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1、 battery, it is said, could power an electric car for 600 miles on a single charge.据说“飞轮”电池充电一次就能驱动电动汽车行驶600英里。The planes are powered by Rolls Royce engines. 这些飞机由劳斯莱斯公司制造的发动机提供动力。Control1) 控制;掌管;管理He now controls the largest retail development empire in southern California.他现在掌管着加州南部最大的零售发展企业。Almos

2、t all of the countries in Latin America were controlled by dictators.当时几乎所有的拉丁美洲国家都由独裁者控制。Minebea ended up selling its controlling interest in both firms. 美蓓亚集团最后将其在两家公司的控股权都出售了。2)控制,操纵(设备、过程、系统等) .a computerized system to control the gates 控制大门的计算机系统Scientists would soon be able to manipulate human

3、 genes to control the ageing process. 科学家们很快将能通过操控人类基因来控制衰老过程。.the controlled production of energy from sugar by a cell在细胞的控制下将糖转化为能量的过程3)管制,限定,控制(价格、工资、活动等) The federal government tried to control rising health-care costs. 联邦政府试图控制日益高涨的医疗保健费用。.measures to control illegal mining控制非法采矿的措施4)控制;自制;克制Jo

4、 was advised to learn to control herself.乔得到的建议是要学会控制自己的情绪。I just couldnt control my temper. 我就是不能克制自己的脾气。34Ruin毁坏;摧毁;严重损害My wife was ruining her health through worry.忧虑严重损害了我妻子的健康。Entire villages have been washed away. Roads and bridges have been destroyed and crops ruined. 这些村庄全部都被冲走了。道路和桥梁都被破坏了,农

5、作物也全毁了。Destroy1) 毁坏;破坏;毁灭;摧毁Thats a sure recipe for destroying the economy and creating chaos.那样做肯定会破坏经济、制造混乱。No one was injured in the explosion, but the building was completely destroyed.没有人在爆炸中受伤,但大楼遭到了彻底毁坏。Even the most gifted can have confidence destroyed by the wrong instructor. 即使是最有天赋的人也可能会被

6、错误的导师摧毁自信。2) 毁掉的生活;使垮掉If I was younger or more naive, the criticism would have destroyed me. 如果我再年轻一些,或是再单纯一些,那些批评可能就会把我给毁了。3) 杀死,消灭(生病或具危险性的动物)Lindsay was unhurt but the horse had to be destroyed. 林赛没有受伤,但那匹马却不得不被毁灭。destroy 强调以具有摧毁或杀伤性的力量把某物彻底毁掉。ruin 亦指彻底毁掉,但不含有以某种摧毁性的力量进行破坏,而含有在一定的过程中逐渐毁掉的意思。36Get

7、 away with 侥幸成功,逃脱处罚The criminals know how to play the system and get away with it.这些罪犯知道如何钻体制的空子以逃脱惩罚。This is one of the few jobs you can do and get away with being completely drunk. 这是你能干的为数不多的几份工作之一,喝得烂醉如泥也没人管。Get rid of除掉,去掉He latched onto us and we couldnt get rid of him.他缠着我们,甩也甩不掉。How to get

8、rid of these things is a big problem.如何清除这些东西是个大问题。Get done with做完,结束He managed to get the work done with very little help.他在几乎没有帮助的情况下设法完成了工作。Get done with the work!把这件工作做完吧!37Prosecute起诉;控告;检举The police have decided not to prosecute because the evidence is not strong enough.由于证据不足,警方已决定不起诉。Photogr

9、aphs taken by roadside cameras will soon be enough to prosecute drivers for speeding.路边电子眼拍下的照片很快将足以起诉超速的司机。He is being prosecuted for two criminal offences. 他因两项刑事罪名受到起诉。accuse1) 指责;责难He accused his boss of having broken his word. 他指责老板不守信。Talk things through in stages. Do not accuse or apportion b

10、lame. 把事情按部就班地讲清楚。不要责难或归罪于人。2) 指控;控告Her assistant was accused of theft and fraud by the police.她的助手被警方指控犯有盗窃和欺诈罪。All seven charges accused him of lying in his testimony.七项罪名都指控他作伪证。The accused men have been given relatively light sentences. 被控告的这些男子受到相对较轻的判决。Scold训斥;责骂If he finds out, hell scold me.

