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1、Im going to pick you up at the Xiao shan International Airport at 10:00 next Sunday morning, standing at the exit and wearing a red jacket so you wont miss me. After that, we are to head directly to my home and you are to settle down. I bet my mother will have cooked a delicious lunch for us by then

2、.Hope you can enjoy your stay in China and become my good friend in the following month. Wish you a happy journey. Yours, Li Hua第二节:概要写作(满分25分)Motels and hotels have real differences other than their first letters in spelling.(要点1) Although serving the same purpose of offering travelers a place to s

3、leep, they have different features.(要点2) Take their origin as an example, hotels appear much earlier than motels, which stem from the necessity to cater for/accommodate highway motorists. (要点3)Another slight difference is that hotels are intended for longer stay and motels for shorter stops.(要点4) It

4、s up to the travelers to decide which one they prefer.(要点5)(77词)疑难解析阅读理解A语篇解读这篇文章提到了美国航天局的新的旅游计划,最早在2020年,只要支付足够的钱以及健康状况允许,普通人将可以登上国际空间站。作者认为这是一个极大的错误。因为在美国,宇航员是一种英雄的形象,是青少年努力学习的榜样。此举将大大削弱宇航员的形象。21答案B解析题目问美国宇航局有什么旅游计划,选项B是正确答案,选项D有一定干扰性,文章倒数第二段提到不要把空间站变成一个富人的迪士尼乐园,这是一个比喻。22答案D解析全文的中心思想就是这个。文章开头提到这个计

5、划是一个错误,文章末尾提到人民还是需要有“星”可追。23答案D解析这个“星”就是人们心中的英雄宇航员。B语篇解读这是一篇说明文。为什么狗在大便之前要花费很多时间转圈找地方?最新研究表明,狗和鸟类一样有一个体内“指南针”。转圈的目的是定位,对地球磁场感应使得狗可以对准北极或者南极上“二号”。24答案B解析题眼在第一段。Do business, go number two 和poop都是指的同一回事。25答案D解析新的研究结果表明狗转圈是为了找准方向。26答案C解析提到鸟类是为了说明狗也有方向感。27答案A解析对最后一句的解析。主人在狗长时间转圈的时候不要翻白眼(不耐烦),因为他们正在寻找“科学”

6、的位置,也许为了下次能够更容易找到这个地方,也许是上一段提到的更好地标记地盘,总之,他们有理由这么做。这句话很幽默。C语篇解读这篇文章反驳了一个长期以来大家相信的谬论,即人脑只被利用了百分之十。科学研究表明,人脑的每一部分都参与到日常活动中。没有发现任何一部分是静止不动的。28答案A解析主旨题。本文就是为了反驳这个谬论。29答案D解析提到这部电影的名称就是为了说明段落主题句This “ten-percent myth” has inspired many references in the cultural imagination.30答案C解析布罗卡氏区如果收到损伤,病人将只能听无法流利说话


8、墟得拆除。43答案A解析拆房子之前,她要找到一件重要的东西。44答案B解析根据上下文,这本书里面夹着的都是和家庭有关的物件,所以自从结婚以来比较符合逻辑。45答案D解析后面提示不仅是女儿,还有叔叔的纪念品,所以用家庭一词。46答案B解析递进关系。47答案D解析她首先要找的就是这本书。48答案A解析这本书早就不在原来的地方了。49答案C解析on top of。50答案B解析出现了两个志愿者。Show up现身。51答案C解析结果1个小时的搜索。52答案D解析beyond recognition认不出来。53答案B解析彻底崩溃。54答案D解析别的书有的已经被毁坏到认不出来,而圣经完好无损,是一个奇

9、迹。55答案D解析如果其他书籍有在经历灾难性气候变故后荡然无存,这本书实实在在是活生生经历了一番。听力原文第一节:1.W: Lets go and see whether there are any seats left for that new French film.M: Whenever we come out to town, you want to see some awful French film.2.M:Are you looking forward to the trip to the seaside next month?W:Im counting the days.3.W

