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1、1Coach for Peak Performance追求最佳绩效的辅导 追求最佳绩效的辅导 Accelerated Leadership Development Program(ALDP)强化领导力发展课程(ALDP)August 20072All Rights Reserved 2007Activity:Full Name 活动:全名活动:全名3All Rights Reserved 2007?Apply critical communication skills to engage performers运用关键的沟通技巧使员工参与进来运用关键的沟通技巧使员工参与进来?Differenti

2、ate the 4 learning styles of performers区分员工的区分员工的 4 种学习风格种学习风格?Use the G.R.O.W.coaching process effectively对对G.R.O.W.辅导流程的有效应用辅导流程的有效应用?Identify and plan to eliminate common coaching mistakes and barriers识别并计划如何消除辅导中常见的错误和障碍识别并计划如何消除辅导中常见的错误和障碍Why Are We Here?目的目的WB 2 4All Rights Reserved 2007Whats

3、This Got To Do With Me?这与我有什么关系?这与我有什么关系?WB 2?Room to have a great start成功的开始成功的开始?Room to be involved参与的机会参与的机会?Room to grow成长的空间成长的空间?Room for you自我的空间自我的空间我们对员工的 期望是什么?我们对员工的 给予是什么?我们对员工的 期望是什么?我们对员工的 给予是什么?5All Rights Reserved 2007Room to grow成长的空间成长的空间You will be supported and given opportuniti

4、es to develop yourself and pursue a rewarding career.你将得到支持和机会,发展 自我,追求理想的事业目标。Our Promise 我们的承诺我们的承诺6All Rights Reserved 20071.You will know what success means for your role.你将了解对你的角色而言什么是成功你将了解对你的角色而言什么是成功2.You will be involved in regular,quality feedback discussions.你将参与定期的,高质量的反馈讨论你将参与定期的,高质量的反馈

5、讨论3.You will have the opportunity to develop for your current and future roles.你将有机会拓展自身的能力以适应目前和未来职位的需要你将有机会拓展自身的能力以适应目前和未来职位的需要4.You will know what career opportunities are available with IHG around the world.你将知道洲际集团在全球范围内的职业发展机会你将知道洲际集团在全球范围内的职业发展机会Room to Grow 成长的空间成长的空间7All Rights Reserved 200

6、7?Welcome&Introduction 欢迎与介绍欢迎与介绍?LM1:Critical Communication Skills 关键沟通技巧关键沟通技巧?LM2:Different Learning Styles 不同的学习风格不同的学习风格?EA1:Set Goals 设定目标设定目标?EA2:Check Reality 明确现状明确现状?EA3:Explore Options 探索方案探索方案?EA4:Wrap up 综合总结综合总结?Mastery Demonstration 技巧演练技巧演练Agenda 议程议程WB 3 8All Rights Reserved 2007Hou

7、sekeeping 注意事项注意事项WB 4 9All Rights Reserved 2007Self-Assessment 自我评估自我评估WB 5 10All Rights Reserved 2007Self-Assessment 自我评估自我评估21-3031-4041-50WB 511All Rights Reserved 2007Coaching isa partnership that aims to enhance a performers performance through feedback,motivation,active listening and question

8、ing.辅导(辅导(Coaching)是一种)是一种伙伴关系伙伴关系,旨在通 过,旨在通 过反馈、激励、积极聆听和提问反馈、激励、积极聆听和提问来来提升提升员工 的员工 的绩效绩效。Above all,coaching aims to enable the performer to do the task for him or herself.归根结底,辅导的目的是使员工归根结底,辅导的目的是使员工获得获得完成其 工作任务的完成其 工作任务的能力能力。Coaching Defined 辅导的定义辅导的定义WB 6 12All Rights Reserved 2007The Role of Le

9、ader as Coach 领导者的领导者的“教练教练”角色角色80%Directing and Maintaining指挥和管理指挥和管理5%Strategy 策略谋划策略谋划15%Coaching,Developing,Supporting,Building 辅导,发展,支持,培养辅导,发展,支持,培养Traditional 过去过去20%Strategy 策略谋划策略谋划60%Coaching,Developing,Supporting,Building 辅导,发展,支持,培养辅导,发展,支持,培养20%Directing and Maintaining指挥和管理指挥和管理Today 现

10、在现在13All Rights Reserved 2007Minimal最低Standard标准Standard标准Exemplary典范Exemplary典范Performance Level 绩效水平绩效水平Before 之前之前After 之后之后#of PerformersRaise the level of performance for all performers 提升所有员工的绩效水平提升所有员工的绩效水平Purpose of Coaching 辅导的目的辅导的目的员工人数员工人数14All Rights Reserved 2007?Improve human performa

11、nce in the hotel 提升酒店的人员绩效提升酒店的人员绩效?Target performance improvement opportunities 发现有助于提高绩效的因素发现有助于提高绩效的因素?Reduce the cost of poor performance降低绩效不佳造成的成本降低绩效不佳造成的成本?“Delight”managers and employees经理和员工经理和员工“皆大欢喜皆大欢喜”Benefits of Coaching 辅导的益处辅导的益处WB 6 15All Rights Reserved 2007Activity:Minefield 活动:扫