11、如果他知道了,肯定会责骂我的。Later she scolded her daughter for having talked to her father like that.后来她训斥女儿不应该那样对父亲说话。ClaimVERB 1) 声称;断言He claimed that it was all a conspiracy against him.他声称这一切都是一场针对他的阴谋。I had never received one single complaint against me, claimed the humiliated doctor.“从来没有人投诉过我,”感到受辱的那名医生宣称

12、。2) 索取,索要(有权拥有的东西) Now they are returning to claim what was theirs. 如今他们回来索取本属于他们的东西。38Apart from除此之外Apart from some spelling mistakes, the composition is fairly good.除了一些拼写错误,这篇文章写得很不错。I have nothing more to ask you about apart from these questions.除了这些问题,我没有别的要了解了。39scene1) 景象,场景,场面Its a scene of

13、complete devastation.那是一副满目疮痍的景象。You can just picture the scene, cant you?你完全能想象出那个画面,对吗?There were emotional scenes as the refugees enjoyed their first breath of freedom.当难民们呼吸到第一口自由的空气时,有许多感人至深的场面。Television broadcasters were warned to exercise caution over depicting scenes of violence.电视台受到警告,要求对

14、暴力场面的描绘采取谨慎态度。It was a bizarre scene. 那是怪诞的一幕。2) (事情发生的)地点,现场The area has been the scene of fierce fighting for three months.这一地区 3 个月以来不断发生激战。.traces left at the scene of a crime. 犯罪现场留下的痕迹Fire and police crews rushed to the scene, but the couple were already dead.消防队员和警察匆匆赶往现场,但这对夫妻已经丧命。43announce

15、宣布;宣告;公布 He will announce tonight that he is resigning from office.他将于今晚宣布辞职。She was planning to announce her engagement to Peter.她正计划宣布她和彼得订婚一事。It was announced that the groups have agreed to a ceasefire. 据宣告称这些组织已经同意停火。Pronounce宣布Pronounce judgment on the issue宣布对这一问题的判决The doctor pronounced that

16、he was recovering nicely. 医生宣称他正在顺利康复。pronounce:词义与announce接近,但较多用于指法律判决方面的宣布。announce, declare都含有一定的宣布之意:announce 指对公众或特定的一群关心的人进行宣布,常指大家感兴趣的事,如国家大事、商品信息、生死病婚、开会等新闻;declare 指在庄严场合,官方权威人士公开郑重宣布,有时指在公共场合对某事表明态度。Declare1)宣布;宣告 If you declare something, you state officially and formally that it exists

17、or is the case.The government is ready to declare a permanent ceasefire.政府准备宣布永久性停火。The U.N. has declared it to be a safe zone.联合国已宣布它为安全区。2)宣称,声称(为事实);表明(态度、意图等) If you declare that something is true, you say that it is true in a firm, deliberate way. You can also declare an attitude or intention.S

18、peaking outside Ten Downing Street, she declared that she would fight on.她在英国首相官邸外发表讲话时宣称她将继续斗争下去。Im absolutely thrilled to have done what Ive done, he declared.他宣称道:“我为自己的所作所为感到兴奋不已。”Glasses of Madeira wine were brought to us. We declared it delicious.端来了几杯马德拉白葡萄酒,我们一致认为它的味道好极了。46Eventually1) 最终;终于

19、Eventually, the army caught up with him in Latvia.最终,大部队在拉脱维亚赶上了他。The flight eventually got away six hours late. 那个航班推迟了6个小时后终于起飞。2) 最后;结果Eventually your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult.最后,你的孩子会离开家,作为一个完全独立的成年人过她自己的生活。She sees the bar as a starting point and e

20、ventually plans to run her own chain of country inns. 她把那间酒吧当作一个起点,最终计划是经营自己的乡村旅馆连锁店。Lastly1)(几项中)最后一点Lastly, I would like to ask about your future plans.最后,我想问一下你未来的计划。2)(一系列动作或事件中)最后They wash their hands, arms and faces, and lastly, they wash their feet. 他们洗了手、胳膊和脸,最后脚也洗了。47Squeeze1) (通常指用手)挤压,捏He

