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1、七年级英语(下)第一单元综合提优测评卷(时间:100分钟 满分:100分)一.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1.May I speak to Mr Green, please? A. Yes, I am. B. This is Mr Green speaking. C. Do you know him? D. Im speaking.2. How old is your sister? 一 . We had a special party for her birthday last Sunday. A. Nine; ninth B. Nine; nine C. Ninth; nine D.

2、Ninth; ninth3. is the capital of Russia. A. Bangkok B. Tokyo C. London D. Moscow4. I want to buy this pair of jeans. Can I ? A. try on them B. try them on C. try it on D. try on it5. You should keep in the reading room. A. quiet B. quite C. quietly D. quickly6. Bills computer is his bookshelf. It is

3、 between the printer the bookshelf, A. next; and B. next to; beside C. next to; and D. beside; to7. My uncle bought a big house a small garden. A. of B. with C. have D. about8.When did you here? 一An hour ago. A. get B. reach C. arrive D. arrive in9. Dont the window. Listen to me carefully. A. look o

4、ut B. look out of C. to look D. looks at10. There are about eight students in the newly built school. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of11. There are two pictures the wall of my room A. in B. on C. above D. behind12. Today we will learn . A. the ninth lesson B. the nineth lesson

5、 C. nine lesson D. the nine lesson13.Shall we go for a picnic in the park this Saturday? Oh, that good. A. feels B. looks C. tastes D. sounds14. She is child in her family of five. A. the fifth B. a second C. the second D. a first15.Would you like to visit Taiwan? .A. Yes, Id love B. No, Id like toC

6、. Yes, Id love to D. Yes, Id like not二.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) Autumn is a 12-year-old American girlThis is a school 1 in Logen Middle SchoolIts Monday morningAutumn has Science at 7:30Its her 2 classIn the classroom,everystudent has a laptop(笔记本电脑)There are two 3 One gives the lessonThe other helps twodis

7、abled(残疾的)studentsThe class 4 at 8:30 The maths class is from 8:45 to 9:45Autumn goes to the next classroom to have itShe doesnt like MathsIts 5 for herBut the maths teacher wants her to learn it well From 10:00 to 11:00,Autumn has no class 6 needs to do some homeworkThe classroom teacher helps her

8、with itAfter that,she is 7 She can play games on the playground 8 is from 12:00 to 1:00She has it at schoolThe food is healthy and she 9 it In the afternoon,she has Art and MusicAt 3:00,classes are overShe plays tennis with her friends 10 an hourAt 4:00,she goes home( )1Aday Bweek Cmonth Dyear( )2An

9、ext Bfirst C1ast Dmiddle( )3Astudents Bfriends Cteachers Dparents( )4Ashows Bworks Ccomes Dfinishes( )5Acool Beasy Cdifficult Dinteresting( )6Aand Bor Cso Dbut( )7Anice Bsmall Cfree Dbusy( )8ABreakfast BLunch CDinner DClass( )9A1ikes Bfinds Cknows Ddraws( )10Aat Bin Cof Dfor三.阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)A Most

10、people in America live in small family groups. More than a quarter of homes in America have only got one person in them. Some of these are old people but some are people of twenty or thirty years old who would like to live alone. 35% of homes have two people in them, and another 17% have three peopl

11、e, 15% have four people in them, and the other homes have five or more. The families in America are small. It is unusual for parents to have more than two children. When children are about eighteen or nineteen years old, they leave their parents homes, and they often go to different cities. Sometime

12、s they only visit their parents two or three times a year.1. How many homes in America have 3 people living in them? A. 17% B. 15% C. 35% D. 5%2. At what age do children in America usually go away from their parents homes? A. About 30 or 31. B. About 20 or 21. C. About 17 or less. D. About 18 or 19.