12、雷游戏活动:扫雷游戏WB 7 16All Rights Reserved 2007LM1:What are the Critical Communication Skills of a Coach 作为一名作为一名“教练教练”的关键沟通技巧的关键沟通技巧Coaches wish to motivate the performers they work with and to provide them with information that will allow them to perform effectively.教练型领导乐于激励一起工作的员工,为他 们提供信息,使他们能够高效的工作。

13、教练型领导乐于激励一起工作的员工,为他 们提供信息,使他们能够高效的工作。This is done by communicating through the 3Vs,active listening,giving feedback and questioning.这通过这通过3V沟通方式沟通方式去去积极聆听积极聆听,给予反馈给予反馈和 和 提问提问。WB 8 17All Rights Reserved 20071.Messages are sent visually,verbally&vocally(3Vs)信息通过视觉、词汇 和声音(简称信息通过视觉、词汇 和声音(简称3V)的途径传递)的途

14、径传递2.“Shared meaning”can be enhanced if communication is adapted to style preference(DiSC)如果沟通方式符合风格偏好(如果沟通方式符合风格偏好(DiSC),),“沟通分享沟通分享”就能更大程度地提高就能更大程度地提高3.“Noise”can be minimised through active listening 通过积极主动的聆 听,就能够将通过积极主动的聆 听,就能够将“干扰干扰”减到最少减到最少Recap Communication Skills 沟通技巧简要回顾沟通技巧简要回顾WB 8 18All

15、 Rights Reserved 2007?To extend thinking skills 拓展思维技巧拓展思维技巧?To help performer self explore 帮助员工探讨自我帮助员工探讨自我?To gather pertinent information 收集相关信息收集相关信息?To begin/continue discussion开始开始/继续讨论继续讨论Purpose of Questioning in Coaching 辅导中提问的作用辅导中提问的作用?To pinpoint/clarify issues 查明查明/理清问题理清问题clarify issue

16、s and pinpoint goals 理清问题,突出目标assess current performance 评估当前绩效explore options 探索方案obtain commitment 得到承诺WB 9 19All Rights Reserved 2007?Open 开放式开放式?Probe 探讨式探讨式?Close 封闭式封闭式Types of Questions 提问的类型提问的类型?Positive肯定式肯定式WB 10 20All Rights Reserved 2007For example:例如:例如:“What exactly are you getting at

17、?”“你到底在指什么?”vs.“Could you please explain it in a different way?”“你能不能换种方式解释一下?”A positive question is one that a performer is not afraid to answer 肯定式提问不会让员工害怕回答肯定式提问不会让员工害怕回答Positive Questions 肯定式提问肯定式提问WB 10 21All Rights Reserved 2007Positive?是肯定式提问吗?是肯定式提问吗?Activity:Positive Questions 活动:肯定式提问活动:

18、肯定式提问WB 10 22All Rights Reserved 2007Open Questions 开放式提问开放式提问For example:例如:例如:“What do you want to do in 3 years time?”“未来3年时间里你想做什么?”or“How are you are doing currently?“你目前状况如何?”Open questions are ones that are likely to receive a long answer 开放式提问得到的回答可能会很长开放式提问得到的回答可能会很长WB 11 23All Rights Reser

19、ved 2007Close Questions 封闭式提问封闭式提问Close questions are ones that can be answered with one or two words 封闭式提问可以用一两个字回答封闭式提问可以用一两个字回答For example:例如:例如:“Where did he say it happened?”“他说是在哪里发生的?”or“Do you think you are able to take on this project in addition to your existing work?“你认为除了现有的工作以外,你还能接手这个项

20、目吗?”WB 11 24All Rights Reserved 2007Probe Questions 探讨式提问探讨式提问Probing questions are ones that seek additional information 探讨式提问是为了寻求更多的信息探讨式提问是为了寻求更多的信息For example:例如:例如:“What exactly did you mean by?”“你说的具体是什么意思?”Or 还是“Could you tell me more about that please?“关于这点,你能多提供一点信息吗?”25All Rights Reserved

21、 2007Activity:Types of Questions 活动:提问的类型活动:提问的类型Open,Closed or Probe?开放式、封闭式、还是探讨式?开放式、封闭式、还是探讨式?WB 12 26All Rights Reserved 2007Bombardment/Grilling/Interrogation连珠炮式提问连珠炮式提问/拷问拷问/质问质问Multiple(Embedded)Questions多重(叠加)提问多重(叠加)提问Questions as Statements用提问作为陈述声明用提问作为陈述声明Questioning Traps 提问中的陷阱提问中的陷阱

22、WB 13 27All Rights Reserved 2007LM2:What are the Different Learning Styles 有哪些不同的学习风格有哪些不同的学习风格Activists 行动型Reflectors思考型Theorists理论型Pragmatists 实用型WB 15 28All Rights Reserved 2007Activists行动型Different Learning Styles 不同的学习风格不同的学习风格Learn best by“doing”dive in with both feet first.偏爱通过“行动”来学习纵身投入型Cau

