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1、Bad luck B. I hope so C. Sounds terrible D. Im afraid so7Nice to meet you_(2019广西北部湾)AIm fine BNo problem CI dont agree DNice to meet you too8Would you like to go to the movie with me tonight? See you then(2019广西贵港)ANo problem BIm not free CYes, please DIm not sure9 Jesse, I really love your Chinese

2、 handwriting. (2019 贵州毕节)A.Thank you B. Dont say thatC. I dont think so D. You are welcome10Jesse,l really love your Chinese handwriting(2019 贵州 黔南州) AThank you BDont say that t think so DYou are welcome11Excuse me,_?Its June 26th.2019(2019 海南)Awhat is the date Bwhose is the bike Chow is the weather

3、12.- We are going to invite foreign friends to take part in the celebration of the 70th anniversary of China. (2019黑龙江大庆)-_!A.Thats amazing B.Thats all right C.Good luck D.Enjoy yourself13.-Its nearly lunch time.How about having some noodles and dumplings? (2019湖北黄石)-_A.Youre welcome B.Thats all rig

4、htC. Thats nice of you D. That sounds good14. The game is too hard for me. I will ctertainly lose. _. You should never say no before you try. (2019湖北黄冈) A. Forget it! B. Come on! C. Im sorry. D. Pardon me?15.Mum,I failed the exam again.(2019湖北武汉)._Im sorry, too B.Not at all C. Hard to say D. Dont wo

5、rry16.May I help you, young lady? (2019湖北武汉)._A.Good for youB. Well done C.Yes, please D. Take it easy17. Please mind your head, sir. (2019湖北武汉)._A. It doesnt matter B. Thanks a lot C. Dont mention it D. Im afraid not18.I wont tell this to anyone, _?A. Agree B. Guess C. Hope D. Promise19. - I had a

6、good time in the study trip last week. (2019 湖北孝感) A. With pleasure. B. Thank you. C. OK! D. Im glad to hear that.20.You dont look well. Whats the mutter with you? (2019湖南岳阳)_.A. I won the game B. Maybe I have a fever C. Thats too bad21. - How would you like your coffee? (2019江苏常州) -_. A. I like it

7、very much. B. With some milk, please.C. No thanks. D. Yes, it smells good.22. -I dont know what to say at the interview. -_. Just be polite and answer honestly. (2019江苏省连云港) A. Dont mention it B. Its a pleasure23. Why not hold a Chinese Poetry Competition to welcome our motherlands 70th birthday? (2

8、019南通江苏) . Lets make a plan together in our group. A. Thats all right B. Yes, please C. Good idea D. Never mind24. -Simon, where do you want to eat? (2019江苏苏州) -_. I eat anything. A. I dont mind B. My Pleasure C. Good idea D. Certainly not25. Would you like to go to Shanghai Disneyland with me in Ju

9、ly? (2019江苏宿迁) -_. A. Yes, Id like to. B. It doesnt matter. C. Have a good time! D. Youre welcome.26. Dad, its difficult for me to clean the whole yard on my own. (2019江苏宿迁) -Why not ask your brother for help? _ A. No pain, no gain B. Every dog has its day C. The early bird catches the worm D. many

10、hands make light work27. -Sorry, Mrs Smith. I am late.-_. Please go to your seat. (2019江苏泰州)A. All right B. With pleasure C. Thats OK D. Youre welcome28. I have spent several nights preparing for the coming exam. -Its bad for you to stay up too late. As the saying goes, _.(2019江苏泰州) A. You are never

11、 too old to learn. B. Actions speak louder than words.C. You cant burn the candle at both ends. D. You cant put all your eggs in one basket.29. Why cant you trust me? Not everything you heard is true? - Maybe not. But _.(2019江苏无锡) A. out of sight, out of mind B. there is no smoke without fire C. a m