13、3. What is the passage ? A. A traveling story. B. A report. C. An invention. D. A joke.4. What does the passage mainly tell use ? A. Families in America. B. Young people in America. C. Old people in America. D. The American population.5. According to(根据)the passage, which of the diagrams(图表)is right

14、?BDear God, I am a boy. I live in a poor village. My parents used to be farmers, but now they are working in a big city. They want to build a new house. Our old house is leaking. It becomes wet after a heavy rain. I think our new house must look clean and smart. I dont mind if it is big or small. It

15、 is not in the centre of the city or near the sea. It lies in a peaceful valley. There are flowersand grass around the house. My father can ride his horse to look after his sheep; my mother can milk her cows. My brothers cat is lying in the sun while I am reading under the tree. How beautiful! Our n

16、ew house has the three bedrooms. There is a bedroom for my mother and father, one for me and one for my brother. There is a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. There is a small balcony in the front of the house, and an armchair stands there quietly. There are some plants on the balcony, too. My f

17、amily will be very happy in it. God, tell me, can my dream come true? What should I do for that?Sincerely yours, Amos6. What does the underlined word leaking mean in Chinese? A.敞亮的 B.昏暗的 C.漏水的 D.寒冷的7. How many people are there in Amos family? A. Five B. Two C. Three D. Four8. There are rooms in Amos

18、 dream home. A. four B. five C. six D. seven9. What does the underlined word it refer to(所指)? A. Amos new house. B. Amos old house. C. The city centre. D. The sea.10. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Amos lives in a poor village. B. Amos wants to have a big house. C. Amos parents are working i

19、n a big city. D. There is a balcony in front of Amos dream home.CDear Jane,Good news! We have a new flat! How happy I am! There are more rooms here than in our old flat. My father says we will buy a garage(车库). He has no place to park his car now. Im very happy, because I have my own bedroom. I also

20、 have my own study now. In the old flat, I shared one with my parents. The study is my favourite place in our flat. I can read, draw, listen to the radio and CDs there. I can also play computer games and send e-mails to my friends there. I like the kitchen too. I love helping my mother cook meals. S

21、he often teaches me to cook different kinds of traditional foods. She was born in Sichuan, and she can cook much Sichuan food. Its very hot, but its very delicious! Write soon and tell me something about your home. Anna11. What does Anna mainly(主要)tell Jane about in her e-mail? A. Anna tells Jane so

22、mething about her new flat. B. Anna says she will live with her family in her new flat. C. Anna says she likes her bedroom. D. Annas mother is cooking food now.12. Whats the difference(差别)between Annas old flat and her new flat?A. The rooms in the new flat are all big.B. Anna shares a study with her

23、 parents in their new flat.C. There are more rooms in the new flat.D. They have a garage now.13. Why is Anna very happy in their new flat? A. Because they will buy a garage. B. Because she likes the kitchen. C. Because she has her own bathroom. D. Because she has her own rooms.14. Which room is Anna

24、s favourite? A. The living room. B. Her study. C. The kitchen. D. Her bedroom.15. What does Anna often do in the kitchen? A. She helps her mother cook meals. B. She helps her mother wash the dishes. C. She eats some Sichuan food. D. She reads some books about Sichuan food.四.词汇运用(每小题1分,共10分)A.根据句意,用括

25、号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Some of my friends are chatting with each other in the ( live) room.2. Lily is the (three) student to finish the homework.3. Theres a ( Russia) boy in our class.4. Mother often washes clothes with the ( wash) machine.5. We come from different (country).B.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。6. Linda lives

26、 in a flat with a (花园)in front of it.7. How many (英里)is it from here to your school?8. I want to lie on the (海滩)and enjoy the sunshine.9. There are about two (百万)people in this city.10. There are lots of wonderful (宫殿)in the world.五.翻译句子(每小题2分,共10分)1. Simon有属于自己的卧室。 2.北京是中国的首都。 3.我和妹妹同住在一个卧室。 4.我喜欢坐在阳台上,看外面的孩子和花园。

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