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UNIT 3 教学知识细解码Word文档格式.docx

1、What do you like the least about your current job? 当前的2promote vt.促进,推动;促销;提升,晋升You dont have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic growth. 促进,推动He was in town to promote his new book. 促销He has been promoted to sales manager. 提升,晋升3observe vt.遵守;注意到;观察;庆祝Have you observed any cha

2、nges lately? 注意到The patients were observed over a period of several months.观察Do they observe Christmas? 庆祝We cannot always observe the traditions handed down to us from the past. 遵守Words and Phrasesdecorate vt.&vi.装修;粉刷,油漆(教材P30)The wedding ceremony took place in a brightly decorated hotel room.婚礼在一

3、个装饰明亮的酒店房间举行。例1Our new house is being decorated and it will be finished next week.我们的新房子正在装修中,下周完工。例2We need to decorate the sitting room.我们需要将客厅粉刷一下。造句他们用花和气球装饰了房间。They decorated the room with flowers and balloons.归纳拓展(1)decorate.with. 用装饰be decorated with. 用装饰decorate sb.for sth. 授予某人(奖章或勋章)(2)dec

4、oration n. U装饰;C装饰品under decoration 在装修中即学即练单句语法填空We put Christmas decorations(decoration) on the tree.He decorated his room with pictures of all his favourite sports figures.He is/was decorated(decorate) for his outstanding bravery.“The decoration(decorate) of the Christmas Tree” is very famous.imp

5、ression n印象;感想;(教材P30)I did not understand all of the traditional customs, but a few made a deep impression on me.不是所有的传统习俗我都了解,但有一些给我留下了深刻的印象。例1My first impression of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.他给我的第一印象是他是一个善良、有想法的年轻人。例2His trip to India made a strong impression on him.他的印度

6、之行对他的触动很大。造句他在会议上说的话让我们印象深刻。What he said at the meeting made a deep impression on us.(1)impressed adj. 印象深刻的be impressed with/by 对印象深刻(2)impress vt. 使印象深刻;使铭记impress sth.on/upon sb.impress sb.with sth. 使某人牢记某事(3)impression n. 印象leave/make/create a/an.impression on sb. 给某人留下印象(4)impressive adj. 给人以深刻

7、印象的My parents were most impressed(impress) with my performance in the exam.The new teacher made a good impression(impress) on the students by her rich knowledge and humorous talk.Father impressed me with the value of hard work.Mary impressed the importance of English on/upon me.小片段填空What was your fi

8、rst impression of college?Usually, our parents impress the importance of it.To my joy, I did not get the impression that they were unhappy about my performance.Instead, it made a good impression on them.To tell the truth, it is an impressive memory of life, which I am impressed with for ever.(impres

9、s)entrance n进入,出场;入口;进入权;准许加入(教材P30)One was the bridegrooms entrance on a beautiful white horse.一个是新郎官骑着一匹漂亮的白马入场。例1A lighthouse marks the entrance to the harbour.灯塔是进入海港航道的标志。例2She made her entrance after all the other guests had arrived.她在其他所有客人都到达后才入场。造句我将在大门口和你见面。Ill meet you at the main entranc

10、e.(1)entrance n 入口the entrance to/of 的入口the exit of 的出口(2)enter vt. 进入They were refused entrance to the exhibition.When Spinks entered(enter) they all turned to look at him.The police were unable to gain entrance to the house.anything but决不,根本不(教材P30)The customs that followed were anything but ordin

11、ary.接下来的风俗十分不寻常。例1The hotel was anything but cheap.这家旅馆绝不便宜。例2The bridge is anything but safe.那座桥根本不安全。造句 他的行为根本不能令人满意。His behavior is anything but satisfactory.anything but “决不,根本不”,用于强调。do nothing but do sth. 只能做某事have no choice but to do sth. 除了做某事之外别无选择have nothing to do but do sth. 除了什么也没做He wa

12、s anything but a fool.There is nothing but earth,like all the other earth.I have no choice but to believe(believe) what youre saying.He does nothing but watch(watch) TV all day long.occasion n特殊场合,盛会,时刻;时机(教材P31)No wonder people from Rio take a week off for this happy occasion.难怪里约的人们为了这个欢乐的时刻都请了一周的

13、假。例1They have been seen together on two separate occasions.他们曾在两个不同的场合被看到在一起。例2He could also turn on the style when the occasion demanded.如果场合需要,他也能瞬间表现得风度翩翩。造句 我有时去拜访我的父母。I call on my parents on occasion.(1)occasion n 时刻;场合on occasionoccasionally 偶尔,有时on no occasion 绝不(位于句首时,句子部分倒装)(2)occasional ad

14、j. 偶然的(3)occasionally adv. 偶然地注意:当定语从句的先行词为occasion时,定语从句的引导词要根据occasion的具体含义来定。occasion表示“特定的时刻”时,定语从句的引导词用when;若occasion表示“仪式、庆典等重大场合”时,定语从句的引导词用where。We occasionally(occasional)meet for a drink after work.I meet her on occasion at the club or in the theatre.You should on no occasion do such a thi

