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1、BAttend a eeting earl the next rningath his hildren fr the evening2hat des the an ean?AShe has t g eet effBShe is nt gd at athShe is bus ith her bilg her3here ill the an hange buses?AAt the it HallBAt the stadiuAt the publi aret4hat des the an sa abut her fd?AIts the best sandih shes ever eatenBShe

2、desnt reall lie itIts nt t expensivehat are the speaers ainl taing abut?AA istae ade b the anBThe rret a t ash lthesThe ans favrite pin shirts第二节(共1小题;每小题1分,满分22分)听下面段对话或对白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题秒钟;听完后,各小题给出秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6H ld is

3、the girl n?AFur ears ldBFive ears ldSeven ears ld7here ill the speaers prbabl g tgether?AT the hillsBT a plagrundT a siing pl听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8H ill the speaers g t the beah?AB arBB busB train9hat ill the an d first?AHave a lassBVisit his prfessrPi up e听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10h isnt rFarihild ith an?AHe an

4、t ae it t dinnerBHe is paring the arHe is in the rest r11hat is the Rsed st faus fr?AIts beautiful viesBIts fresh seafdIts exellent steas12hat ill the an d next?ATae an rderBall her husbandG t the rest r听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13h is the an intervieing the an?AFr a shl pretBFr a nespaperFr a TV sh14H ld is

5、 the ans daughter?A2B461H ften a the an g t the vies?ATie per nthBAbut ne per nthne a ee16hat an e learn abut the ans exerise ativities?AHe rarel exerisesBHe rs ut a lt at heHe prefers t exerise utdrs听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17H ften des sene get free at the ne superaret?Ane a eeBne a dane a nth18H as rsEd

6、ards different fr her friends?AShe never gave up hpeBThe had all n befreShe bught re fd than the did19h did rsEdards get ba t the superaret?AT get se teaBT bu a basetT bring her allet ba20H did rsEdards prbabl feel in the end?AVer satisfiedBEbarrassedDisappinted第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共1小题;每小题2分,满分30

7、分)阅读下列短,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AFunded in 2010,all Street Dail is an independent,hnest publisher f nes and pinins regarding glbal finanial aretsIts riting staff nsists f gifted urnalists and investent(投资)prfessinalsThe prvide riginal,pratial ideas based n superir insights int value an

8、d here and h t find itThe learn fats thers dntthe see things see things differentl,and the d a better b t earn neThe flling experts are st utstanding f theRbert illiasRbert illias is the Publisher and Funder f all Street DailBefre launhing all Street Dail,he as the lead finanial analst fr a Frbes Tp

9、 0 private rpratin and an analst(分析家)t ne f the largest aadei dnatins n Earthillias has red alngside venture apitalists(风险投资商),bestselling authrs,ulti-illin-dllar hedge fund(对冲基金)anager,and even billinaire ners f ar prfessinal sprts erhantsSine launhing all Street Dail,its estiated that illias has h

10、elped unl $26 illin in ne investr ealthLuis BaseneseLuis Basenese helped diret ver $1 billin in institutinal apital at rgan Stanle befre leaving all Street fr Silin ValleN,as the rlds preier venture apital analst,Luis tras earl investent pprtunities brn fr tehnlgial breathrughs and ne drug disveries

11、His deep expertise f patents, buuts,taevers,ergers(合并)≈ aquisitins,Reg-D fferings,and rd funding has given Luis genuine star per n frntline edia utlets lie NBLuis serves as the Investent Diretr fr his ildl ppular publiatins True Alpha,Extree Alpha,and Venture ap Strategistartin HuthinsnFr 27 ears

12、,artin Huthinsn as an internatinal erhant baner in Lndn,Ne r,and ZagrebHe ran trading platfrs fr t Eurpean bans befre serving as diretr f a Spanish venture apital pan,advisr t the rean pan Sunng,and hairan f a USgrup building pan In Zagreb,he established the ratin debt apital arets,set up the rprate

13、 finane peratins f Privredna Bana Zagreb,and arranged fr the anageent f 800,000 frzen aednian freign urren savings aunts21Arding t the text,h ade the greatest ntributin t launhing all Street Dail?Aartin Huthinsn BLuis Basenese Rbert illias Drgan Stanle22Fr the text,e an n that Luis Basenese is gd at

14、_Ahelping peple t seize investent pprtunitiesBhsing a better b t ae ne fr rld-faus firsinventing ne drugs and aing tehnlgial breathrughsDhsting prgras n frntline edia as a pp star23hih f the flling is true t artin Huthinsn?AHe used t be an internatinal erhant baner in TBHe started t trading platfrs

15、in anadaHe anaged the frzen ratian freign urren saving auntsDHe red fr the panies in Eurpe,Aeria and Asia24Fr the Text,e an infer that all Street Dail an_Aeep u infred f iprtant nes in the rldBhelp u preserve and anage ealth effetivelhelp u n an utstanding finanial expetsDlet u n the plitial situati

16、n f the rldBu a thin that English speaing petitins are dinated b English ars,and that llege students fr ther ars dnt stand a hane f inningBut this ears hina Dail”21st entur a-la up” Natinal English Speaing petitin prvided strng evidene t the ntrarThe petitin dre t an end n arh 20 at Beiing Freign St

