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1、九十四學年度指定科目考試英文試題解析 新竹女中 陳俐婷老師第壹部分:選擇題 (佔72分)一、詞彙 (10%)1. We have had plenty of rain so far this year, so there should be an _ supply of fresh water this summer.(A) intense (B) ultimate (C) abundant (D) epidemic今年到目前為止降雨豐沛,因此今年夏天自來水供應量應該會十分充足。(A) 強烈的 (B) 最後的 (C) 充足的 (D) 流行性的plenty of 大量 so far 到目前為止

2、supply n. 供應2. I dont know for sure what I am going to do this weekend, but _ I plan to visit an old friend of mine in southern Taiwan.(A) tentatively (B) inevitably (C) unknowingly (D) numerously我還不確定週末要做什麼,不過我暫定計畫去拜訪南部的一個朋友。(A) 暫時地 (B) 無可避免地 (C) 不知不覺地 (D) 無數地for sure 確定地 3. Our chemistry teacher w

3、as on a one-month sick leave, so the principal had to find a teacher to _ for her.(A) recover (B) navigate (C) rehearse (D) substitute我們化學老師請了一個月病假,所以校長必須找一個老師來代他的課。(A) 恢復 (B) 領航 (C) 排演 (D) 代替on a sick leave 請病假 principal n. 校長 substitute for 代替4. The gym is closed on Monday for routine _ work. The

4、facilities are kept in good condition by the regular checking and repairing.(A) disturbance (B) eloquence (C) maintenance (D) alliance體育館每週一閉館進行例行維修,所有設施在定期檢修下都功能正常。(A) 干擾 (B) 善辯 (C) 維修 (D) 結盟facility n. 設施 in good condition 功能正常5. If you exercise regularly, your blood _ will be improved, and you wi

5、ll feel more energetic.(A) fatigue (B) tranquility (C) fragrance (D) circulation如果你做規律運動,你的血液循環會得到改善,你還會覺得較有活力。(A) 疲勞 (B) 平靜 (C) 香味 (D) 循環regularly adv. 規律地 blood circulation 血液循環 energetic adj. 有活力的6. Nowadays people have to pass various tests for professional _ so that they can be qualified for a

6、well-paying job.(A) mechanics (B) permission (C) certificates (D) perseverance現在人們必須通過各種專業證照的考試,以便可以勝任高薪的工作。(A) 機械學 (B) 允許 (C) 證書 (D) 毅力so that 以至於 be qualified for 勝任 a well-paying job 高薪的工作7. Though Dr. Wang has been away from his hometown for over ten years, he can still _ his old house clearly.(

7、A) nominate (B) visualize (C) prolong (D) sprinkle雖然王博士離開家鄉超過十年了,他依舊能清晰地在腦海中想像老家的模樣。(A) 提名 (B) 想像 (C) 延長 (D) 噴灑be away from 離開 hometown n. 家鄉8. The speaker spent twenty minutes on one simple question. The explanation was so _ that we could not see the point clearly.(A) coherent (B) crucial (C) vario

8、us (D) lengthy演說者花了二十分鐘在一個簡單的問題上。這解說十分冗長,以致於我們根本無法清楚了解重點。(A) 有條理的 (B) 關鍵的 (C) 各種的 (D) 冗長的spendon 花時間在某事上 sothat 如此以致於9. The new tax policy proposed for the next fiscal year has been severely criticized by the _ party leaders.(A) interaction (B) exposition (C) opposition (D) occupation下一個會計年度新的稅赋政策提案

9、被反對黨領袖嚴厲地批評。(A) 互動 (B) 解說 (C) 反對 (D) 佔據tax n. 稅 propose vt. 提議 (在此為過去分詞,修飾 the new tax policy)fiscal year = financial year 財政年度;會計年度 severely adv. 嚴厲地 10. Thousands of people flooded into the city to join the demonstration; as a result, the citys transportation system was almost _.(A) testified (B)