15、ng.The Midautumn Festival is a happy occasion when all family members try to get together.I meet her on the way to the office occasionally, but on no occasion do we communicate with each other.I think if there is such occasion when we meet again, I must invite her to go to the theatre.(occasion)be c

16、aught up in 被卷入,陷入(教材P31)I was so caught up in the party fever that I hardly noticed five hours fly by!我是如此陷入聚会的狂热中,几乎没注意到五个小时就这样过去了!例1Innocent passersby were caught up in the riots.无辜的过路人被卷入了那几场暴乱。例2I think these systems are cages for the mind to be caught up in.我认为这些体系是禁锢思想的牢笼。造句他知道有一天他会被卷入到运动之中去。

17、He knew that one day he would be caught up in the movement.catch up with 赶上,追上catch in 被困住,绊住catch hold of 抓住;拥有catch the eye 引人注目catch sight of 看见catch sb.doing. 看见某人正在做He caught (catch) hold of her arm as she tried to push past him.I caught her smoking (smoke) in the bathroom.She got caught in a t

18、hunderstorm.She caught sight of a car in the distance.Sentence Patternsnot.all.部分否定句式句式分析本句是表示部分否定的句型。“not.all.”可译为“并非所有的都”。例1While online shopping has changed our life,not all of its effects have been positive.尽管网上购物已经改变了我们的生活,但并非它所有的影响都是积极的。例2All students dont obey the school rules, so as a teache

19、r, I should be strict with them.并非所有的学生都遵守学校规章制度,因此作为一名老师,我应严格要求他们。造句 不是所有的人都适合做这种工作。All men arent suitable for this kind of work.(1)英语中的all, both, every, everybody, everything, completely, always, whole, entirely 等具有总括意义的代词、形容词和副词与否定词not连用,无论not位置如何,均构成部分否定,表示“并非都”的意思。(2)英语中的no, none, never, nobody

20、, nothing, neither, no one, nowhere, no more, no longer, no way等表否定意义的词(组)与肯定式谓语一起使用构成“全部否定”。翻译1Nothing (没有什么)can change her mind.翻译2But not all cities(并不是所有的城市) develop slowly over a long period of time.Nothing in the world is difficult if one sets his/her mind to it.Im not going to work today and

21、neither/nor is Tom.I dont like the film.Nor does she.Niki is always full of ideas,but none is useful to my句式本句用了“so.that.”结构,表示“如此以至于”,引导结果状语从句。例1There were so many cars in the street that I couldnt get through.街上的车如此多以至于我过不去。例2And my memory became so large that even I couldnt bel

22、ieve it!我的记忆存储量变得如此之大,以至于我自己都不能相信!造句他太感动了以至于说不出话来。He was so moved that he could not say any words.(1)so .that .句型的常见形式:(2)such .that .句型的基本结构:翻译1Its such a beautiful song that I listened to it many times(以至于我听了很多遍)翻译2The film was so interesting(如此有意思) that many young people liked it.He is such a cle

23、ver boy that everyone likes him.He made so many mistakes that he failed the exam.It was such fine weather that we decided to go skating.1(教材P30)Then they took seven steps together by the fire, and with each step made a different promise about how they were going to support each other and live togeth

24、er happily.分析连词and连接两个并列分句。在后一个分句中how引导的从句作介词about的宾语。译文然后,他们在火边走了七步,每一步都就如何互相支持,幸福地生活在一起做出了不同的承诺。2(教材P31)Iceboxes of soft drinks and beer lined the narrow streets, and the smell of roasted meat filled the air as we passed wave after wave of street stands.分析此句为主从复合句。其中as引导时间状语从句;主句是由and连接的两个并列分句组成。

25、译文当我们经过一波又一波街头小摊时,装着汽水和啤酒的保冷箱排列在狭窄的街道两边,空气中弥漫着烤肉的味道。教材高考1.No wonder people from Rio take a week off for this happy occasion.(2019江苏卷)Just the right occasion.2.The customs thatfollowed were anything butordinary.全国卷)Her years of hard work have finally been acknowledged after a customer nominated (提名)h

26、er to be Cheshires Woman Of The Year.3.But how could she earn some?浙江卷)Zac knows the meaning of a Purple Hearthe earned one himself in a war as a soldier.单句语法填空1If both sides agree, the contract can be renewed annually (annual)2I was very impressed(impress) with one young man at my lectures.3It is c

27、onsidered one of the most romantic (romance) restaurants in the city.4Taking her with me on official occasions(occasion) has been a challenge.5The clock ticked merrily (merry) in the corner.6My travelling plan is still up in the air but half a year has already past.7I could hear the sound of clapping(clap) from the other room.8He is flying(fly) to Hong Kong tomorrow.9Which departments do you currently (current) communicate with?10The only wall decorations(decorate) are candles and a sing

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