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1、22. help sb. (to) do 帮助某人做某事 23. start doing sth. 开始做某事start to do sth. 开始做某事24. take a holiday 度假 25. on the one hand, on the other hand 一方面,另一方面 26. three quarters 四分之三 27. wake up 醒来28. all the year round 一年到头,终年29. take a ride 兜风II. 重要句型1.Have you ever been to an amusement park? 2.You wont have

2、any problem finding rice, noodles, dumplings.3.It might seem strange to go to a zoo when its dark.III. 交际用语 1. Have you ever been to an amusement park? 你曾经去过游乐厂游乐场吗?Yes, I have. I went there last year. 是的,我去年去的哪儿。No,I havent. 不, 我没去过。No, I never had been to an amusement park. 不,我从来没去过。2. Ive never b

3、een to a water park. 我从来没去过水上公园。Me neither. 我也没去过。IV. 重要语法 The Present Perfect tense I(现在完成时)【课文解析】1. Me neither. 我也没去过。(1)英语中表示后者与前者情形相同,“也不”时,常用neither引起的倒装句Neither+助动词/系动词be/情态动词+主语。如:因Einstein was famous for his Theory of Relativity爱因斯坦以他的相对论而闻名。Sanya is famous for Tianya Haijiao.三亚以其天涯海角而驰名。The

4、 village is famous for its green tea这个村庄以绿茶而出名。be famous as以身份出名,for后一般接表示职业的名词。The village is famous as a green tea producing place这个村庄是产绿茶的地方。HanHong is famous as a pop singer.韩红以流行歌曲而闻名。be famous to 对某人来说是著名的,to后常接人。The Summer Palace is famous to the people in China.颐和园在中国人心中很著名。The pop singer is

5、 famous to the young people.流行歌曲对那些年轻人来说是闻名的。3. Perhaps we have ever seen them in movies. 也许我们在电影中见过他们。perhaps adv.或者,也许,有可能。该次在句中的位置不同,其意思与语气也不同,请看下列例句:He means to go tomorrow.他打算明天去。He meant no harm; he only meant to help.他没有恶意,仅想帮忙。(3)有意义,有价值,常和much, little等连用。His work means o lot of him. 他的工作对他意

6、义很大。It doesnt mean a thing to her that we are all waiting because shes late.因为他迟到我们都在等他,可他却认为这不是什么大不了的事。6. You won你回毫不费力地找到米饭、面条、水饺。have problems (in) doing 这一结构表示“做谋事很费劲”。介词in指某一方面,在句中可省略,后面接动词+ing形式。problem是可数名词,在句型中作“困难、麻烦”解,这里problems还可以用difficulty或trouble代替,但这两个词在句型中作不可数名词用。We had some problems

7、 getting to the top of mountain.到达山顶我们费了很大劲。I didnt have any problems finding my uncles house.我毫不费力地找到我叔叔家。He had some problems working out the problem.他解这道题很费劲。注意:这一句型的否定句还可改成do something without any problems/difficulty/trouble句型。He didnt have any problems finding my house.=He founding house withou

8、t any difficulty/trouble.他毫不费力地找到了我的家。7. It might seem strange to go to a zoo when its dark.天黑时去动物园好像很奇怪。seem在此为“好像、似乎”之意,其后加形容次。He seems unhappy today.他今天好像不高兴。She seems sad.她似乎很伤心。它的常用句型如下:1)seem +(to be) +n.They seem (to be)doctors.他们好像是医生。He seems a students.他们好像是学生。2) seem +(to be) +介词It seems

9、like years since I last saw Mr Green.从上次遇到格林先生,好像与过了许多年。3) seem to do something.He seems to be happy. 他好像很高兴My mother seemed to know that. 我妈妈好像知道那件事。4) It seem that +It seems that he is happy.=He seems (to be) happy 他好像很快乐It seems that she is thinking.=It seemed that she was sleeping then.他好像在考虑什么。

10、语法知识A.语法:The Present Perfect tense I(现在完成时)1、构成have (has)+V.P.P动词过去分词(past participle)2、用法1)表示过去发生的动作,并对现在有影响。常于already, yet, just, ever, never before等表示不确定时间的状语连用。也可以和包括现在在内的时间状语如:this morning, today, this year,.等连用。例如:I have just posted a letter. The concert has already started. They havent finish

11、ed the work yet. It has been hot this summer.2)表示过去已经开始,持续到现在(也许还会继续下去)的动作或状态,如:today, these days, since.for., now等连用He has worked here for ten years. We have known each other since we were children. They have been in Beijing since 1990. I havent seen him these days.注意:现在完成时和表示段时间的状语连用是,动词必须是可延续的,不能

12、用表示短暂意义的动词。She has come back here since a week ago.(wrong) She has been back here since a week ago.(right) I have bought the dictionary for two months.(wrong) I have had the dictionary for two months.(right)与段时间连用时,常用动词的变化如下:come-be go-be buy-have borrow-keep begin-be on leave-be away(from) get up-b

13、e up die-be dead fall ill-be ill arrive- be become-be join-be a member of./be in. get to know-know3) have been(to)指“到过某地”,说话时此人已不在那里(not be here)或已回来(be back), 侧重指经历。have gone (to)指“已经去了某地”,说话时此人可能在路上,(be on the way,或已在那里,be there),反正不在这里(be not here)。4)The sample past tense and the present perfect

