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届 高考英语一轮复习完型填空解题策略及训练四含答案.docx

1、届 高考英语一轮复习 完型填空解题策略及训练四含答案2021高考英语完型填空解题策略及训练(四)解题技法指导:语境架构衔接考查探析1:结合文化背景及生活常识答题探析2:把握文章语气感情探析3:利用排除法解题探析4:利用积累常见的熟词生义解题探析1:结合文化背景及生活常识答题考生不仅要有广博的知识、了解中西文化差异,还要具备丰富的生活经历,当对语言的把握不很准确时,考生可充分利用社会文化知识和生活常识来帮助判断。将文段意思和我们原有的生活经验、文化背景知识,以及科普常识等结合起来, 进行简单推理,从而得出正确答案。事实上, 该技巧与“逻辑推断”常常交织在一起的,因为虽有背景常识, 仍需简单推理;

2、逻辑推理离不开背景常识。例12019课标II卷 .A local farmer told them the dog sounded like one advertised as lost in the local paper. The ad had a 1 number for a town in southern Michigan. Ehlers 2 the number of Jeff and Lisa to tell them he had found their dog.1. A house B phone C street D car2. A called B copied C co

3、unted D remembered1. 第一句意为:一位当地的农民告诉他们,那条狗听起来很像当地报纸上说的那条丢失的狗。根据常识可知在报纸上登寻狗广告一定会把失主的电话号码告诉人们,再根据设空处后的number可知设空处应为phone,故答案为B项。2. 根据常识可知,既然从寻狗广告中得到了失主的电话,Ehlers一定会打电话联系失主,故答案为A项。例22018课标III卷 When most of us get a text message on our cell phone from an unknown person, we usually say “sorry,_ number!”

4、and move on. A. unlucky B. secret C. new D. wrongD。根据生活常识,接到来自陌生人的短信,我们常说“对不起,你记错号码了”。故选D。探析2:把握文章语气感情多数完形填空含有一定的语气感情内容,考生做题时一定要在快速阅读文章的过程中,细心找出描写人物特定心理和情绪以及作者态度感情的重要词汇,而名词、形容词、副词、动词等经常是我们圈定某些题目正确答案的重要线索。解答该类题型时,考生要努力找出能够体现心理和情绪状态的言语及行为词汇,根据这些标志性词汇,结合上下文推知选项,但有的文章表现的心理和情绪等语境状态不是贯彻始终,语气常常会发生改变,因此我们做完

5、形填空题时应认真阅读原文,找出反映情感语气变化的标志性词汇,并据此进行逻辑判断,从而推断出未知信息。例32011全国II卷 I climbed the stairs slowly, carrying a big suitcase, my father following with two more. By the time I got to the third floor, I was and at the same time feeling lonely.A. Helpless B. lazy C. Anxious D. tiredD。认真阅读该段内容不难发现climbed,slowly,b

6、ig,two more,lonely等反映出文章沉闷的氛围和作者“我”怏怏不乐的心情,那么含有贬义感情色彩的选项需重点考虑。答案为D 。句意:“我”拖着一个大箱子,慢慢地爬上楼梯,“我”父亲拿着另外两个箱子。“我”到三楼时,实在是太累了,与此同时感觉孤独。例4 2011课标卷 With Dad still complaining about a hurting knee, I put my head in, expecting the worst. But to my 1 ,the room had furniture, and there on a well-made bed sat Amy

7、, my new roommate,dressed neatly. Greeting me with a nod, she said in a soft voice, “Hi, you must be Cori.” Then, she looked over at Dad, “And of course, youre Mr. Faber,” she said, 2 .“Would you like a glass of iced tea?” Dads face turned decidedly 3 before he could bring out a “yes.”(1) A. regret

