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1、9、有什么好坚持的,你坚持人家也不定坚持啊。Have nothing to adhere to, you stick to the somebody else also insisted on erratically.10、世界之大,人之浮夸。我的坚持,像个笑话。The grandiose, people all over the world. I insist, like a joke.11、我坚持我的坚持,你坚持欣赏我的坚持,足矣!I stick to my insist, you do appreciate my insist, is enough!12、如果你坚持了自己的梦想,全世界都

2、会为你让路。If you insist on your dream, the world will make way for you.13、坚持不懈不是一个长跑,而是一个接一个的短跑。Perseverance is not a long, but one by one the sprint.14、成功都是需要坚持的,坚持的人都该为自己骄傲!Success is need to stick to, adhere to the people all the proud of yourself!15、说坚持,我也能坚持,不知道坚持还有没有意义。Said insist, I can do, dont

3、know insist there is no significance.16、坚持不懈与死缠烂打毫无区别,只是看用在谁身上。Perseverance and dead to tie up lousy dozen is no difference, just see who used in body.17、能坚持别人不能坚持的,才能拥有别人不能拥有的。Can insist people cant do, to have someone you cant have.18、有梦最美,筑梦踏实。最重要的是要坚持坚持再坚持。Dream is the most beautiful, the dream

4、weavers. The most important thing is to stick to insist to do.19、你要相信,相信我的坚持不懈,一定可以打动你的心。You should believe, believe that my perseverance, can impress your heart.20、听不见喘息也就不知疲惫,看不清的终点也该要坚持。Cant hear you breathing is tired, cant see the end of the also should insist on.21、命运企图改变我的想法,很可惜,它低估了我的坚持。Fate

5、 is trying to change my idea, unfortunately, it underestimated my insistence.22、生活真正的精彩,还是做自己,坚持梦想,坚持信仰。Life really wonderful, or do yourself, adhere to the dream, adhere to the faith.23、哪怕是迷宫,你坚持不懈地走下去,总能够找到出口。Even if it is a maze, you diligently, always able to find export.24、天塌不下来没有什么事过不去的;坚持坚持就过

6、去了。Nothing can not pass the day not fall down; Adhere to adhere to.25、不喜欢就不要选择,选择了就要坚持,坚持就坚持到底。Dont like dont choose, choose will insist on, insist on do it.26、生命需要刺激亦需要震撼;要积极尝试,也要坚持不懈。Life needs stimulation also need shaking; Should actively try to, also want to persevere.27、天才都是骄傲的,因为骄傲所以坚持,因为坚持所以

7、成功!Genius is proud, because pride so insist, because adhere to success!28、在你想要放弃的那一刻,想想为什么当初坚持走到了这里。When you want to give up of that a moment, think about why at the beginning insist on here.29、我想,人们最应该学会的,不是坚持不懈,而是知难而退。I think people should learn to most, not perseverance, but retreat.30、人生最精彩的不是实现

8、梦想的瞬间,而是坚持梦想的过程。The most wonderful life is not a dream moment, but insists the dream.31、有些事情不是看到希望才去坚持,而是坚持了才会看到希望。Some things are not see hope to insist, but insisted the will see hope.32、坚持的昨天叫立足,坚持的今天叫进取,坚持的明天叫成功。Yesterday is based on, keep on keeping on today is enterprising, insist on tomorrows

9、 success.33、坚持不做某事,最终还是坚持不了,是因为还放不下那件事。Insist on not to do STH., eventually wont insist on, because has not put that thing.34、坚持不懈,只有一个目标,就是做世界最强者,不再受委屈。Perseverance, only one goal, is to be the strongest in the world, and no longer be wronged.35、当全世界都要我放弃时,期待有人轻语一声,“再试一次”。When you want me to give u

10、p all over the world, looking forward to some light language 1, try again.36、放弃有十五画,而坚持有十六画,所以,坚持只比放弃多一点。Give up fifteen, and insisted that has 16 paintings, so stick to a little more than give up.37、我想把爱你当成习惯,所以我现在就得养好我坚持不懈的习惯。I want to love you as a habit, so now I must keep the habit of good I pe

11、rseverance.38、人,只有在放弃战斗的时候才算输,只要坚持战斗,就还没输。People, only when to give up fighting loses, as long as adhere to fight, will not lose.39、每个坚持都一个放弃。因为她放弃了坚持,所以我才坚持不放弃。Each stick to a give up. Because she gave up the insist, so I just do not give up.40、那些一直为理想坚持不懈的人,你们终会成为笑傲生活的佼佼者。Those who have been for t

12、he ideal unremitting, you will become a proud smile life.41、世界上只有一种成功,叫坚持不懈,也只有一种失败,叫半途而废。There is only one success in the world, called persistence, also only a failure, fall by the wayside.42、一切的一切看是已尘埃落定,但你的坚持不懈也许会出现一线希望。Everything is the dust settles, but your persistence may appear a glimmer of

13、 hope.43、我一直在找借口喜欢这个世界,毕竟不是谁一直都能爱的坚持不懈。Ive been looking for an excuse to love the world, after all, is not who has the persistence of love.44、有时候,坚持了你最不想干的事情之后,便可得到你最想要的东西。Sometimes, after that you dont want to do most things, you can get what you want most.45、坚持是信念,是蜕变,是习惯,是幡然醒悟的愉悦,内心强大的力量!Insist o

