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1、新视野大学英语第三版读写教程第四册课本练习答案新视野大学英语读写教程4(第三版)课本练习参考答案1-5单元A部分 UNIT ONESection ALanguage focusWords in use 3crumbled discern surpass shrewd conversion distort radiant ingenious stumped proposition1.As the gender barriers crumbled, the number of women working as lawyers, doctors, or bankers began to increa

2、se significantly form the mid-20th century.随着性别障碍的瓦解,从20世纪中期开始,从事律师、医生或银行家工作的女性数量开始显著增加。2.With the data collected each year, the owner of the shop can discern customer trends and how things like weather and economic indicators affect sales performance.通过每年收集的数据,店主可以了解顾客的趋势,以及天气和经济指标对销售业绩影响。3.His sup

3、ervisor pushes and motivates him in such a positive manner that he is not only able to reach but to surpass his personal goals.他的上司以一种积极的方式推动和激励他,使他不仅能够达到,而且能够超越自己目标。4.He is a man with a(n) shrewd business sense. He has built his initial investment into a substantial and even excessively large fortu

4、ne.他是个精明的生意人。他把最初的投资变成了一笔可观的、甚至是巨额的财富。5.The conversion of nuclear radiation directly into electricity was an exciting possibility that was being vigorously explored in many laboratories in the 1950s.将核辐射直接转化为电能是20世纪50年代许多实验室正在积极探索的一种令人兴奋的可能性。6.I was not only shocked but also disgusted that the repor

5、t tried to distort the scientific facts in such a manner that even some highly-educated people were fooled.我不仅感到震惊,而且感到恶心,因为这份报告试图歪曲科学事实,甚至一些受过高等教育的人也被愚弄了。7.Sixty-two and blessed with his mothers skin, the fisherman had withstood a lifetime of exposure to the sun and looked as radiant as a man in hi

6、s forties.62岁的渔夫和他母亲的皮肤很有福气,他一生都在阳光下曝晒,看上去像四十多岁的人一样容光焕发。8.French educator Louis Braille invented a simple but ingenious code which has had an impact on the lives of generations of people who are blind.法国教育家路易斯布莱叶发明了一种简单而巧妙的密码,这种密码对几代盲人的生活产生了影响。9.The senators didnt expect us to ask such tough questio

7、ns, and when we finally did, they got stumped and didnt know what to say.参议员们没想到我们会问这么棘手的问题,当我们终于提出时,他们被难住了,不知该说些什么。10.This newly established university supports the proposition that a more diverse higher education system is desirable since it would enhance opportunities for lifelong learning.这所新成立的

8、大学支持这样的观点:更多样化的高等教育体系是可取的,因为它将增加终身学习的机会。4Words learnedNew words formed-cydelicatedelicacybankruptbankruptcyaccountantaccountancysecretsecrecyvacantvacancyurgenturgency-icatmosphereatmosphericmagneticmagnetmetalmetallic-ygloomygloomguiltyguiltmastermastery5bankruptcies atmospheric delicacies urgency

9、accountancy gloom magnet metallic mastery vacancy guilt secrecy 1.Contrary to the predictions of some local economists, who always warned that higher wages and benefits would lead to slower growth and business bankruptcies, these policies had exactly the opposite effect.一些当地的经济学家的预测,相反,总是警告说,更高的工资和福

10、利将导致经济增长放缓和企业破产,这些政策已经完全相反的效果。2.There are growing concerns about the climate effects, such as melting ice caps, droughts, floods, etc., due to rising atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations.人们越来越担心气候的影响,如冰帽融化、干旱、洪水、等,由于大气温室气体浓度上升。3.Long considered one of the great delicacies, goose liver most comm

11、only appears on the menu of French dishes in high-end restaurants.长期以来被认为是一位伟大的美味佳肴,鹅肝最常出现在法国菜在高档餐厅的菜单。4.For the sake of the worlds future prosperity and for its elimination of hunger and disease, reforms and innovations must be pursued with urgency.为了世界的未来繁荣和消除饥饿和疾病,改革和创新必须与紧迫感。5.Many smart people