8、B. disappointment C. surprise D. knowledge(2) A. questioning B. wondering C. smiling D. guessing(3) A. redder B. less pale C. less red D. paler有时文章语气常常随着情节发展会发生变化,考生要善于发现文中产生心理和情绪等变化的标志性词汇,大胆推测答案。根据complaining,expecting the worst,But,hadfurniture,well-made等得知“我”开始以为宿舍条件很差,结果惊讶发现房间设备很好。故题1答案为C。根据dres

9、sed neatly,Greeting,asoft voice判断题2答案为C。同时以上这些词语反应了主人公的心情由怏怏不乐到轻松愉快,而文章气氛也由沉闷转为轻快,因此题3明显带有褒义色彩,借此可以不难推断其答案为C。探析3:利用排除法解题当我们对某个题目的正确选项不能决断,这时我们可以试试排除法:将选项逐一代入空白处,根据上下文排除明显不符合题意的选项,逐渐缩小范围,最后找出正确答案。例52010全国I卷 Waiting above the crowded streets, on topof a building 110 stories high, was Philippe Petit. T

10、his daring Frenchman wasabout to _ a tightrope (绷索) between the two towers of the World Trade Center.A.throw B. walk C. climb D. fix考生如果对walk作及物动词的用法不是很熟悉,很难直接选出答案。在这种情况下运用排除法就会非常方便实用。我们可以先将明显不合题意的三项A、C、D排除掉。因为下文中提到Philippe Petit 在绷索上走了七个来回(Philippe Petit made seven trips, back andforth)。所以很明显这个大胆的法

11、国人不是在两楼之间扔(throw)绳子,也不是顺着绳子朝上攀登(climb),更不是在两座楼间固定(fix)绳子。剩下的B(walk)当然是正确答案了。探析4:利用积累常见的熟词生义解题在最近几年的高考完形填空中,一词多义或熟词生义的考查屡见不鲜,这往往也是考生容易忽视的地方。很多考生由于不懂这些熟词的生义而出现思维堵塞,造成了不应有的失分。例62020全国卷His son, age 15, who had _ an art appreciation class, thought that there was something unusual about the painting with

12、a young girl sitting on a garden chair.A. missed B. failed C. taken D. ledC。由设空处后的an art appreciation class可知,此处是指尼科洛的儿子修了一门艺术鉴赏课。take常见含义为“拿走;花费”;此处语境意为“学习;读;修”。【成功体验3】完成下列高考真题,并说明所用的策略。1. 2016课标I卷he found another vehicle upside down on the roadflameswrecked(毁坏的)vehicle.was trying to get out of the

13、 broken window. They told her to stay still until the emergency personnel arrived, but she thought the car was going to _.A. explode B. slip away C. fall apart D. crash22016课标I卷 The man who had his bright lights on came over and told Larry he had _ an emergency call until the emergency personnel arr

14、ivedOnce fire and emergency people arrivedA. returned B. received C. made D. confirmed32016课标卷Hundreds of people have formed impressions of you through that little device(装置)on your desk. And theyvenever actually _ you. Everything they know about you. through thisdevice sometimes from hundreds of mi

15、les away.A. accepted B. noticed C. heard D. met4. 2016课标卷When I was 13 my only purpose was to become the star on our football team. That meant 1 Miller King, who was the best 2 at our school.(1)A.cheering for B. beating out C. relying on D. staying with(2)A. coach B. student C. teacher D. player5. 2

16、016课标 I卷 Larry works with Transport Drivers, Inc. One morning in 2009, Larry was traveling along 165north after delivering to one of his _.A. passengers B. colleagues C. employers D. customers6. 2016课标I卷 But her cold voice really 1 me. I sometimes wished to 2 another agent.(1)A.annoyed B.interested

17、C. discouraged D. confused(2)A.promote B. train C. find D. know7. 2014广东卷 It has been argued by some that gifted children should be grouped in special classes. The 1 is based on the belief that in regular classes these children are held back in their intellectual(智力的)growth by 2 situations that are

18、designed for the 3 children.(1)A.principle B. theory C. arguments D. classification(2)A.designing B.grouping C. learning D. living(3) B. curious C. mature D. average8. 2016课标I卷 ) Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not move _ she injured her neck.A. as if B. unl