14、tense 一般过去时与现在完成时 现在完成时表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响和结果,强调的是现在的情况。他不能和表示过去的时间状语连用。而一般过去时只表示过去的动作和状态,和现在不发生关系,常和表示过去的时间状语连用。【典型例题解析】例1.Wheres your English teacher? She_ Beijing for a meeting. Shell come back in a week. A. went to B. has been to C. has gone to解析 由问句可知老师不在说话现场,由答句可知她去北京了,并进一步说明她在一周后回来,所 以用短语has go

15、ne to 某人去了某地。答案 C例2.Tony, _ you_ smoking? Yes. Drinking tea is my favorite now. A. will stop B. did stop C. would stop D. have stopped解析 由答语“现在喝茶是我最喜欢的”可知上句是在问“你已经戒烟了吗?”应用现在完成时态。答案 D例3.Linda _ the space museum after school yesterday. A. has been to B. was going to C. went to D. has gone to 正解 C 错因分析

16、 此题主要考察现在完成时态与一般过去时态的区别。根据句中的时间状语yesterday可以判断出用一般过去时。例3(2008年毕节)_ Peter _ John may go with us because one of them must stay at home.A. Both; and B. Not only; but also C. Either; or D. Neither; nor【析】本题考查并列连词的用法。both.and.意思是:两者都,not only, but also意思是:不但,而且,either.or意思是:或者或者,neither.Nor意思是:既不,也不。从句意来

17、看,二者去一个,很显然,C项符合题目的意思。单元测试题 10How long has Mr Green lived in Xian?Hes lived here _ 1990Afor Bsince Cby Dof11Sorry,Mr Chen,My father cant come to the parents meetingHe _ ShanghaiAgoes to Bhas been to Chas gone to Dwent to12_ to Ottawa?NO,neverBut I went to Washington DCa few months agoAHave you been

18、BHave you goneCDid you go DWill you go13Li Lei hasnt been to Macao and I havent_Aneither Beither Ctoo Dalso14Eve hasnt been to ParisI havent_Aalso Beither Ctoo Dalready15George borrowed a biology book from his friendHe _ it for a weekAhas borrowed Bhas lentChas kept Dlend16Where is Amy?She _ to Chin

19、aAhas been Bhas gone Chad been Dhad gone17As everyone knows,the way of farming has changed a lotOf courseAnd some other changes _ on farms in the last 100 yearsAhappened Bhave happenedChappen Dare happening18Is your brother a Party member?Yes,he _ the Party three years agoHe _ a Party member for thr

20、ee yearsAjoined;has been Bhas joined;has beenCwas joined;is Djoined;was19How time flies! Twenty years _ passedAhave Bhas Cis Dare20Who will go to the airport to meet Jerry?I willI _ her many timesI can find her easilyAmet Bhave met Chad met Dwill meet二、完形填空What do we know about the sea? We 1 that it

21、 looks very beautiful when the sun is shining 2 itWe also learn that it can be very terrible when there is a strong windWhat 3 things do we know about it?The first thing to remember is that the sea is very big 4 the map of the worldThere is 5 sea than landThe sea covers three quarters of the 6Some p

22、arts of the sea 7 very shallowBut some places are very deepThere is one place near JapanIt is nearly 11 kilometers deepThe 8 mountain in the world is about 9 kilometers highIf we put that mountain into the sea at that place,there would be9 kilometers of water above it!The sea is saltyThere is one se

23、a called the Dead SeaIt is very saltyIt is 10 salty that swimmers cannot sink! Fish cannot live in the Dead Sea1Aknow Bsay Chope Dwish2Ain Bat Con Dover3Aanother Bother Cthe other Dothers4ALook after BSee CWatch DLook at5Asmaller Bfewer Cmore Dless6Aland Bworld Cwater Dmountain7Aare Bis Chas been Dw

24、ere8Alongest Boldest Ctallest Dhighs9A20 B2 C11 D910Amuch Btoo Cso Dvery三、阅读理解AOver thirty thousand years ago people from northern Asia (亚洲北部) went to AmericaToday,we call these people Indians (印第安人)The Indians went to America because the weather began to changeNorthern Asia became very coldEverythi

25、ng frozeThey had to move or dieHow did the first Indians go to America? They walked!Later Columbus found the New World in 1492At first,only a few Europeans followedThey traveled to America in boatsFor the next three hundred years,about 500 000 people went there. Then the number grew very quicklyFrom

26、 1815 to 1915over thirty-two million Europeans left their countries and went to the United StatesThe biggest groups were from Germany and Italy(意大利) These Europeans spoke many different languages Most of them took almost no moneyThey went to America so that they could find a better life1_ went to Am

27、erica firstAPeople from northern Asia BPeople from EuropeCPeople from Germany DColumbus2Why did the Indians go to America? Because _Anorthern Asia became very hot Bnorthern Asia became very coldCthey were interested in America Dthey liked traveling3The New World was_AItaly Bnorthern Asia CGermany DAmerica4The first Europeans went to America _Aby ship Bby bike Cby boat Dby train5These Europeans _Adidnt speak the same language Bspoke English onlyCspoke German only Dspoke both English and G

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