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牛津上海版高二上英语 第9讲U3重点词汇句型复习教案Word格式.docx

1、 For him, fashion was more important than culture. These are the trainers he bought. Was it worth a trip to London to buy these? Well, I dont think so. It was a waste of time and money. Fashion is very big business. Changes in fashion can create or ruin jobs. As an example, I have brought this blond

2、e wig to show you. It belongs to one of my mums friends. In the 1960s, these were very fashionable. But a few years later fashions changed, and women wore wigs much less often. Many wig factories closed down, and hundreds of workers lost their jobs, which was terrible! Fashion can affect the natural

3、 world, as well. Im holding an old hat borrowed from a drama company. Its made of beaver fur. These hats were very fashionable about 200 years ago. As a result, beavers almost became extinct. Luckily, in the 1850s, these hats went out of style and the beavers were saved. Finally, we should remember

4、the saying, never judge a book by its cover. Clothes will not make us more or less clever, better or worse, more or less honest. I once saw a movie about Mother Teresa. She spent all her life helping poor people in India, most of whom were dying. In 1979, she was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace. W

5、hen she flew to get the award, she wore the same old clothes as usual, and carried all her possessions in a little bag like this, which I bought in a market. This reminds us that fashion is not the most important thing in life.Thank you. 此部分着重单词短语的讲解及拓展,建议带着学生进行讲解,但可以把句子翻译通过挖空的形式,让学生自己翻译进行PK,学会灵活运用这

6、些单词短语。U3重点词汇讲解【知识梳理1】 fashion n时尚 The fashion spread rapidly这种时髦式样迅速流行起来。 A young lady dressed in the latest fashion is waiting for you一个穿着时髦的年轻女子正在等你。【搭配】 be in fashion流行,时髦come into fashion开始流行bego out of fashion不流行,过时 Faded jeans are still in fashion褪色牛仔裤仍然很时髦。 These hats are now out of fashion这些

7、帽子的款式现在不流行了。【拓展】 fashionable a时兴的;时髦的;流行的【知识梳理2】 illustrate V(用例子、图片等)说明,解释,阐明 To illustrate my talkI have brought along five objects为了举例说明,我随身带来了五件物品。【搭配】illustrate sth with sth by doing sth【知识梳理3】 object n物品;物体 A bright moving object appeared in the sky at sunset日落时分,天空中出现了一个明亮移动的物体。【拓展】1)object n

8、.目标;对象The young man can speak five foreign languages fluently,and he has become an object of admiration to all.这个年轻人能流利地说五种外语,成为大家羡慕的对象。2)object V反对;不赞成 object to somethingdoing something反对某事;反对做某事【注意】词组object to中的to是介词,所以后面跟上动词的话要用动词的-ing形式。They objected to(accepting)our proposal他们反对(接受)我们的提议。【知识梳理

9、4】 keen adj热衷的 【搭配】be keen on somethingdoing something热衷于某事;热衷于做某事be keen to do something渴望做某事Dolly wants to cycle around the world and she is really keen on the idea多莉想骑车环球世界,她对这个想法非常着迷。My son is keen to make a trip to Hong Kong this summer我儿子非常渴望今年夏天去香港旅游。【拓展】keen adj敏锐的 Dogs have a keen sense of

10、smell狗嗅觉灵敏。 A good detective should command keen powers of observation 一个好的侦探需具备敏锐的观察力。【知识梳理5】 sight n. 名胜; 景象、景物; 视力;视线、视野 Come and see the sight of London. It was a good chance to see the sights of the city. Birds have better sight than dogs. 【搭配】at the first sight 乍一看 at the sight of 看到 in with s

11、ight 可以看到,在视线内 out of sight 看不见【知识梳理6】 ruin v毁坏;毁灭;损害The storm ruined the crops暴风雨毁坏了庄稼。Our barbecue was ruined by the heavy rain我们的烤肉野餐被大雨弄得一团糟。【拓展】ruin n毁坏,毁灭;(复数)废墟,遗址The news meant the ruin of all our hopes这消息意味着我们一切的希望都破灭了。The house has gone to ruin through years of neglect这幢房子因年久失修而破败不堪。【知识梳理7

12、】 affect v. 影响,作用 震动,感动 (指疾病)侵袭某人、某物;感染 Their opinion will not affect my decision. She was deeply affected by the news of the film stars death. Her kidneys had become affected. 【拓展】 have an effect on 对产生影响【知识梳理8】 extinct adj绝种的;灭绝的 The dinosaur is an extinct species恐龙是一个已灭绝的物种。【拓展】extinction n绝种;灭绝

13、Efforts have been made to prevent the extinction of the giant panda已经做出努力防止大熊猫灭绝。【知识梳理9】 judge V判断,断定;审理,审判 Never judge a book by its cover不要以貌取人 A man should be judged by his deeds,not by his words判断一个人应根据他的行为,而不是他的言词。Who will be judging this murder case?谁将审理这宗谋杀案?【搭配】judging byfrom从来判断 Judging fro

14、mby his accent, I think he must be from Wales听他的口音,我认为他准是威尔士人。【知识梳理10】 award n奖品;奖状;奖金 She showed us the athletic awards she had won. 她给我们看她赢得的体育运动奖品。【拓展】award v颁发;授予 award somebody somethingaward something to somebody授予某人某物 The government awarded her a gold medal for her achievement. 政府因她的成就授予一枚金质奖