10、:Where can I leave my car?Theres plenty of room in the car-park. Just put it in a numbered space.4.M:ll tell you more when I see you next week,Cant you ring me?No,unfortunately.My phones still out of order.5.W:I may drive up to London on Saturday. There are one or two things I need to do there.d go

11、early if I were you. The highway can get very busy, even on a Saturday. You may get stuck in the traffic.第六段材料,第6-8题Good afternoon.Hello.I wonder if you could help me. Ive just arrived here, and Im looking for somewhere to stay.Uh huh.Can you tell me where I can find a cheap hotel?Certainly.There ar

12、e a few around here ,but the nearest and one of the nicest is just around the corner. Its called the Euro Hotel. Would you like me to phone to see if they have a room?No,thats ok. Ill just wander round there myself.This is a very pretty town, isnt? It looks terribly old. Have you any idea how old th

13、is town is?Yes,it was founded in the thirteenth century.Really?As old as that? Wow! Well, Id better get going. Oh ,Im not sure if were near the centre of town, because Ive only just arrived.Yes,this square out here is just about the centre.Thanks very much. Thanks for your help.第七段材料,第9-11 题So Marti

14、n, what sports do you play?I play football, volleyball and table tennis but volleyball is my favorite game as its a team game and you can play it with your friends, and enjoy it as a team.Is it quite a fast game as well?Yeah.It is a fast game.How excitingYes.Where do you play, then?I play at local s

15、ports centres more during the winter, and in the summer, I only play beach volleyball.Is beach volleyball different from the volleyball you play in the centres?Yes,its a very different game. Instead of six players on a team, its only two players.第八段材料 第12-14题Its almost vacation time. Have you found

16、a summer job yet?I suppose I can work at the boys camp where I worked last summer. But camp jobs dont pay much.I think I can get a job at the Edgewater Hotel. My sister worked there last summer; making beds and cleaning bathrooms. she didnt like it, but she earned quite a lot of money. A friend of m

17、y sisters did that one summer.What I want is a job outside. After sitting in college classes all winter; Id like a job in the open air. The high school kids earn a lot of money every summer cutting grass. My brother is only fourteen, but he gets five dollars every time he cuts somebodys grass. Thats

18、 pretty good. I used to cut grass when I was in high school. But now I thought I might work for a road-building company, or something like that.第九段材料第15-17题 Hi, Tom, just want to share with you some good news. Whats that, Renee? ve just received an email from one of my former high school classmates.

19、s nice, isnt it? You bet. I feel so excited. Well, actually I havent heard from her for ages. Can you imagine she used to be my best friend in high school? I felt sad when I lost touch with her when she moved to another city with her parents. And that was almost about five years ago. To be frank wit

20、h you, I have been out of touch with most of my old friends, too. Only one or two still keep in touch with me. I know. Its really hard to maintain contact when people move around so much. 第十段材料,18-20题Let me begin by saying that.ah.the history and culture of these two countries.Great Britain and the

21、United States.seem to be similar in many ways, but ah.not in others. In the field of education, for example, the school systems of these two English-speaking countries are quite different.s look at the matter of examinations. In England they are standard. That is, students all over the country take

22、the same examination. Most children begin school at five, you see.and study the basics for about eight years. then, if they decide to go on, they select certain subjects and study for these nation-wide standard exams. This process ends at about age 16, except for those who want to enter universities

23、. These students must.ah, study for yet more difficult examinations, known in England as the A Levels. As you can see, these national examinations are very important to British students.but in the United States there are none. oh, of course we have other kinds of tests that are important. but I mean

24、 there are no nationally set examinations that determine whether students can graduate from our public schools. Each local school system has its own standards. Generally speaking, there are twelve grades in the American system. Each grade takes one year so children who begin the first grade at the age of six usually graduate when they are about seventeen. If they want to go on to college. they have to write and find out what the entrance requirements are, because each college and university is different.

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