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1、放松,休息15cough kf n. & v. 咳嗽16X-ray eksre n. X光,X射线17toothache tu:ek n. 牙痛18take ones temperature 量体温19headache hedek n. 头痛20have a fever 发烧21break brek n. & v. 休息,暂停;打破22take breaks(take a break) 休息23hurt h:t v. 伤害,损害,使受伤24passenger psnd n. 乘客,旅客25off f adv. prep. 离开(某处);从去掉26get off 下车27to ones surp

2、rise 使惊讶,出乎意料28onto nt prep. 向,朝29trouble trbl n. 麻烦,烦扰,问题30hit hit n. & v. 碰撞,打,打击31right away 立即,马上32get into 陷入,参与33herself h:self pron. 她自己,她本身34(she的反身代词)35bandage bndd n. & v. 绷带;用绷带包扎36sick sk adj. 患病的,不适的37knee ni: n. 膝盖38nosebleed nzbli:d n. 鼻出血39breathe bri: v. 呼吸40sunburned snb:nd adj. 晒伤

3、的41ourselves :selvz pron. 我们自己(we的反身代词)42climber klam(r) n. 登山者43be used to 习惯于 适应于44risk rsk n. & v. 风险,危险;冒险45take risks(take a risk) 冒险46accident ksidnt n. 意外事件;事故47situation sitjuein n. 状况,形式,情况48kg=kilogram klgrm n. 公斤,千克49rock rk n. 岩石50run out (of) 用尽,耗尽51knife naif n. 刀,餐刀52cut off 切除53blood

4、 bld n. 血54mean mi:n v. 意味着,意思是,意欲55get out of 离开,从 出来56importance mp:tns n. 重要性57decision dsn n. 决心,决定,抉择58control kntrl v. 控制,支配,操纵59be in control of 掌管,管理60spirit sprt n. 勇气,意志61death de n. 死亡62give up 放弃63nurse n:s n. 护士UNIT 264clean up 打扫(清除)干净65cheer ti v. 欢呼66cheer up 变得更高兴,振奋起来67give out 分发,

5、散发68volunteer vlnti n. & v. 志愿者;义务做69come up with 想出,提出70put off 推迟71sign san n. 标记,符号,标牌72notice nts n. & v. 通知,公告;注意到73hand out 分发74call up 打电话给某人,征召75used to 曾经,过去76lonely lnl adj. 孤独的,寂寞的77care for 照顾,非常喜欢78several sevrl prep. 几个,数个,一些79strong str adj. 强壮的,强烈的80feeling fi:l n. 感觉,感触81satisfactio

6、n stsfkn n. 满足,满意82joy d n. 高兴,愉快83owner n(r) n. 所有者,物主84try out 参加选拔,试用85journey d:n n. (尤指长途)旅行,行程86raise rez v. 抬起,举起,筹集,征集87alone lun adv. 独自地,孤独地88repair rip v. 修理,修补89fix fiks v. 修理,安装90fix up 修理,修补91give away 赠送,捐赠92take after (外貌或行为)像93broken brkn adj. 破损的,残缺的94wheel wi:l n. & v. 轮子,车轮;旋转95l

7、etter let n. 信件,字母96Miss ms n. 小姐97set up 建立,设立98disabled diseibld adj. 有残疾的,丧失能力的99make a difference 影响,有作用100blind bland adj. 盲的,盲目的,失明的101deaf def adj. 聋的102imagine mdn v. 想象,设想103difficulty dfklt n. 困难104open pn v. 打开105door d: n. 门106carry kr v. 携带,搬运107train tren v. 训练,培养108training tren n. 训练

8、,培训109excited ksatd adj. 激动的,兴奋的110kindness kandns n. 仁慈,善良,亲切,善意111clever klev adj. 聪明的,机灵的112understand ndstnd v. 懂,理解113change tend n. & v. 改变114interest ntrst n. & v. 感兴趣;兴趣115sir s:(r) n. 先生116madam mdm n. 夫人,女士习题训练模块一.单项填空1.Dad,what is the loudspeaker saying?It is to the .The flight to Wuhan i

9、s boarding now.A.customers B.passengers C.members D.tourists2.Nobody taught the old lady how to use WeChat.She learned it all by .A.she B.her C.herself D.hers3.Theyll succeed in working out the problem because they never .A.wake up B.give up C.look up D.make up4Your sister your mother very much.Many

10、 people regard them as sisters when they hang out together.A.cares for B.takes after C.helps out D.believes in5.My father to his workplace by bus,but now he there by bike.Really?You have an environmentally-friendly father.A.used to go;is used to goB.used to going; used to go;is used to

11、ed to go;6.I hope you will get better soon.A.I dont think so B.Youre right C.Youre welcome D.Thanks a lot7.To win the basketball game,Dave and other players spend four hours in the sports center every day.A.repairing C.opening D.change8. The clever boy can come up a lot of easy ways to so

