m

8、ental problems? A.They dont think them serious.B.They can get over them in time.C.They can keep their mental health secret.D.They are afraid of being looked down upon.(3)What does the underlined word stigma most probably mean in Chinese? A.羞耻B.印象C.援助D.危害(4)Elaine Peng advised the teenagers with ment

9、al illness to _. A.think less of themselvesB.avoid being bulliedC.ask for help as soon as possibleD.stay away from the Internet.(5)The main purpose of the passage is to _. A.ask research centers for helpB.tell about teenagers public attention on teenagers with mental som

10、e different opinions from different countries【答案】 (1)D(2)D(3)A(4)C(5)C 【解析】【分析】大意:本文讲述世界上许多人有精神疾病,到2020年世界上有一半的青少年患精神方面的疾病。精神疾病将成为主要的疾病甚至导致死亡,研究表明引起精神异常的原因是压力过大而没有及时找医生疏导导致的。 (1)细节题。根据young people today have big stresses at school. they experience bullying (欺凌). the Internet was a special source (渠道

11、) of stress.可知,研究表明压力的原因来自于过重的学业,学校的欺凌,已互联网上一些不良信息导致的,D描述与原文不一致,故选D。 (2)细节题。根据 They fear that others will think less of them if they say that they are in mental trouble.可知,他们害怕其他人瞧不起他们,故选D。 (3)词义猜测题。根据And in the UK, over three quarters of young people believe their mental problems have a social stig

12、ma.可知,在英国,超过4分之三的年轻人认为他们的精神疾病是社会的耻辱,推出stigma的意思是“羞耻”,故选A。 (4)推断题。根据If we hide our mental health, it may remain a problem forever.可知,如躲避我们的精神健康,它可能拥有是一个问题,推出Elaine Peng建议患有精神疾病的青少年应尽快就医,故选C。 (5)推断题。通过分析可知,作者讲述世界上越来越多的青少年患有精神疾病目的是唤起全社会对患有精神异常的青少年关注,故选C。 【点评】考查阅读理解。细节题、推断题和词义猜测题是阅读理解题中常考题型。细节题需要从文中寻找答案

13、;推断题需要联系上下文,推断出需要的信息;词句猜测题需要联系上下文,推出词句的意思。2阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。 Few students like homework, but it is an important part of middle school life in the UK. The UK has these rules for homework: Grades7and 8 (ages 11 to 13): 45 to 90 minutes per day; Grade 9 (ages 14 to 15):1 to 2 hours a day.

14、Today, many homework tasks are done on a computer. For example, preparing reports, using the Internet or doing online tasks. So schools are usually open before and after normal hours. In this way, students without computers or the Internet at home can use the schools facilities(设备). Sometimes, stude

15、nts are given extended learning tasks. That means they need to do more research and analysis(分析).But however big a task is, teachers always give feedback反馈)to help students find the areas where they can improve. Some schools send students home with home diaries. They advise parents to check on their

16、 Childrens progress. Sadly, not every parent takes much interest. In a survey of 1,000 students aged 11 to 18, over 10 percent said that they did not have space at home to do homework. Almost 15 percent said their families did not support them enough.(1)In the UK, which one of the following shouldnt

17、 do homework for more than 90 minutes? A.A student of 12.B.A girl of 14.C.A boy of 15.(2)If a student doesnt have a computer or the Internet, how can he finish his online homework? A.He doesnt have to finish it.B.He can ask his teacher for help.C.He can finish it at school.(3)The underlined word ext

18、ended in Paragraph 4 probably means . A.扩展的B.特别的C.困难的(4)Why do some schools send students home with home diaries? A.To advise students to do their homework in time.B.To advise parents to learn more about their childrens progress.C.To advise parents to help their children with their homework.(5)Which