23、tion:May not think about consequences before doing something;may take unnecessary risks小心:可能在行动前不考虑后果;可能 会冒不必要的风险WB 16 29All Rights Reserved 2007Reflectors思考型Different Learning Styles 不同的学习风格不同的学习风格Learn best by observing and thinking about what happened.偏爱通过观察和思考已经发生的事情来学 习。Caution:May fall into“an

24、alysis paralysis”and not apply learning小心:可能陷入“分析瘫痪”的困境中,而 无法将所学用于实践WB 17 30All Rights Reserved 2007Theorists理论型Different Learning Styles 不同的学习风格不同的学习风格Learn best by understanding the theory behind the actions.偏爱通过理解行为背后的理论来学习。Caution:May have difficulty in an environment where ambiguity and uncerta

25、inty are high小心:在模棱两可和不确定性较高的环境 中可能会遇到困难WB 1831All Rights Reserved 2007Pragmatists实用型Different Learning Styles 不同的学习风格不同的学习风格Learn best by putting into practice in the real world偏爱通过事物在现实环境中的实际应用来 学习Caution:May not understand concepts e.g.policies-need explicit examples of how it is applied in pract

26、ice小心:可能会不理解政策等概念,而需要 通过具体的应用举例来学习WB 19 32All Rights Reserved 2007Activity:Mix and Match 活动:组合搭配活动:组合搭配Match each situation to a learning style(2 per style one most appropriate,one least appropriate).将每种场景与一种学习风格配对(每种学习风格找将每种场景与一种学习风格配对(每种学习风格找2项:一种为最适合的 场景,一种最不适合的场景)项:一种为最适合的 场景,一种最不适合的场景)123abcWB

27、20 33All Rights Reserved 2007Set Goals设定目标设定目标Check Reality明确现状明确现状Identify Options探索方案探索方案Wrap up综合总结综合总结How to Coach for Peak Performance?追求最高绩效的辅导怎样进行?追求最高绩效的辅导怎样进行?WB 22 34All Rights Reserved 2007The coaching conversation begins with setting the performance objectives based on the assessment of

28、the performers aspirations,strengths and areas for development.辅导谈话首先根据对员工的志向、优点及发 展方向的评估,设定员工的绩效目标。辅导谈话首先根据对员工的志向、优点及发 展方向的评估,设定员工的绩效目标。By doing so,it will enable and motivate the performer to focus on improving his performance.这一步将促使和激励员工集中全力于提高他 的绩效。这一步将促使和激励员工集中全力于提高他 的绩效。EA1:Set Goals 设定目标设定目标W

29、B 2335All Rights Reserved 20071.Agree the topic for discussion达成一致的讨论主题达成一致的讨论主题-where possible,collect data and plan strategies beforehand如果可能,事先收集相关的数据和计划策略2.Agree specific performance objectives达成一致的具体绩效目标达成一致的具体绩效目标-outcomes,expectations结果,期望3.Set a long-term aim(if appropriate)设定一个长期目标(视具体情况)设定

30、一个长期目标(视具体情况)-aligned with unit goals and vision与部门的目标和愿景保持一致How Do I Set Goals?如何设定目标?如何设定目标?WB 24 36All Rights Reserved 20071.Begin with a Verb 以动词开头以动词开头2.Be S.M.A.R.T.符合以下符合以下SMART标 准:标 准:?Specific 具体具体?Measurable 可度量可度量?Attainable 可实现可实现?Relevant 切实相关切实相关?Timely 设定时间设定时间Guidelines for Performan

31、ce Objectives 绩效目标的指导准则绩效目标的指导准则37All Rights Reserved 2007Activity:Set Goals 活动:设定目标活动:设定目标Each table group will be assigned a scenario.每一桌小组将被指定一个情景。每一桌小组将被指定一个情景。The team will have to set a performance goal for discussion with their respective performers based on the scenario.要求各小组根据给出的情景,设定一个绩效目标

32、,用于与相应的员工讨 论。要求各小组根据给出的情景,设定一个绩效目标,用于与相应的员工讨 论。Please be prepared to share the example with the larger group.请做好准备,将你们的演练与其他小组交流请做好准备,将你们的演练与其他小组交流WB 25-2638All Rights Reserved 2007G:Possible Strategic Questions G阶段:可能的策略性提问阶段:可能的策略性提问By the end of the G stage,the performer should have clear objecti

33、ves.当当G阶段结束时,员工应已经确定了清晰的目标。阶段结束时,员工应已经确定了清晰的目标。What are some possible questions you can use to help you get there?要完成这一阶段,你可以提出哪些问题?要完成这一阶段,你可以提出哪些问题?WB 2739All Rights Reserved 2007EA2:Check Reality 明确现状明确现状This stage focuses on establishing where the performer is at present in relation to their goals or objectives,through self-assessment and feedback.这一步主要通过自我评估和听取反馈,集中 确定员工目前在达成目标方面的进展情况。这一步主要通过

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