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1、春广东专版高三年级综合能力测试题五高三年级综合能力测试(五)第一节完形填空(共1 5小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I had always expected to get a degree. I thought why not try to achieve something while I still had the 1 . I told my husband about my plan and he was proud of me. Both of my kids reacted 2 . Our

2、daughter thought it was a great idea. However, our son was 3 that we might be in college at the same time. My friends advised me to go into the 4 field, because jobs in that field are always available, and I followed their advice. As the first day of school chew near, I became 5 . I didnt want to st

3、udy any more. Finally, with 6 from my family and friends, I stuck with my decision. I entered my classroom and chose a seat in the back, hoping to 7 others attention - after all, Im a mother of two. I did what the other students did, and 8 , I found the classes and tasks interesting. It was 9 for me

4、 to study and meanwhile keep up with my duties at home. No sooner had I begun to 10 than it was time to put down my books and get down to the housework. Math and science were never my 11 subjects, so I devoted more time to them. By the second year, I had learned how to comfortably 12 my school and h

5、ome life. One of my professors encouraged me to 13 associations. That meant being required to go in for extracurricular (课外的 )activities. The 14 included scholarship funds, so I decided to do so. I participated in a writing contest and had my story published in the college magazine. My hard work pai

6、d off. After graduation, I was hired by the hospital where I m still working. It s never too 15 to try again. 1. A. dream B. expectation C. opportunity D. development 2. A. positively B. differently C. similarly D. approximately 3. A. excited B. touched C. delighted D. upset 4. A. engineering B. med

7、ical C. gardening D. financial 5. A. confused B. optimistic C. confident D. concerned 6. A. observation B. requirement C. appreciation D. encouragement 7. A. attract B. keep C. avoid D. turn 8. A. generally B. punctually C. gradually D. absolutely 9. A. simple B. challenging C. inspiring D. fortunat

8、e 10. A. study B. rest C. cook D. play 11. A. main B. favorite C. weak D. strong 12. A. improve B. cherish C. change D. balance 13. A. build B. join C. experience D. interrupt 14.A.benefits B. operations C. strategies D. features 15.A,good Byoung Clate D. early第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下列短文,根据上

9、下文在空白处填写适当的词语,或使用括号中所给词语的适当形式填空。I used to have a very bad habit of shouting at my kids. I knew I needed to stop, but counting to 10 and taking deep breaths never worked for me. I needed to find some kind of strategy that would 16 (actual) work. I decided that the first step was to talk to my kids an

10、d tell 17 that l wanted to change this habit. I promised them that if I ever shouted,1 would apologise. I didnt like to apologise, so this was 18 real important thing for me. Then I began to check myself. I noticed that l was short of patience 19 I was tired at the end of the day and was 20 (nerve)

11、about activities. Knowing I was less patient at some times than others 21 (make) me realize that often it was not their behaviour 22 caused me to lose my temper, but my own problem.I didnt bear 23 (complain) or being uncooperative. However, I still created a mantra(真言), 24 helped me to learn more ab

12、out the situation and come at it 25 a better angle - My child is not being a problem; my child is having a problem.第一节阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)A 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。I love the idea of getting a fresh start at each new year. Like many people who wish to better themselves, I keep a habit at th

13、e end of each year of noting what areas of my life need improvement, and how I am going to do it. Back in December, 20l0. I was going over a list of my goals and resolutions for the new year,. and I was trying to figure out which ones should have a priority. The normal ones were there, of course, li

14、ke losing weight, or exercising more. but I also wanted to be more successful at my home-based business, have more energy, and save more money. The funny thing was that these pretty much the same resolutions that I had nearly everyyears for the previous decade! But this time something was different

15、in my mind. And that some-thing was that I began to notice a common reason why I hadnt achieved these goals before. It was my addiction to alcohol. This enemy drained (消耗) me of energy, inspiration and enthusiasm, let alone money, time and health. More importantly, I realized that as soon as I stopp

16、ed drinking alcohol, I would be able to accomplish all of my goals and resolutions that I put my mind to. It was a clear and easy choice for me: stop drinking alcohol and my life would improve inevery area. Guess what? I made it. We all have areas of our lives that need changing for the better, and

17、some of us are more successful at bringing about changes than others. If you are presently trying to achieve or accomplish an important goal and you are also struggling with an alcohol addiction, then you should realize that it is the alcohol that is preventing you from seeing the results you want.