19、 part is the passage probably from in a newspaper? A.Education.B.Sports.C.Amusement.【答案】 (1)A(2)C(3)A(4)B(5)A 【解析】【分析】短文大意:本文介绍英国学生的家庭作业情况。不同年龄段的学生家庭作业时间不同。现在大部分的学生都通过电脑完成作业。学生们还需要做一些扩展作业。学校也希望家长配合来更好的帮助学生完成家庭作业。 (1)细节理解题。根据Grade 9(ages 14 to 15): 1 to 2 hours a day。可知,14到15岁的学生需要做1到2小时的作业。根据Grades

20、7 and 8(ages 11 to 13): 45 to 90 minutes perday可知,12岁的学生只需要做45到90分钟。故选A。 (2)细节理解题。根据So schools are usually open before and after normal hours。 In this way, students without computers or the Internet at home can use the schools facilities因此,学校通常在正常时间前后开放,这样,没有电脑或家里的互联网的学生就可以使用学校的设施。可知,没有电脑的学生可以在学校完成在

21、线作业。故选C。 (3)词义猜测题。结合语境,Sometimes, students are given extended learning tasks。根据That means they need to do more research and analysis(分析). 可知此处表示有时候,学生们会做一些扩展的学习任务。故选A。 (4)细节理解题。根据They advise parents to check on their childrens progress。 可知,学校让孩子们带家庭日记回家,是为了让家长了解一下孩子们的进展。故选B。 (5)推理判断题。通读全文The UK has

22、these rules for homework英国有这些家庭作业规则,可知本文主要讲解英国的学生的作业情况。所以,本文应该出自报纸的教育部分。故选A。 【点评】此题考查阅读理解。此题涉及到细节理解,词意猜测和推理判断等题型。对于细节理解题,可直接从短文的细节中找出问题答案。对于词意猜测题,要据上下文的联系,进行推理,确定词在文章中的意思,对于推理判断题,要根据文章的细节及作者的观点和对文章的认知进行推测判断,找出正确答案。 3阅读下列材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 In the park, you see a group of people, all looking

23、 up at the sky. Without thinking about it, you look upwards, too. Why? In the concert, someone begins to clap and suddenly the whole room joins in. You do, too. Why? Sometimes we feel we are acting correctly when we do the same as others. The more people follow an idea, the better or truer we think

24、the idea is. Its the social proof (社会认同感) that works. The scientist Asch carried out an experiment. It shows how social proof can influence us. In a room, a man is shown Line 1, and next to it are three lines (A, B, C). A is longer, C is shorter and B is as long as Line 1. He must tell which of the

25、three lines is as long as Line 1. When the man is alone, he gives the correct answer B. Then, five other men enter the room, and each of them gives the answer C as they were told to. Now the man changes his idea and gives the answer C. Asch got the same result many times among different subjects (实验

26、对象). Why do we act like this? Well, in the past, following others was a way to keep from danger. Suppose that 5000 years ago you were hunting (打猎) with friends. Suddenly, they all ran away. What would you have done? Would you have stayed? No, you would have run, too. We are descendants (后代) of those

27、 who copied others action. It is so deeply planted in our mind that we still use it now. Social proof has special power. The advertising industry, for example, often makes use of it. So be capful whenever a company says its product is the most popular.(1)At the beginning of the passage, the writer l

28、eads in the topic by _. A.telling a examplesC.answering questionsD.showing a map(2)According to Paragraph 3, the experiment by Asch shows _. A.following others is always proof may change peoples ideasC.its difficult to carry out the experimentD.people can study better if

29、they are alone(3)The underlined word It in Paragraph g refers to _. A.running with othersB.hunting with friendsC.copying others actionD.doing something different(4)According to the passage, we can infer (推断) that _. A.its important to run with others anytimeB.products in the advertisement are the bestC.we mustnt copy others action to keep safeD.we need to think twice before following others【答案】 (1)B(2)B(3)C(4)D 【解析】【分析】短文大意:这篇短文通过几个实例说明了社会认知感对人们的影响。 (1)细节理解题。 In the park, you see a group of people, all looking up at the sky. Without thinking about it, you look upwards,

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