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1、 workers happy is important to us. Well, now that you mentioned it, there is one thing thatwould make my life a little easier. Yes? I havent had a raise in more than four years. And with inflation, its really getting tough to make ends meet. Four years you say? Hmm. Yes. And in that time, I have had

2、 at least three peiformance reviews that have all been excellent. You say Im doing a great job here, and I think my good work should be rewarded.2. Scanning for Background InformationExample:I arfi outraged. I have been to three different departments and each time Ivebeen told that I had to go elsew

3、here. I am not moving from this line until I getthis registration problem solved. EXERCISE Directions: Listen to the following speakers, and then circle the words that you feelmight be true about them.1. Oh, man, I knew he was going to spring one on us today. I had to worklast night and didnt have t

4、ime to hit the books. Now, Ive blown it.2. Im sorry. You finish? I can take away? More to drink? Thank you.3. Excuse me, I was wondering if I could get my money back. You see, I hadto drop this class last week because of a work conflict, so I wont beneeding it this semester. It was new when I got it

5、, and I havent put anymarks inside.4. Leslie: So then Alice said, What do you mean he has a baby? And Fred said, Hes got two kids; hes been married for five years! Well, Martha almost had a heart attack because he had said he was single and that he wanted to marry her!Librarian: Shh!Leslie: Oh, sorr

6、y. So anyway, Martha was so upset when she found out that he was already married, she started punching him! Can you imagine-Librarian Please! You must be more considerate of other people. There is no talking allowed in this room. People are trying to study. I think you should leave.5. Peter: I need

7、to get a TB test before I can start working. Can I get that done here? Receptionist: As long as you are currently enrolled and are carrying twelve or more units. Peter: Well, thats no problem. Im taking six classes this semester. Heres my student card. Good. I need you to fill out this form and that

8、 one. When youre done, give them back to me. Then have a seat over there, and the nurse will cal.,your name. Thank you very much. 3. Scanning for the Main IdeaE X E RC I S E Directions: Listen to the following conversation to find the main idea. What event are the two people talking about. In the bl

9、ank spaces, write down the main idea and any words that will help you. Tom: Where were you last night? I thought we were all going to meet down at Clanceys. It was awesome, and I won $50 in the pool. Eric: Youre not going to believe it. Out of the blue, my boss called to say that he had to leave tow

10、n for an emergency meeting and gave me his ticket. You mean you were actually there? Thats right. And get this-front row center! So you saw it when Kobe hit the three-pointer in the last second of the third quarter. The people at the bar went insane. I cant imagine what it must have been like at the

11、 arena. Oh man. People were jumping out of their seats and screaming. It felt like New Years Eve and the Fourth of July combined. It was the best game Ive ever seen in my life. Torn:re not kidding. When Shaq stole the ball from Rose, and passed it to Kobe for the slam dunk, I couldnt believe it. The

12、y are as strong as football players but as graceful as ballet dancers. Yeah, and it doesnt hurt that theyre all seven feet tall. Man, if I had a couple of inches on me, I could have been an NBA star, too. Torn: A couple of inches? Dude, try a couple of feet! 4. Scanning for the Important PointsEX E

13、RC I S E Directions: Listen to the speaker. When you hear the bell, circle the important point. Im standing in front of the Northeastern Womens Correctional Facility. This is a high-security prison that houses 1500 women convicted of kidnapping, robbery, and murder. I must say that it is an extremel

14、y uninviting place. When I was given this assignment, I was somewhat apprehensive, and I can honestly say that I am still quite frightened as I approach the main gate. My knees are a little wobbly, and my stomach is full of butterflies. Bell Sound I am now walking down Cell Block A. Each cell is app

15、roximately ten feet by eight and contains four small beds with thin blankets, no pillows or sheets, a metal sink, and an open toilet. Each tiny cell is the home for four women. The walls have numerous cracks and layers of paint chipping, and look as though they have not been painted in decades. Ther

16、e seems to be little fresh air or sunlight. The women all look sad and bored. Walking down the block, the strong smell of disinfectant is almost overpowering. This is definitely not the kind of place someone would want to be sent to. Now I am in the prison cafeteria. While I have been instructed not

17、 to speak with any of the prisoners, I am allowed to observe them while they are eating. The cafeteria has ten long tables with twenty women seated around each one on low uncomfortable-looking wooden benches. The menu for lunch today includes the following: a scoop of gray, lumpy mashed potatoes, a

18、small piece of overcooked chicken, and a hunk of stale-looking bread. Fresh fruit and vegetables are nowhere to be seen. Needless to say, there is no salt, pepper, or other condiments available to the women, and they are not permitted to use knives or forks. Water is the only beverage available. It

19、is safe to say that the focal being served is not healthy, and I wonder how these women are able to maintain their strength and health. 5. Inferencing (Making Intelligent Guesses)EXERCISE Directions: Listen to the following conversation. Then, read the statements and decide if each one is True or False. Finally, discuss with your teacher how you used Inferencing to decide. Don: Hello. Kathy: Hello. Is this Don? Don: Yes, it is. Hi Don. This is Kathy fr(m your biology class. We talked during the lab the other day. Remember? Uh, urn. Yeah. Um. Oh, uh ye

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