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1、()3.A.a BanCthe D/()4.A.she Bher Cshes Dhers()5.A.if Bbut Cor Dso() Bare Cis DBe() Bon Cat Dto() Bmeets Cmeeting Dto meet参考答案:BCCBB CADM2My name is Betty King. 1 are my parents.Were American.My father is 2 actor, and my mother is the manager 3 a theatre.My name is Li Daming.These

2、 are my parents.Were Chinese. My 4 job is at a police station.He is a policeman, and my mother is a nurse.My name is Tony Smith and Im English.This 5 my mother.Shes an English teacher 6 a school.This is my father.Hes a hotel manager.My name is Wang Lingling.Im Chinese.My mother is a nurse.She and Da

3、mings mother are at 7 same hospital.My father is a bus driver in Beijing.()1.A.This BThat CThese DIt()2.A.a Ban Cthe D/()3.A.on Bto Cwith Dof()4.A.father Bfathers Cfathers Dfather() Bam Care Dbe()6.A.on Bat Cfrom Doff()7.A.a Ban Cthe D/CBDDA BCM3This is a map of our school.There 1 six building

4、s n our school: a library, 2 office building, a classroom building, a dining hall, a sports hall and a science building. 3 the middle of the school is a big playground. The library 4 on the left of the playground near the school gate.There are 5 books, maps and computers in it.Behind the library, on

5、 the left, 6 the school offices. 7 this building and the dining hall is the classroom building with twentyfour classrooms. 8 the right of the classroom building is the dining hall.In front of the dining hall is the 9 hall and the building in front of that is for science.There are six science labs 10

6、 five computer rooms in the science building.() Bare Chave Dhas()3.A.In BOn CAt DFor() Bis Cam Dare()5.A.many Bmuch Cmore Dmost() Bis Care Dbe()7.A.Between BIn COn DAt()8.A.In BOn CAt DFor() Bsports Csports Dsports()10.A.or Band Cbut DsoBBABA CABDBM4Is your food and drink

7、healthy?A lot of ice cream, hamburgers and cola is not 1 .Meat is healthy but too much 2 is not good for children.Cola and candy are very sweet, and 3 sugar is bad for you._4 the right food and be healthy.Carrots,eggs and sweet potatoes are good 5 your eyes.Milk, cheese and fish 6 good for your teet

8、h.A bit tired?Have lots of delicious chicken soup! _7 is important to remember: eat 8 , stay healthy, and dont get fat!Eat noodles or 9 ,not hamburgers.Have 10 good breakfast every morning.Drink juice,water,tea and milk,not cola.Eat lots of fruit and vegetables.() Bhealthy Chealthily Dheal

9、thier()2.A.meats Bmeat Cmeats Dmeats()3.A.too much Btoo many Cmuch too Dmany too()4.A.Eating BAte CEat DEats() Bto Cfor Dwith()7.A.It BThat CThis DThese()8.A.good Bwell Chealth Dhealthy()9.A.rice Ba rice Crices Drice()10.A.a Ban Cthe D/BBACC CABAAM5Hi! Im Alex Greenall.Im thirteen and I go to

10、Park School in Oxford, England.I go to school 1 weekdays, 2 not on Saturday and Sunday.This is my school day.I get up at half past seven in the morning,and then have breakfast.My school is next to my house.I go to school 3 half past eight and see my friends.We start work at nine oclock.We 4 three le

11、ssons in the morning.My favourite subject is art.At eleven oclock,we have 5 break in the playground and I talk to my friends. 6 go to the playground and play football, but I 7 like football.We have lunch in the dining hall at half past twelve.I like school lunch! We have meat and rice 8 vegetables,o

12、r hamburgers.I drink juice or water.We start lessons 9 the afternoon at half past one.We have two lessons in the afternoon.Then we go home at half past three.In the evening, I watch TV and have 10 dinner with my family.I do my homework and go to bed at ten oclock.() Bon Cat Dto()2.A.but Bif Co

13、r Dso() Bon Cat Dto()4.A.has Bhave Care having Dhad()5.A.a Ban Cthe D/()6.A.They BThem CTheir DTheirs() not Bdont Cdoesnt Disnt()8.A.of Bon Cfor Dwith() Bon Cat DtoBACBA ABDADM6The elephant lives in Africa and in Asia.This elephant lives in Africa.It eats plants and a little fruit,