12、lve the problem.A.out B.with D.away9.Did you read any of his books,Bill?Yes,.But I think theyre a little boring.A.few B.much C.little D.several二.完形填空Mr.Black was a wealthy businessman,but he was not10 with his life.He always tried his best to make more money for his company.He did not sleep wel

13、l and his food did not agree with him.The situation lasted for some time.Finally,after a number of sleepless nights,he 11 to see his doctor.The doctor advised a change of surroundings(环境).“Go abroad,” he said.“But Im not good at foreign languages,” said Mr.Black.“It doesnt matter,” said the doctor.“

14、It wont hurt you if you talk 12.Go on a trip.Take plenty of exercise.Try to 13 your weight.Avoid eating rich food.” Mr.Black went to Switzerland.He did not know French or German,and had to 14 himself through gestures (手势).He took part in a physical training course.The instructor (指导者) 15 him shake h

15、is head,swing his arms,stretch his neck and bend his knees.He had to lie on the ground and raise his right and left legs in turn.16 some time his muscles (肌肉) grew hard and firm.He almost put aside his financial (金融的) worries and 17 forgot the importance of making more money.He even began to 18 tree

16、s and birds.He ate and slept well.Finally he returned home.But unfortunately(不幸地) his 19 did not last long.Soon he was a normal businessman again,worried about his wealth,his savings,his success in a competitive society,and things in general.10.A.good B.interested C.satisfied D.bad11.A.decided B.ref

17、used C.suggested D.got12.A.too much B.a little less C.a little more D.much13.A.add B.increase C.lose B.say D.speak。15.A.forced B.asked C.made D.wanted16.A.While B.After C.Past D.Before17.A.nearly B.never C.not D.ever18.A.think B.avoid C.notice D.face19.A.worries B.improveme

18、nt C.friendship D.family三.阅读理解76-year-old Zhang Jiwen is nearly deaf,but he has two able hands and a strong desire to help others.Zhang grew up in a mountain village and now lives in Chongqing.In 2012,he heard that children in a mountain village had to go down dangerous slopes (斜坡) to go to school.H

19、e decided to help them.He paid for building materials and carried them up the mountain.After five years of hard work,he completed a safe mountain road several hundred meters long.He even added stone tables and chairs for people to rest,and a shed (棚) for children to take shelter from the rain.Workin

20、g on a mountain isnt safe,especially for someone with a hearing problem.One time,people shouted at him to watch out,but he couldnt hear them.A big rock fell on his leg,and his leg was broken.As soon as he could walk,he went back to work.Now Zhang Jiwen has started work on a second road that leads to

21、 a water spring.It is about 100 meters from the village,but the road is dangerous,especially after the rain,so he wants to make it safer.However,this is only the beginning of his road-building project.He has marked over 100 dangerous mountain roads on a map,and plans to improve as many as possible.2

22、0.What did Zhang Jiwen begin to do in 2012?A.To look after his wife.B.To plant trees in a mountain village.C.To build a safe mountain road.D.To build a school on top of a mountain.21.The underlined word “shelter” mean “ ” in Chinese.A.慰藉 B.温暖 C.遮蔽 D.帮助22.What happened when Zhang Jiwen was working on

23、 the mountain?A.He fell ill.B.A big rock fell on his leg.C.He lost his hearing.D.He fell down and hurt his knee.23.From the last paragraph we can learn that Zhang Jiwen .A.plans to have a good restB.has a road-building projectC.has built 100 mountain roadsD.starts to help villagers look for water24.

24、Which of the following best describes Zhang Jiwen?A.Old and healthy. B.Clever but lazy.C.Friendly and shy. D.Disabled but helpful.四.词汇25.It is very relaxing for me to (躺) on a soft sofa after a long time study.26.Its so hot here.Would you mind (打开) the windows for me?27.The machine is hard to (控制).T

25、here must be something wrong with it.28.The old man lives (独自地),but he doesnt feel lonely.29.Many (志愿者) often come to the countryside to help the poor.五.完成句子30.我们需要想一些新的办法使污水变干净。We need to with new ideas to make polluted water clean.31.老师告诉我们不要把今天的事情推迟到明天。The teacher tells us what we can do today ti

26、ll tomorrow.32.为了让医院里的孩子们振作起来,这位年轻的志愿者常去为他们唱歌。This young volunteer often sings for the children at the hospital to them .33.我的爷爷习惯喝绿茶。My grandpa drinking green tea.34.你必须快点干,我们快没时间了。You have to work faster.Were of time.六.任务型阅读Every year,more than nine million people all over the world come to visit

27、London.They go to the museums and theatres,and they look at interesting old buildings or have a drink in a park.A quick and easy way to get to different places in the city is to take an underground train.The London underground is one of the best and most widely used transport networks (网状组织) in the

28、world.The trains run all the day and most of the night.Youd better not take the underground between eight oclock and ten oclock in the morning,or four oclock and six oclock in the afternoon.地铁里边如此拥挤,你几乎无法移动,也找不到位子可坐。Londons famous red buses form a big part of getting around in London.Although the London underground is the fastest and the simplest way of getting around London,the buses play their par

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