19、ess C. in case D. after9.2016课标III卷 We went 10 1 and I was named most valuable player, _ I often had crazy dreams in which I was to blameA. and B. then C. but D. thus10.2017课标I卷In 1973, I was teaching elementary school.Each day, 27 kids entered “The Thinking Laboratory”. That was the name studentsvo

20、ted for after deciding that “Room 104” was too _.A. small B. dark C. strange D. dull11.2017课标III卷 A xani wrote in his post that he is not looking foranything in return and that the woman who uses the extra ticket can choose toeither travel with him or reserve the ticket and travel on her own.He said

21、 the _ woman will be announced on the website and the trip will be shared online.A.honored B. lovely C. intelligent D. lucky12. 2018课标II卷Two weeks earlier, my son, Ben, had got in touch. Hed moved to England with his mum when he was three and it had been 13 years since Id last seen him. So imagine m

22、y 42 when he emailed me saying he wanted to come to visit me. A. delight B. relief C. anger D. worry13. 2020新高考卷 A flood had hit the area earlier that year and the damage it caused had driven away a number of birds. _25_, the number of snakes had declined as well.A. Besides B.However C. Therefore D.

23、 Otherwise14. 2016课标I卷 Suddenly,Larry saw a car with its bright lights on. As he got closer, he found_ vehicle upside down on the roadThe man who had his bright light son and told LarryA. each B. another C. that D. his15. 2016课标I卷Then, Larry asked the _ if he was needed or free to go. They let him a

24、nd the other man go.A.woman B. police C. man D. driver16. 2018全国Two weeks earlier, my son, Ben, had got in touch. Hed moved to England with his mum when he was three and it had been 13 years since Id last seen him. So imagine my _ when he emailed me saying he wanted to come to visit me. A. delight B

25、.relief C. anger D.worry17. 2020课标 His son thought that there was something unusual about the painting with a young girl sitting on a garden chair. It was signed (签名) “Bonna to”or so he thought, but when he researched it, he only found “Bonnard,” a French painter he had never heard of. He bought a b

26、ook and was_ to find a picture of the artist Pierre Bonnard sitting on the same chair in the same garden as his fathers painting.A. expected B. surprised C. anxious D. ready习题训练(一)For a long time Gabriel didnt want to be involved in music at all. In his first years of high school, Gabriel would look

27、 pityingly at the music students, 1 across the campus with their heavy instrument cases, 2 at school for practice hours 3 anyone else had to be there. He swore to himself to 4 music, as he hated getting to school extra early. 5, one day, in the music class that was 6 of his schools standard curricul

28、um, he was playing idly(随意地) on the piano and found it 7 to pick out tunes. With a sinking feeling, he realized that he actually 8 doing it. He tried to hide his 9 pleasure from the music teacher, who had 10 over to listen. He might not have done this particularly well, 11 the teacher told Gabriel t

29、hat he had a good 12 and suggested that Gabriel go into the music store-room to see if any of the instruments there 13 him. There he decided to give the cello(大提琴) a 14 . When he began practicing, he took it very 15 . But he quickly found that he loved playing this instrument, and was 16 to practici

30、ng it so that within a couple of months he was playing reasonably well. This 17 , of course, that he arrived at school early in the morning, 18 his heavy instrument case across the campus to the 19 looks of the non-musicians he had left 20 .1.A. travelling B. marching C. pacing D. struggling 2.A. ri

31、sing up B. coming up C. driving up D. turning up 3.A.beforeB.afterC.untilD.since 4.A.betrayB.acceptC.avoidD.appreciate5.A.ThereforeB.HoweverC.ThusD.Moreover6.A.partB.natureC.basisD.spirit 7.A.complicatedB.safeC.confusingD.easy 8.A.missedB.dislikedC.enjoyedD.denied 9.A.transparentB.obviousC.falseD.similar 12.AearB.tasteC.heartD.

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