14、n is the belief that disintegration, habits, is a vindication of pleasure, inner power!46、遇到困难,除了积极地面对、正确的解决方法外,最重要的就是坚持!Meet with difficulties, in addition to actively to face, the right solution, the most important thing is to insist!47、所有牛逼后面都是无奈痛苦堆积的高墙,所有无奈痛苦后面都是傻逼一样的坚持。All cow force behind is h

15、elpless pain accumulation with high walls, all behind the helpless pain is silly force the same as the persistence.48、每一个成功者都有一颗坚持不懈的心,而这一颗心,是经过不断磨练的。Every successful person has a heart of perseverance, and this one heart, is a continuously hone.49、即使在冲向目标的过程中会有各种疼痛,但只要坚持不懈就一定会成功的。Even if in the pro

16、cess of moving will have all kinds of pain, but as long as perseverance will be successful.50、放弃很容易,但你最终会一无所得。坚持更难,但你最后一定会有所收获。It is easy to give up, but you will get nothing. Insist on more difficult, but finally you will sure be rewarded.51、决定了要做的事,那就不要放弃,即使是不可完成,也要咬着牙坚持下去!Decided to do, then dont

17、 give up, even if is not complete, also want to bite a tooth stick to it!52、不要猜疑,不要半途而废,坚持在坚持,多给自己鼓励,困难便会迎刃而解。t suspicion, dont give up, insist on do, how to encourage yourself, difficulties will be readily solved.53、人不是因为没有信念而失败,而是因为不能把信念化成行动,并且坚持到底。People not failed because there is no faith, but

18、because cant put your faith into action, and stick to it.54、前面布满了荆棘,坚持不懈的我们,像那浸满鲜血的花蕊,日渐次开美丽的花儿。The front covered with thorns, we persevere, like the impregnated with the blood of the blossom, is time to open the beautiful flowers.55、看不见的未来需要你用心探索,只有你坚持不懈的努力才能创造出属于你的未来。t see the future need you expl

19、ore attentively, only your unremitting efforts to create belong to you in the future.56、人生最大的遗憾,莫过于,轻易的放弃了不该放弃的,固执的坚持了不该的坚持。Lifes greatest regret, than, give up easily shouldnt abandon, stubbornly insist on the shouldnt insist.57、坚持很难,但别无选择。坚持有坚持的痛,但也有它的魅力。那种美,倔强又绝然。Its difficult to adhere to, but h

20、ave no other choice. Adhere to have pain, but also has its charm. That kind of beauty, stubborn and absolute.58、我一直都在,一直都在坚持,坚持想你、坚持等你、坚持着等待绝望的那一天的到来。I have been, have been insist, insist, insist on waiting for you, think you insist on waiting for the arrival of that day of despair.59、希望所有参赛的朋友不放弃自己

21、的梦想,坚持到底。我也是因为坚持走到了今天这一步。I hope all the friends dont give up your dream, stick to it. Im here today because adhere to the step.60、坚持,坚持,坚持!我已经坚持到满脸绝望,坚持到内心被哀寂填充,坚持到想要放弃。Insist, insist, insist! Ive been insist to a full face of despair, do to the heart is filled with mourning silence, insist to want

22、to give up.61、如果你现在倒下了,但当你能够再次站起来的时候。你一定会比原来走的更远,站得更稳!If you fell now, but when you can stand up once again. You will go further than the old, stand more stable!62、你因为坚持而成功,那么你就有骄傲的资本。毕竟坚持,不是一个人随随便便就能坚持的。Because you stick to success, you will have a proud capital. After all insist, is not a person c

23、asually can insist.63、我知道坚持对我来说是一件难事,但我仍会坚持下去,直到你不再坚持,我也就不必坚持了。I know that is difficult for me, but I will still insist on, until you no longer insist, I also dont have to stick to.64、只要掌握了对的学习方法,足够努力,坚持坚持再坚持,谁都可以变得“不错”或“优秀”。If mastered the right way to learn, work hard enough, stick to keep keeping

24、, anyone can become good or excellent65、有时,坚持就是愚蠢,所以对我来说,如果坚持的结果是成功,那么我可以为了成功坚持下去。Sometimes the persistence is stupid, so for me, if you insist on is the result of the success, so I can in order to successfully hold on.66、成功需要我们数十年如一日的积累,执着的信念,坚持不懈的努力,最终可以帮助有心人滴水穿石。Success requires our decades of ac

25、cumulation, persistent belief and unremitting efforts, finally can help you constant dropping wears away a stone.67、谁知道谁在想什么,谁又会是谁的救世主,我早明白这一点,可我还是无可救药地坚持着我的坚持。Who knows who in want to what, who and who will be the savior, I early know this, but I am still hopelessly stick to my persistence.68、生活坏到一定程度就会好起来,因为它无法更坏。努力过后,才知道许多事情,坚持坚持,就过来了。Bad life to a certain extent will be better, because it cannot be worse. After the effort, just know many things, persistence, is coming.

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