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1、t like this T-shirt. Can you show me _ one? A. other B. another C.any D. some35. Julie arrived in Hefei at 10:00 last night. _, she took the last subway home.A. Luckily B. Easily C. Differently D. Slowly36. There _ a lot of snow here last winter. A. is B. are C.was D.were37.Do you know _ Ann goes to

2、 work every day?Usually by underground. A. why B. how C. when D. where 38. Steves dog is cool. He can walk _ two legs.A. on B. in C. by D. for39. Dont forget _ your dictionary here to me tomorrow afternoon.Thanks, I wont. A. taking B. bringing C. to take D. to bring40. These math _ are difficult for

3、 me. Can you help me with them?A. problems B. dreams C. answers D. habits 41. Well have to say goodbye, my dear friends! But I will _ forget the days we spent together. A. always B. often C. never D. usually42. Do you _ before cutting the birthday cake?Yes.of course. A. take a message B. make a wish

4、 C. bring good luck D. make it come true43. Its five oclock in the afternoon. Chen Yang with her parents _ TV at home.A. watch B. watches C. are watching D. is watching44. Can you do the dishes? Why _? Im busy with my homework.A. me B. I C. my D. mine45. I can visit Australia next month._. Its my fa

5、vorite country. A. You are right B. Thats for sure C. Lucky you D. Its a good ideaVII. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。AMy mum was lazy. I usually asked my mum _46_ help when I was young. But she always said, “Do it yourself, dear.” I didnt feel _47_. I thought she was t

6、he laziest(最懒的) mother in the world.One day, some of my friends would come to _48_ my home. My room was very _49_. I didnt clean it for many days. My books were everywhere. I didnt _50_ my bed. I asked my mother to help me clean it. But she said, “Do it yourself, girl.”Because of my “lazy mum”, I ha

7、ve to _51_ my dirty clothes and clean my room. l have to help my parents do the dishes in the kitchen. _52_ I have to cook dinner for my family. It is really hard to do everything for me, _53_ I learn a lot.I understand(理解)my mother now. I am smart and study hard because of her “laziness”.My mum alw

8、ays says, “A lady cant be lazy, or shell be crazy(疯狂的). Work hard and you will be _54_ ! What a great mother! Dont you think so? A good mother is worth(等于) a hundred _55_ !46. A. to B. for C. in D. with47. A. tired B. sorry C. happy D. terrible48. A. visit B. arrive C. move D. live49. A. tidy B. dir

9、ty C. clean D. warm50. A. get B. take C. put D. make51. A. buy B. wash C. use D. bring52. A. Never B. Always C. Often D. Sometimes53. A. and B. so C. but D. either54. A. sunny B. rainy C. windy D. cold55. A. musicians B. artists C. teachers D. singersBIt was s good day yesterday. The weather was fin

10、e. Mary went _56_ with her mother. They went to a big supermarket near their neighborhood. The supermarket has different kinds of things. Yesterday, all the things there were _57_.Mary first saw a cake _58_ a flower on it, but it was too expensive. Shed like a(n) _59_ one. Then she saw a small cake.

11、 It looked nice so Mary asked her mother to buy it for her. When Mary saw _60_ , she asked her mother to buy some, too. Her mother bought her orange juice. After that, her mother bought some things for Marys father and brother. _61_ they left, Mary thought of their pet, Jenny. Jenny is a cute dog. S

12、he _62_ playing with balls, so Mary asked her mother to buy her a new ball._63_ were the things? Only 50 yuan, Mary got a _64_ from the supermarket. It was a red model plane. Mary thought she was so _65_. She couldnt wait to play with it.56. A. running B. dancing C. shopping D.swimming57. A. on sale

13、 B. in danger C. on vacation D. in one go58. A. from B. with C. to D. in59. A. small B. big C. cheap D. expensive60. A. vegetables B. candy C. fruit D. drinks61. A. Because B. Before C. So D. But62. A. misses B. remembers C. enjoys D. finishes63. A. How many B. How much C. What kind D. What size64.

