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1、如果你决定学一门新的语言,你必须全身心地投入。8) In an age of plenty, we feel spiritual hunger. 在这个物质财富充裕的时代,我们感到精神上的饥渴。9)The more passions we have, the more happiness we are likely to experience.我们的激情越多,我们有可能体验的快乐就越多。10)Toms father has taught English here since he graduated from Peking University. (考到了)汤姆的父亲从北京大学毕业后就一直在这

2、里教英语。1). Did you get that E-mail from me? 你收到我发的那封电子邮件了吗?2). I cant go with you today because Im too busy. 我今天不能和你一块儿去,因为我太忙了。3). Please give this book to whoever comes first. 请把这本书给最先来的人。4). Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the cinema?请问去电影院怎么走?。5). Im going to visit a friend of mine this

3、 Sunday. 本周日我要去拜访一位朋友。6). Stay here before I get back. (考到的)在我回来之前别离开。7). The shop is open till ten at night every day. 商店每天营业到晚上十点。8). Would you please help me with this heavy box?你能帮我抬一下这个很沉的箱子吗?9). It is certain that we shall produce this kind of engine. 我们将生产这种发动机,这是肯定无疑的。10). But competitive sw

4、imming is just over one hundred years old. 但游泳比赛不过只有一百余年的历史。1. People all over the world are trying to help the people in Sichuan.全世界人民都在尽力帮助四川人民。2. When she got home that evening, she showed her husband the beautiful hat she had bought.那天傍晚她回家后,给丈夫看她买的那顶漂亮的帽子。3. I have no idea what to say.我不知道说什么好。

5、4. Were there any phone calls for me while I was out? (考到的)我不在时,有人打电话给我吗?5. Young persons under twenty-five make up nearly half of the American population. 25岁以下的年轻人几乎占了美国人口的一半。6. Air pollution is more serious than water pollution.空气污染比水污染更严重。7. The teacher came earlier than expected.老师来得比预期的早。8. Wo

6、uld you mind waiting outside?请你在外面等,好吗?9. Various substances differ widely in their magnetic characteristics.各种材料的磁性有很大的不同。10. A lot of natural resources in the mountain area will be exploited and used. (考到的)那个山区有许多自然资源有待于开发利用。1) The little boy wanted to exchange his toy car for my cake.这个小男孩想用他的玩具小

7、汽车换我的蛋糕。2) One can never succeed without enough confidence in himself.一个人如果对自己没有足够的信心就不可能成功。3) You must always remember not to cheat in exams.你们必须记住永远都不要在考试时作弊。4) The most common samples of inorganic materials are the gases of the atmosphere, water, rocks, etc. 大气中的气体、水、岩石都是无机物中最普通的实例。5) Not all Ame

8、ricans are interested in sports, of course. 当然, 并非所有美国人都对运动感兴趣。6) I think the picture shows us how fruit is necessary to life. (考到了)我认为这幅照片告诉我们水果对于生活是多么必要。7) My problem is that I dont have much time to do the work. 我的问题在于我没有多少时间干这工作8) In Foreign Languages Department,a checking machine is used to cor

9、rect the students test papers.外语教研部用阅卷机给学生批卷。9)Transistors are small in size and light in weight.晶体管的体积小、重量轻 。10). As is known to all, China is a developing country.众所周知,中国是一个发展中的国家。1)He had a traffic accident last week.他上星期出了一起交通事故。2) He is always very active in student activities.他在学生活动中一直非常积极。3)

10、Ive got accustomed to the weather in Shanghai.我已经适应了上海的这种天气。4) We should adapt ourselves to the new surroundings. 我们应当使自己适应新的环境。5) I am writing this letter to complain about the service in your hotel. 我写这封信的目的是要投诉你们旅馆的服务。6) She could not follow me when I spoke to her. 当我跟她讲话的时候,她根本听不懂我的话。7) Playing

11、the sport you like is considered an essential part of a persons life. 进行一项自己喜欢的运动是一个人生活中重要的一部分。8) Traveling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages.乘火车旅行比乘飞机旅行慢,但有它的优势。9) The polluted air becomes poisonous and dangerous to health.污染的空气变得有毒,对人的健康有害。10) People usually hate mice, bu

12、t one mouse won the hearts of the people all over the world. 人们通常憎恶老鼠,但这只老鼠却赢得了全世界人们的心。1) Take this empty box away and bring me a full one.(考到的)把这只空盒子拿走,给我拿一个满的来。2) I prefer tea to coffee. 我宁可要茶,不要咖啡。3) He was satisfied with his new car, and drove to work in it the very next day. 他对自己的新车感到很满意,第二天就开着

13、去上班了。4) A good memory is a great help in learning a language. 好的记忆力有助于语言的学习。5) Go down this street until you reach the second traffic lights. 顺着这条街走,一直走到第二个交通灯处。6) Fires may do more damage than the earthquakes. 火所造成的损失可能比地震还严重。7) The whole process required a great deal of effort, skill and luck.整个过程