15、章。,【比较】reward n. 奖赏;给某人报酬reward somebody with something 奖赏给某人某物She rewarded him with a smile她向他报之以一笑。The old man rewarded the boy with $10 for bringing back his lost dog. 小男孩帮助老人找回了丢失的狗,老人给了他十美元作为酬劳。【知识梳理11】 remind v. 提醒,使某人想起This remains us that fashion is not the most important thing in life这提醒我们时

16、尚不是生活中最重要的东西。【搭配】remind somebody of something 使某人想起某事 remind somebody to do something 提醒某人做某事 remind somebody that提醒某人Please remind me to call Tom this afternoon请提醒我下午给汤姆打电话。【知识梳理12】 promote v. 促进,增进Since this new programme has proved to be a good way to promote safety and discipline. Other schools

17、soon followed. 由于这个新方案被证明是提高安全和纪律的好方法,其他学校也很快效仿。The presidents visit will promote friendship between our two countries. 总统的来访将促进我们两国之间的友谊。【拓展】promote v. 提升,升职He was promoted from sales manager to general manager within a year. 一年之内,他由销售经理提升为总经理。推销,促销It is a good idea to promote our new product on te

18、levision. 通过电视促销我们的新产品是个好主意。【知识梳理13】 resistance (to sth.) n. 抵抗,抵抗力 The demonstrators offered little or no resistance to the police. 示威群众对警察没怎么抵抗。【拓展】resist sth doing sth. v. 抵制,抵抗A healthy body resists disease. 健康的身体能抵御疾病。 I couldnt resist laughing when he told me the joke. 他给我讲了个笑话,我忍不住大笑起来 be res

19、istant to 对抵抗 【巩固练习】1. I am angry,for Peter took away my bike without asking for my_. Aadmission Bforgiveness Cpermission Dappreciation2. Fruit and vegetables actively_ health by providing bodies with vitamins,fiber and nutrients. Which of tile following is IMPROPER? A promote B. improve C. strength

20、en D. build3. Consuming 400 grams of a variety of vegetables and fruits every day can_ cancer rate by about 20 Afall Bincrease Cdecrease D. raise4. Some travelers prefer to stay at one place to relax while others would rather go around to see as many_ as possible. A. sights B. sightseeing C. scenery

21、 D. scenes5. He quickly became bored with the_ work and planned to change his job. Adramatic Bmonotonous C. extravagant Dexciting6The Taiwan pop singer has arrived in Shanghai to_ his newly released album. Aproduce Bmanufacture Crecord D. promote7.The US is required to _the issue according to the in

22、ternational rules. Acope Bdeal Chandle D. handle with8. The Shanghai Health Supervision Agency_160 unlicensed private clinics during an inspection campaign. Aset up B settled down Cclosed down D. brought down9The village is so poor that the school can hardly_ to hire an English teacher. A. afford Ba

23、ward Coffer D. supply10Some government officials_ their careers by gambling and taking bribes and end up in prison Apromote Breward Cruin D. damageKeys: 1. CDCAB 6 . DCCACU3重点语法点讲解【知识梳理1】过去分词作定语Im holding an old hat borrowed from a drama company.我手里拿着一顶从剧团借来的旧帽子。borrowed from a drama company是定语,修饰ha

24、t。因为borrow和hat之间是动宾关系,所以用过去分词形式,相当于which was borrowed from a drama company。 On stepping into the room,I saw a bunch of flowers bought by Mum我一踏进房间,就看见妈妈买的一束鲜花。The hat made of beaver fur was borrowed from a drama company这顶海狸毛做的帽子是从一家剧团借来的。【知识梳理2】the+比较级,the+比较级when buying clothes,I think the more you

25、 spend the better the quality买衣服时,我认为你花钱越多质量就越好。when buying clothes是现在分词作时间状语,相当于when you buy clothes While walking along the street,he met a friend who he hadnt seen for years走在街上时,他遇见了一位好久没见的老朋友。“the+比较级,the+比较级”结构表示“越,越”。 The more carefully you do the work,the fewer mistakes you will make你干活越仔细,犯

26、的错就越少。【知识梳理3】The introduction of school uniforms has helped reduce school violence. 校服的引入已经对减少校园暴力起了作用。 introduction 在句中译为“引入,引进”Because of the introduction of the new policy, the working efficiency has improved greatly. 由于引入了新政策,工作效率大大提高。【知识梳理4】the number of fights decreased by 40 per cent . the nu

27、mber of + 复数名词 译为 “的数量”,作主语时,中心名词是number,所以句子的谓语动词应用单数形式。The number of books in our city library is very large. 我们城市图书馆里书籍的数量是很大的。【对比】 a number of +复数名词” 意为“许多”,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。A great number of volunteers are planting trees to beautify the environment. 为了美化环境,很多志愿者在植树。Translation1.我手里拿着一顶从剧团借来的旧帽子。2.学校这么做目的是为了减少由学生热爱时尚而引起的麻烦。3. 他拒绝对上周末发生的事故发表评论。(comment) Im holding an old hat borrowed from a drama company. The school did this to re

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