10、paralyzed (C) stabilized (D) dissatisfied數千名民眾湧入城市參加遊行;因此,市區的交通系統幾乎癱瘓。(A) 作證 (B) 使癱瘓 (C) 使穩定 (D) 不滿意demonstration n. 示威遊行 as a result 因此; 結果 paralyze vt. 使癱瘓二、綜合測驗(20%)第11至15題為題組After a long day working in the office, Alexander hailed a taxi to take him home. Squeezing his body into the taxi, he not

11、iced the shiny interior and the smell of brand new leather. After informing the driver of his 11 , Alexander resorted to his reading of Dan Browns intelligent thriller, The Da Vinci Code. Five minutes into the journey, he was on page 120: “his Mona Lisa is neither male nor female” Suddenly, Alexande

12、r 12 and noticed that the driver had detoured from the familiar route. To redirect the driver, Alexander tapped him on the shoulder. Out of the blue, the driver screamed, lost control of the car, and almost hit a bus. The cab went up on the footpath and 13 stopped centimeters away from a shop window

13、. For a second, everything went quiet in the cab. Then the driver said, “Look, mate! Dont ever do that again. You scared the living daylights out of me!” Alexander apologized and said, “I didnt 14 that a little tap would scare you so much.” The driver replied, “Sorry, sir. Its not really your 15 . T

14、oday is my first day as a cab driver. Ive been driving a funeral van for the last 25 years.”1. hail vt. 招呼 2. squeezeinto 把擠進 3. interior n. 內部 4. leather n. 皮革(在此指車內的皮椅套) 5. inform 某人 of 某事 告訴某人某事6. resort to 訴諸 (在此指去看書) 7. thriller n. 探險小說或電影 8. journey n. 旅程 9. neithernor 既不也不 10. detour vi. 繞路 1

15、1. route n. 路線 12. redirect vt. 改變的方向13. tap 某人 on the shoulder 輕拍某人肩膀 14. out of the blue 突如其來地15. lose control of 失去控制 16. footpath n. 人行道17. scare the living daylights out of 某人 把某人嚇得魂都沒了 18. apologize vi. 道歉 19. funeral n. 葬禮 20. van n. 帶蓬小型貨車11. (A) motivation (B) destination (C) expectation (D

16、) solutionmotivation n. 動機 destination n. 目的地expectation n. 預期 solution n. 解決辦法此指Alexander告訴司機他要去的地點後,就埋頭看他的書。12. (A) looked up (B) took off (C) turned in (D) got onlook up 抬頭看 take off 脫掉 turn in 繳交 get on 上車Alexander原先在看書,此時突然抬頭看。13. (A) hardly (B) likely (C) finally (D) mainlyhardly adv. 幾乎不 like

17、ly adv. 可能 finally adv. 最後 mainly adv.主要地司機毫無預警尖叫,車子失控差點撞上公車,駛上人行道,最後停在離商店櫥窗幾公分處。14. (A) find (B) realize (C) wonder (D) admitfind vt. 找到 realize vt. 了解;知道 wonder vt. 想要知道 admit vt. 承認Alexander道歉說:我事先不知道輕輕拍會把你嚇成這樣。15. (A) matter (B) decision (C) trouble (D) faultmatter n. 事情 decision n. 決定 trouble n

18、. 麻煩 fault n. 過錯司機回答:.這不全然是你的錯,今天是我第一天開計程車,過去二十五年來我都是開殯葬車。(他以為後面載的還是死人,居然會拍他的肩膀。)第16至20題為題組Today, with a couple of clicks, you can go anywhere in the world without leaving your computer. So it should come as little 16 that the Internet has headlined the top 25 innovations of the past quarter century

19、, according to a panel of technology leaders assembled to promote inventiveness. In creating the list, the group 17 twenty-five non-medically related technological innovations that have become widely used since 1980. These innovations are readily recognizable by most Americans, have had a direct imp

20、act on our everyday lives, and may also dramatically affect our lives 18 . The top innovation, the Web, was created by British software consultant Tim Berners-Lee. 19 by the multitude of information systems requiring complicated access, Berners-Lee fashioned a universal one that made information rea

