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1、 应避免题海战术。要立足于真题。集中突破,从整体上把握考试的思路。借助真题高效地复习。考生不仅要熟悉大纲内的词,还要掌握大纲要求的构词法,应该注意“一词多义”和“熟词僻义”。突破背词瓶颈:做到口到、心到、手到。要把整个身心投入到学习中去,做到常读、常说、常分析、常回忆、常写、常画,这样,一定会牢牢地记住所学的每一个单词。在运用中学习。充分利用业余时间。把重点词抄在小本上,随身携带,随读随记。重视考题规律 六级考试的词汇部分具有可预测性。举一反三,在理解干扰选项的基础上,联想相关的词汇含义(同义词、近义词、同根易混词、形近音似词等),因为这些通常是或很可能是下次词汇题的考点或干扰选项。 10.

2、把握词汇题型, 六级的词汇考题可以大致分为四大类:难词辨析,近义词辨析,形近音似词辨析及固定搭配。在平时备考的时候要多注意词汇的辨析,“存同求异”,把近义词归到一起,借助英文释义明确其各自的确切含义和使用范围,提高词汇的辨析能力。形近音似词是指那些“长”得像,发音相同、相近的词,考查考生辨别易混淆词的能力。仔细审题,看清选项是做好这类题目的关键。平时在学习中,同学们也应该有意识地把“长”得像的词放在一起辨析。 11. 解题策略: 抓住句子的逻辑语义关系。在六级词汇考题中主要包括五种逻辑语义关系:因果关系、对照让步、时间条件、重述释义以及常识相关。两个反义词; 在非近义词辨析的考题中,两个同义选

3、项。遇有陌生选项的时候. 三. 考点分析词汇考查的重点是词义辨析,主要是对动词、形容词和名词等实词意义的辨析,当然也考副词、介词。通过分析2000年1月的全真试题,我们发现有12题是动词词义辨析,11题是考形容词词义辨析,6题是考名词词义辨析。可见动词仍是考查的重点。具体的说是考多义词、同义词、近义词、近形词。英语中不少单词是多义词。有的学生只知道某个单词的某种意义,却不知道它的其他意义和在特定上下文中的引申意义;同义、近义词概念虽相同、相近,但含义和用法上仍存在差别;近形词,形似义异,具有迷惑性,选择时要注意区分各词之间的细微不同之处,要从使用场合、搭配结构和语义关系上分析,最后做出判断。如

4、:The doctor doesnt _ that he will live much longer. A. manifest B. articulate C. anticipate D. monitorThe old gentleman was a very _ looking person, with gray hair and gold spectacle. A. respective B. respectable C. respectful D. respectedHis _ was telling him that something was wrong. A. sentiment

5、inspiration C. hypothesis D. intuition注重对使用频率较高的词的用法的考查(包括一些四级词汇),而且是反复考(有时作为key, 有时作为选项出现)。这是一种较好的倾向。我们考查单词的目的不应只是看学生是否背过某些生僻词,更主要是以考试为激励,鼓励他们增强使用语言的能力。4) Since the couple could not _ their differences, they decided to get a divorce. (9501) A. reconcile B. comply C. coincide D. resign5) Parents tak

6、e a great interest in the _ questions raised by their children.(9806)A. nasty B. naive C. obscure D. offensiveSince the two countries couldnt _ their differences, they decided to stop the negotiation. (9906) A. rectify B. oblige C. reconcile D. obscureFrankly speaking, your article is very good exce

7、pt for some _ mistakes in grammar. (9906)A. obscure B. glaring C. trivial D. rareVery few people understood his lecture, the subject of which was very _. (2000.1) (A. dim B. obscure C. conspicuous D. intelligible词语习惯搭配或固定搭配,包括名词与介词的搭配、名词与形容词的搭配、动词与名词的搭配等等。这些搭配纷繁复杂,千变万化是产生词汇错误的主要原因,因此,考生平时多读多看,增强语感,逐

8、步积累,牢牢记住。9) The goal is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable _ his financial situation. (9901) A. with respect to B. in accord with C. regardless of D. in terms of 10) An obvious change of attitude at the top towards womens status in society will _ through the cu

