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秋季外研版英语九年级上册 Module 4 Home alone 单元测试题含答案Word文件下载.docx

1、 C. or D. so )25. _ it is late, Mr Wang is still working in the company.A. When B. Because C. If D. Although )26. The boy was _ sleepy _ he couldnt open his eyes.A. too; to B. so; that C. as; as D. so; as )27. Can you tell me your _?Sure! I live onJiefang Road, behind the new cinema.A. age B. name C

2、. hobby D. address )28. Is that box _?Yes, theres nothing in it. You can put the books in it.A. small B. empty C. beautiful D. expensive )29. Dad always tells jokes to make me laugh when I am _.A. brave B. polite C. confident D. unhappy )30. This task looks quite _, but in fact its very difficult.A.

3、 simple B. impossible C. special D. strange )31. Dont be _ your grandfather. Hes in excellent condition.A. proud of B. excited aboutC. afraid of D. worried about )32. Mr Smith is ill in hospital, so he _ the meeting this morning.A. forgot B. remembered C. missed D. attended )33. Does your sister coo

4、k well?No. She always _ food.A. burns B. eats C. sells D. shares )34. Please _ the windows. Its windy outside.A. shut B. clean C. watch D. touch )35. Its time to go to bed. _ the TV now.A. Turn on B. Turn up C. Turn down D. Turn off )36. When I got to the platform, the train was about _.A. leave B.

5、left C. leaving D. to leave )37. Can I stop to have a rest? Im unable _ any more.A. walk B. to walk C. walking D. walked )38. I visited the new museum last Sunday._.A. So do I B. So I do C. So did I D. So I did )39. Is your brother at home?No. He _ to the stadium.A. goes B. is going C. has gone D. w

6、ill go )40. Im going toGuangzhouon holiday next week._A. Have a good trip! B. No problem.C. Dont worry. D. Good idea!三、完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Dave was at home alone one night while his parents were out for the evening. He had often stayed alone before, so he

7、 wasnt41. As he waited for his parents to return home, he watched a movie on TV. He became sleepier and sleepier42the time passed.Suddenly Daves eyes opened wide. What was that43inthe next room? Dave heard the window slowly being opened. For a minute Dave was so afraid that he could not44, and his b

8、ody felt like a stone (石头).He knew that he must keep calm and he began to45things he could do. He couldnt reach the door. And he46reach the telephone in the kitchen because any sound he made would betray (出卖) him. Again he heard the sound of someone trying to47his home through the window.Daves drums

9、 were standing in the corner near the TV. “Wait, maybe there is48I can do,” thought Dave.He picked up the drumsticks and beat (敲) on his drums very hard. The sound was so terrible that Dave surprised even49. He also surprised the person in the window, who ran away as fast as possible.Dave had just u

10、sed his drums in a 50way, “Maybe drums arent such a bad instrument,” thought Dave. )41. A. shy B. quietC. afraid D. happy )42. A. as B. though C. until D. after )43. A. man B. talk C. drum D. noise )44. A. hear B. move C. reply D. imagine )45. A. give up B. take away C. think of D. help with )46. A.

11、 could B. couldn C. need D. neednt )47 A. seeB. show C. pass D. enter )48. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing )49. A. him B. himself C. them D. themselves )50. A. hard B. cheap C. special D. wrong四、阅读理解(本大题共15小题;5160小题,每小题2分;6165小题,每小题1分;共25分)阅读下面的材料,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AClub Ac

12、tivities for StudentsDebate ClubDate: 8th and 20th Nov. 2018Place: The Sun HallTime: 8:30 am5:00 pmFee:¥210Activity: Debate (辩论) in groups to help you express (表达) your ideas clearly and have a quick mind.Call 38746393 or send emails todebater.English Speech Club 8th and 19th Dec. 2018TopScoreAcadem

13、y30 am4:¥145 Learn to speak with more confidence and improve your spoken English.Call 87733982 or send emails tospeaker.Host Club 20th and 22nd Nov. 2018 The third teaching building 10:30 am6:¥260 Learn to organise (组织) school shows and have more experience on the stage (舞台).Call 33398829 or send em

14、ails to448927482.Reading Club 22nd and 26th Dec. 201830 pm¥180 Learn to read and enjoy the wonderful pleasure of reading classics.Call 93880393 or send emails to157893248. )51. How much should Mary pay if she wants to do the activity in Debate Club?A.¥145. B.¥180. C.¥210. D.¥260. )52. Which two club

15、s will have activities at the Sun Hall?A. Reading Club and Host Club.B. Debate Club and Reading Club.C. Host Club and English Speech Club.D. English Speech Club and Debate Club. )53. Mike is going to do a club activity on 19th Dec. He will probably _.A. practise debatingB. read a classicC. learn to

16、speak English D. practise on the stage )54. We can get more information about Host Clubs activity by _.A. calling 38746393B. sending emails to157893248C. calling 87733982D. sending emails to448927482 )55. Which clubs activity takes the most time?A. Host Club.B. Reading Club.C. Debate Club.D. English

17、 Speech Club.BAt school last Thursday, I sat next to a girl who was coughing. I covered my mouth to protect myself from the cold. However, the moment I got home, I knew those germs (病菌) had got to me. I had a headache. My mum checked my temperature. Sure enough, I had a fever. I coughed, and my thro

18、at (嗓子) hurt. I was sick. Since I was showing signs of the flu (流感), my dad asked me to stay home from school until I got better. I was feeling down because I had a science test the next day, and I didnt want to miss it.The next day, my dad missed work and he took me to the doctors. The doctor said

19、I had the flu. He advised me to get a lot of rest, drink hot water and take some medicine. While at home I slept most of the day. When I woke up, I tried to study for my science test. However, I couldnt stay awake (清醒的) long enough to study. At that moment, resting was more important than studying.A

20、fter being home from school for four days, I finally felt better and returned to my classroom. My teacher, Mrs Jenkins, gave me the science test I had missed earlier. She sent me into another classroom to finish it while my class went over the answers together. I knew I was going to have a lot of ma

21、keup work, but at least (至少) I was feeling healthy enough to take the test. Great! )56. The writer got sick because _.A. he slept little every nightB. he studied hard for a testC. he drank little water a dayD. he got germs inside him at school )57. Who took the writer to see a doctor?A. A schoolgirl

22、.B. His mum. C. His dad.D. Mrs Jenkins. )58. Last Friday the writer _.A. slept a lot at homeB. took his science testC. went to school as usualD. had a more serious illness )59. How might the writer feel after he returned to school?A. Relaxed.B. Happy. C. Bored.D. Sad. )60. Which can be the best titl

23、e for the passage?A. The flu got me!B. Go back to school!C. A strict teacherD. Parents loveCI lived for a while in a town in the centre ofSudan. To get around town, people used small open-backed trucks (敞篷车)passengers would climb on the back, and during the journey, a boy would collect the fares (车费

24、). One time, I noticed that two men sat in silence during the journey, but when they got off the truck, they suddenly started to shake hands and ask about the health of each others families, so it was clear that they knew each other well. But why did they not talk to each other during the journey?La

25、ter, I described it to a Sudanese friend, and he explained that in Sudan, if you meet a friend on a bus or truck, it is normal (正常的) to offer to pay his fare. You will have an argument (争论), and finally one of the two of you will pay for both. Probably, the two men in my story couldnt afford to pay two fares, so theypretendednot to notice each other until they got off the truck.Jonathan Cox, teacher,Britain-I spent some time working in a place quite f

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