18、It will simply be extremely difficult, if not impossible, for you to accomplish the things you want as long as alcohol remains a priority in your life. The alcohol addiction is the obstacle (障碍) to your dreams. As soon as you get alcohol out of your life, true happiness, health and success will come

19、 in.26. From Paragraph 2, we know that the writer _. A. was satisfied with her weight B. worked at home for her business C. considered herself to be very energetic D. didnt know what she really wanted to do 27. What is implied about the writer in the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3? A. She was a

20、strongly determined woman. B. She found it was fun to try to realize her dreams. C. She changed her goals and resolutions every year. D. She failed to realize her goals in the former years. 28. We can learn from Paragraph 4 that the writer _. A. didnt know how to change her life for better B. failed

21、 to accomplish all of her goals in the end C. succeeded in quitting drinking alcohol in the end D. spent a lot of time in trying to quit drinking alcohol 29. What does the writer tell us about alcohol in the last paragraph? A. Drinking alcohol does no good to us at all. B. It can prevent us from rea

22、lizing our dreams. C. It remains a priority in many peoples life. D. It can be extremely difficult to quit drinking alcohol. 30. By writing the last paragraph, the writer wants to _. A. tell us how to stop drinking B. encourage us to stop drinking C. explain why alcohol is harmful D. tell us why peo

23、ple fail to realize their dreamsBWe all know that good study habits are essential to success. We probably can reduce the academic dishonesty by promoting good study habits among students. Letting the students know how important good study habits are when they come to school. Still, even procrastinat

24、ion(拖延) can be overcome by proper study habits, and improving study habits is the key to better studying. Good study habits are a great tool to have in the toolbox of life. Many of the tips for success for online students are the same as those for students in a classroom. Consider asking the schools

25、 student union to take on a study tips project. Following a few simple study tips can help students effectively learn new concepts and theories. A good way to stay organized is to use folders (文件夹) so that your child can keep his / her assignments. Once children reach the grades where homework and t

26、ests are part of the curriculum, there are many things parents can do to encourage good study habits. An effective way is to study before and while they do their homework. Being organized and having homework routines are the most important things in helping your child develop good habits for life. L

27、earning, however, is a process which settles into certain steps. Students with learning problems, however, may still have generally inefficient and ineffective study habits and skills. Becoming aware of your child s learning style will help you understand why they sometimes get frustrated with commo

28、n study methods. Effective study habits are a very important part of the learning process. Good study habits are all about keeping to a daily routine and giving all subjects equal treatment. If your childs study habits are weak, take a study skills course or have someone show him/her good study habi

29、ts. The problem is that those high-school study habits are hard to shake. Hard work and good study habits are two characters to be nurtured (培养). Motivation and study habits are obviously very important as well. 31. What does the author mainly want to tell us in Paragraph 1 ? A. The features of good

30、 study habits. B. The definition of good study habits. C. The importance of good study habits. D. The relation between good study habits and success. 32. What can the schools student union do for students? A. Organize teaches to help students learn effectively. B. Work out a few simple study tips fo

31、r them to follow. C. Ask them to use folders to keep their assignments. D. Offer help before and while they do their homework. 33. It is important for parents to be aware of their childrens learning style because_ . A. every child has his/her own learning style B. it is the only way to learn about t

32、heir children C. all learning is a process which settles into certain steps D. it helps to know exactly ,What problems their children have34. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _ A. parents should pay equal attention to every subject B. bad study habits are easy to develop but hard to get rid of C. taking a study skills course is helpful to form good study habits

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