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1、关于工作协议生活场景口语关于工作协议生活场景口语 工作中避免不了跟同事协作工作上的任务,以下是给大家整理的关于工作协议生活场景口语实战,希望可以帮到大家,下面就跟一起来看看 1. When will you sign the contract if I agree to become a member of your organization? 如果被录用的话,什么时候可以和贵单位签约? 还能这样说: When can the contract be signed if I agree to work in your company? When can I make the contract

2、with your company if I am willing to be in your company? 应用解析: be subject to contract 以合同的签定为依据; literal contract 成文契约; make a contract with 与签订合同 2. May I see the agreement first? 能让我看下这份协议吗? 还能这样说: Could I look at the contract first? Can I have a look at the contract first? 应用解析: look用于看静止的东西; wat

3、ch用于看动态的东西; gaze以惊讶、赞赏的心情凝视; stare以惊讶、赞赏、恐惧的心情,睁眼瞪视; glance扫视,看一眼。 3. We will sign the contract three months later. 三个月后才签合同。 还能这样说: The contract will be made after you have worked here for three months. We can enter into the agreement three months later. 应用解析: sign指具有一定含义的任何有形或无形的符号或标志,它的表示可以是实物、表情

4、、动作、文字、语言及任何痕迹或征兆; mark指为某一目的有意做的标记,也指无意留下或自然形成的痕迹。 4. Could you explain me about this item? 你可以给我解释一下这个条款吗? 还能这样说: Can you give me an explanation of the item? What does this item mean? 应用解析: explain指解释不明之事; interpret侧重于用特殊的知识、信念、判断、了解或想象去阐明特别难懂的事物。 5. Do you know your rights and obligations in this

5、 agreement? 你知道在这份协议中你的权利和义务吗? 还能这样说: Are you clear about your rights and obligations in this agreement? Do you have an idea about what are your rights and obligations? 应用解析: write out the agreement 写契约; tear up the agreement 撕毁协议 6. What principle did you conform to in signing the agreement? 你们遵循什么

6、原则签署这份协议的? 还能这样说: What should we follow when we make the agreement? What should we keep when we enter into this contract? 应用解析: conform (to sth.) 符合或遵守(公认的规则,准则等); conform with/to sth. 与某事物相符合或相一致 7. Please show me your proposal of cooperation. 请提出你的合作建议。 还能这样说: Please give some advice on the cooper

7、ation. Please put forward a proposal of cooperation. 应用解析: proposal of marriage 求婚; offer proposals for 提出建议 8. I wonder whether the agreement has the guarantee of law or not. 我想知道这份协议是否具有法律效力。 还能这样说: I want to know is this agreement valid? Can you tell me whether the agreement has a legal force? 应用

8、解析: stand guarantee for sb. 替某人作保; fulfill a guarantee 履行作出的保证; give a guarantee 提供担保 9. Do you know the steps of signing an agreement? 知道签署协议的步骤吗? 还能这样说: Do you know how to sign an agreement? Do you know the process of making an agreement? 谚语: There is but one step from the sublime to the ridiculou

9、s. 真理和谬误之间仅差一步。 10. I signed the agreement with the signature of my name. 协议上签上了我的名字。 还能这样说: I signed my name in the agreement. I affixed my name to the agreement. 应用解析: forged signature 伪造的签字; handwritten signature 亲笔签字 11. I drew up a contract with a network company. 我与一家网络公司签订了协议。 还能这样说: I made a

10、n agreement with a network company. I entered into a contract with a network company. 谚语: Two is company, three is none. 二人成伴,三人不欢。 12. We are done with the agreement. 这个协议就这么定了。 还能这样说: This agreement is done. We have concluded the agreement. 13. These are two originals of the contract we prepared.

11、这是我们准备好的两份合同正本。 还能这样说: We have prepared two originals of the contract. Here they are. We have two originals of the contract prepared. 应用解析: contract a bad habit 染上恶习; a breach of contract 违反合同; put out to contract 包出去,给人承包 14. Employment agreements become goods that can be sold and purchased on the

12、Internet. 就业协议被当做商品在网上进行买卖交易。 还能这样说: Employment agreements have been sold and bought on line as products. Employment agreements are on sales regarding as goods. 应用解析: by goods 用货车装运; catch sb. with the goods 人脏俱获; dangerous goods 危险商品 15. The contracts are much more important to students than they m

13、ay realize. 这些协议的重要性远比学生们认为的要大得多。 还能这样说: There is more importance in contracts than what the students have thought. The importance of contracts is much greater than the thinking of students. 应用解析: realize ones assets 变卖自己的财产; realize ones mistake 认识到自己的错误; realize from 从获利 16. Here is the draft. 这是协

14、议的草稿。 还能这样说: This is the draft we have worked out. Here is the draft we have made out. 应用解析: be drafted into 征兵;征集; drink off at a draft 一饮而尽; a draft of air 一阵风 17. If you totally agree, Ill type the agreement for signature. 如果你没有任何异议,我就把协议打印出来以便签字。 还能这样说: If you dont have any disapproval, Ill type the agreement to make it signed. If you see no objection to the agreement, I would like to type it for signature. 应用解析: in total 总共; monetary total 金额,总金额; progressive total 累计

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