14、A. gift B.card C. flower D. book65. A. friendly B. lovely C. smart D. lucky第三部分 阅读理解(共两大题,满分45分)VIII. 补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中,选出能填人空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个多余选项。A: Good afternoon. Can I help you?B: Yes, I want to get a pet. Can you give me some advice(建议)? Sure! _66_ I love dogs, so I think Ill ge

15、t a dog. _67_ Because I like the dog in the film Hachi. You need to think about it. _68_ You need to take it for walks and you need to play with it. Oh, no. Im busy every day. I have much homework and I also have an afterschool job. _69_ Is that OK for me to have a cat? Cats are more independent(独立的

16、), and they dont need too much attention(关注). I see. Oh! _70_ . Its so cute. Its a British shorthair cat. Do you like it? Yes, I think Ill take it.A. What about a cat?B. Do you love dogs?C. Why do you like dogs?D. What breed(品种) is this cat?E. When do you want to get a pet?F. Do you have much time f

17、or a dog?G. What kind of animal do you want to get?IX. 阅读理解(共20小题;每小2分,满分40分)There was once a king who liked music so much that he ordered his men to get him the best instrument(乐器)in the world.One day, a man gave the king a harp (竖琴). The king took it to the palace, but when he started playing it,

18、the harp was out of tune (走调). Many other musicians tried it, and they agreed that the harp was useless and the king had been deceived(被欺骗). The harp was thrown out(被扔掉).A poor little girl later found the harp. She didnt know how to play, but she wanted to have a try. She played and played, for mont

19、hs and years, always with the harp out of tune, but she played better and better.Then one day, suddenly, the harp started to play the most beautiful music. It was a magic(神奇的)harp and could only be played well by someone willing to spend a lot of time practicing.One day, the king heard the music fro

20、m his window and the girl was invited to the palace. When the king saw the girl playing the harp, he was quite surprised. At that moment he made the girl his own musician.71. What did the king and other musicians think of the harp when they first tried it?A. It was wonderful. B. It was too old.C. It

21、 was useless. D. It was special.72. The girl could play the harp well because she _.A. had two magic hands B.was very smart and beautifulC. tried hard to practice it D. learned from a good musician73. We can learn from the passage that the girl _.A. made the harp herself B. became a musician in the

22、endC. knew how to play the harp at first D. thought it was easy to play the harp74. Which is the best title of the passage?A. A magic harp B. How to play the harpC. A special girl D. The best instrument in the worldWhen people think of healthy food for eyes, they think of carrots. Yes, carrots are g

23、ood for eyes. But there is also much other healthy food for eyes. If you want to have healthy eyes, eat them.KaleKale is n dark green vegetable, It looks like a cabbage. If you often eat kale, you will still have healthy eyes when you are old. And the vitamin A(维生素 A) in it can help you see well in

24、the dark.ChickenChicken is great food for eyes. And you can cook it in many ways. You can cook chicken soup, gongbao chicken, chicken noodles and chicken salad. All of them are delicious.SalmonSalmon is a kind of fish. It has a lot of Omega3s.If you often feel you have dry eyes, Omega-3s in salmon c

25、an help you. You dont need to eat a lot each time.A little will be OK.75. The passage is talking about _. A. carrots and eyes B. delicious and healthy foodC. how to cook chicken D. healthy food for eyes76. The underlined word them refers to(指) _. A. food with chicken B. chicken soupC. chicken noodle

26、s D. gongbao chicken77. Mark has dry eyes. He can eat some _.A. carrots B. kale C. chicken D. salmon78. We can learn from the passage that _.A. we all have bad eyes when we are oldB. vitamin A helps us see well in the darkC. there are a lot of Omega3s in chickenD. we must eat a lot of salmon each ti

27、meCTanzania(坦桑尼亚)has many animals, like lions, elephants and giraffes. Every year, many people in the world come to this country in Africa to watch the animals. But do you know how they watch animals?By bus Lots of people like taking the bus. The bus is a little different. There are no big windows a

28、t all but some small windows. What can they do for people? Oh, with them people can watch dangerous animals like lions and take photos.By boat We can often see some people in a boat. They can enjoy the beautiful things along a river or a lake, and they can also enjoy the animals living in the river

29、or in the lake.By hotair balloon (热气球) Taking hotair balloon is very exciting to the visitors. It starts in the early morning. You can watch all the animals there.Elephants are drinking water and giraffes are eating. After some time, the balloon can stop in a place. They can then have a delicious breakfast. But taking a hotair balloon is very expensive. A person needs to pay 400 dollars for an hours trip.79. People can _ from small windows.A. play with the animals B. have a delicious breakfastC. watch d

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