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1、基数词序数词的讲解1. 基数词表示数目的词称为基数词。其形式如下:A从110one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,tenB从 1119eleven,twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen,eighteen, nineteen这里除 eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen为特殊形式外,fourteen,sixteen,seventeen,nineteen都是由其个位数形式后添加后缀-teen构成。C从 2199整数几十中除tw

2、enty,thirty, forty,fifty,eighty为特殊形式外,sixty,seventy,ninety都是其个位数形式后添加后缀-ty构成。表示几十几时,在几十和个位基数词形式之间添加连字符“-”21 twenty-one76 seventy-sixD百位数个数基数词形式加“hundred”,表示几百,在几十几与百位间加上and101 a hundred and one320 three hundred and twenty648 six hundred and forty-eightE千位数以上从数字的右端向左端数起,每三位数加一个逗号“,”。从右开始,第一个“,”前的数字后添

3、加 thousand,第二个“,”前面的数字后添加 million,第三个“,”前的数字后添加 billion。2,648 two thousand six hundred and forty-eight16,250,064 sixteen million two hundred and fifty thousand and sixty-four5,237,166,234 five billion two hundred and thirty-seven million one hundred and sixty-six thousand two hundred and thirty-four

4、F基数词在表示确切的数字时,不能使用百、千、百万、十亿的复数形式;但是,当基数词表示不确切数字,如成百、成千上万,三三两两时,基数词则以复数形式出现。There are hundreds of people in the hallThousands of people come to visit the Museum of Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses every day每天有成千上万的人来参观秦兵马涌博物馆。H基数词的句法功能基数词在句中可作主语、宾语、定语、表语、同位语。The two happily opened the box(作主语)I ne

5、ed three altogether(作宾语)Four students are playing volleyball outside(作定语)We are sixteen(作表语)They three tried to finish the task before sunset(作同位语)2. 序数词表示顺序的词称为序数词。序数词的主要形式:从第一至第十九其中,one first, two second, three third, five fifth,eighteighth,nineninth,twelve twelfth为特殊形式,其它的序数词都是由其相对应的基数词后面添加“th”构成

6、。例如: six sixth、nineteen nineteenth从第二十至第九十九整数第几十的由其对应的基数词改变结尾字母y为i,再加“eth”构成。twentytwentieth thirtythirtieth表示第几十几时,用几十的基数词形式加上连字符“”和个位序数词形式一起表示。thirty-first 第三十一fifty-sixth 第五十六seventy-third 第七十三ninety-ninth 第九十九C第一百以上的多位序数词由基数词的形式变结尾部分为序数词形式来表示。one hundred and twenty-first 第一百二十一one thousand,three

7、 hundred and twentieth 第一千三百二十D序数词的缩写形式有时,序数词可以用缩写形式来表示。主要缩写形式有。firstlst second2nd third3rdfourth4th sixth6th twentieth20thtwenty-third23rd其中lst,2nd,3rd为特殊形式,其它的都是阿拉伯数字后加上th。E序数词的句法功能序数词在句中可作主语、宾语、定语和表语。The second is what I really need(作主语) He choose the second(作宾语)We are to carry out the first plan

8、(作定语)She is the second in our class(作表语)注:序数词在使用时,通常前面要加冠词 the; 另外,基数词也可以表示顺序。只需将基数词放在它所修饰的名词之后即可,不需要添加冠词。the first lessonLesson Onethe fifth pagePage 5(five)the twenty-first roomRoom 21(twenty-one) 基数词序数词的练习( )1. Please turn to _. A. Page 11 B. the 11 st page C. page 11 D. page the 11 th ( )2. Ther

9、e are some _ in our classroom. A. hundred of books B. the hundreds of books C. hundreds of books D. hundred of book( )3. I have been to the village _. A. a hundred times B. hundred times C. hundreds of times D. hundred of times( )4. There are _ students in our school. A. fourhundred and fortyfive B.

10、 four hundred and fortyfive C. four hundreds and fortyfive D. four hundred and forty five ( )5. May is _ of a year. A. the fifth months B. the fifth month C. the five months D. the five month( )6. We live in _. A. the twenty-first century B. the century twenty-one C. century twenty-one D. the centur

11、y twenty-first ( )7. -How many English books are there on the table? -There is only _English book on it. A. a B. an C. one D. the( )8. Mr Smith stayed in _ last night. A. Room 403 B. the Room 403 C. the 403 room D. 403 the room( )9. Is Sunday the _ day of the week? A. a B. one C. once D. first( )10.

12、 March the _ is Womens Day. A. eighth B. ninth C. tenth D. eight( )11. September is the _month of the year. A. nineth B. ninth C. nine D. the twelveth( )12. December the _ is Christmas. A. twenty-five B. twenty-fifth C. twentieth-five D. twenty-five用past或 to的句型1. What time is it ? (8:30) Its _. 2. What time is it ? (9:15) Its _. 3. What time is it ? (7;45) Its _.

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