12、became accountants instead of scientists because the science they were exposed to in school made accountancy seem more attractive by comparison.许多聪明的人不再是科学家,而是成为了会计师,因为他们在学校接触到的科学使会计工作相比之下更有吸引力。6.Despite the deepening economic gloom, he believes automobile sales will likely grow vigorously over the

13、next three years as long as loan interest rates remain low.尽管深化经济低迷,他认为汽车销售可能会蓬勃发展在未来三年内,只要贷款的利率仍然很低。7.The nearly high-tech park helps the university become a(n) magnet for some of the most ambitious young business minds form around the country.这个近乎高科技的公园让这所大学成为吸引全国最具雄心的年轻人商业头脑的磁石。8.Photographs of t

14、his quality are rare among UFO Photographs, but in this particular shot you can clearly see a disc-shaped metallic object.这质量是罕见的不明飞行物的照片照片,但在这个特殊的镜头你可以清楚地看到一个圆盘形金属物体。9.Since the scope of agriculture is wide, the administrators and information personnel involved in it must have a good mastery of the

15、 field.由于农业的范围宽,管理员和人员的信息,必须有很好的掌握。10.Employers decide to create a(n)vacancy only when the expected profit of a filled o job exceeds the hiring costs for a new employee. 只有当一份全职工作的预期利润超过新员工的雇佣成本时,雇主才会决定创造一个职位空缺。11. Parents often suffer deep feelings of guilt if their children fail to succeed, or don

16、t into responsible and law-abiding members of society.如果孩子没有成功,或者没有成为社会上负责任、遵纪守法的一员,父母往往会深感内疚。12. I respect the need for secrecy at a particular point in family life. But I do believe that family members do better when they can speak openly about things that really matter.我尊重在家庭生活的某一特定时刻需要保密。但我相信,当家

17、人能公开谈论真正重要的事情时,他们会做得更好。61-10 : C I A O F H M K J DHave you ever heard People say that they tend to be more of a right-brain or left-brain thinker? From books to television programs, you have probably heard the term 1)C mentioned numerous times, or perhaps you have even taken an online test to 2)I de

18、termine which type best describes you.Do different parts of the brain really control different bodily and mental functions? Over the years, a theory that has 3)A gained in popularity is that the right brain and the left brain are 4)O responsible for different modes of thought and that the way in whi

19、ch a person thinks will depend on which side of his brain works more actively.People who rely more 5)F heavily on the right half of their brain tend to be more imaginative and spontaneous. They are interested in patterns, shapes and sizes, for the right brain is associated with 6)H artistic ability

20、like singing, painting writing poetry, etc. Left-brain dominated people are quite 7)M opposite in the way they think. They tend to be more logical and 8)K analytical in their thinking and usually stand out in mathematics and word skills.While the different functions of the two brain parts may have b

21、een 9)J distorted and exaggerated by popular psychology, understanding your strengths and weaknesses in certain areas can help you develop better ways to learn and study. For example, if you are usually 10)D stumped in trying to follow verbal instructions, an activity often cited as a right-brain ch

22、aracteristic, you can benefit from writing down directions and developing better organizational skills.从书籍到电视节目,你可能听过无数次提到这个词,或者你甚至参加过在线测试,以确定哪种类型最适合你。大脑的不同部位真的控制着不同的身体和精神功能吗?多年来,一种越来越流行的理论是,右脑和左脑负责不同的思维模式,一个人的思维方式将取决于他的大脑哪个部分更活跃。更依赖右脑的人往往更有想象力,更自然。他们对图案、形状和大小感兴趣,因为右脑与唱歌、绘画、写诗等艺术能力有关。左脑主导的人的思维方式完全相反

