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本文(外文文献译文-基于互联网的连锁企业的物流管理系统Word文档格式.doc)为本站会员(wj)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、这样的系统通常作为分配公共服务在物流领域中的一个中心仓库。商业应用存储在中央服务器和服务提供给每个组的成员。一个这样的服务器原型描述了以前的工作。本文介绍了完成网络系统是安装在雅典中央食品市场中心的Web服务器,与690公司,包括一个独特的物流和零售连锁企业配送一体化问题研究。每个公司的需求正在排队和算法开发的范围内统一的网络环境描述。每一个公司提供解决问题和服务是一个涉及通过混合车队的卡车货物配送。提供了新的见解的启发式。一个特征的案例研究,提出了通过详细的道路网络雅典的说明所提出的方法的一个现实世界的分布问题的有效性。2 通过异构车队分布本文提出的车队管理问题需要采用异构车队的车辆,将货物

2、通过网络客户使用。因此,系统的设计是为了自动生成车辆路线的车辆应肝哪些客户订单合理采用定量的空间和非空间信息,同时最大限度地减少车辆的成本和总距离受到以下限制车辆行驶:l 每辆车都有从其他车辆组成的车队的异质性,通常不同的预定的负载能力。l 车辆不能超载。l 一个单一的车辆提供每个客户的需求所使用的车辆的数量是预定的。 该问题具有明显的商业价值,已引起或社会的关注。它的巨大成功可以归因于一个事实,从实践和理论的观点,这是一个非常有趣的问题。对于实际的观点所涉及的分布问题,在配电生产管理经济的路线,有助于分销成本,同时提供显着节省燃料成本驱动所有相关费用资本减薪运作层面的效率确实起着核心的作用。

3、在实践层面的重要性动机强烈的理论工作和高效率的算法。 通过学术研究人员和专业团体或/ MS的问题,导致了大量的关于一些求解车辆路径问题的信息系统开发的论文VRIS。讨论的问题是一个NP-难的优化问题,即全局最优解的问题,只能通过对问题规模指数的时间或空间复杂度的算法显示。这种类型的问题的启发式或遇到启发式技术。为车队管理问题,对启发式算法的开发研究具有自认为是在early60s首次提出的算法取得了长足的进步。其中,禁忌搜索是冠军。最强大的禁忌搜索算法是现在能够解决中等尺寸和大尺寸的情况下,非常小,甚至在计算环境的负荷和时间。在算法方面的时间大概要集中精力发展的更快更简单的参数少、更强大的算法即

4、使这会导致质量的解决方案,一个小的损失。如果一个算法是在一个商业软件包实现这些属性是必不可少的。在系统开发的算法搜索的性质。如前所述,由于算法不能保证全局最优解,揭示了一个算法是留给提出解决问题的时间是非常重要的问题。当然有时间预期的解决方案和质量感应之间的一种折衷。这一部分是执行一个简单的方法。如果系统是由用户要求产生一个非常高的质量就那么积极的策略是实施的解决方案。如果用户放松时间的解决方案得到的就是说如果算法是左对解空间的搜索更有效地将有更加详细的算法空间。 该算法采用了两个不同的部分。第一个是一个广义的路线构造算法生成的质量很好,被后面的阶段改进路线。建设算法考虑到了车队的不同性质和特


6、2(i,u,j)=d(0,u)+d(u,0)-C1(I,u,j) 其中0代表站节点。表达式选择行驶距离是直接从/到仓库到/从客户和额外的距离表示的第一准则。在所有的建设算法的第一阶段要求在所有可能的路径的种子最好的插入点,当这是检测到相应的节点插入。如果没有找到可行的节点的一种新的含有单段插入种子路线。该算法迭代,直到没有未布线节点。必须延伸路线的方式与客户充满了由有关他的车队车辆利用用户的愿望指导。也就是说车辆进行排序按照分配和调度运用的需要。车辆首先要使用关于用户的成本和车辆方面的情况会在别人面前,对用户的重要性较低加载。通常所有用户访问表示希望利用更大吨位的车辆,而不是较低吨位,装载车辆

7、降序秩序的能力。对禁忌搜索启发式算法满足后续实施积极的一部分。该算法在这种应用中的基本成分是邻域定义短期记忆和期望的标准。2.1 邻里邻域的定义是最有利的本地搜索动作,变换另一种解决办法融合。特别是在其禁忌搜索迭代的移动形式是随机决定的。一个预定义的概率水平分配给每个移动类型。之后,决定是否执行移动操作是在一个单一的路线或不同的路线再次随机。这次行动的概率水平分配一个值50。随后,此举意味着选择计算最好的邻居。2.2 短时记忆短期记忆称为禁忌列表是最常用的标签搜索组件。禁忌列表来限制搜索的解决方案被认为是以前从重新并阻止搜索过程的解决方案的子集之间的循环。为实现这一目标属性的动作更准确地原有的

8、逆转被存储在一个禁忌名单。包含反转动作属性禁忌列表存储在指定的禁忌,他们被排除在搜索过程。关于禁忌搜索变种实施这些属性是在移动过程中所有的动作中使用的这种方法可以通过指出只有两个节点,在这些节点属于相应的路线的节点。迭代,弧的流动性限制的数量被称为禁忌列表的大小或禁忌任期。禁忌列表的管理是通过消除移动已禁忌名单上最长的。2.3 吸入标准标准的愿望是压倒一切的短期记忆功能的策略。禁忌搜索方法的实现使用标准的期望标准:如果一个移动给出了更高质量的解决方案,比最好的发现到目前为止将无论是其禁忌状态选择。禁忌搜索算法终止时的迭代次数进行大于允许的最大迭代次数。3 发展基于互联网的应用工具Web服务提供


