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1、19.Two ships were barely _ on the horizon.A. sensible B. passable C. visible D. available 20. We are getting excited and looking forward to_ the new movie and the movie stars.A. see B. be seeing C. seeing D. having seen21. A man cannot smile like a child, _a child smiles with his eyes, while a man s

2、miles with his lips alone.A. so B. but C. and D. for22. My father _ an invitation to a dinner party, but he _ it.A. accepted received B. receivedacceptedC. received didnt accept D. accepted didnt receive23. Well have a picnic in the park this Sunday _ its rains or its very old.A. since B. if C. unti

3、l D. unless24. Ten years ago the population of our village was_ that of theirs.A. as twice large as B. twice as large asC. twice as much as D. as twice much as25. It was _ he saw the doctor coming out of the emergency room with an expression as grave as a judge_ he realized the seriousness of his wi

4、fes illness.A.not untilthat B.afterwhen C.untilthen D.beforethat26. The open-air celebration has been put off _ the bad weather.A. in case of B. in spite of C. instead of D. because of27. It _ that 200 people died and over 5,000 lost their shelters after the floodA.reported B.reports C.has been repo

5、rted D.has reported28.The moment I got home,I found I_ my jacket on the playground.A.had left B.left C.have left D.was leaving29. You will be criticized _ you get that crazy idea out of your mind.A. if B. unless C. supposing D. so far as30. Many things _ impossible in the past are quite common today

6、.A. to consider B. being considered C. considering D. considered31. I tried to convey in my speech how _ we all were for his help.A. regretful B. respectful C. hopeful D. grateful32. The brain is too _ and complex for that sort of treatment.A. sensate B. sensational C. sensitive D. sensible 33. In o

7、rder to _ a good knowledge of English, he gave up his job and went to study in an English school.A. acquire B. Require C. inquire D. inquest34.His nationality is not _ to whether he is a good lawyer.A. reluctant B.restricted C. resultant D. relevant35. When we met for the first time, Peter didnt _me

8、 much.A. impress B. oppress C. possess D. progressSection 3 Reading Comprehension 40%Passage oneResearchers have found that REM(rapid eye movement) sleep is important to human beings. This type of sleep generally occurs four or five times during one night of sleep, lasting five minutes to forty minu

9、tes for each occurrence. The deeper a persons sleep becomes,the longer the periods of rapid eye movement.There are physical changes in the body to show that a person has changed from NREM(non-rapid eye REM sleep. Breathing becomes faster,the heart rate increases,and,as the name implies,t

10、he eyes begin to move quickly.Accompanying these physical changes in the body is a very important characteristic of REM sleep. It is during REM sleep that a person dreams.36.According to the passage,how often does REM sleep occur in one night?A. Once B. Twice C. Four or five times D.Forty times37. T

11、he word “deeper” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to which of the following?A. Heavier B. Louder C. Stronger D. Happier38. Which of the following shows that a person is NOT dreaming in his sleep?A. His eyes begin to move. B. His breathing becomes faster.C. His heart rate increases. D. His eyes s

12、top moving.39. The subject of this passage is.A. why people sleep B. the human need for REM sleepC. the characteristics of REM sleep D. physical changes in the human body40. Which of the following is the best title of the article?A. REM Sleep B. Two Types of SleepC. Sleepers D. What Happens to Sleep

13、ers Passage Two Persons who are overweight should watch their diet carefully in order to lose pounds. The, best way to do this is to start a weight control program. At first it is wise to talk with your doctor. He can advise you of the number of calories(卡路里). you should have in your meals each day.