23、。他们的思维更有逻辑性和分析性,在数学和文字技能上也很突出。虽然大脑两个部分的不同功能可能已经被大众心理学扭曲和夸大了,但是了解你在某些领域的优缺点可以帮助你找到更好的学习和学习方法。例如,如果你在尝试执行口头指令时遇到了困难,这种行为通常被认为是右脑的特征,你可以从写下方向和发展更好的组织技能中获益。7were dripping with in exchange for flared up make an analogy between set a date for makeout of made a pact had appealed to1.The brick walls of the

24、ruined buildings were dipping with green mold and moisture, and she shivered involuntarily looking down to avoid the sight.废墟上的砖墙上沾满了绿色的霉菌和湿气,她不由自主地往下看,以免被看到。2.As urban populations exported finished goods in exchange for raw materials from neighboring populations,organized trade grew substantially.随

25、着城市人口出口制成品,以换取邻国人口的原材料,有组织的贸易大幅增长。3.Knowing just how quickly a wildfire can spread, some residents of the village decided to leave their homes after the flames flared up nearby.由于知道野火会以多快的速度蔓延,村里的一些居民决定在大火蔓延后离开家园。4.Biology teachers often make an analogy between the heart and a pump in order to help

26、students understand how the heart works.生物学老师经常把心脏和泵作类比,以帮助学生理解心脏是如何工作的。5.They would like to set a date for their wedding and announce their engagement to their families and friends as soon as possible.他们想为他们的婚礼定个日期,并尽快宣布他们与家人和朋友的订婚。6.He was determined not to sour a perfectly good day with the memor

27、y of one jealous classmate trying to make a fool out of him in front of the entire class.他决心不让一个嫉妒的同学在全班同学面前把他当傻瓜,让他这一天过得很好。7.The couple made a pact never to work at the same time,so that one of them was always on full-time parenting duty,and their child wouldnt have to be looked after by strangers.

28、这对夫妇做了一个协议从来没有在同一时间工作,这其中一个总是在全日制教育责任,和他们的孩子不会被陌生人照顾。8.The president said that its the worst earthquake ever to hit the country, and that he had appealed to the world for help, asking in particular for heavy-lift helicopters able to carry relief supplies into the isolated mountain areas.总统说,这是有史以来最严

29、重的地震袭击这个国家,他呼吁世界寻求帮助,要求特别是载重直升机能够携带救援物资到偏僻的山区。UNIT TWOSection ALanguage focusWords in use 3deficient prosecution outrage appeased conformity strand complement transient appliances outfit1. We need to improve the quality of education so that our children will not leave school deficient in literary an

30、d reasoning skills.我们需要提高教育质量,使我们的孩子不会离开缺乏文学和推理技能的学校。2. In a society governed by the rule of law,every citizen is subject to possible prosecution if he violates the law.在一个由法治的社会,每个公民都可能受到起诉,如果他违反了法律。3. The pay gap between average workers and top corporate officers has led to pubic outrage as execut

31、ives receive large packages despite falling share prices.普通员工与企业高管之间的薪酬差距,已引发公众的愤怒,因为尽管股价不断下跌,高管们仍能拿到巨额薪酬。4. The delicious meal appeased our hunger and made us feel warm again after having walked in the snow all day.这顿美餐使我们的饥饿感减轻了,让我们在雪中走了一整天后又感到温暖。5. The military insists on conformity in many areas

32、,for example, dress and haircut, with the primary objective of promoting group unity.军方坚持整合在许多领域,例如,服装和发型,促进集团统一的主要目标。6. My daughter used to play with the dog by taking a(n)strand of its hair and then spending a long time rubbing,combing and twisting it.我女儿过去常和这只狗玩耍,把它的一缕头发剪下来,然后花很长时间揉搓、梳理和捻。7. When she left for the party,she took great care to make her necklace and shoes complement her dress.当她离开,她让她项链体贴入

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