14、 1 it doesnt eat meat.It likes water.There are only about 1,800 pandas 2 China and about 200 of 3 live in zoos.The panda eats about 30 kilos of bamboo a day as well as other 4 .This black and white animal is the favourite of people all over the world.The zebra is 5 African animal.Like the panda, its

15、 black and white.It eats plants as well as 6 , but the zebra 7 eat bamboo.The tiger lives in Asia.Its a very large animal and usually lives alone.It likes water and is good 8 swimming.Its strong and 9 many kinds of animals for food.Monkeys 10 in Africa, Asia and America.There are about 200 kinds of

16、monkeys.Monkeys eat meat,leaves,fruit and even eggs!()1.A.and Bor CbutDso() Bat Con Dof()3.A.they Btheir Cthem Dtheyre()4.A.plant Bplants Cplants Dplants()6.A.leaf Bleaves Cleafs Dleafes()7.A.doesnt Bdont Cisnt Daren() Bfor Cto Dwith()9.A.catch Bcatches Ccatching Dcaught() Blive

17、s Clived Dwill liveCACDB BAABAM7There is a computer in my home,and my father and I 1 it.My father is a manager of 2 company,so he often 3 to his customers on the computer.He also goes on the Internet 4 the times of trains,make travel plans,and buy tickets.I listen to music or watch movies on it ever

18、y Friday night.Jack There is no computer in my home.I can only use 5 at school.On the Internet,I search for 6 , do my homework and check my email.I have a friend in Australia.I can see her and talk to her 7 the Internet.Alice We have a computer at home.My parents 8 use it.I can use it on Sundays.I s

19、end email 9 my friends and play computer games. 10 sometimes I play a lot of games and my mother doesnt like it.Mike ( )1.A.shared Bshares Cshare Dis sharing( )2.A.a Ban Cthe D/( ) Btalks Cis talking Dtalked( )4.A.check Bchecks Cto check Dchecking( ) Bits Cthem Dthey( )6.A.informations

20、 Binformations Cinformations Dinformation( ) Bon Cat Dof( )8.A.dont Bdoesnt ( )9.A.for Bto Cout Daway( )10.A.Until BOr CBut DSoCABCA DBABCM8Damings grandparents like to stay 1 , so every day they get some exercise in a park near their home.They sometimes wear Tshirts.s mother likes chocolate,

21、but she doesnt often buy any 2 it isnt very healthy.She likes going shopping and always 3 expensive clothes.She has got 11 silk scarves, 20 dresses and a lot of shoes.She spends 4 money.Bettys cousin likes 5 and she reads lots of books and magazines.She also likes films and often goes to the cinema,

22、 but she 6 watches sport.Tonys sister likes 7 music.She likes going to concerts but its often expensive.She buys CDs of 8 favourite songs.Linglings aunt and uncle like football, but they 9 go to football matches.They usually watch football 10 television at weekends.They always like watching AC Milan

23、, but they sometimes watch Manchester United.()2.A.and Bbut Cso Dbecause() Bbuys Cwill buy Dis buying()4.A.a lot of Ba lots of Clot of Da lot() Breads Creading Dto reading()6.A.always Busually Coften Dnever()8.A.she Bher Cshes Dhers()9.A.don() Bat Con DwithBDBAC DDBACM9At this

24、moment, in different places of the world, people are doing different things.In London, its five oclock in the afternoon and people are leaving work and are going home.Theyre waiting 1 buses or trains.Some people are driving home.Some 2 off buses or trains.Some are having 3 afternoon tea at home or h

25、aving a drink.In Moscow,its eight oclock in the evening, 4 people arent having afternoon tea.They are having dinner at home or 5 restaurants.Some are going to the theatre or 6 a film.Some are watching television or playing games at home.In Beijing,its one oclock at night, so people arent having dinn

26、er.Most people are sleeping.Some people are still working and some are going home 7 work.In Los Angeles, its nine oclock in the morning.People arent sleeping.Theyre working.Children are starting 8 lessons.In New York,its twelve oclock.People 9 working. Theyre having lunch.They are eating hamburgers or hot dogs and drinking coffee or cola.Some people are seeing 10 , calling home or shopping. ( )1.A.on Bin Cfor Dat( ) Bis gett

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