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1、 2016-2017学年第一学期五年级英语期末测试题亲爱的同学们,经过我们共同的努力,度过了五年级上学期的快乐时光。现在是你收获的时候啦,快快拿起笔,在学习园地里收获你的果实,祝你取得优异的成绩!一、从下列各项中,找出一个不同类的单词:( ) 1. A. January B. February C. Monday D. May ( ) 2.A. mine B. I C. hers D. his ( ) 3.A. chess B. bored C. happy D. sad ( ) 4.A. sweater B. bag C. skirt D. shoes ( ) 5.A. flute B. v

2、iolin C. drum D. play二、写出下列单词相应的形式1. get (过去式)_ 2. win(过去式)_学校 班级 姓名 3. do (现在分词)_ 4. do(过去式)_5. light(反义词)_ 6. small(反义词)_7. child(复数)_ 8.finish(单三)_9. his(名词性物主代词)_ 10. my(名词性物主代词) _三、英汉互译。1Fiftyeight points_ 6. 去睡觉_2. 做早操_ 7. at break time_ 3. 看起来不同_ 8. 做家庭作业_ 4. Whats the matter?_? 9. 在春天_ 5. ti

3、dy your toys_ 10. in February_ 四、单项选择( )1.You shouldnt _ late. A. coming B. beC. go( )2. I went to _school. A. Sam and Amys B. Sams and AmysC. Sam and Amys( )3.This is _ English school. A. a B . the C. an( )4. It _at half past 3. A. finishes B. finishs C. finish( )5.She _ speak then. A. cant B. coul

4、dnt C. do( )6. There is a TV show _ dogs. A. about B. for C. to( )7. Zara went out _ play. A. in B. on C. to( )8. You shouldnt take the books _the shelves.A. over B. off C. of ( )9.Thanks_you help. A. for B. to C. on ( )10.He _thirty-three points yesterday. A. get B. gettingC. got五、将答语的序号填在问句前的括号里。

5、( ) 1.Whose car is this? A. No, I cant. ( ) 2. Can you speak English? B. He is going to go to the supermarket. ( ) 3. What time do you go to school? C. Its in spring. ( ) 4. What is he going to do? D. At 8 oclock. ( ) 5. When is Easter? E. Its Damings.六、连词成句学校 班级 姓名 1.CDs, you, the, shouldnt play wi

6、th_.2. matter the what is_? 3. in China we sit lines in_.4. only he to wants play_.5. run fast you can_?七、选词填空。 sad tired thirsty happy hungry1. I palyed football.Now Im _.2. I won the game. Im _.3. I lost my favourite toy. Im _.4. I want to drink. Im _.5. Can I have a burger? Im very _.八、阅读能力考查1.阅读

7、短文,选择正确的答案。Lastweekend,itwassnowing.Samcouldntplayfootball.Sohewassad.Hestayedathome.Hehelpedhismumcleantheirhouseandcooknoodles.Afterthat,hefinishedhishomework.Intheafternoon, thesnowstopped. Samwentouttomakeasnowman. ThenSamwashappy. ( )1.Lastweekend, itwas_. A. snowing B. raining ( )2.Samwantedto

8、play_. A. asketball B. football ( )3.WhatdidSamdolastweekend? AHecleanedhishouse. BHecookedfish. ( )4.Didhefinishhishomework? A. Yes, hedid. B.No, hedidnt. ( )5.Atlast, Samwas_.学校 班级 姓名 A .sad B. happy2.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 Im PaulaI am going to be twelveMy parents are going to make lunch togetherI am g

9、oing to invite(邀请) Steven to have lunch together. He is my good friendWe are in the same classHe can play football,and he likes playing ping-pong,tooBut he cant play basketballI can play football,TooBut I cant play ping-pongI like to play basketballTomorrow we are going to play football together. 1Paula is twelve now. ( ) 2Paulas parents are going to make a birthday cake for him.( ) 3Steven is going to get Paulas invitation to his birthday. ( ) 4Steven can play basketball. ( ) 5Paula cant play ping-pong. ( ) 九、写作能力展示为班级制定班规,要求至少五条。(请用We should/shouldnt句型)(10分)Class Rules_

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