17、udies Universit,Nne f the tp three ntestants ere English arsThe grand hapin,Zhu Xue,is a edial student fr Shanghai ia Tng UniversitAnd the runners-up naed ai a fr Beiing Freign Studies Universit and Li Zehan fr the hinese Universit f Hng ng are bth la studentshen engzhu fr Ne r Universit Shanghai n

18、the furth plae and ill be heading t Lndn in a t pete in the Internatinal Publi Speaing petitin n behalf f hinaAnd guess hat?hen is nt an English ar eitherShe is a siene student,aring in interative edia artTheir advantages a lie in the unique qualities and experienes that e ith their arsFr exaple,Zhu

19、 anaged t eep a l head thrughut the petitin,a sill prbabl hned(磨炼)in her training as a edial studentShe as even al after she n the hapinshipQu eigu,a Fudan Universit prfessr and ne f the petitins udges,believes its n surprise that students lie Zhu surged(蜂拥而)ahead”English ars a be superir at their l

20、anguage sills,but the a la the nledge fr ther fields t supprt their speeh and enrih their arguents”he saidThrughut the past 20 ears,ntestants at the petitin have transitined(变迁)fr fusing slel n language sills t plaing re ephasis n the ntent f the speehes2hat des the underline rd”dinated”in paragraph

21、 1 refer t?Aperitted Bntrlled hsted Dtaught26h n the first plae in the latest Natinal English Speaing petitin?Ahen engzhu fr Ne r Universit ShanghaiBai a fr Beiing Freign Studies UniversitZhu Xue fr Shanghai ia Tng UniversitDLi Zehan fr the hinese Universit f Hng ng27Arding t the authrs pinin,hat sh

22、uld English ar petitrs pa re attentin t in the future?AThe ntent f the speehes BA gd and f English languageSills f aing a speeh DA l head28hih f the flling shs the struture f the passage?P:entral Pint P:Pint Sp:Subpint(次要点):nlusin(HINA DAIL t20th,2016)It desnt see that US singer Bb Dlan has uh in n

23、ith literar avens(内行)lie Ernest Heinga and TSEllitBut,last ee,these three figures beae frever bnded(粘合的)b the Nbel Prize fr LiteratureThis ears prize aes Dlan the first Aerian sine Tni rrisn in 1993 t in the titleAt the sae tie, the surprise annuneent has als burned a firestr f disussin arund the gl

24、beInfluential US riter di Piult ed that she ight n deserve a Gra(美国金唱片奖)And ell-nn British-Indian nvelist Hari unzru laented(悲叹)n sial edia b saing:”This feels lie the laest Nbel inner sine the gave it t baa fr nt being Bush”。Dlans ne status-a usiian aarded the Nbel Prize fr literature-t a degree ha

25、llenge traditin Hever, this is b n eans his first prize fr his riting talentsBa in 2008,the Pulitzer Prize ur(普利策奖评委会)aarded Dlan a speial aard”fr his prfund ipat n ppular usi and Aerian ulture, ared b lrial psitins f extrardinar peti per”T this pint,it uld be argued that hat the Nbel ittee is ding

26、is sipl strengthening Dlans unshaable standing in the rld f literatureThe rds behind Dlans sngs address sial issues and have been spread fr generatin t generatin Prtest sngs lie Blin in the ind(1962)ere the anthes(圣歌)f anti-ar and ivil rights veents in 1960s USDensel peti and iage-rih sngs suh as rT

27、aburine a(196)pushed the fl-r veentAnd even tda,an f Dlans sngs are still relevant and streaed regularl b peple all ver the rld29h has Bb Dlans inning the Nbel Prize aused a glbal disussin?ABeause he ha nthing in n ith Nbel PrizeBBeause he is the first Aerian Nbel Prize inner sine 1993Beause he n a

28、speial aard fr the Pulitzer Prize ur in 2008DBeause he is the first singer h n the Nbel Prize fr literature30hat is Hari unzrus attitude t Bb Dlans inning the Nbel Prize?APsitive BNeutral Negative DFavrable31hat a be the best title fr this artile?ABb Dlans Ahieveents in usiBA Brief Intrdutin f Bb Dl

29、ans LifeBb Dlan,a Faus US SingerDBb Dlan,a Singer ith Nbel PrizeDIf u get ur nes fr sial edia,u are faed ith a dail nuber f haxes(恶搞),rurs,and isleading neshen its all ixed in ith reliable infratin fr hnest sures,the truth an be ver hard t udgeIn fae, researh teas analsis f data fr lubia Universits

30、Eergent rur traer suggests this false infratin is ust as liel as t spread razil as reliable infratinur researh shs that in vie f the struture f ur sial netrs and ur liited attentin, it is unavidable that se ppular unnfired infratin ill spread quil, regardless f their qualit Even if individuals tend

31、t share infratin f higher qualit, the netrs as a hle is nt effetive at telling the differene beteen reliable and fae infratin This helps explain all the haxes e bserve in the ild Besides, ur attentin is liited If e pa attentin t a ertain tpi, re infratin n the tpi ill be prdued It s heaper t fae infratin and pass it ff as fat than it is t reprt atual truthe an ae ur fight against false nes re effiientl if e better understand h false infratin spreads If, fr exaple

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