9、rrent law system in Japan. (9901) A. permeate B. probe C. violate D. grope四. 应试策略(Strategies)1根据词的固定搭配选择答案 如前所述,英语中有许多约定俗成的固定搭配,试题设计者把其他部分给出,但是其中有的项未给出,让参考者从四个选择项中选出最佳选择项,填入使句子的意义完整。11) He was running _ the pace he had learnt from the natives. A. on B. at C. by D. in 句中的pace “步幅,步速”常与介词at搭配,组成短语at t

10、he pace, “以步速,步幅。”其他表示“速度、频率、比率”的词有speed, rate, ratio 一般也常与at连用。因此该题的答案是B。 get across 被了解,讲清楚 get along 前进,进展,过活 get away 走开,离开,逃脱 get down 从下来 get down to 开始,着手 get into 对发生兴趣,卷入(使进入) get over 克服 get through 干完2通过区别同义或近义词选择答案 这类题近几年来占的比例比较大,也比较难。选择时要注意区分词与词之间的本质差别,同时要注意在本题上下文中的关系,最后做出选择。12) The _ r

11、unner can run 2 miles in fifteen minutes. (9706)A. common B. usual C. average D. general3. 引伸法(一定要注意记住词语的本意)escalator 自动扶梯 逐步升级heart a heart of gold 道德高尚的人 to break ones heart 使某人伤心 heart and hand 热心地 heart and soul 全心全意地 heart to heart 贴心地,坦率地 learn sth. by heart 记住,背下 to lose heart 丧失勇气 balance天平

12、平衡 mouthpiece口状物 喉舌,代言人 coat外套 涂层 beast兽 凶残的人 pig猪 贪吃懒做的人 jewel宝石 受珍视的人4. 借助上下文(这一点在阅读理解中尤为重要) 根据生词前后出现的其他词语的意思或整个句子的意思猜测词义。He is successful as a businessman because of his dynamic personality. He seems to have unlimited energy. 利用信号词is, is called, means, that is, i.e., or, defined as, refer to等对某一词

13、汇的定义、解释或说明猜测词义。The word biotechnology refers to a combination of biology and technology. 利用信号词in contrast, on the other hand, rather than, however, yet, although, while, unlike, but, whereas, as opposed to等判断反义词的意思。My sister Marie is an optimist, while her boyfriend is one who is always gloomy(沮丧的,消

14、沉的) and expects the worst to happen. 根据举例猜测词义。Condiments e.g. pepper, salt, and mustard(芥末,芥菜), make food taste better. 根据标点符号猜测词义。The principal money he put in his savings account to earn interest was safe even though the bank was closed by the police. 根据定语从句猜测词义。The type of meter is called multime

15、ter, which is used to measure electricity. 根据同位语猜测词义。The invention of snorkel, a long air tube that reaches up to the surface, has made it possible for submarine to use their diesel engine even when they are submerged(在水中的,淹没的). 根据上下文的逻辑关系猜测词义。You should cut out this paragraph in order to make the e

16、ssay succinct. 根据常识猜测词义。Fish breathe with gill.五. 题型分类及特点 六级考试的词汇考点主要涉及上下文词义题、近义干扰题、近形干扰题、近义近形干扰题和句型题。1. 上下文词义题 e.g. 1. There was once an _ idea that the earth was flat and motionless.intrinsic B. absurd C. eternal D. offensive e.g.2. Although he has had no formal education,he is one of the _ busine

17、ssmen in the company. A. shrewdest B. sternest C. nastiest D. alertest 2. 近义干扰题e.g.3. As you have seen,the value of a nations currency is a _ of its economy. A. reaction B. reflection C. response D. revelation e.g.4. If the world is to remain peaceful the utmost effort must be made by nations to lim

18、it local _. A. collisions B. combats C. contradictions D. conflicts e.g.5. This is the _ piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works. A. true B. original C. real D. genuine 3. 近形干扰题真正意义上的近形干扰题中的四个选项看似相似,但意义差别较大,该类试题在六级考试中为数不多. e.g.6. The vast majority of people in any given cultur

19、e will _ to the established standards of that culture. A. confine B. conform C. confront D. confirm 考生只要能理解题干的句意,并注意四个选项的拼写及构词上的不同,就能比较有把握地确定正确答案。e.g.7. If you want this pain killer,youll have to ask the doctor for a _. A. receipt B. recipe C. subscription D. prescription e.g8. Bill is an example of