12、iss is as good as a mile D. actions speak louder than words30. The actor says hell celebrate his 28th birthday next week. His fans - _. That cant be right. Im pretty sure he was born in 1985. (2019江苏无锡) A. No kidding B. Sure he will C. Never mind D. Wait a minute31. I always feel nervous the night b

13、efore the English test. -_. I am sure you can make it. (2019山东滨州) A. Take it easy. B. Good idea. C. It sounds cool. D. Im glad to hear that.32. WeChat makes communication much easier. - _ We can in touch with each other anytime and anywhere. (2019江苏盐城) A. With pleasure. B. I cant agree more. C. What

14、 a shame! D. Dont mention it.33. _ means If lots of people share the work, it will make a job easier to complete. (2019江苏盐城) A. Burn the candle at both ends. B. Every dog has its day. C. Many hands make light work. D. A friend in need is a friend indeed.34. All of Audrey Hepburns films are wonderful

15、. (2019江苏扬州) _. Especially Roman Holiday. A. I can agree more B. Thats not the case C. Thats not the point D. Dont mention it35. I will take part in an English writing competition this Sunday. I feel nervous。(2019云南昆明)_!What a pity. B.Look out C. Congratulations D. Take it easy36. Amy, your pronunci

16、ation is so beautiful now. How do you make it? Thanks. Just as the saying goes,”_.” (2019江苏扬州) A. Each dog has its day B. Many hands make light work C. Practice makes perfect D. The grass is always greener on the other side37. -My computer has caught a virus and it has gone wrong. (2019江苏镇江) -_A. Im

17、 sorry to hear that. B. Dont mention it.C. It doesnt matter. D. Im sure it can work.38. - _?(2019辽宁抚顺) - I need some music CDs.A. Whats wrong B. Can I help youC. How much are the CDs D. Are you all right39.I am afraid Im too tired to walk on. (2019辽宁本溪)_. I believe you can do it.A. Thats for sure B.

18、 I hope so. C. Come on D. All right40Thefootballfanscheered_theyheardtheexcitingnews(2019辽宁省葫芦岛)AeventhoughBinorderthatCassoonasDaslong41-MyparentswilltakemetoShanghaiDisneylandthissummerholiday-_(2019辽宁省葫芦岛)AGoodluckyouBItsagoodideaCBestwishesDHavetime42.Would you like to wateh a movie with me afte

19、r the exam? (2019辽宁铁岭)_.A.It doesnt matter B.YouC.Yes,Id love to D.Enjoy yourself43. Will you do any cleaning in the park this Sunday? (2019呼和浩特) _! I do so every Sunday.A. Nice work B. No shouting C. You bet D. In with a chance44Mom, I spent a whole night preparing for the examMy God_dont stay up t

20、oo late, or you ll be tired out(2019年四川省达州)AYou cant put your eggs in one basket BThe grass is always greener on the other side CYou cant burn the candle at both ends DDo as Romans do when in Rom45. Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon? (2019四川广元)_. I must look after my grandmother. A. Sor

21、ry, I cant B. Yes, Id love to C. Lets go46. Could you please help me wash the car, Tony? (2019四川眉山) . Im studying for my coming English test now.A. Thats right B. Im sorry C. It doesnt matter D. Not at all47. Shall we go to the supermarket after school? I need to buy something. ( 2019四川内江) _Lets mee

22、t at the school gate at 5:00 p.m.A. It doesnt matter B. Are you OK?C. Why not? D. Thats all right.48. -Susan, would you like another cake? (2019四川南充) -_. Im full. A. Yes, please B. My pleasure C. No, thanks D. Not at all49.Gina, could you please play the drums on the art festival?_.I can only play the guitar. (2019云南昆明)A.Im afraid I cantB.Yes. I canC.Sure. Id love toD.Not bad答案:1.CCBAD 6.BDAAA 11.AADBD 16.CBDAB 21.BCCAA 26.BCCBA31.ABCAD 36.CABCC 41.DCXCA 46.BDCA

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