21、dily 20 . He created HTML (hypertext markup language) and its rule of usage (HTTP, hypertext transfer protocol). In 1991 he unveiled the World Wide Web. Today, this No. 1 invention has become so commonplace that it is almost taken for granted.1. click n. 喀答聲 2. headline vt. 給加標題 3. innovation n. 新事物

22、4. according to 根據 5. panel n. 專門小組 6. assemble vt. 召集 (此處為過去分詞assembled修飾a panel of technology leaders, 指他們被召集) 7. inventiveness n. 有創造力8. non-medically related 非醫學相關的 9. technological adj. 科技的10. readily adv. 很快地 11. recognizable adj. 可辨認的 12. have a direct impact on 對有直接的影響 13. dramatically adv.

23、戲劇性地 14. affect vt. 影響 15. software n. 電腦軟體 16. consultant n. 顧問 17. multitude n. 許多 18. require vt. 需要 (此處為現在分詞 requiring,由關係子句which required 簡化而來) 19. complicated adj. 複雜的 20. access n. (電腦)存取 21. fashion vt. 製作 22. universal adj. 通用的 23. hypertext n. (電腦)超文件 24. markup n. 置標(為傳遞有關文件的信息而加入到文件數據中的一

24、些正文) 25. usage n. 用法 26. transfer n. 傳送;轉移27. protocol n. 電腦之間通信與資料傳送所遵守的一組語法規則28. unveil vt. 揭去(神秘)的面罩 29. commonplace adj. 普通的 30. takefor granted 將視為理所當然16. (A) agreement (B) surprise (C) belief (D) concernagreement n. 同意 surprise n. 驚訝的事 belief n. 相信 concern n. 關心在此指網路囊括四分之一世紀以來前二十五大發明一點也不令人驚訝。1

25、7. (A) gives in (B) takes over (C) singles out (D) turns downgive in 屈服 take over 接管 single out 挑出 turn down 拒絕18. (A) for a moment (B) at that time (C) from then on (D) in the future for a moment 一下子 at that time 在那時候 from then on 從那時候起in the future 未來此指在未來可能會大大影響我們的生活。19. (A) Having frustrated (B)

26、 Frustrated (C) To be frustrated (D) Been frustratedfrustrate vt. 挫折。此為分詞構句的用法: Because he was frustrated by the multitude of . = Frustrated by the multitude.說明因為 Berners-Lee 受到大量需要複雜存取的資訊系統所苦,轉而設計出一套使資料可以立即取得的通用系統。20. (A) available (B) consistent (C) important (D) unforgettableavailable adj. 可取得的 c

27、onsistent adj. 一貫的 unforgettable adj. 難忘的第21至25題為題組The worlds largest collection of Khmer sculpture resides at Angkor, the former royal capital of Cambodia. The 7,000 piecesfull statues, heads and carved inscriptionsare breathtaking not only for their individual beauty, but also for 21 they represen

28、t: a road map to the origins of much of Southeast Asian culture. But the collection is not in a museum, and it is not open 22 visitors. It is held in unknown, guarded warehouses 23 only a few people can see it. These people assembled it by removing figures from the ruins of Cambodias world-famous te

29、mples and replacing them with hollow, concrete 24 . For the most part, these are hard to distinguish from the originals. Clever art thieves? No, these “art thieves” work for the Angkor Conservancy. 25 very large pieces too heavy to move, virtually all surviving Angkorian statues, wood carvings and a

30、rtifacts have been replaced with copies.1. collection n. 收藏 2. Khmer n. 高棉人 3. sculpture n. 雕塑品 4. reside vi. 居住 5. Angkor n. 吳哥窟(柬埔寨北部石造寺院的遺蹟)6. royal adj. 皇室的 7. capital n. 首都 8. Cambodia n. 柬埔寨9. statue n. 雕像 10. carved adj. 雕刻的 11. inscription n. 刻印文字 12. breathtaking adj. 令人驚歎的 13. not onlybut also 不僅而且14. represent vt. 象徵 15. origin n. 起源 16. culture n. 文化17. warehouse n. 倉庫 18. assemble vt. 收集 19. remove vt. 移走 20. ruins n. 遺跡

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