20、 a severely disabled person who has become _ at many survival skills. A.proficient B.persistent C.consistent D.sufficient 4、 近义近形干扰题由于许多近形干扰题的选项是同根词,它们在词义上必然有所联系,当这些词义相近到彼此容易产生混淆时,近形干扰题就成了近义近形双重干扰的试题了。这类试题在六级考试中数量相对较少,但考生要注意平时词汇学习中对近义同根的辨析,掌握它们语义上的不同侧重及用法搭配上的细微差别。 e.g.9. The naturalists are very kee

21、n to _ the rare species of wildlife such as pandas and tigers that are in danger of becoming extinct. preserve B. conserve C. observe D. reserve e.g.10. Although not an economist himself,Dr.Smith has long been a severe critic of the governments _ policies. economical B. economy C. economic D. econom

22、ics 5、 句型搭配题 除上述词形、词义四类题型外,六级考试的词汇题在命题范围上还涉及一类与词汇用法搭配相关的试题,这类题在词汇题中所占比重并不少,主要包括动词的句型用法,动词、名词和形容词与介词的搭配等内容。e.g.11. When he realized he had been _ to sign the contract by intrigue, he threatened to start legal proceedings to cancel the agreement.elicited B. excited C. deduced D. induced e.g.12. The ch

23、anging image of the family on television provides _ into changing attitudes toward the family in society. A. insights B. understanding C. revelations D. specificationse.g.13. A budget of five dollars a day is totally _ for a trip round Europe. A. inadequate B. incapable C. incompatible D. invalid 四六

24、级考试词汇题从词性角度看主要涉及动词、名词、形容词和少量副词、短语介词和连接词。词汇题的应试应从词的词性及其搭配入手,在较长的题干中找到决定正确答案的线索和依据即每道题的答题切入点,从而提高命中率,缩短答题时间。 I动词题1. 如果动词为不及物动词或被动语态。e.g.1. Mike just discovered that his passport had _ three months ago. A. abolished B. expired C. amended D. constrained e.g.2. Although there are occasional outbreaks of

25、gunfire,we can report that the rebellion has in the main been _. canceled B. destroyed C. suppressed D. restrained 2. 如果动词为主动语态的及物动词。例3. Since the two countries couldnt _their differences,they decided to stop their negotiations. A. rectify B. oblige C. reconcile D. obscure 3. 对于通过“主-谓”,“动-宾”关系的判断尚无法

26、确定答案的,如是及物动词,可同时根据其主语及宾语的特点来进行判断。例4. When people are asked what kind of housing they need or want,the question _ a variety of answers. defies B. magnifies C. mediates D. evokes 如是不及物动词,则可同时根据其主语及状语修饰语来进行判断。例5. On turning the corner, we saw the road _steeply. A. departing B. depressing C. decreasing

27、D. descending 4. 除了动词与主、宾及状语的搭配之外,六级考题中还有相当一部分动词词汇题可通过空档后与动词搭配的介词来确定。例6. All individuals are required to _ to the laws made by their governments. A. obey B. conform C. comply D. observe 5. 还有一类动词题,如考生对某些动词的句型搭配(Verb Pattern)比较熟悉的话,则也可以非常容易地根据其常用句型搭配来选取答案。例7. His argument does not suggest that mankin

28、d can _ to be wasteful in the utilization of these resources. A. resort B. grant C. afford D. entitle 例8. He would _ it that his son took a livelier interest in politics. A. see into B. see through C. see about D. see to II、 名词题1. 根据前面的动词来确定需选的名词。例9. I think that I committed a _ in asking her becaus

29、e she seemed very upset by my question. blunder B. revenge C. reproach D. scandal 例10. We should make a clear _ between the two scientific terms for the purpose of our discussion. A. separation B. discrimination C. deviation D. distinction 2. 如果选择项的名词在句中处于主语的位置,则可根据后面的谓语动词来判断正确答案。例11. The West is traditionally the land of the pioneers and the cowboys where _ could be easily made in cattle or land. A. fortunes B. property C. oppo

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