14、需要很大的努力,需要高度的技巧,还需要运气。8) Jane has told me a lot about her trip in South Africa. 简告诉我许多有关她到南非旅游的事。9)Who can help me clean the room?谁能帮我打扫房间?10) We should encourage him to have confidence in himself.我们应当鼓励他对自己要有信心。56. The whole process required a great deal of effort, skill and a luck. 57. Ill try not

15、 to take up too much of your time. 我尽量不占用你太多的时间。58. The moon looks much bigger than any other stars in the sky. 月亮看起来比天空中任何其他星星都要大的多。59. This is the most wonderful day of my life, because Im here with you now. 今天是我一生中最美好的一天,因为我现在和你在一起。60. This TV channel has too many commercials. 这个电视台频道广告太多了。词汇语法:1

16、. In considering people for jobs, we give _ preference _ to those with some experience. C 2.They are preparing for war on a large _ scale_. D 3.There was nothing in the letter of _ particular_ importance. D 4.Im surprised by the sense of _ ease_ he has with children. B5.Schools in the north tend to

17、be better equipped, _while_ schools in the south are relatively poor. D6. I really hope to discuss and _explore _ the problems with you. B 7.Can you tell me how many English words _ you have learned _ since last year? D 8.Beethoven (贝多芬) is regarded as one of the immortals (不朽者) of _ classical _ mus

18、ic. B 9. Do you remember _ how_ he came?Yes, I do, he came by car. A 10.Do you know _ what_ the girls father is? B11. Marks sister just suggested that we _ go_ to Mexico this summer. C 12.Mike asked the shop assistant _ if _ the TV_was _ cheap enough; B 13.The students were all entertained in a Mexi

19、can restaurant, at Professor Brians _ expense_. C 14.If she wants to stay thin, she must make a _ change_ in her diet. A 15.Its bad _ behavior _ for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed. B 1.More than 3,000 cars were _ recalled _ yesterday because of a brake (刹车) problem. D

20、 2. Then she returned to the city, _ where _ she was born 30 years ago. C 3.Students _ enrolled_ in the program should consult (请教,咨询) their teachers for additional information. C 4.His _ application _ for the membership of the organization was rejected. B 5.Loulan city is not at all _ what_ a trave

21、ler who has never seen the desert before can expect. A 6.Now its possible to put a million _ components_ on one single chip (芯片). B 7.There were _ so_ many people in the street watching the fire _that_ firefighters could not get close to the building. D 8.Shelly, normally _ a shy girl_, argued heate

22、dly with them about the match. C 9. -Could I speak to Don Watkins, please? -_ Speaking, please._. C10. Her husband _ could have told_ her the truth, but he did not choose to. A11.Are you still thinking about yesterdays game? Oh, thats _ what makes me feel excited _. A 12.What the doctor is uncertain

23、 about is _ whether_ my mother will recover from the serious disease soon. C 13._ What _ Jim couldnt understand was _ why _ few people showed interest in his paintings. B1.Parents and teachers are all very sorry that he never takes anything _ seriously _. B 2.The astronaut did many experiments in th

24、e spaceship, which are _ of _ much help for knowing space. A 3.All the signs are extremely _ positive _hell be well again soon. D 4.Not until I began to work _ did I realize _ how much time I had wasted. C 5.The Sahara Desert (撒哈拉沙漠) is a _ natural _ barrier between North and Central Africa. D 6.He

25、told me that he _ would come _ to see us the next day. C 7.Do you remember the day _ when _ we attended the college? C 8.The atmosphere _ consists of_ certain gases mixed together in definite proportions. C 9.The girl is _ somebody _ of a film star. D 10.Parents always want to _ create _ a good and

26、comfortable environment for their children. C 11.When Lily came home at 5 pm yesterday, her mother _ was cooking _ dinner in the kitchen. B 12.His father is going to leave _ for_ Shanghai tomorrow. B 13.All _ that_ can be eaten has been eaten up by Billy. B 14. Ive got two pens, _ neither of which _

27、 writes well. A 15.Is oxygen (氧气) the only gas _ that_ helps fire burn? B 1.The use of TV provides a _ vehicle_ for spreading public information. A 2.The sculpture (雕塑) is made _ entirely _ of old car tires (轮胎). A 3.She was told the examination _ would be given_ on Friday. B 4.I must have _ fainted

28、 _, and when I came to I didnt know where I was. D5.We have been asked not to say anything for _ security _ reasons. B 6. Americans eat _ twice as much protein (蛋白质)_ as they actually need every day. A 7.The building _ to be built _ next year will be more advanced than the old one. B 8.Theres lots o

29、f fruit _ on _ the tree. Our little cat is also_ in _ the tree. A9._ Founded _ in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States. D 10.Our monitor is always ready to do good to _ others_. D 11. I went out and bought a new evening dress just for the _ occasion _. D 12.Dont pick the apples until theyre really _ ripe_. B 13.Police are

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