10、以及能够满足特定需求,提高企业的生产力。通常有两种基本的技术实施处理时,基于互联网的应用,即基于服务器和客户端的基础。这两种技术都有自己的长处对代码的发展和它们所提供的设施。基于服务器的应用程序需要动态创建的网页开发。这些页面传送给客户端的浏览器和包含代码的HTML和JavaScript语言形式。HTML是包含用户需求和JavaScript的部分页面的动态部分窗体和控件的网页的静态部分。通常,代码的结构可以完全改变了通过Web服务器的机制的干预增加传动部分和实现的基于服务器的语言如ASP,JSP PHP等来发展综合动态页面的应用程序在用户的愿望有关问题的特点,计算最短路径路由算法与数据库执行交


12、裁量权,他们的客户。事实上,这个信息是保密,甚至在我们的系统所涉及的服务器端。外文文献原文Material source:An internet-based logistics management system forenterprise chainsAuthor:N.Prindezis,C.T.Kiranoudis1 IntroductionEnterprise chains are the business model of the present and future regarding markets that involve small and medium company siz

13、es. Clearly,grouping activities towards a focused target facilitates an understandably improved market penetration guaranteed by a successful trade mark of a leading company in the field. Several collaboration models that basically include franchising are introduced as a part of this integrated proc

14、ess. When such a network is introduced in order to exploit a commercial idea or business initiative and subsequently expanded as market penetration grows several management issues arise regarding the operations of the entire network. Such a network is the ideal place for organizing and evaluating in

15、 a more centralized way several ordinary operations regarding supply chain and logistics. Infact,tools developed for organizing management processes and operational needs of each individual company can be developed in a more centralized fashion and the services provided by the tool can be offered to

16、 each network member to facilitate trans actions and tackle operations similarly. Web-based applications are an ideal starting place for developing such applications. Typically such systems serve as a central depot for distributing common services in the field of logistics. The commercial applicatio

17、n is stored in a central server and services are provided for each member of the group. A prototype of such a server is described in a previous work. This paper presents the completed internet system that is installed in the central web server of the Athens Central Food Market that deals with the in

18、tegrated problem of distribution for 690 companies that comprise a unique logistics and retail chain of enterprises. The needs of each company are under lined and the algorithms developed are described within the unified internet environment. The problem solved and services provided for each company

19、 is the one involving distribution of goods through a heterogeneous fleet of trucks. New insights of the met heuristics employed are provided. A characteristic case study is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach for a real-world problem of distribution through the detail

20、ed road network of Athens.2 Distribution through heterogeneous vehicle fleetsThe fleet management problem presented in this paper requires the use of aheterogeneous fleet of vehicles that distribute goods through a network of clients. Therefore the system was designed in order to automatically gener

21、ate vehicle routes which vehicles should de-liver to which customers and in which order using rational quantitative spatial and non-spatial information and minimizing simultaneously the vehicle cost and the total distance travelled by the vehicles subject to the following constraints: lEach vehicle

22、has a predetermined load capacity typically different from all other vehicles comprising the fleet heterogeneous nature.lThe capacity of a vehicle cannot be exceeded.lA single vehicle supplies each customers demand the number of vehicles used is predetermined.The problem has an obvious commercial va

23、lue and has drawn the attention of OR community. Its great success can be attributed to the fact that it is a very interesting problem both from the practical and theoretical points of view. Regarding the practical point of view the distribution problem involved definitely plays a central role in th

24、e efficiency of the operational planning level of distribution management producing economical routes that contribute to the reduction of distribution costs offering simultaneously significant savings in all related expenses capital fuel costs driver salaries. Its Importance in the practical level m

25、otivated intense theoretical work and the development of efficient algorithms.For the problem by academic researchers and professional societies in OR/MS, resulting in a number of papers concerning the development of a number of Vehicle Routing Information Systems VRIS for solving the problem. The p

26、roblem discussed is an NP-hard optimization problem that is to say the global optimum of the problem can only be revealed through an algorithm of exponential time or space complexity with respect to problem size. Problems of this type are dealt with heuristic or met heuristic techniques. Research on

27、 the development of heuristic algorithms for the fleet management problem has made considerable progress since the first algorithms that were proposed in the early60s. Among them, tabu search is the champion. The most powerful tabu search algorithms are now capable of solving medium size and even la

28、rge size instances within extremely small computational environments regarding load and time. On the algorithmic side time has probably come to concentrate on the development of faster simpler with few parameters and more robust algorithms even if this causes a small loss in quality solution. These

29、attributes are essential if an algorithm is to be implemented in a commercial package. The algorithm beyond the system developed is of tabu search nature. As mentioned before since the algorithms cannot reveal the guaranteed global optimum the time that an algorithm is left to propose a solution to

30、the problem is of utmost importance to the problem. Certainly there is a trade-off between time expected for the induction of the solution and its quality. This part was implemented in a straightforward way. If the system is asked by the user to produce a solution of very high quality instantly then

31、 an aggressive strategy is to be implemented. If the user relaxes the time of solution to be obtained that is to say if the algorithm is left to search the solution space more efficiently then there is room for more elaborate algorithms.The algorithm employed has two distinct parts. The first one is a generalized route construction algorithm that creates routes of very good quality to be improved by the subsequent tabu phase. The construction algorithm takes into account the peculiarities of the heterog

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