14、 He can tell you about exercising while on your diet. A good rule is to lose slowly. A loss of a pound or two is plenty.Plan meals around foods you know. This means that it is wise to include foods that you are used to and that are part of your regular eating habits. When you have lost the weight yo

15、u wish, simple items can be added to your diet so that you can maintain the weight you want. While you are dieting, try to build a pattern of eating that you can follow later to maintain your desired weight.When dieting, choose low-calorie foods. Avoid such items as fats, fried food, sweets, cakes,

16、cream and soft drinks. Try to take coffee and tea without sugar or cream. Snacks can be part of your diet. For example, a piece of fruit or a simple dessert saved from mealtime can be eaten between meals.Keep busy! This way you will not be tempted to go off the diet. Make full use of opportunities t

17、o exercise. Try walking instead of riding whenever possible. Happy dieting!41. What is the main idea of the passage?A. How to diet. B. Why we should diet.C. What we should diet. D. Where we should diet.42. While dieting you should _.A. choose fried foods B. choose low-calorie foodC. choose snack as

18、hamburger in McDonalds D. talk to your doctor43. When you have lost the weight you wish, you can _.A. have some more simple items in your diet B. eat more and more foods you likeC. stop dieting D. tell the doctor what youve done44. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT t

19、rue?A. While dieting, you should ask the doctor so that you can lose your weight quickly.B. Plan meals means to have some foods you like and take them as your daily eating habits.C. When you have lost your weight, you can have some coffee and tea without sugar or cream.D. As you are dieting, dont fo

20、rget exercise.45. If you want to start a weight control program, you should _.A. ask your doctor B. plan meals and choose low-calorie foodsC. do some exercise D. all of the abovePassage ThreeIn the old days, divers used to go down into the sea looking for ships that had sunk,because they hoped to fi

21、nd gold and jewels.Now divers still search for valuable things in sunken ships,but they also try to bring to the surface the ships themselves,or parts of them.The value of different kinds of metals has increased greatly over the last twenty or thirty years and even though a ship has been under the s

22、ea for many years,it may be worth a great deal.One famous sunken ship is the “Lusitania”,which sank off the southern coast of Ireland in 1915 with a loss of nearly 1,500 lives.It has four huge propellers made of an expensive metal.Today each of those propellers is worth $300,000 or more.The ship,lyi

23、ng on the sea-bed has been bought by a man called John Light.He paid about $1,200,000 for the whole ship.He hopes to bring up those propellers and sell them.He also hopes to sell other parts of the ship,when he has brought them to the surface,for about $ 600,000.46.Divers today try to bring to the s

24、urface and jewels of ships C.whole ships D.all of the above47.Diver try to bring up metals because_.A.they have been in the sea for a long time and jewels are not valuable thingsC.some kinds of metals are worth a lot of money is easy to bring up metals48.The word “s

25、urface” in the passage means the B.air of a liquid D.sea 49.John Light hopes that he may be able to sell all the parts of the “Lusitania” for about _.A.$12,000 B.$300,000 C.$1,200,000 D.$1,800,00050.John Light bought the “Lusitania” _.A.before 1915 B.before it sank C.after it sank D

26、.after he had brought up the propellersPassage FourEnglish is the official language of the United Kingdom and its first language of the vast majority of its citizens. The use of language is extremely important to Britains class structure.Some educated English people. Regardless of their class origin

27、, strive to free themselves of regional or local accents(口音) in order to sound like educated English-speaking people. Some people in England regard regional accents and slang as substandard. On the other hand many local people, such as Cockneys in East London and people in northern England, enjoy th

28、eir particular way of speaking, regarding it as warmer and friendlier than standardEnglish. Scottish people appreciate the Scottish accent so much they insist the BBC carry programs with Scottish-accented speakers. The Celtic language, an ancient tongue, continues to be spoken in Scottish-accented s

29、peakers in Scotland by some people, usually those in the more remote areas of the country. Approximately 80,000 Scots speak Scottish Gaelic, a type of Celtic language. English is the main language in Northern Ireland, although at least some of the Roma Catholic minority speak Irish, another Gaelic d

30、ialect, as a second language. The ancient Celtic language of Wales is strongly tied to the cultural nationalism of the region. At the time of the 1991 census(人口调查), about 20 percent of the Welsh population could speak Welsh. Welsh isspoken in northern and western Wales much more than in southern Wales, where many En

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