21、 squeezed her arm reassuringly.他安慰地捏了捏她的胳膊。Dip the bread briefly in water, then squeeze it dry. 将面包在水里快速蘸一下,然后将它挤干。2) 压榨,挤出(液体或软的东西) Joe put the plug in the sink and squeezed some detergent over the dishes. 乔用塞子塞住水槽,往盘子上挤了点洗涤剂。.freshly squeezed lemon juice新榨的柠檬汁3) 挤过;挤进;塞进They lowered him gradually

22、into the cockpit. Somehow they squeezed him in the tight space, and strapped him in.他们将他慢慢向下放入驾驶舱,设法将他塞进了狭小的空间,并给他系好安全带。Many break-ins are carried out by youngsters who can squeeze through tiny windows. 很多入室盗窃案都是年轻人干的,他们可以从狭小的窗口钻进去。4) (通过劝说)榨取,获取The investigators complained about the difficulties of

23、 squeezing information out of residents.调查人员抱怨说很难从居民身上获取信息。The company intends to squeeze further savings from its suppliers. 公司试图从供货商那里再省下一笔费用。Press1) 压;按;挤;推He pressed his back against the door.他后背紧紧靠在门上。They pressed the silver knife into the cake. 他们拿银制餐刀切入蛋糕。2) 按(按钮或开关)Drago pressed a button and

24、 the door closed.德拉戈按了一个按钮,然后门就关上了。There was no-one at the reception desk, so he pressed a bell for service. 接待处一个人也没有,于是他按了服务铃。3) 催促;敦促;竭力劝说Trade unions are pressing him to stand firm. 各工会正在竭力劝说他坚定立场。Mr King seems certain to be pressed for further details.看来人们一定会竭力要求金先生提供进一步的细节。4) 坚持;强调The protest

25、campaign has used mass strikes and demonstrations to press its demands.抗议活动通过大规模罢工和示威游行来向当局提出诉求。His officials have visited Washington to press their case for economic aid. 他的官员们已经访问了华盛顿,竭力要求得到经济援助。5) 困扰;严重影响The weight of irrational guilt pressed on her.无端的负罪感压得她喘不过气来。Right now, Ive got other problem

26、s that are pressing on me. 现在又有其他一些问题困扰着我。6) 硬给;强加于All I had was money, which I pressed on her reluctant mother.我就只有钱了,她母亲虽然不愿接受,我还是硬塞给了她。Food and cigarettes were pressed on him. 别人硬塞给他一些食品和香烟。7) 榨取,压榨,挤压(水果或蔬菜)The grapes are hand-picked and pressed.这些葡萄是精心挑选用来榨汁的。I pressed the juice of half a lemon

27、 into a glass of water. 我用手将半个柠檬的汁挤入一杯水中。48Approve1) 赞成;同意Not everyone approves of the festival.不是所有人都赞成庆祝该节日。I approved of the proposal. 我赞成该提案。2) 批准;认可;通过The Russian Parliament has approved a program of radical economic reforms.俄罗斯议会已经通过一项重大经济改革方案。MPs approved the Bill by a majority of 97. 议员们以97票

28、的多数票通过了该议案。Reprove谴责;责备;斥责Theres no call for talk like that, Mrs. Evans reproved him.“没有必要说那种话,”埃文斯夫人斥责他道。Women were reproved if they did not wear hats in court. 女性如果在法庭不戴帽子,就会受到谴责。disprove证明有误;证明有假The statistics to prove or disprove his hypothesis will take years to collect. 收集数据来证明他的假设是否成立要花上数年的时间

29、。50RoughlyGambling and tourism pay roughly half the entire state budget.博彩业和旅游业支撑着整个国家约一半的财政预算。The Ukraine is roughly equal to France in size and population. 乌克兰的面积和人口与法国大致相当。51Despite prep.介词 尽管、虽然Despite a thorough investigation, no trace of Dr Southwell has been found.尽管进行了彻底的调查,还是没有发现索思韦尔博士的任何踪迹。The National Health Service has visibly deterior

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