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1、( )5、A. watchB. seeC. water( )6、A. seaB. EarthC. land( )7、A. filmB. sunC. moon( )8、A. SundayB. tomorrowC. Monday( )9、A. wantedB. danceC. watched( )10、A. legB. armC. body二、给短语选择相应的汉语意思(20分)( )1、plant treesA. 保持我们凉爽( )2、keep the air cleanB. 植树( )3、keep us coolC. 弹钢琴( )4、make the place beautifulD. 陆地和河

2、流( )5、play the pianoE. 单脚站立( )6、land and ri*erF. 太空博物馆( )7、Space MuseumG . 家庭郊游( )8、stand on one footH. 保持空气清新( )9、read a story aloudI. 画画( )10、paint a pictureJ. 大声读故事三、单项选择(20分)( )1、Trees can the air clean.A. makeC. keeps( )2、There are roads and cars.A. many and manyB. many and moreC. more and more

3、( )3、We should look them before they become big trees.A. onB. afterC. in( )4、We should more trees.A. plantB. plantsC. planting( )5、You can the sea and the land.A. seeingC. saw( )6、Last Sunday, peter and his mother to the Space Museum.A. wentB. goC. goes( )7、Our earth like this in space.A. lookB. loo

4、kingC. looks( )8、planting trees is good us.A. forB. toC. on( )9、Peter was *ery interested film .B. at( )10、I mo*e my hands the music.A.atB. withC.on( )11、(附加题)I enjoy trees.A.plantC.planting四、连词成句(20分)1、funistreesplanting_2、uscoolkeepcan3、shouldwemoreplant4、inthisspaceourlooksEarthlike5、watchedfilma

5、aboutearththethey_6、wantedtoAnnedance7、canyouwell*ery8、youmeteach?9、againdoagainletsit10、wenthelibrarylookforbookson五、短文,判断正误,相符写(T)不相符写(F)(10分)Yesterday ma brother went to cinema with me. The film was *ery exciting. We liked it *ery much. The film was about space. A man was talk about space. A man

6、talked about the film. We could see the Earth, the sun and the moon. The Earth goes round the sun. The moon goes round the Earth .We know something about space now.( )1、Yesterday we watched a film.( )2、The film was exciting.( )3、We did not like it.( )4、The film was about space.( )5、The moon goes rou

7、nd the sun.七、阅读理解(10)It was a *ery nice day yesterday, I went to west mountain with my classmates to plant trees. We were di*ided into se*eral groups and competed with each other. The group which planted the most trees would win a prize. Therefore e*ery one of the groups worked *ery hard. Some dug h

8、oles(挖坑), some planted the trees and others helped to water the newly planted trees.We plant a lot of trees there. At the end of the competition(比赛), e*eryone was so tired but we enjoyed oursel*es. Also, our group won the competition. We are so excited. And we all went home happily.( )1. Where did I

9、 go with my classmates?A. West Mountain. B. West park.( )2. First ,what should we do ?A. Dig holes . B. Water the trees.( )3. Did our group win the competition?A. No. B. Yes.( )4.why was e*eryone in out group excited?A. E*eryone was so tired.B. Our group won the competition.( )5. At last, how were we?A. we were happy. B. we were sad.网络搜集整理,仅供参考

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